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Class:todo/doing and done/doing


Noun Sub To say is one thing and to do is another.

obj He offered to help us.

adj pre His great wish is to become a docter and save others lives.

Obj. Many people suppose him to be dead.

定语 I have a lot of work to do.

副词 状语 To see better,he stood up.

He reached the station only to find the train had left.


形式 主动语态 被动语态

一般式 To do To be done

进行式 To be doing /

完成式 To have done To have been done

完成进行式 To have been doing /

To be doing:seem/appear/pretend to be doing

But:demond/hope/suggest*sb not to do sth(#)

For example:

What I like to do now is (to) have a good sleep.(*)


A:v+to do:long want expect hope wish desire refuse agree pretend promise aim choose decide claim demand learn manage try afford happen fail seem appear intend decline reject

V+wh-cl+to do:know decide learn remember see understand explain ask find out wonder think

动词+间接宾语+疑问词+to do:show teach advise tell inform(consider(only)sb/sth to do/as/how to do /that-cl

find/think/consider/make/feel/suppose +it+adj/n+to do+n

*prep.but except +to do 若上文含有do或出现can can t could couldn t,don t add “do” envy ,order ,accuse,refuse,impress,forgive,blame,denounce,advise,congratulate.etc+ that-cl


I have something to say.

I ve bought a motorcycle to go to work on.

There s nothing for us to worry about.

*place time way +to do (可以省略)

that s a nice place to live (in).

I m afraid there is no time to play now.

He is the right person to do the job.

Next,only,not a :mary is always the last to arrive at the office.

省略to:had better/had best/would rather/would rather…than/would sooner/would

sooner…than/prefer to do rather than/do sth but/except/cannot but/cannot help but/cannot choose but/may as well/might as well/prefer doing A to doing B/why do?/why not do? With a lot of people to help,he is sure of success.

To be frank/to be sure/to be fair/to be exact/to be short/to be specific/to be honest/to tell(you)the truth/to begin with/to start with/to sum up/to conclude/to say the least of/to put it in another way

To sum up,success results from hard work.

Do you want to go with us ?yes,I d like to.

Do you want to be a teacher in the future?yes,I want to.

There is no doing =impossible


Be devoted to/be used to /object to /close to

Look forward to /in addition to/be equal to /get down to/give one s mind/time to,be opposed to/pay attention to/on one s way to/what do you say to/be sure of /be keen to/insist on/be fond of/be tired of/be interested in/be afraid of/prevent…from doing/have trouble/difficulty(in)doing ,spend/waste…(in)doing


there be

1 we don t want there to be any students lagging behind.

We have no objection to there being a meeting here.

It isn t enough for there to be a frost tonight,so I can leave my car out.

2 there being nobody else at hand ,I had to do it by myself.

It s too early for there to be a bus.

There having been no rain for a long time,the ground was very dry.

3 it is not uncommon for there to be problems of communication between old and young. There being a kindergarten on campus is a great convenience to female teachers. 4 I must make full use of the time there is left to me.

This is the fastest train there is to Beijing.

一不可二用one can not be in two places at once.


advise,admit ,anticipate,appreciate,avoid,allow

bear,be worth

consider,can t help/stand/resist/complete

delay, deny,dislike,discourage






burst out ,be devoted to,be used to,feel like,give up,insist on,keep on,object to,put off,look forward to,lead to,spend/waste time(in)doing sth,be busy (in) doing sth,etc

*the use of have

1 have +o+past parti

have other people do the job

e.g I m going to have my watch repaired.


Eg he had his wallet stolen in the bus yesterday.


He had everything fixed.

Have +o+inf(no TO)

Eg my parents have me study English hard.


Eg she had the washer working for hours.

Not permit not accept

We won t have the pupils smoking at school.

Relative clause


As many students as took part in the exam succeeded in the passing.

The”as”=all the students who

The same man that came here yesterday is here again.

She was wearing the same skirt as /that she d had on the day before.

The reason why/that/for which he was dismissed is unknown.

A is to B what C is to D(the relation between A and B is what C is to D)

Eg. Oil is to a country what blood is to our lives.

There is no rule but has exception.=any rule has exception.

It is such a heavy stone as nobody can lift.(add obj)

It is such a heavy stone that nobody can lift it.

Realize the difference between”one “ and “the one”

He did all he could to calm her .

This is factory the one you visited yesterday .

