Catalog of Galaxy Morphology in Four Rich Clusters Luminosit

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a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0501448v 1 20 J a n 2005Catalog of Galaxy Morphology in Four Rich Clusters :

Luminosity Evolution of Disk Galaxies at 0.33

Am′e lie Saintonge 2,David Schade

Dominion Astrophysical Observatory,Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics,National Research

Council of Canada,Victoria,BC,V9E 2E7,Canada


Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy,University of Colorado,Boulder,CO,80309

H.K.C.Yee and R.G.Carlberg

Department of Astronomy,University of Toronto,Toronto,ON,M5S 3H8,Canada


Hubble Space Telescope (HST)imaging of four rich,X-ray luminous,galaxy

clusters (0.33


Subject headings:galaxies:evolution,galaxies:spiral,galaxies:clusters:indi-



Because of their extreme environments,clusters are interesting places in which to study galaxy evolution(Dressler1984;Martel,Premade,&Matzner1998).Their cores have the highest volume density of galaxies in the Universe so that any environmental dependence of galaxy formation or evolution processes should be most pronounced there,when contrasted with studies of the?eld population.A more pedestrian motivation for studying galaxies in clusters is that the high surface density of objects makes them easy targets for imaging and multi-object spectroscopy.Reasonably well-selected samples of clusters are now available up to redshift approaching z=1(e.g.Rosati et al.(1998);Gladders,Yee,&Ellingson (2002)).However,it could be argued that the sample of well-studied clusters(those with high-resolution imaging,morphological measurements,and extensive spectroscopy)is still fairly small.The small sample means that,if galaxy clusters are a perse population(in terms of richness,X-ray luminosity,behavior of galaxy populations),then it will be di?cult to draw the correct general conclusions from studying the present sample.Furthermore,it is di?cult to trace the pedigree of the sample of clusters that has been well-studied to this date. By this we mean that a complex and tangled process of selection has been applied to broader samples of clusters and that process results in the well-studied sample that presently exists. If,for example,a cluster was chosen for extensive spectroscopy because of the presence of a large fraction of blue galaxies,and then chosen for HST imaging because it had a large population of emission-line galaxies,then this cluster cannot be claimed to be a member of a representative set of clusters.Conclusions drawn from a sample with this type of pre-selection for detailed study will not be generally applicable.The CNOC(Yee,Ellingson& Carlberg1996)sample of clusters was chosen by X-ray luminosity and redshift and should avoid some of these potential problems.

The phenomenology of galaxy populations in clusters can be pided roughly(and per-haps not physically)into?ve areas.The?rst is the formation and evolution of elliptical galaxies which dominate the core of clusters(Hubble&Humason1931)and which may


have been in place prior to cluster virialization(Dressler et al.1997).Ellipticals seem to form the backbone of the cluster galaxy population.In local clusters they show a very tight color-magnitude relation with small scatter which implies either an early formation epoch or synchronization of formation times(Bower,Lucey,&Ellis1992).Nearby ellipti-cals follow a tight fundamental plane relation between size,surface brightness,and velocity dispersion(Djorgovski&Davis1987;Dressler et al.1987).The tightness of the cluster color-magnitude relation seems to be preserved(Ellis et al.1997)to z~0.5placing tighter constraints on the formation epoch.Studies of the moderate redshift fundamental plane (van Dokkum et al.1998b;Kelson et al.1997)and the relation between size and luminosity (Schade,Barrientos,&Lop`e z-Cruz1997),a projection of the fundamental plane,indicate that cluster ellipticals are evolving passively to z~1,that is,their stellar populations are aging with little ongoing star formation.The data that are available at the present time indicate that all ellipticals in all clusters that have been studied evolve in a similar fashion. Interestingly,cluster and?eld elliptical populations seem to evolve in an identical manner (Schade et al.1999).

The second observed cluster phenomenon is the morphology-density relation or morphology-clustercentric radius relation(Melnick&Sargent1977;Dressler1980;Whitmore,Gilmore,

&Jones1993).These relations describe how the relative fraction of di?erent morphological types varies rapidly with distance from the cluster core or with the local galaxy density. Cluster cores are dominated by elliptical and S0galaxies whereas the outer,lower-density regions more nearly approach a spiral-rich mix of types similar to the?eld.It is still debated whether the dependence on density or distance from the cluster center is more fundamental. Dressler(1997)compared the morphology-density relation in local clusters with those at moderate redshift.When clusters of all types are viewed together the morphology-density relation is nearly absent at z=0.5except for the regions of highest density where ellipticals dominate.In contrast,the low redshift sample of all cluster types shows a clear and con-tinuous morphology-density relation.If,however,the clusters are pided into samples of high-concentration regular clusters and low-concentration or irregular clusters the situation

is di?erent.At low redshift the morphology-density relation is observed in clusters of all types whereas,at z=0.5,only the high-concentration clusters show a clear relation.Irreg-ular clusters show no dependence of the fractions of any particular morphological type on local density.

The Butcher-Oemler(B-O)e?ect(Butcher&Oemler1984)is the third phenomenon related to cluster galaxy populations but the?rst to be reported.Butcher&Oemler(1984) studied a sample of33clusters with0.003


cluster galaxies that meet this criteria is a few percent whereas,at z=0.5,some clusters have blue fractions approaching35%(although the redshift dependence is not uniform for all clusters).The e?ect continues to z~1(Rakos&Schombert1995)but there is a wide range of values even at low 006650d4c1c708a1284a4406very&McClure(1992)and Lavery&Henry(1994)found, from high-resolution ground-based imaging,that many of the Butcher-Oemler galaxies were disk galaxies with widely distributed star formation(as opposed to concentration toward the nucleus)and that galaxy-galaxy interactions appear to be responsible for the enhanced star formation in some of the systems.These e?ects were con?rmed by HST imaging(Dressler et al1994;Couch,Ellis,Sharples,&Smail1994).Oemler,Dressler,&Butcher(1997)called into question a direct link between blue color and interactions and pointed out the possible e?ect of magnitude-selection on the spectroscopic samples.

