志鸿优化设计2014届高考英语一轮复习 Module2 AJobWorthDoing教

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Module 2 A Job Worth Doing

1.____________ adj. 令人满意的→____________ vt. 使满意;使满足→____________ n.满意;满足

2.____________ n.矿工→____________ n.矿井 vt.开采

3.____________ n.志愿者→____________ adj.志愿的;自愿的

4.____________ n. 信号→____________ n.迹象;标志 vt.签字→____________ n.签名

5.____________ vt.指挥→____________ n.指挥;导演→____________ n.指导;方向

6.____________ adj.合格的;称职的→____________ vt.& vi.取得资格;达到标准 7.____________ adj. 暂时的;临时的→____________ adj.永久的 8.____________ n.分析家;分析师→____________ vt.分析 9.____________ vi.申请→____________ n.申请;申请表 10.____________ vt.需要→____________ n.需要;要求 11.____________ n. 年轻人→____________ adj.年轻的

12.____________ n.个性;性格→____________ n.人→____________ adj.个人的;私人的

1.Under the terms of the ____________(合同)the job should have been finished yesterday.

2.Thousands of ____________(志愿者)went to the street to provide help for tourists and participants at the Farmers' Games in Nanyang.

3.We rely on new sources of energy to meet our ____________(需要). 4.A total of 418 ____________(临时的)trains were put into service during the past golden week to meet the demand.

5.I joined the company in 1995 on a ____________(薪水)of $22 000 a year. 6.Nobel Literature Prize winner Mo Yan said there were only a few books ____________(可获得的)in his childhood.

7.Han is very familiar with foreign trade and business,and he has a ____________(深刻的)understanding of the field.

8.Among the five ____________(长久的)members of the United Nations Security Council,China is the last one to have an aircraft carrier.

9.In the past few drivers ____________(遵守)the rules.

10.The price of the houses has actually ____________(加倍)over the past few years.


2.____________平均起来;一般说来 3.____________理论上;从理论上来说 4.____________实际上;在实践中 5.____________认为某事理所当然 6.____________对??产生影响 7.____________注意到


1.____________ there is not a lot of traffic,____________,one vehicle comes off the road every two weeks.




2.But often they just pass by,____________ the human traffic signal ____________.


句型提炼:take...for granted意为“认为??是理所当然的;对??信以为真”,此处用现在分词形式作伴随状语。

1.apply vt.& vi.申请;应用;适用 application n.请求;申请;应用

apply to sb.for sth.向某人申请或请求 apply to sth./sb.适用于某物/某人 apply sth.to...把??运用于??

be applied to适用于;应用于;施加于

apply oneself to sth./to doing sth.致力于??;集中精力做某事 ①No one has applied to the company for any position so far. 至今为止,没有人向这家公司申请任何职位。

②The rules of safe driving apply to everyone. 安全驾驶规则适用于每一个人。

③In this way they can better apply theory to practice. 这样他们就能更好地把理论运用到实践中去。

反馈1.1(2013江西南昌外国语学校月考,26)You'd better make full preparations for the interview before you ______ a job.

A.account for B.appeal for C.apply for D.call for

反馈1.2The boss took no notice of the suggestion given by the clerk that the new technology ______ the problems on conveying the products.

A.be applied to solve B.be applied to solving C.applies to solving D.applies to solve

2.require vt.需要;要求;命令

require sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事

require that sb.(should)do sth.要求某人做某事

require doing/to be done(用主动形式表被动)需要做?? ①What do you require of me?你对我有何要求?

②All passengers are required to show their tickets. 所有乘客都必须出示车票。

③The director required that we should work all night. 主任要求我们通宵工作。

④These books are required reading.这些书是指定读物。


反馈2.1It is ______ in the regulations that you ______ other people the password of your e-mail account.

A.required;not tell B.hoped;not tell

C.required;not to tell D.hoped;not to tell 反馈2.2(2013黑龙江双鸭山一中月考,32)The matter ______ people's health surely


requires ______ carefully.

A.related to;dealing with B.relating to;dealt with C.related to;being dealt with D.relating to;having dealt with

3.demand n.& vt.要求;请求;需求;需要 in demand 非常需要的;受欢迎的 in demand of 需要?? make a demand 提要求

meet one's demand 满足某人的需要 demand to do sth.要求、需要做某事 demand sth.from sb.向某人要求某事 demand that...(should)do 要求??

