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第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30)



In our special beach survey we found that the beach is Other things to do on the beach still the top vacation destination for Americans. Of the more Build a sand house 29% than 1200 people who answered our questionnaires, 80% Relax with a book 16% said they would “definitely” or “very likely” pay a visit to Hang out with friends 13% the beach sometime next year. And what will they do when Fly a kite 3% they get there? Most important qualities of a beach The top answer was to have a party or a barbecue, while Cleanliness 70% only 32% said they would swim in the ocean. Another 24% View 46% said they would get their swimming suits wet, leaving 5% Water sports 34% with no intention(意图) of getting in the water at all. Perhaps Water temperature 23% most of them are concerned about sharks when getting in the Ideal Beaches to go for your next vacation *Grace Bay ocean. Unbelievably clear, clean and cool water with hundreds of shades of blues and greens and white sugar sand beaches. *Anse Lazio Picture perfect, with warm water, shade, sun and powder white sand. *Playa Manuel Antonio Gorgeous beach, gentle tide, warm water. A swimmer’s paradise(天堂) *Kata Noi Beach Not too hot or cold, not too big or small. Simply perfect. 16. Which is the most popular activity while taking a trip on the beach? A. Building a sand house. B. Having a party or a barbecue. C. Relaxing with a book. D. Flying a kite on the beach.

17. Five percent of the people stay out of the water probably because________. A. they don’t think water is clean enough.

B. they are not interested in water sports. C. they forget to take swimming suits. D. they are afraid of meeting sharks.


18. Which is TRUE about the beaches according to the passage?

A. Grace Bay and Kata Noi Beach have white sand. B. Playa Manuel Antonio is perfect for swimming. C. Anse Lazio is not a good place to take pictures. D. Like Grace Bay, Kata Noi Beach has warm water.


Erica David loves snow. It’s a good thing, because she lives in a very snowy, windy and cold place! The temperature in winter can sometimes reach -37℃ in Wyoming.

When Erica David was 11 years old, she decided to study snow for her school science project. She asked a simple question: ________.

Snow fences(栅栏) are important in Wyoming, because there is a lot of snow. The fences keep snow off roads. They also protect farm animals from the wind and snow. Erica’s experiments look simple, but her results are very interesting. In her first experiments, Erica used soap powder(粉末). They dry soap was like snow. She made wind with a fan and measured(测量) the soap. After that, she made real fences and measured real snow.

Every year, Erica makes new fences. During a snowstorm, she measures wind speed. Then after the snowstorm, she measures the snow on the fences.

“Some kids call me crazy,” says Erica. “Days with 20-mile-per-hour (32-kilometer-per-hour) winds are my favorite snow days.”

Erica introduces the research from her experiments at her school science fair. She also competes in science competitions with students from around the world. In one competition, she won $ 8,000 and a computer.

Next, Erica is going to research sage plants(鼠尾草). These Wyoming bushes are like a natural snow fence. She’s also going to build her biggest and best snow fences ever. How can we describe Erica’s fences? Two words: very cool! 19. What has Erica David done till now?

① She’s taken part in some competitions. ③

② ④

She’s built her largest snow fences. She’s made only one snow fence. C. ③④

D. ①③

She’s showed the research at her school.

B. ②③

A. ①②

20. What is Erica probably going to use to make snow fences?

A. Snow.

B. Soap powder.

C. Sage plants.

D. Rock.

21. Which is the best sentence for the blank in the second paragraph?

A. How can we make snow fences better? B. How can we finish the science project? C. Why should people build snow fences? D. What should we prepare for the project? A. Erica won $8,000 in all from the competitions. B. Fences that were built by Erica are cool but simple. C. Building Snow fences is really useful in some ways.


22. What can we learn from the passage?

D. Erica built snow fences to measure wind speed.


Emma Watson, the Harry Potter star, was seen doing something strange on the London Underground subway system

the other day - she hid 100 copies of a book named Mom & Me & Mom by the US writer Maya Angelou in different places in the subway.

With each book, there is a hand-written note by Watson, asking people who find the book to “take special care” of it and “when you are finished, please leave it on the subway again for someone else to find.”

What Watson was doing was, in fact, part of the Books on the Underground movement. It encourages people to leave their favorite books on the subway so other passengers can enjoy them too.

