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Xi'an, the eternal(永恒的) city, records the great changes of the Chinese nation just like a living history book,

Called Chang'an in ancient times.Xian is one of the birthplaces of the ancient civilization in the Yellow

River Basin area of the country. During Xi'an's 3,100 year development, 13 dynasties such as Western

Zhou (11th century BC - 771 BC), Qin (221 BC - 206 BC), Western Han (206 BC - 24 AD) and Tang (618 - 907) placed their capitals here. So far, Xi'an enjoys equal fame with Athens, Cairo, and Rome as one of

the four major ancient civilization capitals.

Xi'an is the capital of Shaanxi province, located in the southern part of the Guanzhong Plain. With the Qinling Mountains to the south and the Weihe River to the north, it is in a favorable geographical location surrounded by water and hills. It has a semi-moist monsoon climate and there is a clear distinction between the four seasons. Except the colder winter, any season is relatively suitable for traveling.

The cultural and historical significance of the area, as well as the abundant relics and sites(遗迹),help Xi'an enjoy the laudatory title(美称) of 'Natural History Museum'. The Museum of Terra Cotta Warriorsand Horses(兵马俑) is praised as 'the eighth major miracle of the world', Mausoleum (陵墓)of Emperor Qin Shi Huang is listed on the World Heritage List(世界

遗产名录) , and the City Wall of the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644) is the largest and most intact(完整的) Ming Dynasty

castle in the world. In the city, there is the 3,000 year old Banpo Village Remains from the Neolithic Age (新石器时代)(approximately from 8000 BC to 5000 BC), and the Forest of Stone Steles (碑林)that holds 3,000 stone steles of different periods from the Han Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty.

Around Xi'an, the Famen Temple enjoys the reputation of being the 'forefather of pagodas and temples in Central Shaanxi,' because it holds the finger bones of Sakyamuni -- the founder of Buddhism. The natural landscape (自然风光)around Xi'an is also marvelous(极妙的,不可思议的). Mt.Huashan ,one of the five best-known mountains in China, is famous for its breath-taking (令人吃惊的)cliffs(悬崖) and its unique characteristics.

Traditional downtown Xi'an refers to the area encircled (环绕)by the city wall, this has now been expanded to encompass(围绕) the area within the second ring road (Er' huan Lu). The Bell Tower is the geographical center of Xi'an and the four main streets are respectively (分别地)Dong Dajie, Xi Dajie, Nan Dajie and Bei Dajie which are also the main commercial streets. Xiao Zhai, the busiest commercial area is in the southern part of the city and is popular with both youths and students since many universities are located here. Shuyuan Men and the still under construction Luoma Shi are must-visit pedestrian(步

行的)streets in the city. Xi'an is also famous for its quantity of colleges throughout China. The old campuses of many colleges and universities are massed in the southern suburb of Xi'an, but most have established new campuses in far southern suburb - Chang'an District due to the lack of space within the city.

As tourist development grows in Xi'an, the hotel industry flourishes(茂盛,繁荣) more and more. It is very easy to find a hotel in Xi'an, ranging from 5 star hotels to youth hostels. Of course, it will be any traveler's first choice to stay in the city center due to the superior geographical location and the convenient transportation.

Praised as 'the capital of table delicacies', Xi'an has been rich in the delicious Shaanxi snack(小吃), delicate Guangdong Cuisine, various kinds of fashionable foreign delicacies, and popular Sichuan Cuisine such as the hot pot. Among all the delicacies, the most famous and popular one is the Muslim Snack Street.

Xi'an is the most important city in northwest China, and so there are a lot of shopping outlets for locals and tourists alike. There are many big shopping centers, department stores and supermarkets in and around Xi'an city - the biggest and most comprehensive being Kai Yuan Shopping Mall and Century Ginwa Shopping Mall.

The night life in Xi'an has a unique glamour(魅力). Traditional ways include enjoying the night scenery around the Bell Tower, taking part in a Tang Dynasty Dinner Show, strolling on the ancient Big Wild Goose Pagoda Square and watching the music fountain performance. More modern and fashionable ways include singing in the KTV, hanging out in a bar, or dancing in a Disco. All in all, any experience in this ancient city will bring you fun and possibly a little surprise!


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英语学习专家提醒:英语学习重在运用,要动起来, be active in your study!对于下面的这些资料,请不要仅仅是看闹热,或一时兴起,而是要重在坚持!英语学习没有捷径,只有一步一个脚印!这是关于英语文化陷阱的学习,重点在于运用于真实语境中来领悟其用法!