The fourth problem of phenomenology is the role of interactions,mergers,or“galaxy harassment”(Moore et al1996)in the evolution of cluster galaxy population.There are actually two problems.The?rst is the e?ect of interactions between galaxies and the intra-cluster medium(ICM)and the second is the e?ect of galaxy-galaxy interactions on the evolving population.The velocity dispersion in rich clusters is large(~1000km/sec)so that galaxy-galaxy encounter velocities are typically too high for actual merging to be a probable outcome of galaxy encounters.Still there exists the possibility of modifying galaxy morphology by close encounters.Galaxy“harassment”(Moore,Lake,&Katz1998)has been proposed as a potentially important driver of cluster galaxy evolution.Many studies note the large fraction of apparently interacting galaxies,for example Lavery&McClure (1992);Dressler et al(1994)and Couch,Ellis,Sharples,&Smail(1994).But the absence of a correlation between nearest neighbor distance and color(indicative of star formation activity)in clusters(Oemler,Dressler,&Butcher1997)is puzzling.In contrast,van Dokkum et al.(1999)claim direct evidence in a cluster at z=0.83for merger-driven production of massive early-type galaxies.The merger product progenitors are typically red,early-type galaxies so that they do not provide part of the solution to the B-O problem.

The most recently de?ned(and?fth)phenomenon to come into focus is the so-called“S0 problem”.In the study of the morphology-density relation by Dressler et al.(1997)it was found that although the fractions of galaxies of type S0in clusters show little dependence on galaxy density either locally or at z=0.5(regardless of cluster type),the overall fraction of the galaxy population contained in S0s is much lower(~20%)at moderate redshift than in clusters in the local Universe(where S0s constitute~45%of the population).The spiral fraction varies in such a way to roughly balance this change with redshift.These two facts taken together suggest that some process is causing the transformation from spirals into S0s from z~0.5to z~0.


Our understanding of star formation in clusters—which clearly has important rami-?cations for all of the observational phenomena described above—has improved,to some degree,in recent years.It has been shown clearly(Balogh et al.1997)that star formation is suppressed in clusters relative to the?eld and that this e?ect is present over the entire cluster volume out to~twice the virial radius.Furthermore,this e?ect is not due to the existence of the morphology-density relation.A comparison of cluster and?eld galaxies with matched sizes,and ratios of bulge-to-total luminosities(Balogh et al.1998)shows that the cluster galaxies have distributions with lower mean star-formation 006650d4c1c708a1284a4406rge analysis of spectroscopic data to study the frequency of star-forming and post-starburst galaxies have been done by Balogh et al.(1999)and by Poggianti et al.(1999).There is real disagree-ment in these studies about whether post-starburst galaxies are more common in clusters relative to the?eld which would indicate the truncation of star-formation upon infall into the cluster.Balogh,Navarro&Morris(2000)present a modeling of the ongoing accretion of ?eld galaxies with their star-formation declining on a gas-consumption timescale after their gas reservoirs have been stripped o?by interaction with the ICM.The curious observation that the suppression of star formation occurs out to large distances from the cluster core is explained by the feature of their N-body simulations that many galaxies observed as far out as twice the virial radius have,in fact,visited the central regions of the cluster in the past.

The present study presents a large catalog of photometric and morphological measure-ments of a set of four X-ray luminous clusters spanning a wide range in redshift.A prelimi-nary analysis of one of the aspects of galaxy evolution in clusters is presented.

A strong emphasis is put here on describing the?tting and analysis techniques employed, but an examination of the luminosity evolution of small disk galaxies is also presented.In§2 a description of the data selected for this study and their reduction is made,and the method used to get a quantitative description of the galaxy morphology is presented in§3.Finally, in§4and§5are presented and discussed the results of the study.The discussion is centered around the main result:luminosity evolution.However,other questions are raised,such as the color-magnitude and morphology-density relations,to verify the validity of the?tting technique and the reliability of the classi?cation method applied on the galaxy sample.

All cosmology-dependent results in this paper are derived using H?=70km sec?1 Mpc?1,?m=0.3and?Λ=0.7.



2.1.Cluster Selection

The CNOC(Canadian Network for Observational Cosmology)cluster redshift survey (Yee,Ellingson&Carlberg1996)is a study of16galaxy clusters with X-ray luminosity in excess of4×1044ergs s?1and with redshifts covering the range z=0.2to z=0.55.Such clusters are likely to be rich and virialized.The survey consists of imaging data and redshifts for approximately2600faint galaxies.A number of important results have been derived from this dataset,ranging from a determination of?m andσ8(Carlberg et al.1997a,1999)to studies of evolution of galaxies(e.g.Schade et al.(1996b);Ellingson et al.(2001)).