The movement was first started in 2012 by Hollie Belton, a woman who worked in London. She had a habit of reading on the subway on her way to work and back home. She noticed that a lot of people shared her habit and thought it would be cool if people could know what everyone else was reading. So she designed stickers (贴纸) that had her book-sharing idea printed on them, put them on the books she had finished and then left the books on the subway. Over the years, Belton has left over 2,000 books of her own on the subway, and more and more people are taking part in the movement.

The movement has not only made everyday life more fun, but has also gotten people to read more. “There are people who haven’t read in ages and they’ve gotten back their love of reading after picking up one of our books,” Belton said in an interview with The Culture Trip website.

Watson has the same love for books, which is why she took part in the movement. In fact, Watson set up her own online book club - Our Shared Shelf - earlier this year, and Mom & Me & Mom is Watson’s November pick for the club. 23. Who started the Books on the Underground movement?

A. Maya Angelo.

B. Emma Watson

C. Hollie Belton

D. Harry Potter

24. What does Emma Watson ask people to do by leaving a note?

A. Take care of the book that you find.

B. Lend the book to people who like books. D. Write down some notes while reading. B. To introduce an America writer’s books. D. To encourage people to read more books.

C. Leave the book anywhere after reading.

25. What’s the aim of the Books on the Underground movement?

A. To ask more people to join in the book club. C. To hear your thoughts about the books.

26. Which of the following about Emma Watson is TRUE according to the passage?

A. She began to take part in the movement in 2012. B. She is the author of the book Mom & Me & Mom. C. She has great love for books like Hollie Belton. D. She has left over 2000 books on the subway.


If you have ever had a cat, or have watched one of the many funny cat videos online, you’ll know that cats have a mind of their own. A lot of the things they do are hard to understand - they like to climb up tall furniture, fit themselves in small spaces and attack (攻击) small objects for no reason at all.

According to Tony Buffington, a professor at Ohio State University in the US, cats’ strange behavior largely comes from their way of life back in the wild.


“Cats today still have many of the same instincts (本能) that allowed them to live in the wild for millions of years,” he said in a TED Talk. “To them, our homes are their jungles.”

In the wild, cats are hunters (猎人). Their bodies and great balancing abilities allow them to climb to high places to better look at the environment. Even though they don’t have to hunt anymore in human houses, they still keep the old habit of viewing the living room form, for example, the top of the refrigerator.

Cats’ hunting instinct is also what makes them attack small things like keys and USB drives. In the wild, they hunt whatever they can get, and most of the animals they kill are small.

However, cats can also be prey. This explains why they like to stay in small spaces like drawers or washing machines - they are hiding, or they think they are hiding, from more dangerous animals. This is also why cats prefer a clean litter box; a smelly one could easily show enemies where they are.

But knowing how cats’ minds work is not only useful for better understanding them. It may also help cats’ owners to better meet cats’ needs.

For example, owners could try to make climbing easier for cats by moving their furniture around. They could also make eating feel more like hunting instead of just giving food to the cats. 27. What do cats usually do at home according to the passage?

第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


A. It’s not a big deal even if you lose. B. Start the things you want to do right now. C. It always takes time to be a winner.

D. You can always learn something when trying. E. Don’t worry! It’ll probably never happen. F.

A. Climb up some tall furniture. C. Fit themselves into big spaces.

B. Attack big things or animals. D. Hunt for food in the house.

28 What does the underlined word “prey” probably mean?

A. The animal that are hunted as food. C. The animals that only eat meat. A. Put them back in the wild. C. Move their furniture around.

B. The animals that are dangerous. D. The animals that like clean places. B. Feed them only small food. D. Allow them to watch videos.

29. To better meet cats’ needs, what can owners do?

30. What’s the passage mainly about?

A. The food that cats are more likely to eat. B. The places where cats like to hide at home. C. The reason why cats have strange behavior. D. The common ways cats look after themselves.

Don’t compare yourself with others.


I’m forty now. I left school twenty-two years ago. Here’s my list of five things I hope to share with you teenagers at school. 31. ________

I always wanted to be the best, and one way of feeling good about myself was to see how much better I was than others. There was only one problem with this. When I saw they were better than me, I felt terrible. Now I compare me with myself. I ask myself if I do things as well as I could. 32. ________

How much time do you spend worrying about the future? I used to worry a lot. Now I know most things you fear will usually never happen. They’re just monsters in your own mind. Even if they happen, they will often not be as bad as you expected. In six months, you probably won’t remember most of the things you worry about now. 33. ________

When I was young, I often failed to start things I expect to do because I thought they’d taken too long to finish. I always wanted to write a book, for example. But when I thought it might take me more than a year, I lost my enthusiasm(热

情). It seemed such a long time. Now I know a year is nothing. If I’d started that book when I was 16, I might have written

10 more by now. I’m upset with myself for not even trying. 34. ________

As a young child you try many new things. If you fail, you try again and again until you learn. But at school you are usually encouraged to do things right. Then you stop trying new things in case you get them wrong. You are losing chances to challenge yourselves. I always remind myself: I had fallen off the bike many times before I learned to ride it. 35. ________

I hated losing when I was younger. Of course, it’s nice to win sometimes and to be the best at something. But we can’t all be winners all the time. Learning to lose is one of life’s most important lessons. If you try your hardest, then you should never be angry with yourself.

