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Chinese marriage 中国式婚姻(三)

中国式婚姻,有许多方式,有的着实可赞!有的着实可叹!有的着实可怜! 圆满幸福式的婚姻,让



Thus for two days and two nights the bride-groom and the bride in China live, so to speak not

as legal, but, as sweetheart-husband and sweetheart-wife . On the third day, _then comes the last

ceremony in the Chinese marriage_the Miao-chien, the temple presentation or civic marriage. I

say, on the third day because that is the rule deriguer as laid down in the Book of Rites. But now

to save trouble and expense, it is generally performed on the day after. This ceremony the temple

presentation, takes place, when the ancestral temple of the family clan is nearby, of course in the

ancestral temple. But for people living in towns and cities where there is no ancestral temple of the family clan nearby, the ceremony is performed before the miniature ancestral chapel or shrine

which is in the house of every respectable family, even the poorest in China. This ancestral temple, chapel or shrine with a tablet or red piece of paper on the wall, as I have said elsewhere, is the

church of the State Religion of Confucius in China corresponding to the church of the Church

Religion in Christian countries.

This ceremony the temple presentation begins by the father of the bridegroom or failing him,

the nearest senior member of the family, going on his knees before the ancestral tablet thus

announcing to the spirits of the dead ancestors that a young member of the family has now

brought a wife home into the family. Then the bridegroom and bride one after the other, each goes

on his and her knees before the same ancestral tablet. .

From this moment the man and woman becomes husband and wife, not only before the moral Law or God, but before the Family, before the State, before Civic Law. I have therefore called

this ceremony of miao chien, temple presentation in the Chinese marriage, the civic or civil

marriage. Before this civic or civil marriage, the woman, the bride, according to the Book of

Rites, is not a legal wife-When the bride happens to die before this ceremony of temple

presentation, she is not allowed according to the Book of Rites to be buried in the family burying

ground of her husband and her memorial tablet is not put up in the ancestral temple of his family


China Countryside wedding ceremony

2008-08-29 14:08

China ’s marriage ceremony is very different from the western wedding. Moreover, even

within China , the ceremonies are different from north to south. Because of influence

from the west more young Chinese couples want to get married in a church or just simply

take a honeymoon instead of holding the traditional Chinese wedding ceremony.

In the rural areas in China , however, they still maintain the traditional way of holding

the marriage ceremony.

I still remember clearly how complicated and time-consuming my brother’s wedding was

last summer back in my hometown, a small village in the Northeast China .

The typical marriage ceremony in the countryside is carefully prepared by the bride and

the groom and their families months in advance. Meetings are held to discuss the details

such as the wedding date, type of gifts and the amount of money the groom should give

to the bride’s family. (Traditionally women were considered as property of the family,

mothers who receive more money are very proud of their daughters and gain a lot of face

in the village. Nowadays this money gift is no less than 10,000RMB, but this custom is

becoming less popular these days.) Other issues to be determined are the ceremonial

procedures as well as the quantities of food as well as what type of foods that should

be prepared and served.

Normally, both the bride and groom or their parents will go to the fortuneteller to see

what dates and the times are best for the marriage ceremony. After the wedding date is

agreed upon, the families will call all of the relatives and friends about the wedding

months in advance.

One or two days before the wedding, both the bride’s family and the bride-groom’s family

will build a nice wooden frame in front of their homes that will be painted red. Words

of best wishes and the names of the bride and groom will be written on the top of the

gate of the wooden frame. Whoever sees the sign will know who is getting married. They

usually hire the local folk music band to play at the wedding (Although I personally

prefer the world’s awesome rock and roll band named KISS with Paul Stanley and Gene


The ceremony at the bride’s home is usually short and simple. It starts very early in

the morning. The bride wakes up around 3 or 4 in the morning to get dressed up and then

wait for the groom to come to her home and go over to the groom’s house. The bride’s

parents cannot accompany their daughter to the groom’s house. Tradition says that having

the parents go to the groom’s home with their daughter will bring bad luck to the new

couple. The bride also picks up a few of her best friends (usually single girls, but

the smart bride won’t take girls that are prettier than she. That’s why none of my

female friends ever asked me to be their maid of honor) to accompany her to go to the

groom’s house. Once the bride leaves her parent’s house, all of her relatives and the

invited guests will be hosted by her parents for a big feast( usually a pig weighing

about 200kg will be killed for the feast)

The ceremony at the groom’s house is very arduous. The ceremony starts after the bride

arrives after the groom’s home. The bride will exit the car with a red cloth covering

on her head so that nobody can see what she looks like. One of her best friends will

guide the bride into the groom’s home. However, before the bride enters the house, the

groom’s mother has to come out to welcome her with a pot full of different gifts such

as red envelopes containing money, jewelry, etc. The red cloth will be lifted from the

bride’s head before she enters into the house. After that the party begins.