Three clusters from the CNOC sample were chosen for further imaging with HST. They were selected out of the16in order to cover an interesting redshift range.They are MS1358.4+6245(Yee et al.1998),MS1621.5+2640(Ellingson et al.1997),and MS0015.9+1609 (Ellingson et al.1998)(hereafter MS1358,MS1621,and MS0016,respectively).Existing archival imaging was supplemented with new imaging with the intent of sampling galaxies at a variety of distances from the cluster center.The cluster redshifts are presented in Table 1.In order to cover a wide range of redshifts,a fourth cluster is added to the present study, cluster MS1054.4-0321(MS1054)at z=0.832(van Dokkum et al.1999).MS1054is also a X-ray cluster,and so has been selected on the same basis as the three CNOC clusters. MS1054and the three CNOC clusters are part of the EMSS(Einstein Observatory Extended Medium-Sensitivity Survey,Gioia et al.(1990)),and their X-ray?uxes are presented in Table 1(note,however,that a recent reanalysis of the X-ray luminosities of a cluster sample with 0.3

The cluster galaxy sample in the present paper has an excellent redshift baseline(z=0.3 to z=0.8)and thus is suitable for the study of the change in galaxy properties with redshift. Secondly,it samples these clusters over a range of distance from the cluster center so that the e?ect of galaxy environment can be taken into account.

2.2.Imaging and Reduction

The original imaging of the CNOC clusters was obtained at CFHT using the multi-object spectrograph and this imaging was of moderate quality with seeing largely in the range0.9to1.1arcseconds and signi?cant variations in the point-spread function within the frames.For the present study,additional data was acquired with the Hubble Space Telescope


for the three selected clusters.Clusters MS0016,MS1358,and MS1621were observed with the WFPC2and each?eld was observed with two?lters:F814W and either F450W or F555W.To this data core was added previous WFPC2observations of these clusters and of MS1054.A large quantity of data(Kelson et al.1997)was produced for MS1358in the F814W and F606W bands.The same?lters were used to observe MS1054(van Dokkum et al.1999).Some additional exposures or MS0016were taken with F814W and F555W (Proposals8020and5378)3.Figure1shows the distribution of the galaxies in each cluster, resulting from the combination of all these data sets.The circles represent the characteristic radius of each cluster,r200,the distance from the center where the average density is two hundred times the critical density of the Universe(the values of r200are given in Table1).

The data were reduced by an automated pipeline,developed at the Canadian Astron-omy Data Centre,that takes as input an“association”name(de?ned as a group of images that can be co-added)and determines the o?sets between the images(the“dither”pattern) and the other information needed to execute the stacking and sky subtraction.This pipeline is composed largely of components from a number of STSDAS4and IRAF(Tody1993) packages.For the present study images were simply shifted and averaged.The performance of this pipeline was veri?ed by repeating the processing for the data in this paper inde-pendently in a manual mode and inspecting the results at each stage.The output of the pipeline is the stacked and cosmic ray-rejected image.Corrections for systematic errors in the astrometry derived from the HST images using their WCS information are also made automatically by this pipeline.

A number of minor image anomalies had to be corrected before the data were analyzed. The cluster MS1358+62was observed in the continuous viewing zone of HST(van Dokkum et al.1998a),and most images showed large shadow stripes along the diagonals of the frame. To correct for this e?ect,the frames were rotated by the appropriate angle to position the stripes horizontally or vertically.Then using a long and thin median?lter box,?ltered images representing the shadow pattern were obtained and then subtracted from the original images. The?ltered images were produced by the MEDIAN task in IRAF,which acts by replacing the central pixel of the box by the median of all the pixels in that window.The shape of the box(500×5pixels)allowed the median to be computed only on the sky,leaving out the objects.After applying this correction,the sky value is more uniform,and no signi?cant noise enhancement is noted in the previously shadowed regions.Most of the exposures also


had to be corrected for bad pixels.

Photometric zeropoints in the AB system were calculated using the standard PHOT-PLAM and PHOTFLAM parameters of HST imaging.The values taken are from the last updated tables5,and the zeropoints are obtained by:

zp=?2.5log photflam ?2.5log photplam2/3×108 ?48.60

These magnitude zeropoints were then corrected to account for Galactic extinction with factors produced by the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database(NED)(values are presented in Table1for V-band extinction,under A V).

2.3.Galaxy Selection

A catalog of galaxies was created using the SExtractor software(Bertin&Arnouts 1996).Before doing so,the borders of the frames along the edges with insu?cient signal were masked and were?lled with random noise with the same dispersion as that of the actual image.This was done to avoid spurious detections that are produced by SExtractor along the edges where there is an abrupt transition from image noise to zero noise in the borders. The noise was generated using the MKNOISE task in IRAF.This procedure yields a cleaner, and no less complete,catalog of galaxies.

In order to determine the probability of detection as a function of galaxy type,simula-tions of the detection process were carried out.A range of galaxy types,sizes,and central surface brightness were created,convolved with the observed point-spread function,and dis-tributed at random across the actual frames.Crowding leads to a loss of detection sensitivity and the number of galaxies simulated on each frame was limited to a reasonable number(5-10per image)to avoid unrealistic levels of crowding.Several thousand galaxies of each type with a range of brightness were simulated for each of the clusters.

The signal-to-noise ratio at a given apparent magnitude varies from cluster to cluster and,in some cases,from image to image within a cluster.Simulations were made over all actual images of the clusters.SExtractor was run on the images that contained all of the real galaxies plus the added simulated galaxies and the list of galaxies detected by SExtractor was compared to the input list of simulated galaxies.The detection probability for a given galaxy type,size,and brightness is the ratio of number of galaxies detected to the number



of galaxies inserted into the images.This number is averaged over all of the?elds of a given cluster.

