
更新时间:2023-03-08 05:10:46 阅读量: 高等教育 文档下载






1. ( 单选题 ) If you don’t want to _____ weight, you’d better go on a diet. ( )(本题2.0分)

A、 put up B、 get up C、 get on D、 put on 学生答案:D 标准答案:D 解析: 得分:2

2. ( 单选题 ) -We haven’t heard from Jane for a long time.( ) -What _____ to her?(本题2.0分)

A、 was happening B、 to happen

C、 has happened D、 having happened 学生答案:C 标准答案:C 解析: 得分:2

3. ( 单选题 ) Our new _____ has three bedrooms and a sitting room. ( )(本题2.0分)

A、 home B、 house C、 family D、 household 学生答案:B 标准答案:B 解析: 得分:2

4. ( 单选题 ) She is my best friend, so I know her very _____. ( )(本题2.0分)

A、 good B、 fine

C、 nice D、 well 学生答案:D 标准答案:D 解析: 得分:2

5. ( 单选题 ) How long have you____? ( )(本题2.0分)

A、 married B、 be married C、 got married D、 been married 学生答案:D 标准答案:D 解析: 得分:2

6. ( 单选题 ) I don’t understand ____ believe him.( )(本题2.0分)

A、 why don’t you B、 why you not C、 why you don’t D、 why not you

学生答案:C 标准答案:C 解析: 得分:2

7. ( 单选题 ) ----Look, it’s going to rain.

----Really ? ______ , I don’t take a raincoat with me. ( )(题2.0分)

A、 I’m afraid not B、 I hope not. C、 Good idea D、 I hope so. 学生答案:B 标准答案:B 解析: 得分:2

8. ( 单选题 ) I think____ important to learn English well.( )(本题2.0分)

A、 this B、 that C、 it D、 you are

本学生答案:C 标准答案:C 解析: 得分:2

9. ( 单选题 ) The mother tried to sing the baby to sleep, and her soft _____ soon took effect. ( )(本题2.0分)

A、 noise B、 shout C、 smell D、 voice 学生答案:D 标准答案:D 解析: 得分:2

10. ( 单选题 ) You may take anything you like _____ this bag. It doesn’t belong to me. ( )(本题2.0分)

A、 except B、 except for C、 except to D、 except that 学生答案:A

标准答案:A 解析: 得分:2

11. ( 单选题 ) —Are you hungry now? ( )

—_______. I have just had two bowls of rice.(本题2.0分)

A、 Not a bit

B、 It doesn’t matter C、 Not a little D、 I don’t mind. 学生答案:A 标准答案:A 解析: 得分:2

12. ( 单选题 ) My coat__________ there behind the door. Can’t you see it?( )(本题2.0分)

A、 is hanged B、 is hanging C、 hangs D、 has hung 学生答案:B 标准答案:B

解析: 得分:2

13. ( 单选题 ) Let Henry play with your toys as well, Betty. You must learn to _____. ( )(本题2.0分)

A、 support B、 care C、 share D、 check 学生答案:C 标准答案:C 解析: 得分:2

14. ( 单选题 ) A new school will be _____ in the town next year. ( )(本题2.0分)

A、 held up B、 brought up C、 looked up D、 set up 学生答案:D 标准答案:D 解析:


15. ( 单选题 ) There is only _______ water in the bottle. ( )(本题2.0分)

A、 a bit B、 a little of C、 a bit of D、 a few 学生答案:C 标准答案:C 解析: 得分:2

16. ( 单选题 ) ---- Lily, nice to see you ! ______ to England ? ---- Yes. And I will come back in a week. ( )(本题2.0分)

A、 Have you gone B、 Are you going C、 Have you been D、 Did you go 学生答案:B 标准答案:B 解析: 得分:2

17. ( 单选题 ) ----Are you learning music now in your free time ? ( )

----No. I’ve stopped ______ Chinese medicine instead.(本题2.0分)

A、 to learn B、 learning C、 learn D、 studying 学生答案:A 标准答案:A 解析: 得分:2

18. ( 单选题 ) Teaching little children is ______, but the teachers always _______.( )(本题2.0分)

