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课 程 名 称 大学英语(21世纪) 课程负责人 关淑云 开 课 系 部 外国语学院 教 研 室 大学英语教研室
课程编号: AJX034001/ AJX034002/ AJX034003/ AJX034004 中文名称: 大学英语 英文名称: College English 适用专业:非英语专业本科 课程性质:公共基础课
总学时:280 (其中理论教学学时:192 实验实训学时:88) 总学分:16
预修课程: 无 并修课程: 无
本课程的教学目的是培养学生听、说、读、写、译等方面英语综合应用能力,掌握扎实的词汇、语法知识,达到高等学校大学英语四级(College English Test 4, 简称CET-4)的水平,同时增强自主学习能力和综合文化素养,并为今后的英语学习打下坚实基础;同时重视培养学生实际使用英语进行交际的能力。 (二)教学要求
5、翻译能力:能借助词典翻译一般英语国家报刊上题材熟悉的文章,能摘译一般的英语科普文章。译文基本通顺、达意,无重大理解和语言错误。 (三)教学方法
第一单元 College Life (8学时)
第一节 Text A: A Day in the Life of a College Student 第二节 Text B: Does Your GPA Really Matter? 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: College Life; Learning of some important words
(flexibility, duration, option, definitely, actually, ignore, convince, survive, omit, maintain, vital, assume, emphasize, competition), expressions (catch a glimpse of, in search of, be
involved in, take…into consideration, be likely to, be relevant to) and sentence patterns(Doing sth. is…;absolute structure ); Writing of a speech and practical writing of a notice
难点:Writing of a speech; Listening 第二单元 Love (8学时)
第一节 Text A: Can’t Forget Your First Love
第二节 Text B: College Dating Tips for Student Couples 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Love; Learning of some important words (capture, spark,
keen, endure, promotion, innocent, carefree, insignificant, trivial, potential, flourish, complicated, advantage), expressions (set in, fall apart, get the best of, look through, let go of, common sense, red flag ) and sentence patterns (It is likely that + clause, It is/was the first time that + clause, on the one hand…on the other hand); Writing of an article with three paragraphs and practical writing of memos
难点:Writing of an article with three paragraphs; Listening; Grammar Knowledge of Perfect
第三单元 Life in E-era (8学时)
第一节 Text A: Is the Internet Really Killing Family Life?
第二节 Text B: How Technology Is Affecting Interpersonal Relationships? 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Life in E-era; Learning of some important words
(facilitate, transient, undermine, blame, grab, frustrate, interact, compensate, stable), expressions (hang out, in case, now that, poke about/around, if anything, give rise to, on account of, be compatible with, hold true, in terms of, break even, go by ) and sentence patterns( Now that + clause,……); Writing of a composition on internet and practical writing of invitation
难点:Writing; Grammar Knowledge of Infinitive; Listening
第四单元 Education (8学时)
第一节 Text A: We Are Raising Children, Not Flowers 第二节 Text B: Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Education; Learning of some important words (envy,
lessen, effective, intentionally, respond creative, restore, breakthrough, shatter, prefer, diverse, compromise, foster, indicate ), expressions (level…to the ground, raise one’s voice, at the edge of, knock over, when it comes to…, out on a limb, see eye to eye) and sentence patterns (emphatic sentence structure ); Writing of a composition on education and practical writing of notes
难点:Writing; Grammar Knowledge of Gerund; Listening 第五单元 Success (8学时) 第一节 Text A: A Simple Life Well Lived 第二节 Text B: I Will Act Now
第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Success; Learning of some important words(appreciate,
stroll, compliment, status, distribution, fitting, enterprise, scoff, popularity, accumulation, confront, vanish, execute, charge, multiply, quit, prospect), expressions (warn against, deserve to, immediate need, be measured by, hold back, thirst for, call on) and sentence patterns(the more…, the more…; nor + auxiliary/be/modal verb + subject.); Writing of a composition on Success and practical writing of letters of complaint
难点:Writing; Grammar Knowledge of Past Participle; Listening 第六单元 Family (8学时)
第一节 Text A: A Moving Letter to My Wife 第二节 Text B: Banana Pudding 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Family; Learning of some important words(ecstatic, grab,
lively, distress, foresee, induce, cradle, critical, sympathy, appropriate), expressions (give birth to, walk down the aisle, pull oneself together, bring up, let alone, splash out (on sth.), succumb to, win sb. over, hue and cry, in common, in particular) and sentence patterns (The moment + clause; sb. spends some time (in) doing sth.); Writing of a composition on Spending Quality Time with Parents Is Important
难点:Writing; Grammar Knowledge of Present Participle; Listening 第七单元 Pop Culture (8学时)