①His records are always in demand.他的唱片一直很畅销。 ②Some citizens demand to have a talk with the mayor. 一些市民要求与市长谈一谈。

③He demands that he be told/demands to be told everything. 他要求将一切都告诉他。

易混辨析demand,request,require与ask demand 一般指理直气壮地提出强烈要求或坚持不让对方拒绝的要求。 reques正式用词,指非常正式、有礼貌地请求或恳求,多含担心因种种原因对t 方不能答应的意味。 requir强调根据事业、需要或纪律、法律等而提出的要求。 e ask 普通用词,指向对方提出要求或请求,长晚辈、上下级之间都可使用。 反馈3.1A well-written composition ______ a good choice of words and clear organization.

A.receives B.takes C.demands D.calls

反馈3.2The general demanded that the soldiers ______ at the village before 5 p.m.to rescue the victims of the earthquake.

A.will arrive B.arrive C.would arrive D.arrived

反馈3.3On AIDS Day this year,the president demanded that the problems ______ paid special attention to.

A.referred to being B.referred to be C.refer to being D.refer to be

反馈3.4My demand is that the information referred to in my report ______ to Mr Brown without delay.

A.to be e-mailed B.e-mailed

C.be e-mailed D.being e-mailed

4.suffer vt.遭受;经历;忍受 vi.(遭受)痛苦 suffering n. 苦难;痛苦

suffer the consequences 承担后果;受到惩罚

suffer a(n)defeat/damage/injury遭受失败/损坏/伤痛 suffer from...患??病;受??痛苦

①At least he died suddenly and didn't suffer. 起码他死得很突然,没有遭受痛苦。

②If you choose to ignore the rules,you'll have to suffer the consequences.


如果你决定不理会这些规定,你将不得不承担后果。 ③His health suffers from overwork. 他的健康因过度工作而受到了损害。

温馨提示当suffer后接具体的疾病、自然灾害、战争等带来的苦难或疾苦时,经常用suffer from。当宾语为pain,loss,punishment,wrong,discouragement,disappointment时,suffer用作及物动词。

反馈4.1The old lady ______ great pain when her only son was killed in a traffic accident.

A.took B.suffered C.suffered from D.stood

反馈4.2Iraq has ______ too many wars since 1990,making its people ______ a lot.

A.got through;pay B.looked through;face C.gone through;suffer D.passed through;destroy 反馈4.3(2013河南通许丽星中学月考,27)______ the stomachache,he couldn't fall asleep.

A.Suffered from B.Suffered C.Suffering from D.Suffering

5.in practice意为“实际上”,意思等同于in fact,as a matter of fact ①It sounds like a good idea,but in fact/practice it doesn't work. 这听起来像是个好主意,但实际上却行不通。

②My idea is reasonable not only in theory but also in practice. 我的构想不管是在理论上还是在实践上都是合理的。 用法拓展in theory理论上

in good/bad condition状况好/坏 in trouble处于麻烦中

in common(with)公用;共有;有共同之处 in danger在危险中 in advance提前

in general一般;大体上;总的说来

反馈5.1The plan that many people don't agree to works well ______. A.in theory B.in general C.in practice D.in advance

反馈5.2Your suggestion sounds fine ______,but would it work ______? A.in practice;in theory B.in theory;in practice C.in advance;in theory D.in general;in practice

6.in response to作为对??的回应

make no/little/some response to...对??没有/很少/有些反应 make a(quick)response to...对??作出(迅速)回应 respond to回答;回应

①I lent him some books in response to his request. 我答应了他的请求,借给了他一些书。

②The film star made no response to the question asked by that reporter. 这位电影明星对那个记者的问题未作回答。

③The government has responded to pressure and dropped the proposal. 政府已在压力下作出回应并放弃了这一建议。

反馈6.1Eventually,the President had to leave office ______ public pressure


in order to ease the tension of the situation.

A.in favour of B.in response to C.in return for D.in honour of 反馈6.2He made no response ______ the plan,which is considered to be agreement. A.for B.to C.on D.at

7.But often they just pass by,taking the human traffic signal for_granted. 但经常他们只是从他身边驶过,把人体交通标志看作理所当然的事情。 take sth./sb.for granted视??为当然(因而不对其特别关注或感谢) ①He takes everything his mother does for him for granted. 他认为他妈妈为他所做的一切都是理所当然的。

②Her husband was always there and she just took him for granted. 她丈夫随时都在她身边,她只是认为理应如此。

③Don't take it for granted that I will always help you. 不要以为我总会帮助你是理所应当的。

反馈7I never thought of it before,______ all that cleaners had done for us for granted.From now on,I'll ______ their hard work.

