人教版五年级下册U6ALets learn词汇教学教案 - 图文

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PEP 英语五年级下册Unit6 A field trip.Part A Let's learn. Let's


广东省东莞市寮步镇中心小学 黄美园


1. 面向学生: 五年级学生 2. 学科: 英语 3. 课时: 1课时 4. 学生准备: 预习书本P70

课题: Unit 6 A field trip.Part A Let's learn. Let's play.

一、教材分析:本课教材向我们呈现的是A field trip的一个图画情境,其中不同的小朋友在做不同的事。包括catching butterflies, taking pictures, picking up leaves, watching insects和doing an experiment。这些活动是学生们所乐意参加的,教学时可充分抓住这一特点来安排教学内容使课堂气氛活跃一些。教材中有问答的句子:What is Mike doing?He’s watching insects.其目的是使学生通过复习现在进行时的句型的练习来巩固并操练新短语。可谓一举多得。本课学习要注重启发学生在学习新知识的基础上,巩固、拓展和利用所学的旧知识,真正达到学以致用、融会贯通的目的。Let’s play.部分是设置了旨在通过一个游戏来训练和巩固短语和句型。对于游戏情境的创设我们还应有更多的想法,而不仅仅局限于教材提供的范例。

二、学情分析:通过前面几个单元的学习,同学们对 What ...doing? 和人们正在进行活动的描述 He/She is... They are... 已经有了较好的掌握,这为本单元的教学提供了有利的基础。本单元的教学内容与学生的实际生活息息相关,因而本单元的教学内容对学生来说不难理解。关键是如何在课堂中将分散的语言点进行整合、拓展,使之形成一个有机的整体,即把孤立的单词教学放置于一定的情景教学之中,达到让学生在实际生活中能准确、灵活地运用的目的。在教学时,老师要通过创设情景,利用多媒体教学手段,拿出实物,开展灵活多样的教学活动,将新旧知识有机结合,对本单元知识加以强化,从而让学生更好地掌握和拓展 A field trip 这一话题。

三、教学目标: (1) 知识与技能:

a. 能听、说、认读句子: What is ? doing ? He’s\\She’s

b.能够听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式。taking pictures,watching insects,picking up leaves,doing an experiment,catching butterflies。 (2) 情感态度:培养学生乐于参加游戏活动,积极探究,热爱大自然的情感。


(3) 学习策略: 能积极与人合作,运用所学的进行交流。 四、教学重难点:

(1) 本课时的教学重点是掌握5个动词的ing形式,并用现在进行时进行简单


本课时的教学难点是 词汇量较大,有些短语不易掌握:catch和watch易混淆;butterflies和experiment较长;insects的发音较难。本课时动词短语中的名词一般为复数形式,如:pictures,insects,leaves,butterflies。



五、教学资源准备: 1、教师准备短语词卡;

2、教师准备相关的实物:一个放大镜、几片树叶、一个照相机和试管; 3、本课的CAI;




Step1:Warm up. (热身) 1.Devide groups.

(1)Show some pictures about the field trip.





T: Children, what are the things for? S: 露营、远足?

T: Yes,They are for the field trip. We are going to have a field trip today. If you do well today, you can get the equipment for your trip.(divide groups for the class) 2. Let’s sing.

T: Our friends are going to the field trip, too. Listen! They are singing now. Ss listen once then answer questions. What are they doing?

Where are they going?

http://www.61flash.com/flash/10210.htm T: Let’s sing with them. OK?

Ss sing the song and do the action.

【设计意图】通过呈现“Field trip”所需要的物品,及歌谣导入学习,让学生尽快进入远足的情景中,为下面的新单词的呈现做好铺垫。

Step 2. Presentation

1.Present the new words in a small passage.

T: Now we are on the field. Look! The children are happy. Zhangpeng is taking pictures.Chenjie is catching butterflies.Mike is watching insects. Wuyifang is picking up leaves. Sarah is doing an experiment under the tree.They all have fun.(边说边出现相应的图片) 2.学生通过听音,尝试帮图片排序。

T: I took pictures with them just now. Can you listen again and number these pictures .

Ss listen and try to number the pictures. 3. 学生尝试通过听音把单词配图。

T: You are great. Now let’s make a photo album for the them.

Ss try to listen again and try to match the words with the right pictures.