This is the factory that you visited yesterday.

In that =because

Except that

I know nothing about the little girl except her name.

He never comes to see me except when he needs money.

What why how cannot lead unlimited clause.

The difference between which and that


2which can lead unlimited clause but that cannot

3which can be the O of prep

4some all much those anything everything/everybody /everyone/anything little few anyone use that not which

5some all each every few a little much



8the only the very the exact the same

9who /which+that

10person and thing

11the place the time the reason the way

12the new that-cl

As is said /mentioned/explained above; as is often /always the case ;as it is ;as is reported in the newspaper;as you /we can see;as you know ;as is known to us all

Eg. He came here late again this morning ,as is always the case.

Say something as it is




A is twice /double /three times as +adj+(as B)

The same+n +as

Eg. He is the same height as I.

=he is as tall as I.

long=length wide =width deep =depth old=age big =size

Compare: fairly quite rather very extremely


Much even still far many rather no a little /bit a lot any a great deal slight by修比较级

A +is 倍数/分数/百分数+adj /adv better than….

Eg.. my sister is two years older than I.

My sister is half a head taller than I .

A is amount +the size /length /width/weight /height….of B

The….of A is amount that of B

*the same kind:the population of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing.

The suggestion you made is more practical than the one Rose made.

he is cleverer than any other student in the class.

He is cleverer than other students in the class.

He is cleverer than the rest of the students in the class.

English is easier to learn than any Asian language.

English is easier to learn than any other western language .

The +adjbetter of the sb/sth

Not +adv/adjbetter+than

No +adv/adjbetter +than 与。。。一样都不(否定两者)

Eg. Tom is no foolish than Jack .=both are foolish.

Not more than+m=num

No more than+num

Not less than +num

No less than +num

More and more adj/adv

The sooner the better the more the better

Eg. The more you read ,the more good it will do (to) you.


As great as ,if not better than

Eg. He enjoyed reputation as great as ,if not better than,Mozart s.

Can t /couldn t +better

Eg. I can t agree more.=I agree with you.

I want the book more badly than you do.

*he is more a teacher than a writer.=he is a teacher.

He is more than a teacher.=not only

He is rather diligent than clever.

That will make the work all the more difficult.

For his old age ,he is none the less active.=any

The truth is quite other than what you think.=not

I know better than to lend him the money .=know sth clearly not to do sth

It was none other than Mary there.=it was no other girl than Mary there.

That is more than I can tell.

My trip to Beijing is more than sightseeing .

I would rather stay here than go to dinner.

He can speak French ,much more Engish .

The baby can t walk ,much less run .

He drank more than was good for his health.


the best

the least

nearly almost about by far =up to now

the amount best n

most=very ,don t add “the” be at one s best

eg.spring is at its best.


seldom never rarely little hardly scarely

by no means ;in no time; under no circumstances;in no case;at no time; in no way not only…(but also);neither…(nor);no sooner..(than);hardly…(when)

eg. Under no circumstances and at no time shall we be the first to use nuclear weapons. On no account are visitors allowed to feed the animals.

No sooner had she walked out of the classroom than she realized her mistake.

Hardly /Scarely had I arrived when a quarrel broke out .

only +~

only slowly did I understand what she meant.

Only when one loses freedom does one know its value.


eg. Only socialism can save China.


eg. Neither do I.

not only… but also

eg. Not only do I know William,but I am his best friend.

=not only know William,but am his best friend.

*to such lengths ,to such a degree,to such an extent

eg. To such lengths did he go on with his windy speech that some of us began to doze. As

eg. Tired as he was ,he continued his work.

Try as he might ,he could not fulfill the task alone.

eg. She traveled a great deal, as did most of her friends.=

she travelled a great deal ,as most of her friends did .


eg. Flying demands a much greater supply of energy than do most other forms of transportation.

Not until …until

Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room.

Subjunctive mood(if)

eg. Had they been given more help ,they would have succeeded.

Were it fine tomorrow,please let him know about it.

Should we come again,we would make better use of the chance to learn more.

So(such)..that , so /such

eg. Such was his anger that he couldn t speak.=he was so angry that he couldn t speak. 完全倒装

in ,out, away, up ,down, off

eg. Following the roar, out rushed a tiger from among the bushes.

In she came./Away they went.

Click-click went the weaving loom.

Here ,there ,now,then

eg. There goes the bell. Here we are. Here it is.