1. You have matches

最近我有一次机会登上一艘豪华游轮观光。一次,我在酒吧台拿了两杯鸡尾酒回房间享受,途中遇到一位女士,她看看我后笑着说:“You have matches?”我一愣,回答说:“很抱歉,我十五年前就戒烟了,所以没有火柴。”她立刻会意到我误解了她的意思,好像是有点抱歉地说:“It’s a joke.” 然后,我们就相互尴尬地笑了笑,走开了。事后和朋友在吃晚饭的时候聊天,我趁机向一个美国朋友请教白天的那句话,他解释说:“因为她看你两手都占着,就故意开玩笑跟你要火柴,这是个非常普通的笑话,非但没有恶意,反而是想问你需不需要帮忙。”(摘自《世界日报》)

2. Turn the table

一位亲戚和妻子失和到了要离婚的地步。几天前接到亲戚电话,说他们在走进律师楼之前,先去求助于心理和婚姻问题专家。夫妇俩心平气和地坐下来谈了好多次,互相之间多了一份理解,少了一份猜疑、埋怨,结果化干戈为玉帛。说简单也简单,就这么拯救了这场婚姻。我打心眼里为他们高兴,把这一消息告诉了同样也认识他们的一位美国朋友。这位朋友挺激动的,连连说着“感谢上帝,感谢上帝”,她还补充了一句“He turned the table”。

这话让我心里很不舒服,她是指我亲戚动粗吗?我打抱不平说:“不会,不会,他很斯文,很有绅士风度,不会以粗鲁的举动压制对方,不会以高压让对方屈从。” 结果,越说谁也听不懂谁。看着我那一脸不快的表情,朋友突然茅塞顿开了,以另一种方法向我解释。终于让我明白,她是说我亲戚“扭转了局面”,那 “table”和我想到的“桌子”根本无关。

再说远一点, turn the tables (on someone)这个短语也和“桌子”没什么关系, 它的意思是to suddenly take a position of strength or advantage that was formerly held by someone else (反败为胜,转弱为强)。例如: “She played badly in the first set, but then she turned the tables on her opponent and won the match. ”(摘自《世界日报》)

3. Wearing two hats

同事朋友聚会,少不了相互介绍。先生在向我介绍他的同事Larry时,说他可是个大忙人:“He is wearing two hats.” 我说,你开什么玩笑,他根本就没戴帽子。 Larry 一直以笑作答,倒是先生察言观色,知道我不懂,便帮我找台阶下。原来,先生是指Larry在医

院某一部门担任要职,除此之外,还有自己的生意,就是说Larry身兼两职,而不是真的戴了两顶帽子。 (摘自《世界日报》)

4. With a grain of salt

一天吃饭的时候,好友Allen和他的中国籍太太坐在餐桌旁大谈最近流行的一种草药,说它能包治百病。 Allen 说了一句:“I’d like to take it with a grain of salt”。他太太笑道:“你以为它是蔬菜啊,还要加点盐再吃。健康专家可没有说过要加盐quo; Take something with a grain of salt” 是“对某事有保留、持怀疑态度”的意思。 原来刚才Allen 是说他对这种草药的神奇疗效表示怀疑,而不是说要“放些盐再吃”。 (摘自《世界日报》)

5.You are in for a treat!

这天,同事们正在讨论为我和 Rhonda 开生日 party的事情,为了尊重寿星,大家让Rhonda 和我选择一家中意的餐厅。Rhonda建议去镇上一家叫做BBQ 的美国餐厅。我从来没有去过那里,于是就问她那里有什么特色。Rhonda便开始滔滔不绝地介绍他们的招牌菜,听得我十指大动,直咽口水,Rhonda便笑着说: “You are in for a treat !” 我愣了一下,以为Rhonda要请我去那里吃饭,心里十分不好意思,试探着问过她之后,Rhonda 笑着解释说: “You are in for a treat means you’ll like it !” (摘自《世界日报》)

6. Knife and fork

朋友D说日前在某大酒楼饮茶,见邻桌有青年夫妇和大概是他们在外国结识的老太太一起饮茶。老太太对操作筷子很感兴趣,在那里学用 chopsticks夹虾饺。D说他有个美国朋友,曾花了一些时间学习正确使用筷子的方法,每有机会就要表演一下,还说用筷子是一种艺术,是古老的中国文化的表现。

中国人吃饭用筷子,洋人进餐用刀叉。其实洋人从前没有knife and fork,用的是木片削成的叉子。这种木叉从意大利经伊斯坦堡传到英国,是两刺的肉叉(two-pronged fork)。在此之前,人们吃肉用手,因此对于改用肉叉有人说是“对赐人五指之神的侮辱。”

