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Chapter 10
The Bond Market
? Multiple Choice Questions
Compared to money market securities, capital market securities have (a) more liquidity. (b) longer maturities. (c) lower yields. (d) less risk. Answer: B 2.
(I) Securities that have an original maturity greater than one year are traded in capital markets. (II) The best known capital market securities are stocks and bonds. (a) (I) is true, (II) false. (b) (I) is false, (II) true. (c) Both are true. (d) Both are false. Answer: C 3.
(I) Securities that have an original maturity greater than one year are traded in money markets. (II) The best known money market securities are stocks and bonds. (a) (I) is true, (II) false. (b) (I) is false, (II) true. (c) Both are true. (d) Both are false. Answer: D 4.
(I) Firms and individuals use the capital markets for long-term investments. (II) The capital markets provide an alternative to investment in assets such as real estate and gold. (a) (I) is true, (II) false. (b) (I) is false, (II) true. (c) Both are true. (d) Both are false. Answer: C
Chapter 10 The Bond Market 123
The primary reason that individuals and firms choose to borrow long-term is to reduce the risk that interest rates will _________ before they pay off their debt. (a) rise (b) fall
(c) become more volatile (d) become more stable Answer: A
A firm that chooses to finance a new plant by issuing money market securities (a) must incur the cost of issuing new securities to roll over its debt.
(b) runs the risk of having to pay higher interest rates when it rolls over its debt.
(c) incurs both the cost of reissuing securities and the risk of having to pay higher interest rates on
the new debt.
(d) is more likely to profit if interest rates rise while the plant is being constructed. Answer: C
The primary reason that individuals and firms choose to borrow long-term is to (a) reduce the risk that interest rates will fall before they pay off their debt. (b) reduce the risk that interest rates will rise before they pay off their debt.
(c) reduce monthly interest payments, as interest rates tend to be higher on short-term than
long-term debt instruments.
(d) reduce total interest payments over the life of the debt. Answer: B
A firm will borrow long-term
(a) if the extra interest cost of borrowing long-term is less than the expected cost of rising interest
rates before it retires its debt.
(b) if the extra interest cost of borrowing short-term due to rising interest rates does not exceed the
expected premium that is paid for borrowing long term.
(c) if short-term interest rates are expected to decline during the term of the debt. (d) if long-term interest rates are expected to decline during the term of the debt. Answer: A
The primary issuers of capital market securities include (a) the federal and local governments.
(b) the federal and local governments, and corporations.
(c) the federal and local governments, corporations, and financial institutions. (d) local governments and corporations. Answer: B
10. Governments never issue stock because
(a) they cannot sell ownership claims. (b) the Constitution expressly forbids it. (c) both (a) and (b) of the above. (d) neither (a) nor (b) of the above.
Answer: A
124 Mishkin/Eakins ? Financial Markets and Institutions, Fifth Edition
11. (I) The primary issuers of capital market securities are federal and local governments, and
corporations. (II) Governments never issue stock because they cannot sell ownership claims. (a) (I) is true, (II) false. (b) (I) is false, (II) true. (c) Both are true. (d) Both are false.
Answer: C
12. (I) The primary issuers of capital market securities are financial institutions. (II) The largest purchasers of capital market securities are corporations.
(a) (I) is true, (II) false. (b) (I) is false, (II) true. (c) Both are true. (d) Both are false.
Answer: D
13. The distribution of a firm’s capital between debt and equity is its
(a) leverage ratio. (b) liability structure (c) acid ratio.
(d) capital structure.
Answer: D
14. The largest purchasers of capital market securities are
(a) households. (b) corporations (c) governments. (d) central banks.
Answer: A
15. Individuals and households frequently purchase capital market securities through financial
institutions such as (a) mutual funds. (b) pension funds.
(c) money market mutual funds. (d) all of the above.
(e) only (a) and (b) of the above.
Answer: E
16. (I) There are two types of exchanges in the secondary market for capital securities: organized
exchanges and over-the-counter exchanges. (II) When firms sell securities for the very first time, the issue is an initial public offering. (a) (I) is true, (II) false. (b) (I) is false, (II) true. (c) Both are true. (d) Both are false.
Chapter 10 The Bond Market 125
Answer: C
126 Mishkin/Eakins ? Financial Markets and Institutions, Fifth Edition
17. (I) Capital market securities fall into two categories: bonds and stocks. (II) Long-term bonds include
government bonds and long-term notes, municipal bonds, and corporate bonds. (a) (I) is true, (II) false. (b) (I) is false, (II) true. (c) Both are true. (d) Both are false.
