新课标高中英语BOOK4 UNIT5 词汇学习

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BOOK4 UNIT5 词汇学习

一. 黑体单词

1.以......文明_______ _______ _________ 2. 秋千,摇摆_______ 3. 难怪_______ _______ 4. 保存,保留_______ 5. 根据......模仿_______ _______ _________ 6. 前进,促进_______

7. 提前_______ _______ 8.接近_______ _______ _________ 9. 活跃起来_______ _______ _________

二. 识记单词

1. _________ n. 题目;主题(曲) 2. _________ n. 漫画;动画片 3. _________ n. 幻想;怪念头 4. ____________ n. 木匠 5. _________ n. 丛林 6. _________ n. 生物;动物 7. _____ n. 行动;事迹 8. _______ n. 剑

9. _____ n. 布 10. ________ n. 纪念品

11. _________ n. 商标;牌子 12. ___________ n. 小册子;指南 13. _________ n. 秋千;摇摆 v. 摇摆 14. ___________ vt. 保存 n. 保护区 15. _________ adj. 独一无二的

三、单词拓展 (A)单词派生

1.__________ vi. 变化;违反 _________ adj. 不同的; 各种各样的 __________ n. 种类 2. ___________v. 吸引; 引起 ___________adj. 有吸引力的 ___________n. 吸引; 有吸引力的事物

3. __________ n.& v. 旅游;观光 __________ n. 旅游业 __________ n. 游客 4. __________ n. 运动员 __________ adj. 运动的

5. ___________ v. 翻译 ___________ n. 翻译 ___________ n. 翻译员 6. __________ adj. 少数的;次要的 __________ n. 少数;少数民族 7. ________ v. 承认 __________ n. 允许进入; 入场费; 承认

8. __________ v.前进, 促进 __________ adj.先进的, 高级的 ______________ n. 发展 9. _________ adj.长的 _________ n.长度 __________ v. 变长

10. _________ v.创作,创造 __________ n.生物,动物 __________ adj.创造性的


1. His son has got the _________ (admit) to the Beijing University. 2. There is a large ________ (various) of patterns to choose from.

3. Your proposal sounds very _______ (attract), but I wonder if it works.

4. There are good opportunities for _____________(advance) if you have the right skills. 5. The millionaires are only a_______ (minor), but most people live miserably. 6. Writing is in fact the main job of a___________ (translate).


1. ______________ 不只是 2. ______________进行旅行 3. ______________难怪;不足为奇 4. ______________活跃起来 5. _________________ 根据…模仿; 仿造 6. ______________提前

7. ______________接近 8. _________________ 以……而闻名


9. _______________ 引进 10. _________________对……熟悉 11. ___________________ 提供某人某物 12. _____________________有机会做…


Hong Kong Disneyland is a resort area located on Hong Kong Disneyland theme park, which is Disney’s fifth Disneyland. Hong Kong MTR Disneyland Resort Line has dedicated a railway 16__ ___ Sunny Bay Station and Disneyland Station. Hong Kong Disneyland’s theme song -----“Let the Magic fly” — was sung 17 ___ the Hong Kong Disneyland spokesperson, Jacky Chen. The park’s official communication language is English 18 _____ and Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese).

Hong Kong Disneyland has some unique attractions: the two Disney themed hotels, as well as exciting shopping, 19 ______ (dine) and entertainment facilities. Featured attractions include the Main Street USA, Adventure Land, Fantasyland and Tomorrow Land, 20 ____ you can also find Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, Mulan, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and so on. Hong Kong Disneyland 21 ______ (cover) an area of 126 hectares, and is the world’s 22 __________(small) Disneyland. 23 ________, the next theme park there are multi-phase expansion projects, 24 ____ first phase (阶段) of the expansion project is currently under 25 _______ (construct).


1. 不论你给我看哪一个, 我都没有足够的钱买.(状语从句)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2. 他工作一直很努力; 难怪他又加了薪.(it is no wonder that…)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 3. 用老式方法烹调的这道菜使我想起了我妈妈.(in a …way)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 4. 美国的报纸除了要提供信息, 还试图娱乐大众.(as well as)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 5.他在这住了很长时间了, 所有他对这很熟悉.(be familiar with)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 6.成立这个组织是为了保护濒危物种免予灭绝.(Preserve…from…)

________________________________________________________________________________7. 这个铁路系统是参照其他国家的成功规划建立起来的.(be modeled after)

________________________________________________________________________________ 8.目前, 只有极少数的同学对政治感兴趣.( a minority of)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 9. 极少数房子从地震中保存了下来.(survive from)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 10.他必须努力工作来养家糊口.(provide …for…)