第一节 Text A: Lay Gaga and her Way to Pop Culture 第二节 Text B: Pop Culture in an Internet Culture 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Pop culture; Learning of some important words(claim,
penetrate, render, exclusively, anticipate, proof, criticism, positive, issue, favorable, spell, version, stimulate, boom, wield, odd, decade, agenda, approach), expressions (short for, relative to, as of, the lion’s share, in favor of, follow suit, lead…down the same path, take a calculated risk) and sentence patterns (P.P.+clause, the main clause; despite+noun clause, the main clause); Writing of a composition on Rock the Campus and practical writing of Congratulation Letter
难点:the usage of some words and phrases and sentence pattern: PP+clause, the main clause;
Writing of a composition on the topic Rock the Campus, grammar: subjunctive mood; listening
第八单元 Our Planet(8学时)
第一节 Text A: Yes! We Can Support Mother Earth
第二节 Text B: Was Chernobyl Really Worse Than Fukushima? 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Our planet; Learning of some important words (estimate,
locate, install, switch, blast, resource, abandon, remove, conserve, persist, emit, scatter, ambition, press, initial, perceive, permanent, scale, core), expressions (participate in,
set/make a goal, carry out, make sense, after hours, adjust to, have an effect on, be exposed to, scale back) and sentence patterns (The main clause, doing-clause; It’s done that-clause); Writing of a composition on The Significace of Being Environmentally Friendly and practical writing of Poster
难点:the usage of some words and phrases and sentence pattern: The main clause, doing-clause;
Writing of a composition on the topic The Significace of Being Environmentally Friendly and practical writing of Poster; grammar: subjunctive mood; listening
第一单元 Food and Health (8学时)
第一节 Text A: Eating Food That’s Better for You, Organic or Not 第二节 Text B: Food Safety and Foodborne Illness 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Food and Health; Learning of some important words
(organic, considerable, enthusiasm, grocery, inevitably, guarantee, secondary, primary, substance, consume, evidence, shift, process, enabling, address, hence, sustainable, operate, corporation, responsible, manufacture, conventional, concern, eliminate, popularize, increasingly, contaminate, incidence, proportion, surpass, enormous, derive, assess, regarding, negative, implication, modify, likewise, monitor, supplement, transfer, resistance, intensive, contribute, ensure, approval, deliberate, complex, dimension),expressions (take to, stick to, stick to, link to, be certified as, leave behind, in spirit, be responsible for, in general dig up ,a patch of, in response to; at risk; attribute to; suffer from due to, growth rate, concern about, take on); Writing of a composition on the topic “On Eating Safely” and practical writing of telephone Message
难点:Writing of a composition on the topic “On Eating Safely”, Listening 第二单元 Animal (8学时)
第一节 Text A: Loving Memory: Elephant Reunion 第二节 Text B: The Naked Ape
第三节 Exercises and Skill Development
第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Animal; Learning of some important words (reunion,
abuse, colony, cable, neglect, inspire, necessity, dominance, wander, residence, confirm, demonstrate, remarkable, refugee, dump, .ill-equipped, substitute, instantly, routine, vibration, urgent, depress, intelligent, image, unexpected, specific, assemble, obtain, investigation, sample, inquiry, analyze, emerge, feature, outline, vertical, visual, evolve, significance, precisely, manual, capable, characteristic, horizontal, efficiency, consistent, namely, principle, appeal), expressions (pass through, be home to, live out, in residence, draw out, tie up, meet with, fall into, stand guard, night and day, at one point, about to, as it were, work on, on the basis of, at random, as follows, in some ways as regards, feed on, go so far as, by virtue of, in a sense, at the expense of, split up, look upon ... as); Writing of a composition on the topic “Saving the Wild Animals” and practical writing of an E-mail on the Internet
难点:Writing of a composition on the topic “Saving the Wild Animals”, Listening
复习 (2学时)
第三单元 Sportsmanship (8学时) 第一节 Text A: An Uplifting Power 第二节 Text B: The Amateur Ideal 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Sportsmanship; Learning of some important words
