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The Format of a Thesis

1 Prefatory Matter

1.1 Title Page

A candidate must follow the form of the title page in the given sample thesis.

A Sample Title Page

1.2 Acknowledgements

The acknowledgements are signed with the candidate s initials, typed or written in permanent black ink.

1.3 Abstract

The length of the English abstract is limited to a maximum of 200 words. The text should follow the same paragraph format as the body of the thesis.

1.4 Table of Contents

The Table of Contents lists the headings and parts and sections of the thesis in exactly the same words that appear in the text. Entries should be single-spaced and separated from one another by one and half spaces. Graduated indentations should precede subordinate headings.

1.5 Lists of Tables and Figures (Optional)

A List of Tables gives the serial number, full title, and page number of every table included in the thesis. A List of Figures on a separate page following the List of Tables gives the same information for each figure, chart, and illustration.

2 Text

2.1 Headings

Headings and subheadings should appear in bold type with initial capitals flush with the left margin.

2.2 Paper

Use only A4 white paper of good quality and leave sufficient margins (top: 2.54 cm; bottom: 2.54 cm; left: 3.5 cm; right: 2.54 cm).

2.3 Type

The typefaces (fonts) used must be kept consistent throughout the thesis. (English) and 宋体 五号(Chinese) are to be used for the main text.

The first line of each paragraph should begin with an indentation of The main text should be should be used for block quotations and illustrative examples. Additional spacing precedes and follows headings.

2.4 Pagination

All pages of the thesis or dissertation (including appendices) must be numbered in the lower right corner, beginning with the first page of the first chapter. Small Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, etc.) are used for Prefatory Matter (title page, Abstract, Acknowledgements, Table of Contents, List of Tables, List of Figures, etc.). The title page s number is omitted, so “ii” should appear on the following page.

2.5 Citation

Citations refer to the surname of an author, the year of publication, and page references in parentheses if specific words, or arguments are drawn from an author. Such information can help readers to locate the source of information in the reference list at the end of a thesis. When you cite one work by a single author, you need to put in parentheses the surname and the year of publication with a comma in between (See Citation 1). If the surname of an author has already appeared in the text, you just put the year of publication in parentheses immediately after the surname (See Citation 2).

Citation 1

It has been argued that teachers role is to provide the students with optimal conditions which can facilitate learning so that students can achieve similar successful results (Bloom, 1976).

Citation 2

Gagne (1977) also noticed that adult learners were less affected by external instruction events.

If the cited work has two authors, you always cite both (See Citation 3). However, when more authors but fewer than six authors are involved, you are only required to cite all the authors the first time the reference appears in text (See Citation 4). In subsequent citations, you simply cite the surname of the first author followed by “et al”(See Citation 5).

Citation 3

The disadvantage of the multiple regression analysis is that it cannot show the complex interrelations between independent variables (Bryman & Cramer, 1990)

Citation 4

Studies of the good language learner (e.g., Naiman, Frohlich, Stern, & Todesco, 1978) have tried to identify the strategies which successful learners use.

Citation 5

Naiman et al. (1978) found a similar relationship, although in this case effort on the part of the learners was also associated with also associated with instrumental motivation.

When a work has six or more authors, you only need to cite the surname of the first author followed by “et al.” for the first and subsequent citations. If one work was written by two or

more authors who have the same surname, you must put in parentheses the authors initials in all text citations.

If two or more works written by the same author are cited in the same parentheses, you are required to give the surname once, then the years of publication from the past to the present (See Citation 6). If two or more works written by different authors are cited in the same parentheses, you need to arrange the citations in alphabetical order by the first author s surname (See Citation 7).

Citation 6

Empirical studies on student learning carried out since the 70 s have found that students learning outcomes to a great extent depend on their choice of learning approaches (Biggs, 1979, 1987)

Citation 7

One major finding from the earlier studies (Barley, 1969, 1970; Clement et al., 1978; Gardner & Lambert, 1972; Gliksman, 1976; Spolsky, 1969) was that learners with an integrative motivation tended to obtain better achievement than those with an instrumental motivation.

2.6 Quotations

Quotations are used only when they are more powerful and more effective than restating the material in your own words. For a quotation, such information as the author, date and page number should all be specified with accuracy. When a quotation contains fewer than 40 words (or fewer than three lines), you do not need to put it as a separate paragraph (See Quotation 1). When it has 40 words or more (more than three lines), it should be a block quotation (See Quotation 2). The block quotation begins as a separate paragraph where each line is indented five spaces from the left margin and each subsequent line is flush with the paragraph indent. The block quotation does not need any quotation marks.

Quotation 1:

Conceptually, Gardner (1985) sees motivation as “the combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of learning the language plus favorable attitudes toward learning the language” (p.10).

Quotation 2

Rubin (1987) more explicitly states the importance of studying students beliefs in her review of the research on learner strategies:

…to better understand how learner strategies come to be used, it is essential that we account for a learner s knowledge about language and his/her beliefs about the language learning process because his knowledge can form the basis for selecting and activating one strategy over another (p. 19)

2.7 Tables and Figures(Optional)

Tables and figures should not be wider than the text. In exceptional cases oversized tables or charts may be folded in from the right provided that the same margin is maintained as on a normal text page. All the tables must be numbered sequentially in the order they occur in the manuscript and the figures are numbered as a separate sequence. Each of the tables and figures must have a title. The title should be short but explicit and self-explanatory. It should contain major information about the table or the figure.

3 Postscriptural Matter

3.1 References

All references cited in the text must be listed in a “References” section that follows the text but precedes the appendices. The references must be arranged alphabetically by their authors surnames and should not be numbered. They should contain the information in the order prescribed by the style manual (See Table 2.1). The reference list begins a new page.

Sample References







3.2 Appendices

Appendix pages continue the pagination of the thesis as a whole. The letter designation, full title, and page number of each appendix should appear in the Table of Contents.

3.4 Tip: A Sensible and Effective Way to Write a Thesis

Proceed from Methodology to Results and Discussion, then work on Introduction, and finally complete Abstract and Prefatory Matter. Postscriptural Matter should be prepared as you go along with the various steps of your research.