Figure2shows the detection probability as percentages in the plane of observed disk central surface brightness and disk scale length in arcseconds.This?gure shows the results for pure disk galaxies only.For a galaxy with a disk of a given size and surface bright-ness the probability of detection is increased with the addition of a bulge component.The lines on Figure2show the nominal limiting magnitudes(F814W(AB)=23.0for MS1054and F814W(AB)=22.5for the other clusters)and the horizontal lines indicate the angular size that corresponds to a scale length of2kiloparsecs.The simulation of the detection process for disk galaxies produced the probability contours at10%,50%,80%,and95%.

Brighter than the nominal limiting magnitude the galaxy detection probability is very high(roughly95%or better)for all disks with sizes of2kiloparsec or smaller.At larger sizes the samples are incomplete for low-surface brightness galaxies even though they may have integrated brightness higher than the nominal limiting magnitude.For example,in these clusters,disk galaxies with central surface brightness ofμ(I AB)~23.5and sizes of 0.8arcseconds have a probability of being detected that is approximately50%.In all of the clusters the region of large,low surface-brightness disks is sparsely populated.It is not possible to know from these data and this detection procedure whether disk galaxies are present in those regions but remain undetected or are simply not present.Therefore,we can make unbiased comparisons of the properties of the disk galaxy populations among these clusters only for scale lengths smaller than2kpc and at apparent brightness higher than the nominal limiting magnitude.

2.4.Spectroscopy and Astrometry

In order to get redshifts and other spectroscopic information from di?erent surveys (Fisher et al.1998;Ellingson et al.1997;Yee et al.1998;Ellingson et al.1998),accurate coordinates were required for each galaxy.From the known pixel coordinates and the WCS positions of each image,approximate coordinates are calculated using the METRIC task of the STSDAS package in IRAF.This task corrects for geometric distortions speci?c to the WFPC2on HST.When compared to stars that appear on the HST frames,systematic errors are frequently observed in the coordinates from the METRIC task due to errors in the HST guide star positions.To correct these errors,each frame was searched for USNO catalog (Monet et al.2003)stars and a mean systematic o?set was derived.The systematic errors should be reduced to a few tenths of an arcsecond(RMS)compared to the USNO catalog system.All the positions given in this paper are these corrected coordinates.



A total of~4700galaxies were found by SExtractor above the initial detection threshold for each cluster(F814W<24for MS1358and MS1621,and F814W<24.5for MS0016and MS1054).Quantitative morphological measurements are made for these galaxies by?tting parametric models to the luminosity pro?les(Schade et al.1995,1996;Marleau&Simard 1998).The use of parametric models is motivated by the fact that the galaxy pro?les are of similar size to the instrumental point-spread-function and need to be corrected for this e?ect and for sampling.A set of commonly-accepted models is adopted here.Exponential and de Vaucouleurs pro?les are used.One advantage of this quantitative approach to morphology is that a number of measurements(size,surface brightness,ratio of bulge luminosity to total luminosity)are derived from the images rather than simply a morphological class.A second advantage is that this scheme can be used to deduce evolutionary phenomena by comparing nearby and distant galaxies,if one is careful to use data that are truly comparable.Clearly, HST resolution is very valuable at z>0.5but moderate aperture telescopes with moderate ground-based seeing can produce imaging of nearby galaxies that has similar signal-to-noise ratio at a given luminosity and similar physical resolution,in kiloparsecs,to HST.These local samples form ideal comparison datasets for HST.Further,if both the nearby and distant datasets are analyzed in a uniform manner,it is reasonable to believe that accurate evolutionary information might result from such comparisons,despite the fact that it is well-known that most galaxies show deviations,of varying degree,from the ideal models adopted here.

A disadvantage of the present approach is that comparisons with studies that are based upon visual classi?cation(e.g.Dressler et al.(1997);van den Bergh(1990))are di?cult.For example,an intermediate galaxy might be de?ned(as it is here)as having a ratio of bulge-to-total luminosity0.4


For a single galaxy,the images produced with both?lters were?tted simultaneously. The size,ellipticity,and orientation of each component of the galaxy is assumed to be identical in both?lters.The relative amplitudes of the bulge and disk components are allowed to vary independently so that the model may reproduce a galaxy whose bulge is a


di?erent color from its disk.We chose to use the integrated color of the galaxy to accomplish the k-corrections because the inpidual component colors were very noisy relative to the integrated value and we present only the integrated values in the catalogs.“Postage stamp”images of the galaxies in the object catalog were produced by?rst measuring accurate coordinates for the center of each galaxy,and by measuring the sky value.Then,a square image centered on the new galaxy coordinates is produced and the sky is subtracted from it. The size of the box is chosen according to the?tting radius of the galaxy,which is calculated with parameters produced by SExtractor.

The?rst step of the?tting technique is to produce a symmetrized image,in order to eliminate strong asymmetric features or close companions.This is achieved by rotating the stamp by180?,subtracting that rotated frame from the original one then clipping at2σ(whereσis the error in a given pixel accounting for sky noise and noise form the galaxy itself)of this di?erence image to leave only signi?cant positive deviations from symmetry. Then this clipped image is subtracted from the original image to produce the symmetrized frame(Schade et al.1995).A point spread function is then made,as described in Schade et al.(1996).