A.taking;respect B.making;appreciate C.took;thank D.took;grateful



基础梳理整合 词汇拓展

1.satisfying;satisfy;satisfaction 2.miner;mine 3.volunteer;voluntary 4.signal;sign;signature 5.direct;director;direction 6.qualified;qualify 7.temporary;permanent 8.analyst;analyse 9.apply;application 10.require;requirement 11.youngster;young 12.personality;person;personal


1.contract 2.volunteers 3.demand 4.temporary 5.salary 6.available 7.profound 8.permanent 9.respected 10.doubled


1.in particular 2.on average 3.in theory 4.in practice 5.take sth.for granted 6.have an effect on 7.take notice of 8.in response to


1.Although;on average 2.taking;for granted 考点归纳拓展 【思路点拨】

1.1 C account for意为“说明;导致”;appeal for意为“要求”;apply for意为“申请”;call for意为“需要;要求”。句意:在申请一份工作之前,你最好做好充分的准备。

1.2 B 分析句子结构可知,that the new technology...products为suggestion后面的同位语从句,谓语应用(should)do的形式,可排除C、D项;be applied to意为“适用于??;应用于??”,其中to为介词,所以答案为B项。

2.1 A require后接从句时,从句中用should do的虚拟语气形式,should可以省略。句意:规定中要求你不能把电子邮箱的密码告诉别人。


2.2 A be related to意为“与??有关;与??有联系”,所以第一个空应选过去分词形式作定语,修饰主语The matter;require意为“需要”,后面须接动名词的主动式作宾语,表示被动意义,故选A项。

3.1 C receive意为“接收”;take意为“拿;带”;demand意为“要求;需要”;call意为“叫;称呼”。根据句意判断应选C项。句意:一篇好的作文要求词汇选择准确和组织思路清晰。

【思路拓展】call for也是“需要”的意思,所以D项加上for就正确了。

3.2 B demand意为“要求;需求”,后面宾语从句的谓语须用(should)do的虚拟语气形式,故选B项。

3.3 B 该题demanded后面宾语从句的主语为the problems,referred to为过去分词短语作后置定语,表示“被提到的那些问题”,be是(should)be的省略。

3.4 C 动词demand后面的宾语从句和It is demanded that后面的主语从句的谓语应用(should)do的虚拟语气形式,名词demand后面的同位语从句和表语从句谓语也应用(should)do的虚拟语气形式。该题选择的即是表语从句的谓语,所以答案为C项;referred to in my report为过去分词短语作定语修饰前面的the information。

4.1 B 句意:这位老太太在她的独生子死于一场交通事故后承受了巨大的痛苦。suffer当“受到;遭到;蒙受”讲时为及物动词,后直接跟名词作宾语。suffer from意为“受??折磨;患某种疾病;有某种缺陷”。

4.2 C get through意为“通过;接通;完成”;look through意为“浏览;仔细查看”;go through意为“经历;遭受”;pass through意为“经历;通过”。根据句意第一个空可排除A、B项。第二个空应用suffer,表示“遭受了很多痛苦”。

4.3 C suffer from意为“患??病;受??之苦”,句子主语he与其为主谓关系,所以应选C项作原因状语。


5.1 C 句意:这个许多人不赞同的计划实际上很行得通。in theory“理论上”;in general“一般”;in practice“实际上;在实践中”;in advance “提前”。根据句意选C项。

5.2 B in practice意为“实践中”;in theory意为“理论上”;in advance意为“提前”;in general意为“大体上”。根据句意可知B项正确。

6.1 B in favour of意为“支持”;in response to意为“作为对??的回应”;in return for意为“作为对??的回报”;in honour of意为“为了纪念??”。根据句意应选B项,表示“作为对公众压力的回应而辞职”。

6.2 B make no response to sth.意为“没有对??作出回应”,是固定搭配。 7.A take...for granted为固定短语,意为“视??为当然”,可排除B项;从句子结构来看,第一个空应选现在分词形式作状语,而不能用过去式took,如果构成并列谓语,则需在took前加and;第二个空应选respect表示“尊重清洁工的辛勤劳动”。