A、 a hard work, to work hard B、 hard work, to work hard C、 a hard work, work hard D、 hard work, work hard 学生答案:D 标准答案:D 解析:


19. ( 单选题 ) Don’t leave David by _____. He’s too old. ( )(本题2.0分)

A、 him B、 himself C、 his D、 itself 学生答案:B 标准答案:B 解析: 得分:2

20. ( 单选题 ) The radio is________ a strange signal. Whats wrong with it?( )(本题2.0分)

A、 giving up B、 giving in C、 giving out D、 giving away 学生答案:C 标准答案:C 解析: 得分:2

21. ( 单选题 ) —How do you like this dress?( )

—It’s beautiful, and it fits me well. _______ I like it very much.( )(本题2.0分)

A、 Or B、 So C、 But D、 Since 学生答案:B 标准答案:B 解析: 得分:2

22. ( 单选题 ) – Hi, Tom. How is everything going? 2.0分)

A、 No, I don’t. B、 Yes, please. C、 Thank you a lot. D、 Not bad. 学生答案:D 标准答案:D 解析: 得分:2

(本题–23. ( 单选题 ) – Nice to meet you. –(本题2.0分)

A、 I’m ok.

B、 Nice to meet you, too. C、 Thank you. D、 Not too bad. 学生答案:B 标准答案:B 解析: 得分:2

24. ( 单选题 ) – How are you doing? –(本题2.0分)

A、 You’re welcome. B、 Just so-so. C、 I don’t know. D、 I don’t like it at all. 学生答案:B 标准答案:B 解析: 得分:2

25. ( 单选题 ) – How are you getting on with your study? (本题2.0分)

– A、 Thanks. And you?

B、 I hope all goes well with you. C、 Terrible. D、 Not at all. 学生答案:C 标准答案:C 解析: 得分:2

26. ( 单选题 ) – How do you do? –(本题2.0分)

A、 How do you do? B、 Ok. C、 No, thanks.

D、 Nice to meet you, too. 学生答案:A 标准答案:A 解析: 得分:2

27. ( 单选题 ) – Hello. I’m Susie. –(本题2.0分)

A、 You’re welcome. B、 It’s so kind of you.

C、 Hi. I’m Jack. Nice to meet you, Susie. D、 Fine, thank you. 学生答案:C 标准答案:C 解析: 得分:2

28. ( 单选题 ) – Hi. I’m your neighbor. My name is Steve Edwin. –(本题2.0分)

A、 What are you from? B、 Oh. C、 Yes, I know.

D、 Hi. It’s good to see you. I’m Jane Peterson. 学生答案:D 标准答案:D 解析: 得分:2

29. ( 单选题 ) – Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Whitney. –(本题2.0分)

A、 Nice to meet you. I’m Peter. B、 Yes, you may..

C、 It’s my pleasure. D、 I’m glad. 学生答案:A 标准答案:A 解析: 得分:2

30. ( 单选题 ) – I’d like you to meet Kate. –(本题2.0分)

A、 Yes, I’d like.

B、 It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kate. C、 You’re welcome. D、 Not at all. 学生答案:B 标准答案:B 解析: 得分:2

31. ( 单选题 ) – Let me introduce myself. I’m Philip. –(本题2.0分)

A、 What a pleasure. B、 It’s my pleasure. C、 I’m very pleased. D、 Pleased to meet you.

学生答案:D 标准答案:D 解析: 得分:2

32. ( 单选题 ) – Professor, this is Jack Black, my friend. –(本题2.0分)

A、 Jack, how are you? B、 Yes, I know. C、 You’re welcome. D、 My pleasure. 学生答案:A 标准答案:A 解析: 得分:2

33. ( 单选题 ) – Hi, I’m your roommate, Carey Clark. –(本题2.0分)

A、 This way, please. B、 Oh, yes. C、 Good.