Answer: B
18. The _________ value of a bond is the amount that the issuer must pay at maturity.
(a) market (b) present (c) discounted (d) face
Answer: D
19. The _________ rate is the rate of interest that the issuer must pay.
(a) market (b) coupon (c) discount (d) funds
Answer: B
20. (I) The coupon rate is the rate of interest that the issuer of the bond must pay. (II) The coupon rate is usually fixed for the duration of the bond and does not fluctuate with market
interest rates.
(a) (I) is true, (II) false. (b) (I) is false, (II) true. (c) Both are true. (d) Both are false.
Answer: C
21. (I) The coupon rate is the rate of interest that the issuer of the bond must pay. (II) The coupon rate
on old bonds fluctuates with market interest rates so they will remain attractive to investors. (a) (I) is true, (II) false. (b) (I) is false, (II) true. (c) Both are true. (d) Both are false.
Answer: A
22. Treasury bonds are subject to _________ risk but are free of _________ risk.
(a) default; interest-rate (b) default; underwriting (c) interest-rate; default
(d) interest-rate; underwriting
Answer: C
Chapter 10 The Bond Market 127
23. The prices of Treasury notes, bonds, and bills are quoted
(a) as a percentage of the coupon rate.
(b) as a percentage of the previous day’s closing value. (c) as a percentage of $100 face value. (d) as a multiple of the annual interest paid.
Answer: C
24. The security with the longest maturity is a Treasury
(a) note. (b) bond.
(c) acceptance. (d) bill.
Answer: B
25. (I) To sell an old bond when interest rates have risen, the holder will have to discount the bond until
the yield to the buyer is the same as the market rate. (II) The risk that the value of a bond will fall when market interest rates rise is called interest-rate risk. (a) (I) is true, (II) false. (b) (I) is false, (II) true. (c) Both are true. (d) Both are false.
Answer: C
26. To sell an old bond when interest rates have _________, the holder will have to _________ the price
of the bond until the yield to the buyer is the same as the market rate. (a) risen; lower (b) risen; raise (c) fallen; lower (d) risen; inflate
Answer: A
27. Most of the time, the interest rate on Treasury notes and bonds is _________ that on money market
securities because of _________ risk. (a) above; interest-rate (b) above; default
(c) below; interest-rate (d) below; default
Answer: A
28. (I) In most years the rate of return on short-term Treasury bills is below that on the 20-year
Treasury bond. (II) Interest rates on Treasury bills are more volatile than rates on long-term Treasury securities. (a) (I) is true, (II) false. (b) (I) is false, (II) true. (c) Both are true. (d) Both are false.
Answer: C
128 Mishkin/Eakins ? Financial Markets and Institutions, Fifth Edition
29. (I) Because interest rates on Treasury bills are more volatile than rates on long-term securities, the
return on short-term Treasury securities is usually above that on longer-term Treasury securities. (II) A Treasury STRIP separates the periodic interest payments from the final principal repayment. (a) (I) is true, (II) false. (b) (I) is false, (II) true. (c) Both are true. (d) Both are false.
Answer: B
30. Which of the following statements about Treasury inflation-indexed bonds is not true?
(a) The principal amount used to compute the interest payment varies with the consumer
price index.
(b) The interest payment rises when inflation occurs. (c) The interest rate rises when inflation occurs.
(d) At maturity the securities pay the greater of face-value or inflation-adjusted principal.
Answer: C
31. The interest rates on government agency bonds are
(a) almost identical to those available on Treasury securities since it is unlikely that the federal
government would permit its agencies to default on their obligations.
(b) significantly higher than those available on Treasury securities due to their low liquidity.
(c) significantly lower than those available on Treasury securities because agency interest payments
are tax exempt.
(d) significantly lower than those available on Treasury securities because the interest-rate risk on
agency securities is lower than that on Treasury securities.
Answer: B
32. (I) Municipal bonds that are issued to pay for essential public projects are exempt from federal
taxation. (II) General obligation bonds do not have specific assets pledged as security or a specific source of revenue allocated for their repayment. (a) (I) is true, (II) false. (b) (I) is false, (II) true. (c) Both are true. (d) Both are false.
Answer: C
33. (I) Most corporate bonds have a face value of $1000, pay interest semi-annually, and can be
redeemed anytime the issuer wishes. (II) Registered bonds have now been largely replaced by bearer bonds, which do not have coupons. (a) (I) is true, (II) false. (b) (I) is false, (II) true. (c) Both are true. (d) Both are false.