Symmetrized galaxies from both?lter images are then?tted with three di?erent models: a r1/4bulge,an exponential disk and an hybrid model where the total luminosity is pided between a bulge and a disk components.For each model,the best?t is determined.The optimization process is done by varying the main morphological parameters:the size of the model,the axial ratio of the ellipse and its position angle,and by calculating the value of theχ2(Schade et al.1995).In addition,the best?t is then submitted to a“trend test”(Sachs1984)to look for systematic errors with radius left behind when the modeled galaxy is subtracted from the original image.This second test is necessary since theχ2does not account for the ordering of the pixels:it computes the distance between each pixel and the sky level as if they were all independent.Thus,a mediocre?t can yield a fairly good result at theχ2test.In this second test,pixels are ordered by radius from the centroid of the galaxy. The radial coordinate for this test is computed in the frame where each model is circular (in other words the ellipticity is taken into account when computing a”radial”variable for this test).Using this radially-ordered sequence,each pixel is compared with its neighbors to look for any systematic of trends.This is done by computing the mean square successive di?erence,?2,

?2= x i?x i+1 2/ n?1

where(x i?x i+1)is the?ux di?erence between two successive pixels in the chain,and n is the total number of pixels.If there are no trends present,that di?erence is expected to be about2σ.


Each galaxy has then six values associated with it that will come to play in determining its type(bulge,disk,or bulge and disk):theχ2and the trend statistic results for the best ?t of each of the three models.Note that the values of the statistics are computed over all of the pixels in the two bands that were used in each?t.


3.2.1.Visual Inspection

Our strategy was to use visual inspection of the?ts to create a training set that would then be applied uniformly to the results of the entire?tted dataset.A large number of galaxies were examined visually together with the?tted models and the residuals of those ?ts.The residual images were the most helpful at assigning a type to the galaxies.This procedure also provided a subjective estimate of the e?ect of nearby galaxies on the?ts (which should have been largely removed by the symmetrization process)and also an estimate of the frequency of failed?ts.Visual inspection made it possible to estimate the magnitude, for each cluster,at which it became impossible to make a meaningful discrimination between models.

The process of deciding on class assignment(bulge,disk,or bulge-plus-disk)included access to a?le of the parameters and the statistics of the?t.These played an important role in the decisions that were made.We show in Figure3the type of display that was used in the classi?cation.The?ve images in the top row of Figure3are(left-to-right): the original image,the symmetrized image,the residual after the best-?t bulge has been subtracted from the original image,the residual after the best-?t disk has been subtracted and the residual after the best-?t bulge-plus-disk model has been subtracted.The numbers below the residual images are the F-test probabilities that the?t is as good as the best?t (the best?t always has a probability of1).The3images in the row second from the top are the best-?t bulge,disk,and bulge-plus-disk model images.The value of the trend statistics is below those images.The2images on the bottom row are the bulge component of the bulge-plus-disk model and the disk component of the bulge-plus-disk model.Other information is also marked on the display.In this example the disk model is the best?t although the two component(bulge-plus-disk)model cannot be rejected at even the5%level.It makes no di?erence in this case which of the two acceptable models is adopted because the?tted disk parameters are nearly identical and the bulge component is negligible,as con?rmed by the images.The pure bulge model is rejected at a high level of signi?cance.

The most obvious way to choose the best?t is to take the?t with the smallest value


ofχ2.The reason for rejecting this approach is that the models which represent the best ?t from a statistical standpoint sometimes contain components that are”un-physical”in the sense that they have components that are e?ectively trying to?t faint residuals of nearby neighbors that have not been fully removed by the symmetrizing process,artifacts of some kind,or even low-level errors in the sky-level estimate.This happens most frequently with bulge-plus-disk models where a legitimate(physical)component is accompanied by a second component which is unrealistic and often has very low surface brightness.A visual examination quickly identi?es such components but the statistics cannot directly do so.It is important to note that our?nal catalog will certainly contain some errors of this type and any analysis based on the catalog needs to be sensitive to that fact.

When the quality of the?t for di?erent models was too similar to e?ectively di?erentiate between a single component model(either bulge or disk)and the bulge-plus-disk model,the galaxy was assigned the type of the simpler model(disk or bulge).In the cases where it was impossible to visually discriminate between the bulge and the disk models,the type assigned was“uncertain”.Galaxies with such type helped determine the faint magnitude limit for the sample.Initially,all galaxies with observed magnitudes(in the AB system)F814W<24 for MS1358and MS1621,and F814W<24.5for MS0016and MS1054were?tted.However, the types assigned to galaxies fainter than a magnitude of23are mostly“uncertain”.This limit of F814W<23corresponds exactly to that used by Dressler et al.(1997)when visually classifying galaxies from similar images.

Approximately1100galaxies(~20%of the data set)were inspected and classi?ed as bulge,disk,bulge-plus-disk,or uncertain and the?t quality was recorded.The galaxies classi?ed are a representative sample of the whole catalog,with galaxies out of each cluster and proportionally representing the whole magnitude range.

Most of the visual inspection was done by a single observer(AS),but a subset of150 galaxies was repeated by a second observer(DS),and the two sets of classes were compared. Agreement occurred in72%of the cases,with every disparity resulting from galaxies that fell past the faint magnitude threshold established above,or for which a single component model and the combined one were practically equivalent.There were no cases where one observer selected the bulge model when the other one preferred the disk.

3.2.2.Automated Classi?cation

This evaluation of the?tted models for20%of the sample was meant to produce a training set that could be used to perform an objective automated classi?cation on the


entire sample.The goal of this process was to assign a?t type to every galaxy by comparing them to those that had been visually classi?ed.The obvious interest of this method is to allow for a uniform classi?cation of every galaxy,based on criteria set by the observer when the training set is built.

Galaxies were removed if they were classi?ed by eye as“uncertain”or had?ts of poor quality,for example if a nearby bright object contaminated the image.That left a training set of415galaxies,from all the clusters and spanning the whole range of magnitudes,although with fewer galaxies at the faint end of the distribution after the removal of the“uncertain”class.

