2018-2019学年高考英语人教版讲义:选修8 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions 知识点汇总及练习Word版含答案

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Unit 3 Inventors and inventions



1.patent n. 2.courtyard n. 3.walnut n. 4.powder n. 5.perfume n.

6.version n. 7.extension n. 8.triangle n.

9.criterion n.(pl.criteria) 10.string n. 11.glue n.


12.greengrocer n.


13.refrigerator n. 14.jam n. 15.microphone n. 16.multiple adj. n.

17.dynamic adj. 18.personnel n. 19.helicopter n. 20.cube n. 21.cubic adj. Ⅱ.高频词汇(汉译英)


专利证书;专利权 院子;庭院;天井 胡桃;胡桃木 粉末;火药 香水;香味 [第二屏听写]


电话分机;扩大;延伸 三角形;三角形物体 (评判的)标准;尺度 线;绳子;一串 胶;胶水

粘贴;粘合 [第三屏听写]

蔬菜水果商 蔬菜水果店 冰箱 堵塞;阻塞;果酱 麦克风;话筒 多种的;多样的;多类型的

倍数 [第四屏听写]

充满活力的;精力充沛的;动态的;发展变化的 人力资源;人事部;全体人员 直升飞机 立方体;立方 立方的


1.distinguish vi.&vt. 2.merciful_ adj. 3.product n. 4.abrupt adj. 5.abruptly adv.

显示……的差别;使……有所不同;辨别 宽大的;仁慈的;慈悲的 产品


突然地;唐突地 6.convenient adj. 7.caution n. 8.expectation n. 9.passive adj. 10.merry adj.

11.merrily adv. 12.seize vt. 13.recognition n. 14.claim n.& vt. 15.file n.


16.competence n. 17.valid adj. 18.ripe adj. 19.freezing adj. 20.identification n.

21.dial vt. 22.rainfall_ n. 23.innocent adj. 24.bear vt. 25.forehead n. 26.occasionally adv.

27.tap vt.&vi. [第六屏听写]

便利的;方便的;就近的 小心;谨慎 预料;期待;期望


愉快的;高兴的 [第七屏听写]

高兴地;愉快地 抓住;捉住;夺 认出;认可;承认 要求;声称;主张 文件;档案;文件夹

提交;将……归档 [第八屏听写]

能力;胜任;本领 有效的;确凿的 熟的;成熟的 冰冻的;严寒的

鉴定;辨认;确定;身份证明 [第九屏听写]

拨(电话) 降雨

清白的;无罪的;天真的 忍受;忍耐;负担 额头

偶然地;不时地 [第十屏听写]



28.current n.


29.stable adj. 30.invaluable adj. 31.associate vt.


轻轻地敲击(声);(水)龙头 (水或气)流;电流 现在的;当前的 稳固的;稳定的;安定的 无价的;极宝贵的 联想;联系

同伴;伙伴 [第十一屏听写]

32.practical_ adj. 33.directory n. 34.dive_into 35.set_out_(to_do)_ 36.call_up 37.now_and_then 38.set_about

实际的;实践的;实用的 电话簿;商行名录 迅速把手伸入;一心投入 开始(做) 给……打电话 偶尔;有时

开始;着手 [第十一屏听写]

39.hang_on_ 40.out_of_order_ 41.get_through 42.ring_back 43.ring_off_

不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住 次序颠倒;发生故障

设法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完;通过 回复电话 挂断电话

二、刷清单——热身自盘点?再过基本应用关? (一)核心单词

1.patent n. 专利证书;专利权 2.courtyard n. 院子;庭阅读单词 院;天井 3.perfume n. 香水;香味 4.cube n. 立方体;立方 5.string n. 线;绳子;一串 表 1.dial vt. 拨6.greengrocer n. 蔬菜水果商;蔬菜水果店 7.jam n. 堵塞;阻塞;果酱 8.microphone n. 麦克风;话筒 9.dynamic adj. 充满活力10.personnel n. 人力资源;人事部;全体人员 11.multiple adj. 多种的;多样的;多类型的 n. 倍数 的;精力充沛的;动态的;12.extension n. 电发展变化的 话分机;扩大;延伸 [语境活用]