4. 学生利用“phonics”自主学习单词 。 (1)教师示范。

T: You’ve done a good job, children. Let’s enjoy the pictures.(Show

“taking pictures”)What is Zhang Peng doing? S1: He’s taking pictures.

T: Yes. ta-king pi-c-ture-s(教师边划分音节,边教学) Ss chain the words.

(2) 教师给予语音难点指导。

T:Here are some tips for you.(教师用“一闪一闪亮晶晶”的旋律,让学生唱出语音难点)

用百度音乐搜索到的“一闪一闪亮晶晶”歌曲的中间纯音乐的部分来跟学生配音。 http://play.http://www.wodefanwen.com//?__m=mboxCtrl.playSong&__a=$$$$$$???é?a???é?a?o??????? ??′?¤??2???? ??-????????¥èμ??o????$$0#loaded

Song:i-n-g,i-n-g, ing, ing, ing;i-n-g,i-n-g, ing, ing, ing; c-h, c-h, ch, ch, ch;c-h, c-h, ch, ch, ch; e-a, e-a, ea, ea, ea;e-a, e-a, ea, ea, ea;

(3) 学生小组合作拼读。


catching butterflies------ cat—ch—ing bu—tter—flies watching insects------- wat—ch—ing in—sect—s picking up leaves------ pi—ck—ing lea—ves

doing an experiment------ do—ing an ex—pe—ri—ment (4)教师检测拼读

? T: Look!Here are their photo album. Zhang Peng is taking pictures.

What’s Chenjie doing?

S1: Chenjie is catching butterflies.

? 教师根据学生划分的音节,用phonics进行拼读教学。 ? Ss chain the new words.学生开火车训练单词。

? T: Chenjie can catch butterflies. I can catch the ants. Look! I’m

catching the ants.(呈现ants图)

http://image.http://www.wodefanwen.com//i?ct=503316480&z=0&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=catch ants&ie=utf-8&in=3099&cl=2&lm=-1&st=&pn=69&rn=1&di=1632304901&ln=1997&fr=&fm=&fmq=1363521468742_R&ic=&s=&se=&sme=0&tab=&width=&height=&face=&is=&istype=#pn69&-1&di1632304901&objURLhttp://u1.ipernity.com/2/38/85/483885.941c9679.240.jpg&fromURLippr_z2C$qAzdH3FAzdH3Fooo_z&e3Btrj6gtpy_z&e3Bv54AzdH3F15vAzdH3Fpjj3wykjjAzdH3F@AzdH3Frw2j_z2C$qdn_z2C$q8b&W240&H161&T7086&S16&TPjpg

T:What what else can you catch?

Ss: I can catch the insects/ mouse/ bird... 其他三个单词用同样的方法教学。

Watchig insects.可以引导学生拓展watching ants/butterflies/fishes... Picking up leaves拓展pick up pencils/bag/book...

Doing an experiment拓展do an experiment on the ants/ fishes? Taking pictures 拓展taking pictures of ants/ flowers?


Step3. Consolidation

1.Let’s sing.学生唱出刚学到的单词。(教师用“一闪一闪亮晶晶”的旋律,让学生唱出短语) 用百度音乐搜索到的“一闪一闪亮晶晶”歌曲的中间纯音乐的部分来跟学生配音。 http://play.http://www.wodefanwen.com//?__m=mboxCtrl.playSong&__a=$$$$$$???é?a???é?a?o??????? ??′?¤??2???? ??-????????¥èμ??o????$$0#loaded catch, catch, catching butterflies; watch, watch, watching insect; pick, pick, picking up leaves; take, take, taking pictures; do, do, doing,doing;

doing, doing an experiment. 2. Find the missing picture.

T: I’ve took a group photo for them.(呈现整张照片一次后,照片的某个角落缺失了。) Ooops! Something wrong with the photo. T:Who’s missing? What’s he/she doing? 呈现四张照片,用同样的方法进行游戏。 3.Find the logi.(找规律)

T:Zoom and Zip are on the field,too. What are they doing? What’s Zip doing?

Catching butterflies, catching butterflies, watching insects, watching insects, picking up leaves, picking up leaves, catching butterflies,?, watching insects, watching insects, picking up leaves, picking up leaves...

Ss read together.

S1: Zip is catching butterflies. T: What about Zoom?