Answer: A
Chapter 10 The Bond Market 129
34. The bond contract that states the lender’s rights and privileges and the borrower’s obligations is
called the
(a) bond syndicate. (b) restrictive covenant. (c) bond covenant. (d) bond indenture.
Answer: D
35. Policies that limit the discretion of managers as a way of protecting bondholders’ interests are called
(a) restrictive covenants. (b) debentures. (c) sinking funds. (d) bond indentures.
Answer: A
36. Typically, the interest rate on corporate bonds will be _________ the more restrictions are placed on
management through restrictive covenants, because _________. (a) higher; corporate earnings will be limited by the restrictions (b) higher; the bonds will be considered safer by bondholders (c) lower; the bonds will be considered safer by buyers
(d) lower; corporate earnings will be higher with more restrictions in place
Answer: C
37. Restrictive covenants can
(a) limit the amount of dividends the firm can pay. (b) limit the ability of the firm to issue additional debt.
(c) restrict the ability of the firm to enter into a merger agreement. (d) do all of the above.
(e) do only (a) and (b) of the above.
Answer: D
38. (I) Restrictive covenants often limit the amount of dividends that firms can pay the stockholders.
(II) Most corporate indentures include a call provision, which states that the issuer has the right to force the holder to sell the bond back. (a) (I) is true, (II) false. (b) (I) is false, (II) true. (c) Both are true. (d) Both are false.
Answer: C
39. Call provisions will be exercised when interest rates _________ and bond values _________.
(a) rise; rise (b) fall; rise (c) rise; fall (d) fall; fall
Answer: B
130 Mishkin/Eakins ? Financial Markets and Institutions, Fifth Edition
40. A requirement in the bond indenture that the firm pay off a portion of the bond issue each year
is called
(a) a sinking fund. (b) a call provision.
(c) a restrictive covenant. (d) a shelf registration.
Answer: A
41. (I) Callable bonds must have a higher yield than comparable noncallable bonds. (II) Convertible
bonds are attractive to bondholders and sell for a higher price than comparable nonconvertible bonds. (a) (I) is true, (II) false. (b) (I) is false, (II) true. (c) Both are true. (d) Both are false.
Answer: C
42. Long-term unsecured bonds that are backed only by the general creditworthiness of the issuer
are called
(a) junk bonds. (b) callable bonds. (c) convertible bonds. (d) debentures.
Answer: D
43. A secured bond is backed by
(a) the general creditworthiness of the borrower. (b) an insurance company’s financial guarantee. (c) the expected future earnings of the borrower. (d) specific collateral.
Answer: D
44. Financial guarantees
(a) are insurance policies to back bond issues.
(b) are purchased by financially weaker security issuers. (c) lower the risk of the bonds covered by the guarantee. (d) do all of the above.
(e) do only (a) and (b) of the above.
Answer: D
45. Corporate bonds are less risky if they are _________ bonds and municipal bonds are less risky if
they are _________ bonds. (a) secured; revenue
(b) secured; general obligation (c) unsecured; revenue
(d) unsecured; general obligation
Answer: B
Chapter 10 The Bond Market 131
46. Which of the following are true for the current yield?
(a) The current yield is defined as the yearly coupon payment divided by the price of the security. (b) The formula for the current yield is identical to the formula describing the yield to maturity for a
discount bond.
(c) The current yield is always a poor approximation for the yield to maturity. (d) All of the above are true.
(e) Only (a) and (b) of the above are true.
Answer: A
47. The nearer a bond’s price is to its par value and the longer the maturity of the bond the more closely
_________ approximates _________ (a) current yield; yield to maturity. (b) current yield; coupon rate. (c) yield to maturity; current yield. (d) yield to maturity; coupon rate.
Answer: A
48. Which of the following are true for the current yield?
(a) The current yield is defined as the yearly coupon payment divided by the price of the security. (b) The current yield and the yield to maturity always move together.
(c) The formula for the current yield is identical to the formula describing the yield to maturity for a
discount bond.
(d) All of the above are true.
(e) Only (a) and (b) of the above are true.
Answer: E
49. The current yield is a less accurate approximation of the yield to maturity the _________ the time to
maturity of the bond and the _________ the price is from/to the par value. (a) shorter; closer (b) shorter; farther (c) longer; closer (d) longer; farther
Answer: B
50. The current yield on a $6,000, 10 percent coupon bond selling for $5,000 is
(a) 5 percent. (b) 10 percent. (c) 12 percent. (d) 15 percent.