达 单 词 (电话) 2.claim n. & vt. 要求;声称;主张 3.abrupt adj. 突然的;意外的 4.merry adj. 愉快的;高兴的 5.merrily adv. 高兴地;愉快地 6.seize vt. 抓住;捉住;夺 7.file n. 文件;档案;文件夹 vt. 提交;将……归档 8.valid adj. 有效的;确凿的 1.Nowadays many old people have to bear (忍受) miserable loneliness after their sons or daughters leave home for work. 2.The suspect tapped (轻敲) the table nervously with fingers to hide his fear inside. 3.I seized (抓住) the opportunity to practice my spoken English. 4.You need special software to view the information in the_file(s) (文件). 5.We believe that only a stable (稳定的) and fully confident middle class will guarantee the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong. 6.The news on smartphones saves people much time reading through newspapers for current (当前的) affairs. 7.The abrupt (突然的) change of the climate has drawn worldwide attention to the benefit of green 9.ripe adj. 成熟的;熟的 energy. 10.bear vt. 忍受;忍耐;8.You could hear them singing and dancing merrily 负担 11.tap v. 轻打;轻拍;轻敲 n. 轻轻地敲击(声);(水)龙头 12.stable adj. 稳固的;稳定的;安定的 13.current n. (水或气)流;电流 adj. 现在的;当前的 14.passive adj. 被动的;消极的;被动语态的 15.directory n. 电话簿;商行名录 16.rainfall n. 降雨 (愉快地) out in the street.

17.forehead n. 额头 1.distinguish v.显示……的差别;使……有所不同;辨别→distinguished adj.著名的;卓越的 2.merciful adj.宽大的;仁慈的;慈悲的→merciless [语境活用] adj.残忍的;无情的→mercy 1.He is a cautious man and is always doing things with caution.You should get on with him n.宽恕;仁慈 cautiously.(caution) 3.product n.产品→produce 2.You can visit Professor Li when it is v.生产→producer n.生产convenient,_that is, at his convenience. His house is 者;制片人 conveniently near the bus stop. (convenient) 4.convenient adj.便利的;3.In western countries, the number “thirteen” is 方便的;就近的usually associated with bad luck, but actually there →convenience n.方便;便isn't any association between them. (associate) 拓 展 单 词 利→conveniently adv.便利地 5.caution n.小心;谨慎→cautious adj.小心的;谨慎4.If nobody can prove your innocence,_how can you say you are innocent?(innocent) 5.He is such a merciful man and always has mercy on those homeless animals but sometimes he can be 6.The dog wagged its tail in expectation of a bone but was expected to go out. (expect) 的→cautiously adv.小心地;merciless to those he doesn't like.(mercy) 谨慎地 6.expectation n.预料;期待;期望→expect v.预料;7.It is freezing outside now, and more snow is falling on already frozen streets. (freeze) 期待;期望;认为 8.This is my occasional_visit to the theme park, in 7.recognition n.认出;认which I occasionally meet the cartoon characters I 可;承认→recognize vt.认like most. (occasion) 出;承认 9.Although there are many practical difficulties in 8.freezing adj.冰冻的;严learning oral English, you must keep practicing 寒的→freeze v.冰冻speaking every day. (practice) →frozen adj.冻结的 9.identification n.鉴定;辨认;确定;身份证明→identity n.身份;同一性→identical adj.同一的;完全