The party/banquet is celebrated at the groom’s home. However, some wedding banquets

are celebrated in a restaurant. The wedding feast sometimes lasts half a day. During

the banquet/party, the newlyweds will go to each table to give wishes and each table

will have one person who stands up and gives a short speech to congratulate the bride

and the groom.

Usually there will be a small party held by the newlyweds’ close friends at the couple’s

new home after all the relatives leave. The party won’t end until very late at night.

There will be very funny games between the bride and groom such as putting an egg or

apple into the groom’s left trouser pocket and then the bride has to take it out from

the groom’s right leg’s trouser pocket;

A cocktail wiener is put into an empty beer bottle and the couple uses their mouths to

pick it out.

A banana is tied to a piece of elastic rope and hung from the ceiling. The bridegroom

jumps on his bride to catch the banana with his mouth and pull it down and let the bride

to peal off the skin of the banana and eat it . These games have a lot of sexual innuendo

that keeps everyone laughing

So the weddings in rural China are filled with family, fun, and tradition.


















穿新衣是要倒运的。复活节期间,人们还喜欢彻底打扫自己的住处,表示新生活从此开始。 德国政府规定复活节休息两天。在节日里,家人团聚,品尝各种传统食品,亲戚朋友见面要

互相祝贺。 象征生命的蛋、火、水、兔等成了复活节的吉祥物。鸡蛋和兔子在西方是新的






姑娘如果向某一小伙子赠送三个红鸡蛋,表示姑娘向小伙子求爱。 关于兔子成为复活节的





送复活节鸡蛋的使者,深受孩子的宠爱。'在复活节这一天孩子定会收到兔形礼物。 火不仅














发布时间: 2006-11-20 10:24:43





秩序、安全和保护公民,并不认同在公众地方穿戴‘布卡’等遮盖脸容的衣饰”。 “就保安而言,人们应该可被识别;就融合而言,我们认为人们应该能沟









Chinese and Americans have different eating habits.

First, many Americans have many meals a day. But in China, people traditionally eat three meals a


Second, many Chinese have a habit of buying fresh food for daily cooking. And Americans often

buy enough food stored in the refrigerator a week.

Again, the Chinese people eat fresh vegetables, fruits much more than the Americans. But the

Americans eat meat much more.

Finally, Americans are accustomed eating separately while the Chinese people are accustomed

eating together.

In eating Chinese food ,you have almost no rules .You have spoon or soup ,chopsticks for all zhe

rest , as simple as that.And you don't have to worry about making too much noise while supping

your soup or noodles or giving one or two burps after the food or show your satisfaction . But all

these considered appalling table menners when eating western food . Even in drinking a cup of

tea , you have to be careful .Do not make any noise , for making any kind of noise while eating or

drinking is considered to be unpleasant habits in western countries.

There are few other differences in our food cultures . We like sharing everything at our tables

whereas they serve everything into the individual plate

Chinese and Americans have different eating habits,for example:

Many Americans like meals a day, The Chinese often eat three meals a day, eat meals are larger

and Americans' eating-food include sweets and high-protein food,such as,Sandwich, milk, beef

and so on Chinese often eat high-fiber foods,like rice and noodles.Chinese people eating fresh * R5OYA86{

vegetables, fruits much more than the Americans. But the Americans than the Chinese daily intake

of protein is also much more.

Many Chinese dishes, especially when family comes, entertainment and so on. they will have a

big dinner in restaurant,even if they can't eat it enough,but it can show their enthusiasm by this in

their eyes. And Americans often eat something not so much,in order to eat up that. The peoples of China and the differences in eating habits, can be said to be from the two

countries in cultural,customs,atmosphere, historical connotation, nutritional values and economic

conditions caused by different factors.Chinese and Americans have many difference in eating habits and table manners.

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First, Chinese usually buy fresh food for everyday cooking while Americans buy food enough for

one week storing in the refrigerator. Can and pickle they eat is separately eight and six times than


Second, Chinese like eating cooked vegetables while Americans eat them without cooking.