The automated classi?cation of the galaxies was made using the seven-dimensional space de?ned by the probabilities derived from theχ2test(3values,one for each?t),from the trend statistics(3values again),and by the F814W magnitude.Each galaxy was selected and assigned the same classi?cation(bulge,disk,or hybrid)as its nearest neighbor in this parameter space.This approach was implemented because of its potential for rejecting un-physical?ts.For example,it would be possible to enforce a tendency to reject very low surface brightness bulge components if a reasonable disk was already present.In fact,the nearest neighbor procedure is very general.In the end we chose not to use any of the physical parameters of the galaxies(size,surface brightness)except apparent magnitude in the automated classi?cation.

An optimization procedure was used to determine the normalization of the axes of the parameter space which produced the largest success rate for the training set where success is de?ned as agreement of the automated classi?er with the visually-selected class.The success rate is not sensitive to the exact values of the normalization factors and we set them to a ratio of of2:4:1for theχ2,trend statistics,and magnitude,respectively.With these values, the success rate for the computer based classi?cation of the galaxies from the training set is85%.The discrepancies occur for the fainter galaxies,or for the ones for which a single component model and the hybrid model were almost identical.In the former case,there will be a cut o?in magnitude eliminating these uncertain classi?cations.In the latter,we notice that the classi?cation process would select the combined model when the observer would prefer the single component one,but since the morphological parameters for both models are very similar in such cases,the e?ect is very minor.

For each cluster,a sample of the galaxies that had not been visually classi?ed were examined to verify the automated classi?cation procedure.No major disagreements were noticed,but the rate of error with magnitude rises signi?cantly above F814W(AB)=23. This reinforces the faint limit of23established by observing at what point many galaxy types were“uncertain”.There is also an increase of the error rate at the bright end of the


distribution.This e?ect is caused by the large resolved structures in these luminous galaxies, which are?tted with less e?ciency.However,these bright galaxies are not numerous and are not likely to be at cluster redshifts.Thus,the increase of errors at the two ends of the magnitude distribution will not signi?cantly a?ect the results.

The distributions of morphological parameters in our catalogs are robust in the sense that they depend only weakly on the exact method that is used to facilitate the classi?cation. For example,we could have used a much more direct method of choosing the best?t:accept the?t which produced the smallest value ofχ2.If this had been done then we would have produced the same classi?cation as our nearest-neighbor procedure for78.4%of the training set galaxies or the same classi?cation as our visual classes for78.9%of the galaxies.As noted,we chose not to do this because we could produce a slightly higher success rate(85%) with the nearest-neighbor method and we could reject some,not all,”un-physical”best-?t models.The relationship between the classi?cation procedure we used and the statistics of the?t is made more clear by examining how many real disagreements exist between the statistics of the?t and our ultimate classi?cation.A real disagreement is produced when our classi?cation is rejected by the F-test in favor of a classi?cation whose?t is better from a statistical point of 006650d4c1c708a1284a4406ing this de?nition only2.9%of our training set galaxies represent disagreements with the statistics in the sense that our automated classi?cation chooses a model whose?t is worse than the best-?t model at the95%con?dence level.A comparison of the visual classi?cation and the statistics yields an identical rate of agreement. In other words,the choices made in our classi?cation are supported by the statistics of the ?ts in the overwhelming majority of cases.

3.3.Morphological Parameters

The catalog contains a total of1642galaxies.Cluster MS1358has672galaxies,MS1621 has258,MS0016has331and MS1054has381.Tables2,3,4and5present example of the results of the modeling and classi?cation(the full tables are available only on-line).The name of the galaxy in column(1)contains the following information:name of the exposure, chip where the galaxy was found,x and y pixel coordinates on that chip.An asterisk put after the name indicates that the galaxy has been statistically identi?ed as a?eld galaxy. Columns(2)and(3)give the coordinates of each galaxy.The observed magnitudes are given in column(4),and are the magnitudes in the reddest?lter for each galaxy,F814W.Color is given in column(5)and corresponds to F814W-F555W for clusters MS0016and MS1621, F814W-F606W for MS1054and exposures A through I,L and M of MS1358.Exposures J and K of MS1358are F814W-F450W.All magnitudes are in the AB system.Note that


the magnitudes are calculated from the best-?t model parameters and are thus e?ectively integrated to in?nite radius.In the next column(except for MS1054)are presented the redshift of the galaxies for which they were available(Fisher et al.1998;Ellingson et al. 1997;Yee et al.1998;Ellingson et al.1998).

The last?ve columns of the table present the morphologic parameters.In column(6)is B/T,which is the ratio of light in the bulge component of the galaxy and the total luminosity. If B/T=0,the galaxy is a pure disk,and the last four columns present the properties of this disk,and if B/T=1columns(7)through(10)list the quantitative description of this bulge.Finally,every galaxy with0

3.3.1.Photometric bias and the symmetrizing process

After the?t has converged its parameters represent our best estimate of the shape of the galaxy luminosity pro?le.Given that shape,the normalization of the model is determined by

A= i O i P i j P2j


image.The size of the e?ect depends on the signal-to-noise ratio and the most severe e?ect occurs at the background limit(that is,when background noise from sky and read-noise is the dominant noise source).Given a gaussian background noise distribution with a speci?c root-mean-square(r.m.s.)deviation orσthe clipping will leave behind2.25%of the pixels and these will carry,on average,a signal of0.054timesσ(background)for each pixel in the aperture.This signal is subtracted from the image and thus produces a bias in the measured ?ux.This bias is in the sense of producing less?ux in the symmetric image compared to the original image.