相同的→identify v.确定;鉴别 10.innocent adj.清白的;天真的;无罪的→innocence n.天真;清白 11.occasionally adv.偶然地;不时地→occasional adj.偶然的→occasion n.时机;机会;场合 12.associate vt.联想;联系 n.同伴;伙伴→association n.联系;联盟;协会 13.practical adj.实际的;实践的;实用的→practice n.& vt.实践;练习 (二)常用短语 写准记牢 语境活用(选用左栏短语填空) 1.It was before I had time to speak that he rang_off. 1.ring_back 回复电话 2.ring_off 挂断电话 3.set_about 开始;着手 4.now_and_then 偶尔;有时 5.set_out_(to_do) 开始(做) 6.call_up 给……打电话;使想起 7.dive_into 迅速把手伸入;一心投入 8.hang_on 不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住 9.out_of_order 次序颠倒;发生故障 10.get_through 设法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完;通过 2.He has been diving_into the history of Chinese literature. 3.Benjamin Franklin set_about learning the printer's trade at an early age. 4.After being divided into groups, we set_out to work at once. 5.The electrical toy father bought for her has gone out_of_order. 6.After that, he knew he could get_through any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability. 7.If you hang_on for a while, I will go and see if I can find your mother. (三)经典句式

原句背诵 句式解构 佳句仿写

1.Between the outside and the inside walls of the bowl there is some jelly, which freezes when cooled. 在碗的内壁和外壁之间有些胶状物,冷却后会冻结。 2.The criteria are so strict that it is difficult to get new ideas accepted unless they are truly novel. (评定)专利标准是很严格的,除非新的想法真是新颖的,否则很难被接受。 3.Follow it up, explore all around it, and before you know it, you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind. 跟踪下去,不断探索,不知不觉中你就会发现某种值得思考的东西占据着你的头脑。 祈使句+and/or ...+陈述句。 so ...that ...引导结果状语从句。 连词+过去分词。 尽管累了,但他还是不停下来。 Though_tired,_he didn't stop at all. 他的发明如此实用以至于很快就获得了专利。 His invention was so_practical_that he soon got a patent. 好好学习,天天向上。 Work_hard,_and_you_will make progress every day.


1.distinguish vt.& vi.显示……的差别;使……有所不同;辨别

[教材原句] Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventing something merciful that would catch snakes but not harm them.


(1)distinguish between A and B distinguish ... from ... distinguish oneself as (2)distinguished adj. be distinguished for ... be distinguished as ... [多角练透] 单句语法填空

①It's important to distinguish reality from dreams.

②Reading good books can not only enrich our minds but also teach us to distinguish between right and wrong. ③As far as we all know, she has already distinguished herself as_a great volleyball coach in

区分A和B 把……与……区分开来 作为……而出名 卓越的;著名的;杰出的 因……而出名 作为……而出名

the world.

④On the other hand, Shanghai Museum, a well-known and distinguished (distinguish) museum at home and abroad, is more professional in holding painting exhibitions.


⑤We all know that Yuan Longping is distinguished as his scientific achievements.as→for 2.bear vt.(bore, borne)忍受;忍耐;负担;承担;记住;生育;结果实 [教材原句] I cannot bear the smell of burnt sausage on the barbecue. 我忍受不了烤肉架上烤香肠的味道。 [练牢基点] 写出下列句中bear的含义

①Why do I have to bear all the costs of repair?负担;承担 ②He can't bear being laughed at in public.忍受 ③She did bear a healthy baby in hospital yesterday.生育

④Some of the newly-planted apple trees have also begun to bear.结果实 [系统考点]

(1) bear doing/to do sth. bear sb./sb.'s doing sth. (2)bear/keep sth. in mind bear/keep in mind that ... [练通重点] 单句语法填空 ⑤I can't bear young people casting (cast) away their youth.

⑥Please bear in mind that success comes from hard work while laziness leads to failure. 3.associate vt.联想;联系 n.同伴,伙伴

[教材原句] Although he is most often associated with the invention of the telephone, he was indeed a continuing searcher after practical solutions to improve the quality of everybody's life.


(1)associate ...with ... associate with sb. be associated with (2)association n. in association with [题点全练] 单句语法填空 ①If you associate with positive-thinking people, you are definitely going to achieve success.

使……与……联系起来 与某人交往/联系 与……有关 联合;联想;交往;协会;社团 与……联合/有关联 忍受做某事 忍受某人做某事 记住某事 记住……

②There are many serious health problems which are associated (associate) with smoking. ③We are working in association_(associate) with a local company to raise money for the homeless.


