Module 1 unit 1Do you use chopsticks in the UK

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Module 1 Unit1 Do you use chopsticks in 课题名称 备课老师 魏翠翠 England? 上课时间 教学目 标设计 2014年9月 1.比较中西文化习俗。 2.进一步学习一般现在时和现在进行时 上课老师 学生分析 学生比较熟悉食物名称;绝大部分学生也了解西方的餐具。 教材分析 1) Do you want/use …? I/We/They do … 2) What are you eating? I’m eating hamburgers and chips. 3).能够听、说(常用语):I’m hungry. 4).词汇: 听、说、认读(字母拼读)、抄写 use / hamburger / hard / chips / chopsticks / knife / fork / easy/fast food 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 (课堂小记) 教学 时间 教学 环节 I Warm up II PresentatI. Warmer 1.Greetings. 2.Free talk Do Do you like apples? (Show the picture of together. rice) Yes, I do. Do you like apples ? Yes, I do. Do you like apples ? Answer my question Yes, we do.( 引导学生理解‘you’为你们的 意思,并学着使用‘we’回答) Ask and Practice the dialog with many Ss , and answer. change the words with ‘bananas, noodles , rice’ or negative answer ‘ No , we don’t’ II. Presentation 1. Continue the free talk: 复习关于食物的词,为由单数项非单数表达的过渡做好准备。另外,为本课创设情景方便学习。 these Chinese Learn and compare them 通过呈现非单数动物,引导学生回答关于?Do you……? ion 的问题。 a. Do you like rice ? Yes, I do. Answer my 教师引导学Do you want rice ? questions. 生回答,帮助学生加深对T: Here’s a new word : want want的理解。 Learn : want 想要 -Do you want rice ? -Yes, I do. -Do you like rice ? -Yes, I do. -Do you want rice ? -Yes, I do. -Do you want rice ?(Ask both the Ss ) -Yes, we do. Let’s do 2. T: How to eat rice ? these S: ….(Allow the Ss talk about it in tasks. Chinese) T: Yes, we use chopsticks. Learn : chopsticks(筷子) use(使用) T: We use chopsticks a. Practice this sentence. Answer b. Ask and answer in the class T: How to eat rice? S1: We use chopsticks. Check up some Ss and practice it together. 3. T: Do you use chopsticks? A: Yes, we do. T: Do you use chopsticks ? B: Yes, we do. Guess T: Who can ask the question? together. S: Do you use chopsticks? T-S III Consolidation IV Practice 4. T: Amy is English. She is from England . Does she use chopsticks in England? Let’s have a look. Watch the VCD, answer : 听音指导学Does Amy use the chopsticks in England? 生模仿语音语调 Watch and answer: Play it (T acts Daming):Do you use chopsticks ? happily (S acts Amy): No , we don’t . and T: What do they use ? actively. S: We use a knife and fork. Learn : knife , fork Practice the words III .Consolidation 在快乐的氛围中掌握巩1.Listen to the tape , read the main 固知识,有sentences . 利于学生学习的更加的1)Follow the tape 扎实有趣。 2)Roleplay: (Daming & Amy) 2.Look at activity 3 A: Do you want …? Play it in B: … pairs. A: Do you use…? B: … (Do it in pairs) IV Practise Spell the words and say: 学中用,用中学 In pairs , child A spells one of the words from Activity 3. Child B writes down the letters he / she hears and then say the word. Then they change roles and continues to practice spelling out and writing the words. (Answer together) V Sum up VI Homework 板书设计: V. Summary: What do we learn today? Try to summarize. Let the Ss to sum up : 今天我们了解了中国 人和英国人在饮食文化方面的一些区别: chopsticks / knife and fork 以及怎样询问别人是否想要活是否使用某种物 品: 引导学生从本课的内容来总结。 Do you want rice / noodles ? Yes, we do./ No, we don’t Do you use chopsticks in England? No ,we don’t . We use a knife and fork. 1. read and repeat twice 2. preview Unit2 Recite the homework. Module 1 Unit 1 Do you use chopsticks in England? Do you use chopsticks in England? No ,we don’t . We use a knife and fork.


