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有声双语美文:失败才是真正的财富 Have you ever failed? 你曾经失败过吗?
If you haven't, I suggest you try some. 如果你没有,那我建议你去尝试一下。 I have failed, many times. 我失败过,太多次了。
And some of these failures were even painful. 而这些失败之中有一些是很惨痛的。
But I cherish them more than I cherish my success. 但我珍惜它们,更甚于我珍惜我的成功。 Success sometimes makes you numb . 成功有时候会让你麻木。
But failures make you awake. Failures are cleansing. 但失败则会让你清醒。失败让你觉得神清气爽。
Failing is not necessarily losing. Neither does a failure make you a loser. 失败并不一定意味着输。失败了,也并不代表你就是个失败者。
Failing is just the name we give to the state you stay in until you succeed. 我们只是用失败来称呼成功之前的那种状态而已。 A failure is a precious opportunity to learn new things. 一次失败是一次学习新东西的好机会。
And trust me. You always rememeber what you learn in failures better than those you learn in success.
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Failing doesn't mean you lost something forever. It only means that you didn't get it yet and you have to find another way to get it.
And isn't that a treature? A new direction to think. 而这难道不是一份宝藏吗?一个全新的思考方向。 Don't pray for easy success. That' a curse. 请不要祈求唾手可得的成功。那是一种诅咒。 Pray for hard failure. 去祈求重大的失败吧。
As long as it doesn't kill you, it will definitely make you stronger. 只要它没能将你杀死,那它必将使你更强大 ==
The 45 Most 'Breathtaking' Sentences of the Year 今年最丧的45个句子 01.
可怕的是你还相信这句话 Failure is not horrible.
What's horrible is that you believe this. 02.
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他们的快乐你根本想象不到 You think the rich are happy?
No, the way they're happy is beyond your imagination. 03.
你们之所以喝鸡汤 是因为肉被别人吃了
You have chicken soup for the soul.
Because someone else already ate the chicken. 04.
条条大路通罗马 而有些人就生在罗马 All roads lead to Rome.
Yet, some people have been living there ever since they were born. 05. 别灰心
落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落 Don't be discouraged. Life is full of ups and downs, and all the downs after those downs.
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有些人出现在你的生命里 是为了告诉你:你真好骗
Some people come to you in your life
to make you know that you are such an easy target. 07.
比一个人吃火锅更寂寞的是 一个人没有钱吃火锅
What makes one even lonelier than having chafingdish alone? That you can't even afford the chafingdish. 08.
怎么知道什么叫绝望呢? If you don't try,
how can you know what it feels like to be desperate? 09.
男女之间一定有纯真的友谊 因为每一个认识我的女生 都说最多只能跟我做朋友
There has to be real friendship between boys and girls. Because every girl I know told me that
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we could only be friends. 10.
比尔·盖茨休学创业成了世界首富 但人家休的是哈佛大学
Bill Gates became the richest man
by dropping out of school and starting his own business. But the school he dropped out is Harvard. 11.
Don't photoshop yourself again and again. We know you look ugly in reality. 12.
你无法用钱买到幸福 因为你没有钱
You can't buy happiness with money, Because you don't have money. 13.
最怕你一生碌碌无为 还安慰自己平凡可贵
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