1.The speech mainly deals with the trouble young children have distinguishing (distinguish) right from wrong.

2.He can't bear people smoking (smoke) while he's eating. 3.We all have an expectation_(expect) that we can be admitted to our own ideal universities. 4.If we are blind to our own faults, we will not be very merciful_(mercy) towards others. 5.The service offers young people practical (practice) advice on finding a job. 6.The exhibition was organized by the school in association with local artists. 7.The blind man tapped (tap) his cane on the sidewalk and walked to the supermarket. 8.In my opinion, only by facing difficulties bravely and seizing (seize) opportunities can one succeed.


1.Distinguishing for its diligence and courage, the Chinese Nation has attracted the attention from the world.Distinguishing→Distinguished 2.Sometimes teachers will inform students of the heavy burden the students have to bear with.去掉with 3.The teacher's abruptly ending speaking can make some students focus their attention on their listening.abruptly→abrupt 4.I'm not accustomed to associate with people like those young men.associate→associating 5.Water is a liquid at room temperature and has a relatively high frozen point. frozen→freezing 6.We could hear a woman was singing merry in the next room.merry→merrily 7.Only for seizing every minute can we finish the task in time.for→by 8.Our lives will become more and more comfortable and convenience with the changes around me.convenience→convenient 9.There was a general expectation what most students would pass the exam.what→that 10.I think you should be caution about giving your address to strangers.caution→cautious Ⅲ.根据提示词补全(或翻译)句子


Color-blind people often find it difficult to_distinguish_between_blue_and_green.


My mother often reminds me to bear_in_mind_that failure is the mother of success. 3.你四点钟接我并把我送到机场方便吗?(convenient)

Would it be_convenient_for_you_to_pick_me_up at four o'clock and take me to the airport? 4.如果他那时抓住了那次机会,他现在就会是这个新部门的经理了。(seize)

If_he_had_seized_the_opportunity_at_that_time,_he would be the new department manager now.

5.记忆总是和我们的情感联系在一起的。(associate) Memories_are_always_associated_with_our_feelings. 二、过短语、句式——学通学活靓人一眼

1.call up给……打电话;使想起

[教材原句] When I called up my mother in the countryside on the telephone she was very upset.

我给住在乡下的母亲打电话的时候,她感到很不安。 call off call for call at call on/upon 选用上述短语填空 ①The photo calls_up the story of my childhood.

②Don't let anything call_off your attention from your studies. ③Success in school calls_for much hard work.

④The government calls_on the workers to oppose waste.

2.get through设法联系上(尤指打通电话);(设法)做完;通过;度过;用完;耗尽 [经典例句] I've been trying to ring up for a long time and I couldn't get through. 我拨了很长时间的电话,但总是接不通。 [一词多义] 写出下列句中get through的含义

①My new secretary is very quick. She got through a lot of work in one morning.(设法)做完 ②I couldn't get through to him because his telephone was out of order now and then.打通电话

③Luckily, the gap in the fence was just wide enough for the sheep to get through.通过 ④The little boy got through all his money in just one week and had to ask his mom for some more.用完 [归纳拓展]

取消;停止 要求;呼吁;需要;去接(某人) 拜访(某地) 拜访(某人);号召;需求

get (sth.) across (to sb.) get along with sb. get away with sth. get down to (doing) sth. get over 使(某事)被(某人)理解 与某人相处;进展 携某物潜逃;不因某事受惩罚 开始做某事;认真处理某事 熬过;克服(困难);从……中恢复过来 ⑤According to Lee, it was Ben's carelessness that accounted for the accident. But Ben got_away_with his wrongdoing. 根据李所说的,正是本的粗心才导致了那场事故。但是,本侥幸逃脱了罪责。 3.祈使句+and+陈述句 Follow_it_up,_explore_all_around_it,_and before you know it, you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind. 跟踪下去,不断探索,不知不觉中你就会发现某种值得思考的东西占据着你的头脑。 (1)祈使句+and+陈述句=If ...,+主句 (2)祈使句+or/or else/otherwise+陈述句 =If ...not ...,+主句 (3)名词词组+and+陈述句 ①Follow_your_doctor's_advice,_and you will get better soon. 遵循医生的建议,你很快就会好的。

