6 写作1

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写作突破(一) ——图表类


作内容中的提示确定需要表达的内容要点,有时还要留意前面的文字说明部分。此类作文多以说明文和议论文为主,根据所给的图表、数据及标题进行分析、研究,弄清信息点之间的关系,提炼出中心思想,然后进行分析、概括和归纳。写作时要注意:(1)图表和数据内容不必全部描述;善于抓住总的规律、趋势,归纳增减率;过去特定的时间用过去时,经常出现的情况或自己的评述用一般现在时;(2)切忌写成“填表题”,“一对一直译”,“句式单一”,遗漏“间接要点”,应巧妙组合信息。 原题再现 右图的饼状图(pie chart)显示了你对你校学生兴趣爱好的调查结果。请你用英语给English Weekly写一篇短文,报道你的调查结果,并对此结果发表你的看法或建议。词数120~150。 写作模板 学生习作 A recent survey shows what the students of our school like to do in their spare time. As is shown in the pie chart,53% of the students like sports,so doing sports is the most popular activity in our school. Surfing the Internet is the second popular activity among the students and about 36% of the students have interest in it. Only 8% of the students take reading as a hobby and even fewer,about 3%,are fond of playing musical instruments. In my point of view,our school should have more sports facilities built to satisfy the need of the students. Guidance should be given to students on surfing the Internet and ways must be found to arouse students’ interests in reading and music. 本文虽没有使用较复杂的句子,但句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯,读来琅琅上口,主动语态、被动语态的灵活运用,使全文成为一个严密的整体,极好的完成了写作任务。 A recent survey shows 图表的内容. As is shown in the pie chart,表中的内容1,这一现象说明的问题.表中的内容2.表中内容3 and表中内容4. In my point of view,自己的观点.如何解决问题. 名师点评 仿写训练





Beijing government has announced a car restriction that private cars shall take turns off the roads one out of five workdays.___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 【参考范文】

Beijing government has announced a car restriction that private cars shall take turns off the roads one out of five workdays.A survey has been conducted about this issue on the Internet and the findings are as follows.

Many people support the restriction.60% of them believe that it relieves the present traffic pressure.And 30% think it helps improve the air quality.The rest of them,about 10%,consider it saves energy.

However,there are still many people who are against the new rule.About 75% among them think it inconvenient that they can’t drive their own cars on a certain workday.25% are worried that more people will buy their second cars,which may cause heavier traffic.

In my opinion,the new traffic rule is really an effective measure to reduce traffic jams and air pollution.



After thinking thoroughly about it,I found that life is worth everything.For me,life is not just about having good friends,money or a job that I like.Some people will be 1 with things like these because 2 them,they’re by far the best they can get.For me,they’re not all I can 3 from this world.

I believe in harps(竖琴) and violins and 4 and lightning.I believe in being in love and not just trying my best to make others 5 .I believe in “ 6 in love” with my partner,not just “loving” him.

Life is worth so much.Life is more than spending 7 hours in the gym and eating carrot just to 8 praise from 9 .The praise of others 10 makes me feel happy,but it is not the main 11 of my life.My life is not about living to fulfill someone else’s 12 but my own.

Life is more than 13 pursuing the norms (规范) of 14 but trying to be a good person by my own 15 .It is not about 16 chasing dreams to be superior to others.It’s more about long walks in the quiet green parks 17 in my own thoughts.It’s more about feeling the 18 in my face,as I go through the 19 on my bicycle.

Life is about passion,freedom and love.I will only walk this road 20 ;I might as well make the most of it.

1.A.disappointed B.excited C.satisfied D.worried

答案 C

解析 前文说,对我来说,生活不只是拥有朋友,财富或自己喜欢的工作。这里承接上 文说,而有些人拥有这些就很满足了。disappointed失望的;excited兴奋的;satisfied 满意的;worried担心的。故选C项。 2.A.for B.of C.with D.in

答案 A

解析 这里说,因为对于他们来说,这些就是他们所能得到的最好的东西,故选for。 与前面的for me相对比。 3.A.like B.get C.search D.have

答案 B

解析 这句话的意思是:这些却不是我想从世界上得到的全部,故选get。search寻找; have拥有;like喜欢,均不符合文意。 4.A.loving B.raining C.wind D.thunder

答案 D

解析 这句话中harps和violins都是乐器,属于美好的东西;这里要填thunder“雷声” 和lightning“闪电”对应,指生活中的挑战。 5.A.sad B.comfortable C.unsatisfied D.unpleasant

答案 B

解析 这句话的意思是:我相信真爱,但我不会只是尽力让别人舒服。后文说我相信彼 此相爱而不只是我爱他。sad伤心的;comfortable舒服的;unsatisfied不满意的;unpleasant 讨厌的,不合意的。故选B项。 6.A.falling B.giving C.being D.lost