D、 Oh, nice to meet you. 学生答案:D

标准答案:D 解析: 得分:2

34. ( 单选题 ) – Long time no see. How are you? –(本题2.0分)

A、 Yes, how are you? B、 Thank you. C、 Fine, thank you. D、 I’m glad to see you. 学生答案:C 标准答案:C 解析: 得分:2

35. ( 单选题 ) ______ they are twin sisters, they donlike each other.( )(本题2.0分)

A、 Because B、 Since C、 Though D、 However 学生答案:C 标准答案:C

’t look 解析: 得分:2

36. (阅读理解题)

Anny sat in their backyard(后院), thinking. She was trying to think of a way to earn money during the summer vacation. Suddenly, she had an idea! Her parents paid her to walk their dog every day. Maybe other people would pay her to walk their dogs.

Anny went to many houses and asked the people if she could exercise their pets. Some of the people didn't have a dog. Ohters wanted to walk their own pets themselves, but five people did hire Anny. She was delighted. Every morning that summer she walked the dogs. By the end of the vacation, Anny had saved eighty dollars. (1). ( 单选题 ) What is the best title? ( ) (本题3.0分)

A、 Traveling During the Summer B、 Traveling During the Summer C、 A Girl Finds a Pet

D、 Getting Paid to Walk Dogs

学生答案:D 标准答案:D 解析: 得分:3

(2). ( 单选题 )

During the vacation Anny saved _________. ( ) (本题3.0分)

A、 5 dollars. B、 80 dollars. C、 100 dollars. D、 90 dollars. 学生答案:B 标准答案:B 解析: 得分:3

(3). ( 单选题 )

To earn money, Anny _______________. ( ) (本题3.0分)

A、 Washed windows. B、 Sold papers. C、 Went to school. D、 Walked dogs. 学生答案:D 标准答案:D 解析: 得分:3

(4). ( 单选题 )

When Anny was working, she was __________. ( ) (本题3.0分)

A、 Outside. B、 In a car. C、 In a lake. D、 Inside a house 学生答案:A 标准答案:A 解析: 得分:3

(5). ( 单选题 )

The underlined word \ (本题3.0分)

A、 Very tall. B、 Very happy. C、 Sick. D、 Cold. 学生答案:B 标准答案:B 解析: 得分:3

37. (阅读理解题)

Dick lived in England. One day in January he said to his wife, \fly to New York next week because I've got some work there.\you going to stay there?\answered. \(电报),\,\

He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the city. He put his things in his room and then he sent his wife a telegram. He put the address of his hotel in it.

In the evening he didn't have any work, so he went to a cinema. He came out at nine o'clock and said, \nice dinner.\

He found a taxi (出租车) and the driver said, \go?\ \?\, \tonight?\into a post office. There he sent his wife another telegram, and in it he wrote, \ (1). ( 单选题 )

Dick flew to New York because ___.( ) (本题3.0分)

A、 he went there for a holiday B、 he had work there

C、 he went there for sightseeing (观光) D、 his home was there 学生答案:B 标准答案:B 解析:


(2). ( 单选题 )

Why did his wife want a telegram from him?( ) (本题3.0分)

A、 Because she didn't know his address yet B、 Because she wanted to go to New York, too C、 Because she might send him another telegram

D、 Because she couldn't leave her husband by himself in New York 学生答案:A 标准答案:A 解析: 得分:3

(3). ( 单选题 )

Where did Dick stay in New York?( ) (本题3.0分)

A、 In the center of the city. B、 In a hotel. C、 In a restaurant. D、 At his friend's house.

学生答案:B 标准答案:B 解析: 得分:3

(4). ( 单选题 )

Who would send him the name and address of his hotel?( ) (本题3.0分)

A、 The manager (经理) of his hotel. B、 The police office. C、 The taxi driver. D、 His wife. 学生答案:D 标准答案:D 解析: 得分:3

(5). ( 单选题 )

Which of the following is not true?( ) (本题3.0分)

A、 Dick stayed at a nice hotel in the center of the city. B、 Dick went to New York by plane. C、 Dick forgot to send his wife a telegram. D、 Dick wanted to go back to his hotel in a taxi. 学生答案:C 标准答案:C 解析: 得分:3

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