Under a tree, on the bed

eg. At the top of the hill stands a weather station .


eg. Great and spacious and beautiful is our beloved motherland.

Higher up were forests of maple trees.

Subjunctive mood

Now would/should/could /might+v be/were

Used would/should /could/might have done had done

Will would/should/could/might+v did/were to do/should do


eg. If I were you, I would go with him.

If he were to go tomorrow ,he might tell you.


if I were not to make a preparation for my experiment this afternoon,I would have gone to see the film with you last night.

*were had should not if

*if only sb+did/were sth or if only sb could/would do/be sth

if only sb had done/been sth or if only sb could have done sth

eg. If only I could pass all my knowledge to all= I wish I could pass all my knowledge to all. without ,with , but for,in the absence of ,otherwise =if it were not for

eg. Without your help, I couldn t finish my work on time.

*if it were not/had not been for

eg. If it had not been for the newspaper ,I would never have found my lost daughter. John pretends as if he didn t know the thing at all,but in fact he knows it very well.

*lest, in case, so that,unless, lost, for fear that ,supposing,provided,on condition that,if only

eg. Care must be taken in using this method lest overflow should occur.


*ask ,advise, arrange , beg, command,decide,demand……

* would (had) rather, would just as soon, would as soon,would sooner and would eg. I d rather you posted the letter right away.

It is (was) +adj+that……………………+should

Better ,desirable,imperative,urgent, necessary,essential,important,advisable

It is a pity /a shame/a thousand pities/no wonder/amazing/surprising/strange/incredible+should/should have done

Eg. It is high time that we left /should leave.


eg. May you be happy. May the friedship between us last long.

God bless you .

Long live the People s Republic of China.


should表示说话人在口气上带有更多的主观信心,从而在表示强烈的劝说、建议和敦促时 will/would表示一种习惯动作

may/might+v 用于肯定句或否定句(一般不用于疑问句中),表示现在或将来的“可能” shall说话人的意志,即说话人给句子主语的命令、警告、允诺或威胁


eg. Shall I put the table near the door?-please don t


eg. How can you be so careless!/why should you be so late today?


eg. Must you shout so loudly?/ The phone must ring when I was busy in the kitchen. should用于第一人称时,可表示说话人的一种谦虚、客气、委婉的语气

eg. You are mistaken ,I should say.

*you must be joking!

句型 时态 动词

情态动词dare 实义动词dare

肯定句 现在时 Dare to少用 Dare/dares to do

过去时 Dare to少用 Dared to do

否定句 现在时 Daren t/dare not do Do /does not dare (to) do

过去时 dare not do Didn t dare (to) do

疑问句 现在时 Dare he do? Do you/does he dare (to)do?

过去时 Dared he do? Did he dare (to) do?

Would rather ,would sooner,would (just) as soon,had rather,had better,had sooner,can not but ,may well,may(just) as well,might as well,try as sb may

Would like to have done sth=have already planned to do

Had better have done sth(but the fact is opposite the plan)

Would (had)rather,would (had) sooner,would(just)as soon

1 he must copy the text again,mustn t he

2you must go home right now,needn t you?

3you must be tired,aren t you?

4 he must have met her yesterday ,didn t he?

5you must have seen the film, haven t you?

6you mustn t walk on grass,must/may you?

7he can t be a teacher,is he?/the students can t have gone home,have they?

8 they ought to be given some help ,oughtn t/shouldn t they?



1 person and sth

2the best

3all much little none the one everything anything nothing

4only any few little no all one of very

5first and the only one


1 one ones or anyone

2 those

C as which

eg. She sold her old house ,as/which was natural.

The old lady married again ,which was unexpected.

As you know as you see as is known to all as can be seen as is announced as has been found as is well-known as has been pointed out as might be expected as may be imagined as is often the case as often happens

D time day year moment way reason can be omit or be replaced by that

But=who not that not

eg. No one is in the world but knows the Great Wall.=all know the Great Wall.

More….. than +(is,was,likes)

eg. There were more deaths than was reported.