The size of the e?ect depends strongly on the size of the photometric aperture and we estimate the size of the e?ect using values of signal and noise from our actual data for MS1358where the galaxies are larger than in the more distant clusters.The larger size translates into larger photometric apertures and thus more background noise and a larger value of the potential bias.For the F814W(I-band)images in MS1358we compute a bias of about3.5%at I(AB)=22using an aperture with a diameter of3arcseconds(the bias would be6%at the limit of I(AB)=22.5or1.4%at I(AB)=21.5).However,as noted above, aperture photometry is not used to normalize our models.The approach we use optimizes the signal-to-noise ratio by weighting the pixels according to how much galaxy signal they contain.This reduces the e?ective number of pixels that contribute to the noise therefore it also reduces the size of the bias.For a disk galaxy at I(AB)=22with a scale length of0.5 arcseconds the bias is reduced by a factor of0.57to about2%and for scale lengths of0.25 and0.10arcseconds the bias is reduced to0.8%and0.2%respectively.For bulge galaxies of a given half-light radius the e?ect is small because the galaxies are more compact than disks.For example,at I(AB)=22a bulge with half-light radius of0.5arcseconds will have a bias estimated to be0.5%.So for typical galaxies the e?ect is small.Still,the existence of the bias and its variation with galaxy size is an e?ect to note with caution.For faint large galaxies(~1arcsecond)the e?ect could still be3-4%.But the e?ect is small in MS1358 and smaller still for our more distant clusters.

Simulations of several thousand galaxies(typically250galaxies per run)were done to see if we could detect any bias in the?tting of symmetrized images compared to?tting the original images.The exercise highlighted the reason that the symmetrizing process was important:?ts(particularly two-component?ts)to the original images are plagued with problems due to neighboring stars and galaxies.For this reason,the results that follow were computed after excluding5-10%of the poorest?ts.For disk galaxies with simulated scale lengths(h)of0.5arcseconds and magnitudes of I(AB)=22.5we recovered values of h=0.52±0.15and I(AB)=22.55±0.4from the original images and h=0.50±0.14and I(AB)=22.62±0.4from the symmetrized images.The quoted errors are the dispersions in the recovered values.At I(AB)=22.5and h=0.5arcseconds these galaxies have poor


signal-to-noise ratio which explains their large errors.For moderate size disks with h=0.25 arcseconds we recovered h=0.27±0.09and I(AB)=22.48±0.24and h=0.24±0.03 and I(AB)=22.57±0.2from the original and symmetrized images.For very small disks (h=0.10arcsceonds)at I(AB)=22.5we recovered values of h=0.10±0.006and I(AB)= 22.54±0.06and h=0.10±0.005and I(AB)=22.51±0.2from the original and symmetrized images.Any bias due to the symmetrizing process is very small compared to the other sources of error,for example crowding by neighbors,sky subtraction,PSF uncertainty,and centering errors.

If the signal-to-noise ratios of the two images used to produce colors di?er signi?cantly from one another,it would be possible to produce a color bias from the symmetrizing proce-dure.This possibility was examined with the particular data from this paper and was found to be at roughly the0.5%level when3arcsecond diameter apertures were used.The color bias would be smaller in our?tting procedure as noted above and is thus a negligible source of error.

The referee for this paper made the interesting suggestion that it might be possible to produce an arti?cial reddening of galaxies if blue star-forming regions which were distributed asymmetrically were removed by the symmetrizing process.Clearly the e?ect would be ex-pected to be largest at low redshift where the regions are best resolved.The most direct way to address this issue is to perform aperture photometry(thus bypassing any depen-dence on the model-?tting process)on the original images and compare that photometry to the same measurements on the symmetrized images.We did this with95of the larger disk-dominated galaxies in the?eld of MS1358without regard for whether these had been classi?ed as cluster members or?eld galaxies.It was found that the o?set in the mean color between the original images and the symmetrized images in MS1358was0.014±0.016 magnitudes in F814W-F606W.If a single outlier was removed then the o?set became sta-tistically signi?cant(0.027±0.011magnitudes).If the o?set were being produced by the removal of star-forming regions by the symmetrizing process then blue galaxies would be expected to show a stronger e?ect than red galaxies.A comparison of the blue and red halves of the sample yielded o?sets of0.033±0.013and0.02±0.02magnitudes respectively. So the e?ect is small and is not signi?cantly larger for the blue galaxies which should be forming stars more vigorously.A small set of large disk galaxies is available in MS1358with F450W and F814W observations and this set should be more sensitive to the e?ect of star-forming regions because of the bluer?lter measurement.For this set of15galaxies we?nd a reddening of0.003±0.07magnitudes(0.056±0.04if the worst outlier is removed).Again, this fails to provide support for the suggestion that the symmetrizing process is biasing the colors of galaxies by removing star-forming regions.This conclusion is supported by a visual inspection of images and symmetrized images along with the?t residuals for50of the larger


galaxies in both MS1358and MS1054.There are very few cases where there the e?ect of the symmetrizing process might plausibly produce a signi?cant change in the structure and color of the galaxies.

3.3.2.Errors on the Morphological Parameters

The errors on single-component models(bulge or disk)are given as output from the ?tting software and are generally reliable(e.g.,Crampton et al.(2002)).Errors on multi-component?ts su?er from the correlation of errors in the bulge and disk components which are assumed to be concentric.Because of these error correlations the errors from the?tting software may not be reliable when?tting multi-component models.Schade et al.(1999)used ?ts to multiple observations of the same galaxies to estimate the errors in the morphological analysis.The evaluation of the errors can be con?rmed through simulations(e.g.Schade et al.(1996)).For the present paper,several hundred simulations of galaxies spanning the range of morphological parameters and signal-to-noise ratios were done.These con?rm that the scatter from all sources of random error for galaxies of the size and surface brightness that this paper deals with are typically in the range of10%in the scale length or half-light radius and10-20%in surface brightness.The errors can be worse for large,low-surface brightness galaxies where the detection is also problematic.