Doing an experiment, catching butterflies, taking pictures, watching insects, picking up leaves, doing an experiment, catching butterflies, taking pictures, watching insects, picking up leaves,? ,catching butterflies, taking pictures, watching insects, picking up leaves... 4.Lucky Wheel T: You have good logi. Do you have good luck,too? Let’s play a game. Lucky wheel.

Ss: Guess!Who’s she? S1: Chenjie.

Ss: What’s she doing?

S1: She’s catching butterflies.(学生猜后用鼠标点击转盘) Ss: Yes. You’re right. No, sorry.

5.Fill in the blanks and report.(看图填入所缺的单词并汇报) T:Miss White is writing a report for the school newspaper. But she doesn’t know what they are doing? Can you help? 姓名 活动 Chenjie Mike Wu Yifang Zhang Peng Sarah Zip Zoom 四人小组做汇报。


Step4. Extension

1. 模拟 “Field trip”

? T: You’ve done a good job, children. Now let’s have a simulated trip

in our class. You’ve choose your group.(课前让学生自己选好自己的组别:Birds& Animal group, plants group )


S1: What are you doing? S2: I’m watching the ants. ?

? Game: Freeze.


T: What’s ?doing?

S1:He/she’s? 2. Make a report.

T: Now Let’s invite one of the group come front and show your activities. 学生上讲台模拟各自的活动。 T: What are they doing?

Ss:?is watching insects. ?is doing an experiment on the ants?(全体学生复述他们做的活动。)

【设计意图】拓展部分,让学生自己进行“Field trip”的模拟情景设计,学生在模拟的情景中感受单词的运用,达到学以致用的目的。

Step 5 Exercise 1.Activity Book p49

2. Write a small report about your group’s field trip. Step 6 Homework 1. 同步精炼P72.

2. E book用今天所学的五个短语各造一句。 3. 预习P71页,读书本P68-71 3次


Unit 6 A Field Trip A Let’s learn

What’s ?doing? He/She is?


picking up leaves picking apples…


watching insects watching ants…


catching butterflies catching insects…


taking pictures

taking pictures of ants…


doing an experiment

doing an experiment on ants…


这节课是以孩子们非常感兴趣的春游为话题,谈论某人在干什么,重点句型是What is ···doing? He is doing ···,主要学会五个动名词短语并用他们进行交流对话,本节课的优点在于:


首先通过呈现“Field trip”所需要的物品,及歌谣导入学习,让学生尽快进入远足的情景中,为下面的新单词的呈现做好铺垫。然后我通过让学生在语篇中感知新单词的意义,让学生听音标号、帮图片排序让学生对单词的音义有更深的了解,最后通过单词配图让学生从单词的音义初步过渡到单词的形,通过语篇学习新词能让学生在语境中感知单词的音、义过渡到形的掌握,这是对高年级学生自主学习的一个小挑战,学生都兴致勃勃,乐于参与。 2、能利用phonics让学生自主学习单词发音;

在学单词的环节,我设计了让学生利用phonics自主学习新单词,在自主学习前教师给了个别发音难点提示,并通过歌曲的形式呈现,很好地激发了学生的兴趣。学生自主拼读的环节,教师采用了让学生划分音节的方法引导学生合作拼读,最后在检测的过程中,又做到了对单词的拓展,设计能很好地引导学生自主学习,体现了学生是学习主体的理念。 3、能从单词的音、义、形巩固训练单词;



拓展部分,让学生自己进行“Field trip”的模拟情景设计,加上“Freeze”的游戏,学生在模拟的情景中感受单词的运用,达到学以致用的目的。

本节课的问题在于:新授动名词短语结束后的chant 操练时间有些长,把后面的对话时间占用了,就显得单词在篇章中的运用部分时间较仓促,课堂环节还要再整理,以后的课堂设计时要合理安排各环节所占用的时间,让孩子们把本节课上的重点全部掌握,在此基础上合理拓展,争取让每个孩子的能力都有所提高!

Work Sheet

Name______ Class_____

1. Listen and number.

2. Listen and match.

picking up leavestaking picturescatching butterflieswatching insectsdoing an experiment 3. Fill and report.

姓名 Chenjie Mike Wu Yifang 活动 Zhang Peng Sarah Zip Zoom