答案 C

解析 be in love爱,相爱;fall in love爱上,坠入爱河。这里指彼此相爱。故选C项。 7.A.endless B.several C.valuable D.regular

答案 A

解析 前面说生活中有很多值得做的事情,这里指生活并不只是花费很多时间在体操馆 里锻炼身体并且吃胡萝卜来减肥让自己漂亮。endless无休止的,无止境的;valuable有 价值的;regular有规律的,固定的。选endless表达了一种没完没了的意思。 8.A.seek B.receive C.admire D.keep

答案 A

解析 seek寻求,追求;receive收到,接受;admire羡慕,钦佩;keep保持。这里指

寻求别人的表扬。也就是说,自己锻炼身体和吃胡萝卜来减肥是为了寻求别人的赞美。 故选A项。 9.A.doctors B.others C.partners D.parents

答案 B

解析 句意为:这类人是为别人活着,故选others。partners伙伴,配偶。 10.A.indeed B.would C.ought to D.mainly

答案 A

解析 从后面的but可知,这句话的意思是:别人的表扬确实能让我高兴。 11.A.reason B.chance C.challenge D.meaning

答案 D

解析 全文都在讨论生活的意义。这里的意思是:这不是我生活的主要意义。故选 meaning意思,意义。 12.A.wishes B.dreams C.burdens D.purposes

答案 B

解析 这里承接上文说,我不是为了实现别人的梦想而活着,我会追求我自己的梦想。 wish愿望;dream梦想;burden负担;purpose目的,目标。故选B项。 13.A.naturally

答案 C

解析 前面作者发表了自己的观点,生活不是为了别人而是为了自己。所以这里说,生 活不仅仅是遵守社会规范。故选merely仅仅,只是。entirely完全地,完整地;naturally 自然地;particularly特别,尤其,均不符合文意。 14.A.society

答案 A

解析 这里指的是社会的规范,故选society。 15.A.condition

答案 B

解析 生活不仅仅是遵守社会规范而是按照我自己的标准去做个好人。选standard和前 面的norms对应。 16.A.normally

答案 D

解析 这里是说,我的标准不是疯狂地追求梦想以超越别人。normally正常地;specially 专门地;really真正地;wildly失控地,故选D项。 17.A.built

答案 B

解析 它更多的是存在于我思想中的绿色公园里的长长的漫步。故选existing。appear 出现;set以??为背景,均不符合文意。 18.A.breeze

答案 A

解析 见下题解析。 19.A.city

答案 C

解析 这里说,当我骑着自行车在乡村穿过的时候,享受着微风拂在脸上的感觉。作者 想表达一种美好的感觉,一种自然平淡的生活。 20.A.quietly

答案 D

解析 生活中充满了激情、自由和爱。生活的道路我只能走一次,我要充分享受它。故 选once一次。quietly安静地;again再,又,均不符合文意。 补偿练习2——阅读表达


If you are a male and you are reading this,congratulations:you are a survivor.According to statistics,you are more than twice likely to die of skin cancer than a woman,and nine times more

























likely to die of AIDS.

There are many reasons for this.Typically,men take more risks than women and are more likely to drink and smoke but perhaps more importantly,men don’t go to the doctor.

Gullotta,a professor from a famous medical university,says a healthy man should visit the doctor every year or two.For those over 45,it should be at least once a year.

Two months ago Gullotta saw a 50-year-old man who had delayed doing anything about his smoker’s cough for a year.

According to a recent survey,95% of women aged between 15 and early 40s see a doctor once a year,compared to 70% of men in the same age group.

“A lot of men think they are absolutely strong,”Gullotta says.They only come in when a friend drops dead on the golf course and they think,“Geez,if it could happen to him,______.”

Then there is the ostrich approach.“Some men are scared of what might be there and would rather not know,”says Dr. Ross Cartmill.

“Most men get their cars serviced more regularly than they service their bodies,”Cartmill says.He believes most diseases that commonly affect men could be addressed by preventive check-ups.Cartmill says,“Regular check-ups for men would surely place stress on the public purse,but prevention is cheaper in the long run than having to treat the diseases.”Besides,the ultimate cost is far greater:it is called premature death.

1.What is the best title of the passage?(Please answer within 10 words.)

Men Take More Risks Than Women in Health 2.Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?

In his opinion,medical examinations in advance can help solve some common male diseases. He believes most diseases that commonly affect men could be addressed by preventive check-ups. 3.Fill in the blank in the sixth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the

sentence.(Please answer within 10 words.) it could happen to me,too 4.Give three suggestions for men to keep healthy.(Please answer within 30 words.)

①Never smoke.

②Have regular medical care. ③Do exercise every day.

5.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.

男人定期进行医疗检查肯定会对国库造成很大的压力,但从长远来看,疾病预防要比治 疗花费少得多。

