大学英语 第四册 课后答案 unit6 附clozeA clozeB原文+答案

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大学英语 第四册 unit6 clozeA clozeB完整答案


6ACan you switch off from the cares of life and relax? Many people today cannot. They feel instead that they are obliged to be on the go all the time. The pace of life seems to grow ever faster. As a result, feelings of stress are common as people struggle to cope with what they see as a shortage of time. Such widespread feelings are in part caused by the large quantity of information that comes pouring in on us. No longer is it possible, as it was in the past, for a handful of people to master the whole range of human knowledge. Instead, any individual can only command a fraction of the total knowledge available. It may be argued that it is futile to even attempt to do so.

6B There's no such thing as time management. All you have is

self-management and that is the key to making time your friend rather than your enemy.

There are only24 hours in your day, just the same as everybody else’s. So how do you end up time-starved, frustrated, and behind in your work? Maybe it is because you don’t know how to use those 24 hours to your advantage.

If using your time wisely is a problem for you, you probably don’t have a very good idea of where it all goes. It just seems to go! A good place to start, then, is to faithfully keep track of how you use your waking hours for a week. The results will probably surprise you.

The next step is to do some planning. You’ll discover, among other things, that if you get 7 hours’ sleep a night, you have 119 hours per week to do everything you need to do. That, of course, includes going to class, eating, athletic events, social activities, personal hygiene, telephone and TV time, etc. Be sure to schedule time for all these in your 119 hours. Then try sticking to your schedule for a week. This should give you a good idea of where your real priorities are!

Learn to say NO once your priorities are set. Turning down an invitation doesn’t mean you’ll never be asked to do something again. Making a decision based on what you know is best for you at the time actually leads to great respect from your friends.

Suggestions such as these will lead to a greater sense of freedom and accomplishment because you are under control. That is what self-management

is-managing your life more effectively.