Answer: C
132 Mishkin/Eakins ? Financial Markets and Institutions, Fifth Edition
51. The current yield on a $5,000, 8 percent coupon bond selling for $4,000 is
(a) 5 percent. (b) 8 percent. (c) 10 percent. (d) 20 percent.
(e) none of the above.
Answer: C
52. For a consol, the current yield is an _________ of the yield to maturity.
(a) underestimate (b) overestimate
(c) approximate measure (d) exact measure
Answer: D
53. Which of the following are true of the yield on a discount basis as a measure of the interest rate?
(a) It uses the percentage gain on the face value of the security, rather than the percentage gain on
the purchase price of the security.
(b) It puts the yield on the annual basis of a 360-day year. (c) It ignores the time to maturity. (d) All of the above are true.
(e) Only (a) and (b) of the above are true.
Answer: E
54. The formula for the measure of the interest rate called the yield on a discount basis is peculiar
(a) it puts the yield on the annual basis of a 360-day year.
(b) it uses the percentage gain on the purchase price of the bill. (c) it ignores the time to maturity. (d) both (a) and (b) of the above. (e) both (a) and (c) of the above.
Answer: A
55. The yield on a discount basis of a 180-day $1,000 Treasury bill selling for $950 is
(a) 10 percent. (b) 20 percent. (c) 25 percent. (d) 40 percent.
Answer: A
Chapter 10 The Bond Market 133
56. The yield on a discount basis of a 90-day $1,000 Treasury bill selling for $950 is
(a) 5 percent. (b) 10 percent. (c) 15 percent. (d) 20 percent.
(e) none of the above.
Answer: D
57. The yield on a discount basis of a 90-day $1,000 Treasury bill selling for $900 is
(a) 10 percent. (b) 20 percent. (c) 25 percent. (d) 40 percent.
Answer: D
58. The yield on a discount basis of a 180-day $1,000 Treasury bill selling for $900 is
(a) 10 percent. (b) 20 percent. (c) 25 percent. (d) 40 percent.
Answer: B
59. When an old bond’s market value is above its par value the bond is selling at a _________. This
occurs because the old bond’s coupon rate is _________ the coupon rates of new bonds with similar risk.
(a) premium; below (b) premium; above (c) discount; below (d) discount; above
Answer: B
134 Mishkin/Eakins ? Financial Markets and Institutions, Fifth Edition
? True/False
1. 2. 3. 4.
The primary issuers of capital market securities are local governments and corporations. Answer: FALSE
Capital market securuties are less liquid and have longer maturities than money market securities. Answer: TRUE
Governments never issue stock because they cannot sell ownership claims. Answer: TRUE
To sell an old bond when rates have risen, the holder will have to discount the bond until the yield to the buyer is the same as the market rate. Answer: TRUE
Most of the time, the interest rate on Treasury notes is below that on money market securities because of their low default risk. Answer: FALSE
Municipal bonds that are issued to pay for essential public projects are exempt from federal taxation. Answer: TRUE
Most municipal bonds are revenue bonds rather than general obligation bonds. Answer: FALSE
Most corporate bonds have a face value of $1000, are sold at a discount, and can only be redeemed at the maturity date. Answer: FALSE
Registered bonds have now been largely replaced by bearer bonds, which do not have coupons. Answer: FALSE
6. 7. 8.
10. A sinking fund is a requirement in the bond indenture that the firm pay off a portion of the bond
issue each year. Answer: TRUE 11. Debentures are long-term unsecured bonds that are backed only by the general creditworthiness of
the issuer.
Answer: TRUE 12. In a leveraged buy out, a firm greatly increases its debt level by issuing junk bonds to finance the
purchase of another firm’s stock. Answer: TRUE 13. A financial guarantee ensures that the lender (bond purchaser) will be paid both principal and
interest in the event the issuer defaults. Answer: TRUE 14. The current yield on a bond is a good approximation of the bond’s yield to maturity when the bond
matures in five years or less and its price differs from its par value by a large amount. Answer: FALSE
Chapter 10 The Bond Market 135
? Essay
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
What is the purpose of the capital market? How do cpaital market securities differ from money market securities in their general characteristics? What is a bond indenture?
What role do restrictive covenants play in bond markets?
What is the difference between a general obligation and a revenue bond? What are Treasury STRIPS?
What is a convertible bond? How does the convertibility feature affect the bond’s price and interest rate?
What is a bond’s current yield? How does current yield differ from yield to maturity and what determines how close the two values are?
Distinguish between general obligation and revenue municipal bonds.
What is a callable bond? How does the callability feature affect the bond’s price and interest rate?.
10. What types of risks should bondholders be aware of and how do these affect bond prices and yields?
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