Third, many American foods are fried, but Chinese have many ways to cooking besides fried.

Finally, Chinese usually eat together while Americans have food separately. They won’t touch

other’s food with their own knife or fork, but Chinese give others food with their chopsticks to

express their hospitality.

Good Manners and Bad Manners

英语小角 2009-07-19 17:03 阅读72 评论0

字号: 大 中 小

Good Manners and Bad Manners

Every society encourages good manners but opposes① bad manners. People with good manners

enjoy many supports while those with bad manners suffer a lot.

Everyone likes a person with good manners. A person with good manners will be welcomed ever

ywhere. In public places, such as in shops, a salesman with good manners will probably make a

good sale. A teacher will do his or her job smoothly② and happily in the class where the stud

ents have good manners. If you ask for a help, you should be careful of your manners. Almost

everyone likes to serve the person with good manners.

On the contrary, no one likes a person with bad manners. A person with bad manners will be re

fused everywhere. We dislike those who spit at random, who speak aloud in the library, and who

smoke with a lady aside. They are all bad manners which are impolite to others. Those with ba

d manners may be considered as lacking in knowledge and self cultivation③. People even do no

t want to talk with them. There is no doubt that nobody would like to serve or help a man with

bad manners.

Then, what should we do in our daily life? We should be careful of what we say and what we d

o. Good manners mean that you show your respect to others. If you respect others, other peopl

e will respect you in the same way. You will have less trouble in your everyday life.


①oppose[+'p+uz] v.反对;反抗

②smoothly['smu:Jli] ad.顺利地

③self-cultivation['self?kl)ti'veiM+n] n.修养

My speech essay---Good and Bad Manners

Hello,my name is Meiqin Chen.Today,i'm going to talk about good and bad


Most of us study very hard at school to get more knowledge.It can help

us find a good job and have a wonderful life in the future,but it is not

enough.Manners are also very important.A person with good manners is

always popular,but it is troublesome to a person with bad manners.I think

if we havegood manners it must be good for our whole life.

There are many different customs and habbits among different

countries.Some good manners in one country are bad manners somewhere

else.So we must know about what we should do and what we should not do

in different occasions and different countries.

Now, I will compare the manners of China and the USA. In my opinion ,manners are partily the same in the two countries. First,there are some similar good manners about them.For example,they like polite language such as "sorry" "excuse me" "Thank you" "Please".In the formal occasions they both like dressiness.During communication,they both keep distance between each other.They advocate "Ladies first".They also like talking in a respectful tone of vice.In the same way,they have many similar bad manners. For example they hate when people cut in impolitely in the conversation.They don't like somebody who makes a big noise about eatting.They detest someone cutting in line,and they dislike someone making a lot of trash,ect

Because of different customs and culture between China and the USA,they have many different manners.For example,Americans say "HI" "Hello" to greet others.Only the both sides the first time.On the contrary,Chinese say "Hi""Hello" to everybody when they meet. You mustn't give a clock in China because the Chinese word for clock is similar to the word "funeral".But in the USA it is no problem.American usualy mean"Yes"when they nod their heads.But in China maybe it means showing interesting. In conclusion manners are partily the same in the two countries.

Thank you

Lucky numbers or unlucky numbers

Quite a lot of people are crazy about some lucky numbers, such as 8, 6 and 9, just

because these numbers sound like “fa”, “shun” and “jiu” in Chinese. Similarly, they

regard some numbers as unlucky numbers, such as 4, 7 and 3, for their pronunciations

in Chinese mean “dead”, “angry” and “depart”. They would rather cost much money

than usual price for a lucky number for their telephones, cell phones or car plates with

a good wish for good fortune together with the lucky number.

Whatever the basis of prejudice to numbers is, we should not criticize this

phenomenon but tolerate it, and sometimes we can use it to devote to social welfare.

In Shanghai, some car plates including lucky numbers are sold by competitive

auctions. By this means, those who like lucky numbers have a feasible access to ideal

numbers, while the government can invest public interest career with income from


Anything existent must be reasonable, so this prejudice of numbers can not be restrained with

a crude way. In this example, prejudiced owners are satisfied with car plates including lucky

numbers, while social welfare is improved, which is a win-to-win model.

The 7 Characteristics Of Rich People

Have you ever wondered why rich people seem to get richer

easily while those in the poverty cycle seem destined to be

stuck there forever? The reason is simple. You need to

think and act like a rich person first before you can

really be rich. Let's take a look at some of the

characteristics of rich people.