(sustain, establish, venture, commercial, opponent, grace, tackle, sponsor, foundation, promote, previously, significant, impact, initiative, board, champion, convention, gallery, restraint, code, convey, character, mission, pursuit, academic, stir, offset); expressions (sit up and notice, come off, lay out, pay respect to); Writing of a composition on the topic” How Sports Affect Our Lives” and practical writing of Lost and Found
难点:Writing of a composition on the topic” How Sports Affect Our Lives”; Listening
第四单元 Volunteering (8学时) 第一节 Text A: A Reason for Living
第二节 Text B: Volunteering Vacation 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Volunteering; Learning of some important words
(anticipate, shift, burst, trail, resume, sin, disturb, sympathize, spill, indication, perception passionate, orphan, strengthen, fountain, preference, conservation, saint, delicately, absolutely, obstacle, tiny, fill), expressions (burst into, trail off, take a turn, deal with, give birth to, say of, depend on, at the end of the day, leave room for); Writing of a composition on the topic” Volunteer-Why and How” and practical writing of a recommendation 难点:Writing of a composition on the topic “Volunteer-Why and How”; Listening
复习 (2学时)
第五单元 Values (8学时)
第一节 Text A: Inaugural Address of John F. Kennedy
第二节 Text B: Comparing Western Values with Changing Chinese Values 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Values; Learning of some important words (address,
observe, swear, solemn, prescribe, heir, torch, assure, pledge, loyalty, faithful, bonds, summon, trumpet, rejoice, conscience, retain, compass, prosperity, commitment, inherit), expressions (at issue, go forth, pass away, end up, beyond doubt, year in year out, in line, give rise to); Writing of a composition on the topic “A Comparison between Western and Chinese Ways of thinking” and practical writing of Application Letter
难点:Writing of a composition on the topic “A Comparison between Western and Chinese Ways
of thinking”; Listening
第六单元 Advertisement (8学时)
第一节 Text A The Effects of TV Advertising on Children 第二节 Text B Create an Effective Advertising Message 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Advertisement; Learning of some important words
(primarily target, sophisticated, cite, materialism, heighten, exposure, purchase, conflict, deny, inferior, rate, substantial youthful, illustrate, navigation, alleviate, overcome, objection, sincere, exaggerate, concerning, motivate, additional), expressions (aim at, thanks to, product placement, to the point, get across, at ease, appeal to, catch on); Writing of a composition on the topic “Does Celebrity Endorsement Make a Difference” and practical writing of Advertisement
难点:Writing of a composition on the topic “Does Celebrity Endorsement Make a Difference”;
复习 (2学时)
第七单元 China in the 21st Century (8学时) 第一节 Text A Here Comes the East
第二节 Text B Shanghai’s Goodbye to the Past 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: China in the 21st Century; Learning of some important
words (generate, productive, interaction, harness, shrink, barrier, intellectual, reject, obvious, instance, stretch, destabilize, render, framework ,strip, boast, mass, pose, preserve, historic, distinction, deep-seated, accelerate, glitter, feature, lane, occupy, preservation, margin, crack, line, absolutely), expressions (draw into, gain on, pay dividends for, pay off debt, spell trouble in the long run, flex one’s muscles, rear-view mirror, blast sth. away, to date, spring up); Writing of a composition on the topic “Will Chinese Replace English as the Global Language?” and practical writing of Application
难点:Writing of a composition on the topic “Will Chinese Replace English as the Global
Language?”; Listening
第八单元Future World
第一节 Text A A Letter to the Year 2100 第二节 Text B Politics in the Future 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development
第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Future World; Learning of some important words: (brittle,
hatred, ignorance, liver, artificial, transplant, shear, unpolished, represent, removal, ring, artistic, hydrogen, circuit, flexible, transistor, authority, institution, retreat, interpretation, leisure, theoretically, illegal, download, regulate, uneven, associate, coexist, democratic, concrete, economical, gap, perfection, evidently, logic, access, expressions (account for, on impulse, dig up, turn into, figure out, with out doubt, concentrate on, go off in tangents, sign up, in charge of take up, fiddle with); Writing of a composition on the topic “What Should We Do When There Is a Humanitarian Disaster” and practical writing of Report on Business.