②Don't leave your bike here, or_you_will_be_fined. 不要把你的自行车放在这里,否则你会被罚款的。

③A few minutes earlier, and_I_could_have_seen the famous scientist. 要是早来几分钟的话,我就能见到那位著名科学家了。


out of order, hang on, get through, ring off, now and then, dive into, set about, call up 1.I know you are tired, but try to hang_on a minute. 2.When I asked if I was speaking to the manager Jones, he simply rang_off. 3.A lot of people dived_into the lake in search of the lost diamond ring. 4.As soon as she got into the classroom, she set_about_preparing for the lessons. 5.We were very glad when we heard that you had got_through your exam. 6.I checked the files and some of the papers were out_of_order. You had better sort them out. 7.The students go to visit their English teacher now_and_then who retired from school last year.

8.As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village called_up scenes of my childhood.


1.If it is convenient for you, you can come and see me. →Come_and_see_me whenever it's convenient for you.

2.The boy later went up to his teacher and said “sorry” because he was greatly touched by his words.

→Greatly touched_by_his_teacher's_words,_the boy later went up to him and said “sorry”. 3.He walked so fast that I couldn't keep up with him. →So fast did_he_walk that I couldn't keep up with him.

4.As I was worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days. →Worried_about_the_journey,_I was unsettled for the first few days. 5.She found that the door was broken in when she came back home. →She found the door broken_in when she came back home. Ⅲ.根据提示词和相关要求补全(或翻译)句子

1.白求恩大夫挽救了那么多中国士兵的生命,以至于他被中国人永远地记住了。(so ...that ...)

Doctor Bethune_saved_so_many_Chinese_soldiers_that_he_was_remembered_by Chinese forever.

2.除非加以修改,否则这条法律将给农民的生活造成困难。(连词+分词) Unless_changed,_this law will make life difficult for farmers.


Only_if_people_of_all_the_countries_are_united_will_we_be_able_to_solve/can_we_solve some existing problems in the world.

4.这个世界上对他来说似乎没有什么是不可能的事情。(there seems ...) There_seems_to_be_nothing_that_seems_impossible_for_him_in_the_world. 5.课堂上认真听老师讲课,否则你就无法理解老师说的是什么。(祈使句+or+陈述句) Listen_to_the_teacher_carefully_in_class,_or_you_can't_catch_what_he_is_saying. 三、过语法、写作——写对写美高人一筹

(一)单元小语法——复习过去分词作定语、表语和宾语补足语 Ⅰ.单句语法填空

1.The girl dressed (dress) in red is Kelly's good friend. 2.The boy's father was very disappointed (disappoint) to hear his son's poor academic record. 3.The problem discussed (discuss) at the meeting yesterday was very difficult to solve.

4.He became excited (excite) when he heard the news that his school basketball team had won the match.

5.The girl referred (refer) to looks forward to buying a gold watch. 6.When I came into the classroom, I found Li Ming seated(seat) at his desk. 7.There is almost nothing changed_(change) since I left the town two years ago. 8.They are going to have the entrance hall painted (paint) white. Ⅱ.单句改错

1.I'd like to drink a cup of cool boiling water.boiling→boiled 2.We got so boring that we couldn't help yawning.boring→bored 3.The suggestion was made at the meeting was very practical.去掉第一个was 4.I am often moving to tears when reading Xu Zhimo's poems.moving→moved 5.Any medicine taking without the doctor's permission can cause trouble.taking→taken Ⅲ.补全或翻译句子 (注意使用分词) 1.老师对实验结果很满意。

The teacher_is_pleased_with the result of the experiment. 2.屋外景色迷人,白雪覆盖着大地。

The outside sight looks beautiful with everything covered_with_snow. 3.当我起床并走进院子时,我看到太阳已经升起来了。 When I got up and went into the yard, I_saw_the_risen_sun.