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分) 第一节:完形填空 (共15小题,每小题1分, 满分15分)

Every man wants his son to be somewhat of a clone(克隆). So do I. My son Jody has __36__ school since day one in kindergarten. Science projects waited until the last moment. Book reports weren’t written until deadline.

I’ve been a __37__ all my adult life. My daughter is a university student __38__ is talented in learning language. Jody? When he entered the tenth grade he became a “vo-tech” student(技校学生). They’re called “motorheads” by the rest of the students.

I was __39__ when an assistant in my office first called him “motorhead”. “Hey, he’s a good kid,” I wanted to say. “And smart, really.”

I learned later that motorheads are, indeed, __40__. They usually have dirty hands and wear dirty work clothes. And they don’t often make school honor rolls(光荣榜).

But being the __41__ of a motorhead is itself an experience in education. We who work in clean shirts in offices don’t have the __42__ that motorheads have. I began to learn this when one day my car __43__. The cost to repair it was about $800. “Hey, I can fix it,” said Jody. I doubted it, but let him __44__. To be honest, I think I had nothing to __45__.

My son, with other motorheads, fixed the car. They got __46__ from a junkyard(旧车场), and ability from vo-tech


classes. The cost was $25 instead of $800.

Since that __47__ repair job, a broken air-conditioner, a non-functioning washer and a refrigerator have been fixed. Neighbors and co-workers trust their car repair to him.

These kids are happiest when doing __48__. They joke and laugh and are living in their own relaxed world. And their minds are bright __49__ their hands and clothes are dirty.

I have learned a lot from my motorhead: publishers need printers, engineers need mechanics. My son may never make the school honor roll. But he made __50__. I don’t want him to be my clone anymore! 36. A. loved 37. A. newspaperman 38. A. which 39. A. bored 40. A. different

B. hated

C. surprised C. waiter C. whom C. tired

D. changed D. cook D. where D. shocked D. leader

B. cleaner B. who B. frightened B. clever B. teacher

C. important D. quiet C. parent

C. honor D. abilities

41. A. student 42. A. knowledge 43. A. slowed down 44. A. go off 45. A. get 47. A. first

46. A. parts

B. power

B. went down C. fell down D. broke down B. go out C. go ahead D. go wrong B. lose

C. do

D. pay D. tools D. third D. since D. yours

B. cars B. last

C. money C. second

48. A. sports 49. A. unless 50. A. hers

B. chores C. homework D. repairs B. because C. although B. mine

C. theirs

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分) 第二节:(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


The animal cookies Mom had cooked finally cooled down. I 51.________(eat) cookies when I heard a loud eee-aw. At once I realized it was Mom’s pager(传呼机). Mom grabbed her coat and 52.________ (hurry) to the back door when the pager rang. My new friend, Kevin, had 53.________(he) mouth full of cookies. “Your mom is a firefighter!” Kevin sounded amazed, “I thought your Mom worked at the hotel.” He just moved here 54.________ the city and is still learning how we do things in our village. Dad explained that we have 55.________ volunteer fire group, which means most firefighters have other jobs too.

“Oh,” said Kevin. “So they don’t sleep at the station 56.________ slide(滑下) down a pole like real firefighters. “They all real firefighters,” Dad and I said together.

I told Kevin 57.________ hard Mom had trained. Every other Wednesday she has to take a test with the rest of the volunteers. In a fire they need to know what to do without stopping to think.

I took out Dad’s laptop, showed Kevin some 58.________(photo) and continued to say, “Mom keeps her boots, pants, coat and hat at the fire station. For practice, the firefighters like to race 59.________(see) who can get their equipment on


first. Mom won the last two times. She also learns how to drive the fireboat 60.________(good). Everyone learns every job because they never know who will turn out for a call. 第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分25分)

第一节(共 10小题,每小题 1分,满分 10分)

根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词) 61. More and more students would like to go a________ to have further education. 62. Sophia works all day without a b________. It’s better for her to slow down.