难点:Writing of a composition on the topic “What Should We Do When There Is a Humanitarian
Disaster”; Listening
复习 (2学时) 第三册
第一单元 Hero and Courage (8学时) 第一节 Text A: What Courage Looks Like? 第二节 Text B: Everyday Hero: Jeff May; 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Hero and Courage; Learning of some important words
(accustomed, grave, sobering, comfort, assuring, strain, compel, accomplish, tutor, trigger spare), expressions (in the event of, ward off ,bear up , be out of order, pick on set off) and sentence patterns; Writing of a composition on hero and practical writing of a order
难点:Writing of a composition on hero; Listening 第二单元 Communication (8学时)
第一节 Text A: Whereas You Were an Insensitive Fool…; 第二节 Text B: Harnessing the Power of Language; 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Communication; Learning of some important words
(awful; maintenance; dwelling; contemplate; dismiss; contend; swell; resemble; nasty; mount; confine; pattern; emerge; implement; precede), expressions (on probation; as for; devote oneself to; keep options open) and sentence patterns; Writing a composition on Communication and practical writing of proposal
难点:Writing of a composition on communication; Listening 复习 (2学时)
第三单元Stress (8学时)
第一节 Text A: Stress in Modern Life; 第二节 Text B: Is a Stress-free Life Possible; 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Stress; Learning of some important words (acquaint; bear;
exert; undertake; feast; commission; distinct; compromise; executive; addicted; evaluate; arouse; grind; relief; tend;phase; alert refine; drain), expressions (bring about; at work; get stuck with; take control of; live out; loom large; cut back) and sentence patterns; Writing of a composition on stress and practical writing of a letter of apology
难点:Writing of a composition on stress; Listening 第四单元 Study Abroad (8学时) 第一节 Text A: Fish in a Different Pond;
第二节 Text B: Studying Abroad and Culture Shock; 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Study Abroad; Learning of some important words(curse;
highlight; mystery; humble; no-nonsense; sympathetic; spoil; transport; focus; minimize), expressions (be armed with; be equipped with; turn out; go a long way; stick up; indulge in) and sentence patterns; Writing of a composition on study abroad and practical writing of a letter of Thanks
难点:Writing of a composition on study abroad; Listening 复习 (2学时)
第五单元 Consumption (8学时)
第一节 Text A: The Wisdom of Collaborative Consumption; 第二节 Text B: The Psychology of Consumerism; 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Consumption; Learning of some important words
(property; acquire; dull; rental; witness; accompany; burden; excess; suppose; idle; discard; decline; plain; alter; impart; recognize; possess), expressions (take root; conform to; make inroads; at one’s disposal; do the trick) and sentence patterns; Writing of a composition on consumption and practical writing of resume
难点:Writing of a composition on consumption; Listening 第六单元Aging Society (8学时) 第一节 Text A: The Time It Takes;
第二节 Text B: When They Won’t Spend the Money; 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Aging Society; Learning of some important words (trial;
cripple; manipulate; adapt; miserable; bounce; jolly; overtake; insult; exhaust; competent; consent), expressions (shame sb. into doing sth.; drop sb./sth. off; wash over sb; at the height of; swear at; hold sway; be couched in) and sentence patterns; Writing of a composition on aging society and practical writing of resume
难点:Writing of a composition aging society; Listening 复习 (2学时)
第七单元 Charity (8学时)
第一节 Text A: Looking Good by Doing Good; 第二节 Text B: The Rich and Charity; 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Charity; Learning of some important words (identify; seek;
awkward; average; complicated; distinguish; presume; allocate; urge; scope; notion),
