上海市14校2017届高三下学期3月联考英语试题 Word版含解析

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Grammar and Vocabulary Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below , fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct . For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with proper form of the given word; for the other blanks , use one word that best fits each blanks.

Highly gifted children benefit from explanation as much as their peers

Schools tend to assume that highly gifted children can manage by themselves and that they do not need any extra support . As a result , they sometimes seem (21)_______(forget) . Psychologist Bar Vogelaar conducted a research and discovered that a high gift does not mean (22) _______(perform) to the children’s maximum capacity . He finds out that this group too benefit from training and explanation and that strangely enough , the benefits are the same (23) ________both groups.

In his research , Vogelaa made use of dynamic tests (动态测试), (24) _______ ________children received training and their progress was measured afterwards to give a better image of their learning capabilities , 522 children aged between five and ten years ----173 highly gifted and 349 averagely gifted -----took part in (25)______ was so-called learning potential test ; The children (26)_________(assign) to solve analogical reasoning (类推) tasks. Three boxes were filled with figures that changed from one box to the next according to a particular rule, for example , in size or in position . The children had to use analogical reasoning to draw (27)_______figure in the last box.

Afterwards , the children were given a training ,(28)________(follow) by a further set of tasks as a post-assessment. Vogelaar:” This kind of test gives a better insight into how well children learn because we are able to measure (29)_______ __________ how much they progress on a new task , but also how much and what kind of help they need to achieve this progress.”

The test showed that all groups of children made progress , from the starting to the post-measurement , with major individual difference . “ it confirms that talented (30)_______ many children are , they benefit from teachers’ help to a great extent , and that they don’t always show their full potential in test.” Vogelaar concludes. 21. to be forgotten 22. performing 23. for 24. in which 25. what

26. were assigned 27. the 28. followed 29. not only 30. as/though

Section B

Directions : Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once, Note that there is one word more than you need

A . strategy B. committing C. shifts D. well-being E. coined F. prioritizing G.composed H. valued I . access J. uncertainty K. reduction

Work-life balance

Worklife-balance is a state charactered by a high level of satisfaction, functionality , and effectiveness while successfully performing several tasks all together. The non-work activity is not only limited to family life but to various occupations and activities of which one’s life is ___31______. Studies suggest the existence of cell phones and other internet based devices enables _____32____to work related issues in non-working periods , thus ,adding more hours and work load. A relative decrease in the time spent working nonstandard ______33__has been proven to have significant negative effects on family and personal life. The immediate effect is a decrease in general _____34_____as the individual is unable to properly assign appropriate amount of time necessary to maintain a balance. Therefore , extensive research has been done on properly managing time as a main ____35___ of managing stress.

The condition where work performance is negatively affected by high-level stress is termed burnout , in which the employee experience a significant ___36_____in motivation . According to Vroom’s Expectancy Theory , when the outcome of work performance are offset (抵消)by the negative impacts on the individual ‘s general well-being , or , are not __37______enough by the employer, levels of motivation are low. Time management , ____38____ certain tasks and actions according to one’s values and beliefs , is among the suggested courses of action for managing stress and maintaining a healthy work-life balance . The reality of constant increase in competition and economic ___39_____ frequently forces the employee to keep the

balance for the sake of financial and job security . Therefore , work-life balance policies are __40_____ by many businesses and dealt by line managers and supervisors , rather than at the organizational level as the employee’s well being can be more carefully observed and monitored. Section B

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrase marked A, B, C,D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

In commerce ,customer experience is measured during all points of contact against the individual’s expectations over the duration of their relationship with a company . Customers __41____direct or indirect contact with a company. Direct contact usually occurs when the ____42___ or use is initiated by the customer . Indirect contact often involves advertising , news reports , unplanned __43_____ with sales representatives ,word-of-mouth recommendations or criticisms . Customer experience is created by the contribution of not only the customers’ ___44____ but also the company providing the experience.

The development of a positive customer experience is important as it increases the chances of a customer to make continued purchase and develops brand loyalty . Brand loyalty can turn customers into _____45__ , resulting in a long term relationship . Nevertheless , males and females respond to the same brand differently . ____46___if female consumers are the target market , an app advert focused on the emotion of the product will provide an effective customer experience.

In this present day it requires more than just low prices and innovative products to ___47____ the competitiveness of the retail (零售)business. Customer experience has emerged as a vital strategy for all retail business that are facing competition. When a customer is undertaking the experience , it is seen as personal and unique. It is through the ____48___of goods and services that customers create a memorable experience they will never forget.