The same….as the same…..that


1 部分否定=“不都是,不总是,并非全”

all both every everybody everything each always wholly everywhere

2否定意义的代词或副词no none nobody nothing neither never nowhere etc

3 否定形式表示肯定意义1.no sooner….than /hardly….when一。。。就


3.nothing more than仅仅是,非常

4.no/none other than正是,不是。。。正是

5.nothing but I except and none but 仅仅,只有。。。。。。才

6.cannot but+v只好,只得+动词原形


8.not a little很,极

not a bit 一点也不

not a few很多


eg. When I first came to this country, I little thought that I should stay here so long. 5anything but绝不

more than…can无法

more A than B是A不是B

too..not to…太。。。。。。不会不/非常。。。。。。一定能。。。。。。


1the Zhangs

2the art=the artist

3monitor president

eg. Lincoln was reelected President of the United States in 1864.

4 Father is going to have dinner with us tonight.


eg. Jimmy used to be a taxi driver,but he has now turned writer.

The +Chinese /English /French

eg. The Chinese are industrious and brave.

5some/a certain +n

eg. The Curies were sure that there was a certain/some radioactive element in the mineral. 7 the workbook is only three yuan per/a/the copy.

8the sun /the earth/the moon/the universe/the planet/the wind/the snow/the storm/the fog但当这些名词前有描绘性形容词时,常有不定冠词

eg. A full moon hung in the night sky.

Without the

1go to school=study/go to the school

2by car /by ship

3have breakfast/have lunch

4play piano/play football


5 the guard stood at attention , gun in hand/with a gun in his hand .

6 v+O+prep +the +part

eg. The policeman seized the robber by the coldar.

7 Martin/Asia Europe Oceania/China/California Hunan Province/Beijing/Beijing Airport/Fifth Avenue Nanjing Road Tian An Men Square/English /China Daily/Harvard University /Congress/Lake Geneva /Mount tai Mount Jolmo Lungma/Long Island/Hainan Island

With the

The Martins/the Americas /the People s Republic of China/the city of Beijing/the Beijing Station the Great Wall/the Peaple s Park the Golden Gate Bridge/the English language/the People s Daily the New York Times/the Qin Dynasty/the Communist Party of China the State Council/the Mississippi River the East China Sea/the Lake of Geneva/the Eural Mountains/the British Isles the English Channel


1.She must be at the office,isn t she?

You must have told him that before,haven t you?

He must have seen the film yesterday,didn t he?

2.had better…………….hadn t or shouldn t

3.I am……………………aren t

I am not ………………..am I

4.would/ d like to +v………………………wouldn t

5.ought to………………………………….shouldn t/oughtn t

6.need,dare +do/need/dare

7.I wish………………………….may I

8. they: everybody, anyone, somebody, nobody, no one, none, these,those

it: everything, anything, something, nothing, this, that

he: each

each+of +A……………………………………

Each should do that,shouldn t he?

Each of them has passed the exam,haven t they?

9.there be………………………..there



12.will/won t you

Don t…………………………….will you

Let s …………………………shall we

Let us/me/him…………………………..will you

13.否:not ,no, none,neither,never,nothing,nobody,no one



14. John is a clever boy,for it is the third time that he has won the first prize,isn t it?

He is not the man who gave us a talk,is he?

I /we think /believe/expect/suppose/imagine+that-cl

eg. I don t think he is bright, is he?

How hard she works,doesn t she?

Ah ,I ve made a mess of it, have I ?

So you don t want to go with us ,don t you?

He is too excited to say a word,is he?

They are too tired to go any father,are they?


1 would you be +adj.+enough to +v=would you be+ so +adj. +as to+v


3much,far,rather…… notvery,quiet

4as…as,or better than, if not better than,one of the +best+n +s,

5the more……the more: The more money he makes,the more his wife will spend.

More and more =all the more: The situation in America is getting all the more serious. 避免重复使用主语含在比较级

She is taller than her two sisters. She is the taller of the two sisters.

7 a bit ,a little ,rather,much, still,even,far,by far,any, many, a lot+better

8 second to none=best

9 no better than=be equal to+sb/sth=be worth +sb/sth=no more …than

no less….than=quite as…as

10 not more than+6不超过

not more +n+than与其说是。。。。。。。倒不如说

11 not so much………as

12 not less than+6=more than not less……..than=at least better than

13 副词的排列顺序:小单位在前,大单位在后

14 方位副词排序时:短的在前,长的在后

15 副词enough要放在形容词后

16 close近 closely仔细地;late晚 lately最近; deep深 deeply深深地;high 表示空间高度 highly表示程度;wide 表示空尖宽度 widely广泛地,在许多地方;free 免费 freely无限制地 17 this that tall high用作副词时相当于so