1. No limited self belief

Rich people believe they are destined to be rich and there

is nothing that can stop them from achieving that financial

freedom goal. They will do whatever necessary to reach

their goals including doing things that they dislike or

taking on tasks that seem impossible to complete.

2. Recognize the importance of time

Rich people also recognize that time is their most

important asset and a very scarce resource. They do not

waste their precious time sitting in front of a TV watching

soap operas or other entertainment programs like

"Survivors." They also know how to use the power of

leverage to achieve maximum results with minimum efforts.

3. Seek out other people of higher social status

Many poor people only network with other people that are of

the same status as them. They do not actively seek out

other people who are wealthier. The rich people will do the

opposite. They want to network and learn from others who

are better and wealthier.

4. Expense as investment

To many poor people, the best way to manage money is to use

less of it. However, rich people have a different

viewpoint. To them, many expenses can be viewed as

investments. By spending a certain amount of their money to

acquire an asset or skill, they know they will get back

what they spent in the future.

5. Strong self-confidence

Many rich people exhibit a high level of self-confidence

that is often contagious. They are optimists and maintain a

positive outlook at all times. Their confidence is not

easily shaken by external factors.

6. Good money habits

While saving is a good virtue and habit, many rich people

feel that it is not the best way to grow your money. Rich

people will put a significant portion of their wealth in

some kind of investment vehicles that give them a better

ROI than a normal saving account. They also do not spend

their money aimlessly buying things that have no real value

such as lottery tickets.

7. Philanthropy

Many rich people are also great philanthropists. They

frequently make charitable donations intended to increase

human well being. A great example is Bill Gates who set up

his own charitable foundation aimed at providing lifesaving

health care products for the poorest part of the world.

Most rich people did not become wealthy overnight. They

faced many setbacks and challenges to get to where they are

today. To them, setbacks and challenges provide valuable

lessons that help them find the way to great wealth as well

as strengthen their ability to faced adversities in life.

The 13 Characteristics of Successful People

These are the five things every successful person has in common:

1. They have a dream.

2. They have a plan.

3. They have specific knowledge or training.

4. They’re willing to work hard.

5. They don’t take no for an answer.

Remember: Success begins with a state of mind. You must believe you’ll be

successful in order to become a success.

The following is a list of the skills, talents, and characteristics in successful


1. Successful People Have a Dream. They have a well-defined purpose.

They have a definite goal. They know what they want. They aren’t easily

influenced by the thoughts and opinions of others. They have willpower. They

have ideas. Their strong desire brings strong results. They go out and do

things that others say can’t be done.

Remember: It only takes one sound idea to achieve success.

Remember: People who excel in life are those who produce results, not

excuses. Anybody can come up with excuses and explanations for why he

hasn’t made it. Those who want to succeed badly enough don’t make excuses.

2. Successful People Have Ambition. They want to accomplish something.

They have enthusiasm, commitment, and pride. They have self-discipline.

They’re willing to work hard and to go the extra mile. They have a burning

desire to succeed. They’re willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done.

Remember: With hard work come results. The joy in life comes with working

for and achieving something.

3. Successful People Are Strongly Motivated Toward Achievement. They

take great satisfaction in accomplishing a task.

4. Successful People Are Focused. They concentrate on their main goals

and objectives. They don’t get sidetracked. They don’t procrastinate. They

work on the projects that are important, and don’t allow those projects to sit

until the last minute. They’re productive, not just busy.

5. Successful People Learn How to Get Things Done. They use their skills, talents, energies, and knowledge to the fullest extent possible. They do the

things that need to be done, not just the things they like to do. They are willing to work hard and to commit themselves to getting the job done.

Remember: Happiness is found in doing and accomplishing, not in owning

and possessing.

6. Successful People Take Responsibility for Their Actions. They don’t

make excuses. They don’t blame others. They don’t whine and complain.

7. Successful People Look for Solutions to Problems. They’re

opportunity minded. When they see opportunities they take advantage of


8. Successful People Make Decisions. They think about the issues and

relevant facts, give them adequate deliberation and consideration, and make a decision. Decisions aren’t put off or delayed, they’re made now!

SuccessTip: Spend more time thinking and planning before you make your

decision, and you’ll make better decisions.

SuccessTip: When you don’t get the expected results from the decision

you’ve made, change your course of action. Decisions should never be carved in stone.