4.这位年轻老师在学生中很受欢迎,由于他总是努力使他们对他的课感兴趣。 The young teacher is very popular among his students as he always tries_to_make_them_interested_in his lectures. 5.张教授做的报告是关于环境保护的。

The_lecture_given_by_Professor_Zhang_is_about_environmental_protection. (二)课堂微写作 练扩写——让意蕴更丰满 [题目要求]


The constant development of science and technology has brought us a lot of convenience. Take smartphones for example, we can make phone calls and send text messages with it as well as surf the Internet, etc.

However, while we are enjoying what scientific achievements have brought us, we shouldn't ignore their disadvantages. We should learn to take advantage of science and technology to protect our home — the earth.





练?一? 语言知识运用保分练?1篇完形+1篇语法填空,限时25分钟? Ⅰ.完形填空

Resealable (可密封的) plastic bags — sometimes called by a brand name, such as Ziploc? — are those little clear plastic bags you use to keep your sandwiches and chips fresh. They usually have some sort of sealing mechanism, like a plastic zipper, which allows you to seal the bag to keep __1__ out.

Keeping air away from __2__ allows them to stay fresh longer. Bacteria and other organisms in the air will __3__ food items over time if allowed to come into __4__ with them. Sealed plastic bags keep these organisms __5__ getting to your food.

Resealable plastic bags can be used for more than just __6__ sandwiches, chips and snacks to school for lunch. They're also used to

keep leftovers __7__ in the refrigerator. Many people also use them to __8__ food in the freezer for use in the future.

The __9__ of the resealable plastic bag started out in 1951 at a company named Flexigrip, Inc. Flexigrip __10__ a plastic zipper from patents which was bought from __11__ Borge Madsen. These zippers were __12__ used as parts of binders and briefcases.

Over time, __13__, plastic zipper bags were developed. Eventually, in 1968, Dow Chemical Company __14__ to market its Ziploc? brand of resealable plastic bags to grocery stores. They turned out to be very __15__.

Today, these types of bags are __16__ in many different sizes and styles, from snack and sandwich bags to craft and freezer bags. You can also buy bags with expandable bottoms that __17__ on their own. Some bags even allow you to __18__ food in the microwave!

However, now many people try to use __19__ plastic because of its effect on the environment. So manufacturers of resealable plastic bags have taken __20__ to become more environmentally friendly.


1.A.air C.dust

B.water D.fog

解析:选A 由第二段开头的“Keeping air away”可知,此处指把空气阻挡在外面。 2.A.plants C.bags

B.containers D.foods

解析:选D 根据下文中的“Bacteria and other organisms in the air will __3__ food items over time”可知,此处指让空气和食物隔离,以便食物保鲜的时间长些,故选foods。

3.A.bring in C.break down

B.take out D.deal with

解析:选C 空气中细菌和其他微生物会分解食物导致食物变质。break down意为“分解”。

4.A.relation C.connection

B.contact D.contract

解析:选B 如果细菌和其他微生物与食物接触,食物将会很快变质。contact意为“接触”;relation意为“关系”;connection意为“连接”;contract意为“合同”。

5.A.from C.through

B.against D.beyond

解析:选A keep ... from ...为固定搭配,意为“阻止……”。 6.A.following C.supplying

B.presenting D.transporting

解析:选D 下文中的“to school for lunch”说明,此处指携带食物到学校。 7.A.wet C.thin

B.fresh D.hard

解析:选B 根据句中的“in the refrigerator”及生活常识可知,它们也被用来保持剩余的食物新鲜。

8.A.store C.share

B.cook D.produce

解析:选A 本段主要介绍可密封塑料袋能用来保存食物,因此这里指储存食物。 9.A.result C.history

B.humour D.success

解析:选C 根据下文中的“started out in 1951 at a company named Flexigrip, Inc”可知,此处提到这种可密封塑料袋的历史。

10.A.discovered C.spread

B.developed D.approved