On the whole , one of the most efficient ways to develop customer experience is concerned with the ___49____. Today , retail stores tend to exist in shopping areas such as malls or shopping districts. Very few operate in area alone. Therefore , a shopping centre’s reputation that a store is located in will affect a customer’s experience . If the location is ___50____with historical richness, it can provide an opportunity for the town centre and local business to connect at deeper level with their customers. So it is suggested that town centre management and retail outlets should work ___51____ to develop an effective customer experience.

Another effective ways of improving the customer’s experience is by actively engaging a customer with an activity . Customers are able to recall active , hands-on experience much more effectively and accurately than ____52___ activities . Of

course , while active hands-on experiences can greatly develop value creation, it can produce value____53____ . Only by understanding what causes satisfaction or dissatisfaction of a customer’s experience, can management appropriately ___54_____changes within their approach.

Anyway , what the company needs to do is some change in the vision, evaluation and , above all ,the ____55___ with customers . Customers experience can only be changed when it becomes a business’s top priority.

41. A. take up B. enter for C. respond to D. act upon 42. A. purchase B. opponent C. benefit D. emotion 43. A. discounts B. encounters C. account D. discussions 44. A. predictions B. memories C. virtues D. value 45. A. objectives B. advocate C. miracles D. symbols 46. A. For example B. In addition C. In contrast D. In all 47. A. highlight B. seek C. judge D. survive 48. A. variety B. feedback C. stimulation D. security 49. A. environment B. opportunity C. poverty D. service 50. A. satisfied B. bound C. owned D. compared 51. A. independently B. fiercely C. cooperatively D. reductantly 52. A. extensive B. negative C. persuasive D. passive 53. A. destruction B. image C. alert D. definition 54. A. reform B. implement C. drain D. bridge 55. A. discipline B. satisfaction C. overlook D. interaction

Section B

Directions: Read the following three passage . Each passage is followed by several questions . For each of them there are four choices marked A,B, C, and D. Choose the best answer that best fits according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


For anyone who thinks of themselves as a leader—or an effective manager of their career—accepting a degree of fear when faced with high-stakes decisions may be necessary. Therese Huston, author of a new book about decision-making, urges those who suffer to enjoy it. Tell yourself this isn’t anxiety, this is excitement, she says. Research shows that facing these workplace difficulties with relish(享受)is better than trying to be calm. Forcing yourself to think about a high-pressure situation as an exciting challenge enables you to screen out the negative judgments of others and focus.

If you’re not seeing threats everywhere, then you’ll make better decisions, says Ms Huston, a cognitive psychologist who advises companies on how to improve heir decision-making. In How Women Decide, which contains advice for everyone, she draws on research from Alison Wood Brooks of Harvard Business School, who found that trying to calm down can be counterproductive. Studying performance anxiety, Ms Wood Brooks discovered that reassessing stress as excitement can boost results. And the stress brought on by a dilemma needs to be tackled, for the sake of making good and balanced decisions.

Ms Huston recommends exploring other options when facing a choice, rather than obsessing about a yes versus no—a binary choice with risks attached piles on the pressure. You should pause and introduce another alternative. Therefore, as to such questions as ‘Should I take this job or not?’, ‘or stay where I am but ask for a new role?’ Ms Huston maintains that decisions based on a simple two-way choice turned out to be more problematic half of the time.

Considering more than two options resulted in a more positive verdict(评判)on the decision a year or so later. Ms Huston advises practising the art of generating more than one option in everyday choices when you are calm and relaxed. Make it a habit, she suggests, because when you are stressed, you usually want to move quickly from ‘What am I going to do?’ to ‘At least I’m doing something’. 56. Ms Huston believes that ________________.

A. accepting fear to some extent is necessary when leaders are making decisions B. keeping cool is better than feeling anxious when making decisions C. negative judgments are helpful when leaders are making decisions D. reassessing stress as excitement can boost results

57. In paragraph 1, the underlined phrase “screen out” probably means ____________. A. accept B. reflect C. eliminate D. broadcast

58. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A. Suppose you believe threats are everywhere, you’ll make better decisions. B. It’s better to remain calm down when you are faced with obstacles. C. Facing a choice, you should stick to “yes” or “no” questions.

D. It’s advised to avoid a simple two-way choice when making decisions. 59. Which of the following is the main idea of the passage? A. Threats are everywhere. B. Stay calm when making

