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Section B
Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.
You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.
What If You Could Learn Everything
A. Imagine every student has a tireless personal tutor, an artificially intelligent and inexhaustible companion that knows everything, knows the student, and helps her learn what she needs to know. "'You guys sound like you're from the future,'" Jose Ferreira, the CEO of the education technology startup Knewton, says. "That's the most common reaction we get from others in the industry."
B. Several million data points generated daily by each of 1 million students from elementary school through college, using Knewton's "adaptive learning" technology to study math, reading, and other fundamentals. Adaptive learning is an increasingly popular catchphrase denoting educational software that customizes its presentation of material from moment to moment based on the user's input. It's being hailed as a "revolution" by both venture capitalists and big, established education companies."
C. Ferreira started Knewton in 2008 with more or less
the same vision he believes in today: to enable digital technology to transform learning for everyone and to build
the company that dominates that transformation. "Look at what other industries the Internet has transformed," he once said."It laid waste to media and is rebuilding it. But for whatever reason, people don't see it with education. It is blindingly obvious to me that it will happen with education.
All the content behind education is going to move online in
the next 10 years. It's a great shift. And that is what Knewton is going to power."
D. The recommendation engine is a core technology of the Internet, and probably one you encounter every day. Google uses recommendations: other people who entered these search terms clicked on this page, so we'll show it to you first. Amazon uses them: other people who bought this book also bought that book. The more you use one of these websites, the more it knows about you--not just about your current behavior, but about all the other searches and clicks you've done. In theory, as you spend more time with a site its recommendations will become more personalized even as they
also draw on everyone else's interactions within the platform.
E.Knewton, at base, is a recommendation engine but for learning. Rather than the set of all Web pages or all movies, the learning data set is, more or less, the universe of all facts. For example, a single piece of data in the engine
might be the math fact that a Pythagorean triangle has sides
in the ratio 3-4-5, and you can multiply those numbers by any whole number to get a new set of side lengths for this type
of triangle. Another might be the function of "adversatives"
such as "but," "however," or "on the other hand" in changing the meaning of an English sentence.
F.Ferreira calls these facts "atomic concepts," meaning that they're inpisible into smaller concepts--he clearly
likes the physics reference.When a textbook publisher like Pearson loads its curriculum into Knewton's platform, each piece of content--it could be a video, a test question, or a paragraph of text--is tagged with the appropriate concept or concepts.
G.Let's say your school bought the Knewton-powered MyMathLab online system, using the specific curriculum, say, Lial's Basic College Mathematics Be. When a student logs on
to the system, she first takes a simple placement test or pretest from the book, which has been tagged with the
relevant "atomic concepts." As a student reads the text or watches the video and answers the questions, Knewton's system is "reading" the student as well--timing every second on task, tabulating (把…列成表格) every keystroke, and constructing a profile of learning style: hesitant or confident? Guessing blindly or taking her time?
H. Based on the student's answers, and what she did
before getting the answer, "we can tell you to the percentile, for each concept: how fast they learned it, how well they know it, how long they'll retain it, and how likely they are
to learn other similar concepts that well," says Ferreira. By watching as a student interacts with it, the platform deduces.
I.The platform forms a personalized study plan based on that information and decides what the student should work on next, feeding the student the appropriate new pieces of
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