expressions (on sb’s behalf; account for; shop around) and sentence patterns; Writing of a composition on charity and practical writing of contract
难点:Writing of a composition on charity; Listening 第八单元Leadership(8学时)
第一节 Section A They Made a Difference;
第二节Section B Seven Principles That Drive Steve Jobs to Be a Leader, not a
第三节Exercises and Skill Development 第四节Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点: Topic understanding: Leadership; Learning of some important words (collide;
prevail bold; keen; sacrifice; invasion; sting; condemn; despite; ultimate; inspiration; pursue; soar; complement), expressions (if only; give way to; bring forth; kick start; win sb over; be committed to; dedicate… to…; distract… from…; stand out) and sentence patterns; Writing of a composition on leadership and practical writing of meeting minutes;
难点: Writing of a composition on leadership; Listening 复习 (2学时) 第四册
第一单元 Do It Yourself (8学时)
第一节 Text A: Save Money, Have Fun: The Joys of Doing It Yourself 第二节 Text B: Digging into the Value of DIY 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Do It Yourself; Learning of some important words
(current, resolve, outlet, prone, likelihood), expressions (trial and error, be down to, wind up, gut instinct, All told, suffice it to say, as a whole, narrow down,mess up); Writing of a composition on the topic DIY and practical writing of A Letter of Resignation
难点:Reading skills: Analyzing Denotative and Connotative Meaning of Words; Listening 第二单元Privacy (8学时)
第一节 Text A: The Right to Privacy Is a Myth
第二节 Text B: Tell-All Generation Keeps Some Things Offline 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Privacy; Learning of some important words (resent,
disregard, presence, apparently, radically, function, prevalent, conscious, context), expressions (die away, to the exclusion of,well of, do away with, translate into, serve up); writing of an article with three paragraphs on Privacy and practical writing of Letter of Welcome
难点:Reading skills: understanding problem-solution pattern; Listening 复习 (2学时)
第三单元Marriage (8学时) 第一节 Text A: Commitment to Love
第二节 Text B: Marriage Customs (From Utopia) 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Marriage; Learning of some important words (stamp,
stain, accuse, willing, treat, severe, extreme, bare, deceit, offensive, mutual, contract, investigate, available), expressions (Wear sb out, blow up, dab at, rustle up, close the deal); Writing of a composition with three paragraphs on Sportsmanship and practical writing of Book Report
难点:Reading skills: understanding argument and counter- argument pattern ; Listening 第四单元 Innovation (8学时) 第一节 Text A: Lights On! 第二节 Text B: A Different View 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Innovation; Learning of some important words (inherent,
deem, cultivate, reveal, unlock, conceive, hollow, prompt, Parallel, appropriate, essence, twist, prejudice, radical, fundamental, transform, perspective, vessel, apparent), expressions (buy into, bend to your own will, out of the ordinary, in one’s right, be after, eureka moment, buy
up); Writing of a composition on Innovation and practical writing of Letter of Request
难点:Reading skills: indentify the writer’s attitude/tone; Listening 复习 (2学时)
第五单元 Financial Management (8学时) 第一节 Text A: Money Matters
第二节 Text B: Small Change Is Real Money 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Financial Management; Learning of some important
words (representative, virtue, compound, finite, amount, owe, minimum, payment, rarely, minor, statement, murmur, moreover, category, fancy), expressions (Figure out, behind the eight ball, glaze over, on par with, wade through, on the contrary, make a hash of); Writing of a composition with three paragraphs on Money Management and practical writing of Letters of Claims.