63. Larry is much f________ than most of the kids in our class, and he never argues with others. 64. I haven’t finished reading Treasure Island. I’m only on p________ 25. 65. My father is r________ to Hangzhou after six-month work in Beijing. 66. Please listen and choose the c________ answer for each question.

67. Mr. Cool is having big sale, and most clothes are s________ at very good prices. 68. Go a________ Green Street until you reach the end, then you can find the bookstore. 69. I’m the f________ one to take a shower, after Bob, Lucy, and the twin brothers. 70. The sports meeting is a great success, and e________ is going fine. 第二节 书面表达(共1小题,计15分)



Enjoy A Wonderful Time Studying English Sunshine School Course 1: English & Painting Course 2: English & Swimming __________________________ Time: July 1st-July 10th July 15th-July 24th __________________________ *Good Prices __________________________ *Wonderful Service __________________________ *Amazing Activities

注意:1. 信中应该包括你选择的课程及原因、上课时间,以及其他想要询问的信息,可适当发挥;

2. 词数80词左右。开头已经给出(不计入总词数),你只需要接着写。


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Mary. I’m planning to attend a Summer English Camp during the vacation.


I’m really looking forward to your reply.





阅读理解 16-20 BDBDC 21-25 ACCAD 26-30 CAACC 31-35 FEBDA 完形填空 36-40 BABDA 41-45 CDDCB 46-50 AADCB 语法填空 51. was eating 52. hurried 53. his 54. from 55. a 56. or 57. how 58. photos 59. to see 60. well

首字母填空 61. abroad 62. break 63. friendlier 64. page 65. returning 66. correct 67. sold 68. along 69. fifth 70. everything 书面表达


参考范文 Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Mary. I’m planning to attend a Summer English Camp during the vacation.

As for my choice between the two courses, I prefer to choose Course One which will take 10 days from July 1st to July 10th. First, I believe my English will be greatly improved through this course. Second, my friends also have interests in it. It would be better if we can study with the help of each other. Finally, I want to learn some knowledge about painting, especially Chinese painting because I am going to join the painting club next term.

By the way, would you mind telling me some more information about the service and activities mentioned in the advertisement?

I’m really looking forward to your reply.




53. 【答案】his



54. 【答案】from


【解析】考察介词用法。从下文is still learning how we do things in our village得知,他现在在乡村,从城市搬过来,用介词from。 55. 【答案】a


【解析】 题为 我们有一个消防员志愿者队,group是一个可数名词单数,因此需要前面加不定冠词a。

56. 【答案】or


【解析】空格前后是两个并列的动作,sleep 和slide,应该用连词连接,在否定句,用or。

57. 【答案】how



58. 【答案】photos



59. 【答案】to see



60. 【答案】well





61. 【答案】abroad


【解析】根据题意,住在隔壁,所以是邻居,注意复数,所以答案为 neighbors。

62. 【答案】break


【解析】考察短语搭配take a break,所以答案为 break。

63. 【答案】friendlier



64. 【答案】page



65. 【答案】returning



66. 【答案】correct



67. 【答案】sold



68. 【答案】along



69. 【答案】fifth



【解析】此处考察序数词,在我之前有Bob, Lucy和双胞胎兄弟四个人,所以我是第五个。

70. 【答案】everything


【解析】题意运动会是一个巨大的成功,一切都很顺利,所以答案为 everything。

书面表达: 参考范文 Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Mary. I’m planning to attend a Summer English Camp during the vacation.

As for my choice between the two courses, I prefer to choose Course One which will take 10 days from July 1st to July 10th. First, I believe my English will be greatly improved through this course. Second, my friends also have interests in it. It would be better if we can study with the help of each other. Finally, I want to learn some knowledge about painting, especially Chinese painting because I am going to join the painting club next term.

By the way, would you mind telling me some more information about the service and activities mentioned in the advertisement?

I’m really looking forward to your reply.



【试题分析】这是一篇应用类作文,一封咨询信,以“课外活动”为主题,与学生的日常生活密切相关。在此类作文中,需要自己发挥的地方较多。因此在动笔之前,考生需要注意: 1. 仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息,明确有哪些要点。

2. 根据提示进行分析、构思和想象,依据提示情景及词语按照一定逻辑关系来写,可以适当使用序数词或者连接

词,如first, second, besides…

3. 要根据表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;语言表达要符合英语习惯。