筷子又叫作“箸”,据说由于箸与“住”同音。住有停止之意,航船忌停,江苏一带行船的人们改称箸为“筷儿”。筷音同“快”,不住而快,一帆风顺矣。日语中筷作箸,但读作hashi,和作桥解的hashi相同,似乎和行船有点关系。日谚有“只会拿着筷子吃”指“茶来伸手,饭来张口。”中餐桌上每人有一份箸匙 (zhuchi),一双筷子一把汤匙,也许就没有knife and fork那么杀气腾腾了吧? (摘自《世界日报》)

7. Skeleton in the closet

一天朋友谈及一则大爆“名人”家丑的八卦新闻,说那些家族中人以搬弄“skeleton in the closet”为乐事,难道这些名人家的壁橱中真的有骷髅? 他说的“skeleton in the closet”(英国人则习惯说成skeleton in the cupboard)现在的意义并没有那么可怕。不过据说当年这个习语产生的时候的确指那些有钱人家谋杀了一个人,把骸骨暗藏在壁橱中,不让外人知道,从此 skeleton in the closet 就成了那家人的秘密,后来这个短语用来指不可或不愿外扬的家丑,简称作family skeleton。例如: Many old families have a number of skeletons in their closets which they are loath to discuss(许多古老的家族中有很多秘密,他们不愿谈及这些话题。) (摘自《世界日报》)

8. Skin off one’s nose

Joe很热心公益,每周固定有一天去做义工。在他的影响下,我也参加了几次。有一次跟他提起如果能到附近的剧院做义工的话,也许会比较有趣。有一天他拿了一份报纸,上面就有剧院要找义工的消息,我打算下班后过去看看,可是不巧碰上那天身体不舒服,下了班躺在床上就不想动了。第二天碰到Joe,问我有没有去,我把实情跟他解释。他听完后说: “No skin off my nose.”我不懂,只好怔怔地望着他,心想,他大概以为我是“叶公好龙”吧。

回家查了俚语词典,才知道skin off one’s nose是与某人有关的意思。Joe是在说我去不去其实“不关他的事”,他只是顺便问一下罢了。 (摘自《世界日报》)

注:no skin off sb.’s nose 也可说成 no skin off sb.’s teeth

9. Small beer

Small beer是“小啤酒”的意思吗?难道啤酒还分大小?其实,在英国small beer指的是口味比较淡啤酒,但是在美语中则是“少量啤酒”的意思。比如说夏天有客人来访,问他要喝些什么:Anything to drink?客人就可能回答说:“I’ll have a small beer(给我一点儿啤酒。)”比喻用法中说的small beer,指规模或者格局不大的事物。自以为了不起,不是小人物的人:He thinks no small beer of himself. Be small beer常用作与人比较的表现。 口语中常用small beer作形容词,因此开快餐店的朋友可以说:Ours is a small-beer fast-food joint beside McDonald. (摘自《联合早报》)

10. Spaghetti


意大利是欧洲第一个吃面食的国家。十三世纪时马可波罗从中国传去制面食方法后,大受欢迎,特别是实心意粉spaghetti,以其容易烹调,可以配上各种佐料,很快就风行全国。不过那时没有刀叉可用,因此吃的都是无汤汁的实心意粉,便于用手抓送入口。现在的肉汁意粉(spaghetti with meat sauce),是后来才出现的吃法。当然,马可波罗当年在中国也吃过我们的牛肉汤面或者排骨汤面。但是有汤的spaghetti乃至以之作汤的 spaghetti soup,全是后来出现的意粉吃法。

Spaghetti一词源于意大利语spago,意思是一条线。一条意粉是spaghetto,通常用复数的spaghetti。意粉一碟,面条杂乱,因此车辆往来多,交通混乱的街口称为 spaghetti junction。 (摘自《联合早报》)

11. Speaking of the devil

几个同学聚到一起聊天,大家都到齐了,唯独不见Wayne。其中一个说“今天好像没见到Wayne”,另一个接着说“他的女儿放暑假,东西要从宿舍里搬出来,他大概帮忙去了”。正说着,只见Wayne从外面走过来。Joe于是说“speaking of the devil”。几个人乐了起来。我心想Wayne 这个人平常挺老实的,为什么说他是devil呢?于是我悄悄地去问Joe。

原来“speaking of the devil”是一条成语,相当于中文的“说曹操,曹操到”。也就是刚说Wayne 不在,结果他就来了。我不禁惊诧于语言的共通性,因为曹操不是也有“奸雄”的称号吗?中英文在这一成语上有着这样惊人的异曲同工之处。 (摘自《世界日报》)