难点:Reading skills: understanding comparison and contrast pattern; Listening 第六单元 Urbanization (8学时)
第一节 Text A: Remembering When Brooklyn Was Mine 第二节 Text B: Beijing - An Alley Way of Life 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Urbanization; Learning of some important words
(response, creep, enroll, volunteer, estate, domestic, convert, scrape), expressions (make away for switch to, drop away, duck under, tear down, Keep safe, ring out); Writing of a composition on the topic Urbanization with three paragraphs and practical writing of Recruitment Advertising
难点:Reading skills: understanding phenomenon-reasons pattern; Listening 复习 (2学时)
第七单元 Office Politics (8学时)
第一节 Text A: The Highly Politicized Office 第二节 Text B: Make Your Enemies Your Allies 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Office Politics; Learning of some important words
(emotional, intelligence, accommodate, outstanding, crush, rival, threaten, subordinate, dynamic, essential, mere, indispensable, grant, comprehend, thrive), expressions (Make a point of, drop in, sort of, make the best of, get credit for, in a…light), succumb to, win sb over, hue and cry, in common, in particular); Writing of a composition on the topic Office Politics. and practical writing of Abstract
难点:Reading skills: understanding rhetorical figures of speech; Listening 第八单元Code of Nature(8学时) 第一节Text A: Nature 第二节Text B: The Killer Lake 第三节 Exercises and Skill Development 第四节 Speaking and Listening
本单元的重点:Topic understanding: Code of Nature; Learning of some important words
(integrity; brink infinite; reside; encounter; occasional), expressions (distinguish from; in the presence of; in spite of; cast off; tire of; take… by surprise); Writing of a composition on the topic the nature and practical writing of letter of consolation;
难点:Reading skills: making a prediction; Listening 复习 (2学时)
项目 (学时) 单元 第一单元 第二单元 第三单元 第四单元 第五单元 第六单元 第七单元 第八单元 理论 实践 (实验) 其他 说明 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 第二册
项目 (学时) 单元 第一单元 第二单元 复习 第三单元 第四单元 复习 第五单元 理论 实践 (实验) 其他 说明 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
第六单元 复习 第七单元 第八单元 复习
6 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 第三册
项目 (学时) 单元 第一单元 第二单元 复习 第三单元 第四单元 复习 第五单元 第六单元 复习 第七单元 第八单元 复习 理论 实践 (实验) 其他 说明 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
项目 (学时) 单元 第一单元 第二单元 复习 第三单元 第四单元 复习 第五单元 第六单元 复习 第七单元 第八单元 复习 理论 实践 (实验) 其他 说明 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
[1] 汪榕培、陶文好、邹申. 《21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程》(1-4册).
上海:复旦大学出版社. 2011年8月. (普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材)
[2] 汪榕培、陶文好、邹申. 《21世纪大学英语应用型视听说教程》(1-4
册). 上海:复旦大学出版社. 2011年8月. (普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材)
[3]《大学英语教学大纲》修订工作组.《大学英语教学大纲》 [修订本].
上海+北京:上海外语教育出版社+高等教育出版社. 1999年1月 [4] 汪榕培、陶文好、邹申. 《21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程教学参考
书》(1-4册). 上海:复旦大学出版社. 2011年8月
[5] 张道真. 《实用英语语法》. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. 2002年5
[6] 张道真. 《现代英语用法词典》. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. 2009
[7] 英国培生教育出版亚洲有限公司. 《朗文当代高级英语辞典》. 北京:
外语教学与研究出版社. 2009年12月
[8] 辛克莱尔. Collins Cobuild English Dictionary. 上海:上海外语教
育出版社. 2000年10月
[9] 胡文仲. 《英美文化词典》. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. 1995年
执笔人:关淑云 崔建伟 徐丽 成慧敏
教研室主任签字: 系部主任审核签字:
[1] 汪榕培、陶文好、邹申. 《21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程》(1-4册).
上海:复旦大学出版社. 2011年8月. (普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材)
[2] 汪榕培、陶文好、邹申. 《21世纪大学英语应用型视听说教程》(1-4
册). 上海:复旦大学出版社. 2011年8月. (普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材)
[3]《大学英语教学大纲》修订工作组.《大学英语教学大纲》 [修订本].
上海+北京:上海外语教育出版社+高等教育出版社. 1999年1月 [4] 汪榕培、陶文好、邹申. 《21世纪大学英语应用型综合教程教学参考
书》(1-4册). 上海:复旦大学出版社. 2011年8月
[5] 张道真. 《实用英语语法》. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. 2002年5
[6] 张道真. 《现代英语用法词典》. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. 2009
[7] 英国培生教育出版亚洲有限公司. 《朗文当代高级英语辞典》. 北京:
外语教学与研究出版社. 2009年12月
[8] 辛克莱尔. Collins Cobuild English Dictionary. 上海:上海外语教
育出版社. 2000年10月
[9] 胡文仲. 《英美文化词典》. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社. 1995年
执笔人:关淑云 崔建伟 徐丽 成慧敏
教研室主任签字: 系部主任审核签字:
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