4.1.Classi?cation Reliability

4.1.1.De?nition of the Morphology Classes

The galaxy types are de?ned as follows:disk galaxies are taken to be the ones with B/T 0.4,and bulges those for which B/T 0.8.The galaxies with ratios in the range of 0.4to0.8are said to be intermediate.This class is likely to include all of the S0galaxies,as well as other bulge dominated structures that still possess a disk(early type Sa galaxies,for example).The comparison between these results and other work should therefore be done cautiously.But as will be shown in the next paragraphs,the classi?cation still allows one to recreate classical results as accurately as a visual classi?cation with Hubble type classes would do.

A small correction based on the inpidual colors of the disk and bulge components is applied to the B/T values to reduce them to rest-frame B-band.


4.1.2.The Color-Magnitude Relation

One test of the reliability of these galaxy classi?cations is an examination of the color-magnitude relation.Bulge galaxies should be predominantly red and exhibit a tight relation. Disk-dominated galaxies would be expected to show a wider dispersion in color.Figure4 presents the color-magnitude relations in the observed planes for the four clusters(of course some?eld galaxies will also be present in these?elds).As expected,the distribution of colors di?ers between galaxies de?ned as bulges and those de?ned as later type.The bulges tend to form a tighter sequence at redder colors than the later types,which cover a wide range in color.This is especially clear for clusters MS1358and MS1054where the observed galaxies are concentrated in the center of the clusters(cf.Figure1).

MS1054shows a high concentration of faint blue disks,and an apparent gap in color between the red sequence and this group of galaxies.This suggests that there might be some galaxy groups in the?eld that are unrelated to MS1054or sub-clustering in MS1054 itself to produce that bimodal distribution.It has been shown using X-ray maps produced by ROSAT and CHANDRA that there is sub-clustering in MS1054(Donahue et al.1998; Jeltema et al.2001).To investigate the possibility that the bimodal distribution in the color-magnitude plane is caused by di?erent groups being observed,the spatial distribution of the galaxies in MS1054was examined.Looking at Figure4,it appears that there are two distinct structures,with colors(F606W-F814W)larger and smaller than~1.Figure5shows the spatial distribution of these two subsets on the bottom two panels,respectively.As expected, the reddest galaxies(those with(F606W-F814W) 1.0)are more concentrated towards the center of the cluster as a result of the morphology-density relation.We then expect the bluer galaxies to be distributed around that central concentration.This is what is shown in the bottom panel of Figure5.The distribution appears uniform and not to correlate with the two clumps observed in the X-ray.The central position of these concentrations,as given in Jeltema et al.(2001),are shown on the bottom panel of Figure5as the open stars.The apparent presence of a concentration of blue disks north and west of the center in that plot is directly related to the spatial distribution of the observations made,as seen in Figure1. Without redshifts to con?rm the membership of these galaxies to the cluster,we will assume that we are only sampling a di?erent population of the cluster by observing at outer radii and that these galaxies legitimately belong to the cluster.Note that a statistical correction will be made for?eld galaxy contamination.


4.1.3.The Morphology-Radius Relation

Another way of verifying the results of the classi?cation,and the validity of the mor-phology classes,is to look at the morphology-clustercentric radius relation.It has been shown that a radial dependence of galaxy morphology inside clusters exists(Oemler1974; Melnick&Sargent1977).It has also been argued(Dressler1980)that instead of projected radius,local density should be used as the independent variable,since it takes account of any sub-clustering or irregularities in the distribution of galaxies in the cluster,which was supported by the observation of a universal relation in local clusters between morphology and density.Recently,a debate has been made as to which of the two relations is more fundamental(e.g.Whitmore,Gilmore,&Jones(1993),Dressler et al.(1997),Dominguez, Muriel,&Lambas(2001)).Since we are looking at the morphology-radius only to con?rm the validity of our classi?cation,we will not present the morphology-density as well,nor try to answer that question.

The morphology-radius relation for our four clusters is presented in Figure6.In all cases, but to various extent,the expected trends are observed:an increase in the disk population with radius,and a decrease in the number of intermediate and bulge galaxies.


Rest-frame values are calculated to allow for comparison between clusters.The ob-served F814W(AB)magnitudes are k-corrected using the galaxy color to choose among the spectral-energy distributions(SEDs)of Coleman,Wu,&Weedman(1980).Note that AB magnitudes are used throughout.The procedure used,including the convolution of?lter bands with the SEDs is described in Lilly et al.(1995).The same tables and procedures used in that work were used here.The chosen SED is then used to determine the correc-tion from the observed wavelength to rest-frame B(AB)-band and used together with the systemic redshift of the cluster to determine rest-frame B(AB)absolute magnitude.The various colors(F814W-F606W,F814W-F555W,F814W-F450W)are transformed into rest-frame(U?V)(AB)(thereafter,(U?V)0(AB))using the same SED-choosing procedure. For the galaxies that were assigned a hybrid model,k-corrections are obtained separately for the bulge and the disk from the color of each inpidual component.Finally,disk scale-lengths and bulge half-light radii are computed in units of kpc and surface brightnesses with restframe B(AB)magnitudes.All rest-frame values were calculated using H?=70km sec?1 Mpc?1,?m=0.3and?Λ=0.7.