9. Successful People Have the Courage to Admit They’ve Made a Mistake. When you make a mistake, admit it, fix it, and move on. Don’t waste a lot of

time, energy, money, and/or other resources trying to defend a mistake or a

bad decision.

Remember: When people are wrong, they may admit it to themselves. If they

are handled gently and tactfully, they may admit it to others and even take

pride in their frankness and broad-mindedness. But people become very

defensive and angry when others try to cram their mistakes down their throats.

10. Successful People Are Self-Reliant. They have the skills, talents, and

training that are needed in order to be successful.

11. Successful People Have Specific Knowledge, Training, and/or Skills

and Talents. They know the things they need to know to be successful. And

when they need information, knowledge, or skills and talents that they don’t

possess, they find someone who does possess them.

12. Successful People Work with and Cooperate with Other People. They

have positive, outgoing personalities. They surround themselves with people

who offer them help, support, and encouragement. They are leaders.

13. Successful People Are Enthusiastic. They’re excited by what they’re

doing, and that excitement is contagious. They draw people to them because

these people want to work with them, do business with them, and be with


People Should Find Better Ways to Spend Their Holidays

As Chinese people are going to wrap up their seven-day Mayday holiday, more than 110 days a year have been declared legal days-off in China, including festivals and holidays as well as weekends. People have started debating the best way to spend one third of their life.

The latest survey from Renmin University's Research Center of Leisure Economy found

Beijing residents now enjoy an average of 4 hours and 40 minutes of leisure time each day. That's 43 minutes more than that of 20 years ago.

Boys spend their leisure time playing poker [Photo: ]

The center's Professor Wang Qiyan says people should find healthier ways to spend their days-off.

"Now people spend about one third of their leisure time watching TV, which of course, is symbol of a low quality lifestyle."

The survey also found a lot of people still spend their leisure time playing mah-jong or poker.

Experts believe it reflects a pattern where many Chinese people spend their working hours actively and their leisure time passively.

They want to remind people that rest and relaxation are the keys to spending a pleasurable


Three Most Exciting Ways To Spend Holidays

Planning for a holiday is itself an exciting activity. Selecting a holiday destination depends largely upon your budget and activities & place that interest you most. Some people like adventures such as a wild life safari or rafting, some enjoy visiting family members & relatives, Some like to go to beaches and islands (phuket islands, private islands, tgr, homes for sale phuket, islands phuket, phuket hotel resorts, phuket property, property in phuket, real estate companies phuket, real estate phuket, resort developments phuket, thailand homes, thailand property, property phuket) etc. Holidays are meant for relaxation and rejuvenation from that hectic daily work life. You get a time for yourself where you can enjoy things you really like.

Here are a few activities that people like to do most on holidays:

Wildlife Safari Crazy about wildlife? This is one holiday destination you cant skip. Just imagine yourself going through dense bushes, watching activities of your favorite animals closely and sleeping under stars in an ancient desert. There are many tour operators that arrange wonderful wildlife safaris. The most famous place for is the South Africa. You can enjoy ultimate safari experience there.

River rafting, Hiking, Horse riding Enjoy splashing water? River rafting is for you. It enables you to float over that crazy water and gives you a thrill rush. Rafters enjoy thoroughly the beauty of the river. Hiking and horse riding are other thrilling sports. Islands and Beaches Who doesnt love lying on a beautiful beach? Nothing could be more enjoying than spending a wonderful time on splendid islands and beaches (phuket islands, private islands, tgr, 5 star hotels phuket, homes for sale phuket, islands phuket, phuket hotel resorts, phuket property, property in phuket, real estate companies phuket, real estate phuket, resort developments phuket, thailand homes, thailand property, property phuket). Islands and beach tourism is growing day by day due to its increasing popularity. There are some absolutely majestic beaches & islands (beach villas phuket, jumeirah beach villas, luxury villas phuket, phuket villas) in the world. These places not only provide a natural scenic beauty but you can enjoy other aspects like a multi cuisine meals, variety of drinks, world class luxury hotels and resorts, great shopping etc.

These beaches and islands (phuket islands, private islands, tgr, baramabay private island , homes for sale phuket, islands phuket, phuket hotel resorts, phuket property, property in phuket, real estate companies phuket, real estate phuket, resort developments phuket, thailand homes, tgr, thailand property, property phuket) have been developed keeping in mind the tourism. Accommodation and food are available in almost every price range. Apart from exotic beaches, you can also enjoy various sports activities and games.

So, this time when you plan your holidays, look for a no. of options available

according to your interest and budget.

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