新编剑桥商务英语高级第三版 第11.2+11.3

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11.2 Effective writing

Writing Learning Tip

For written business communication to be effective there are three important things to remember: .be organised .be to the point .be appropriate

Written business communication

1 Read the Learning Tip then look at these three short extracts.Each one succeeds in two of the important ways to be effective but failsin the other. Identify the weakness of each one. A

Dear Mr Song

I’m writing this for Professor Olsen,who’s away on sabbatical at the moment.He’s asked me to thank you for your offer of an honorary dotorate at Seoul University.He says that he is sorry but he’ll have to say no this time because his diary is so full of other commitments.

Please don’t takethis the wrong way.It’s not a reflection on what he thinks of your university.It is just that--- B

. THe purpose of this report is to set out the finding of finance committee into potential overseas investments and make recommendations accordingly.

. THe investments we recommend most strongly are in the mining industry in the fast-growing economy of Namibia.The reason foe this is that the government of Namblia has recognised the opportunities for development and invested large sums in the country’s infrastructure.The scope of our research was worldwide,although we tended to look more closely at emerging countries and markets,since our brief was to look for industries with a high and fast return.The only dyawbacks of this potential investment are uncertainties inherent in the industry itself--- C

In response to a request from the managing director to find ways of improving communications without the organization,we have prepared the following proposal..

Our first meeting with the managing director was in Jone.During this meeting,we were asked to analyse the current situationg,in which communications were not working as effectively as they should,and to present ideas for a better exchange of information between departments and individuals.Since not all members of the project team could be present.

Our analysis involed evaluating the current situation:monitoring the work of several closely-linked departments and seeing how they communicated with each


2 Work in groups of three.Each choose one of the passagesto rewrite,correcting its weakness.

3 Exchange your rewriten passages and compare.


A delicate letter

4 Answer the questions below,using this table as a guide. Effective writing How to be organised Plan your writing,dividing it into clear sections/paragraphs and considering what emphasis to give to each part. How to be to point How to be appropriate Think of the most economical way to say what you want and then put it into an appropriate form. Consider your relationship to the reader(formal of informal).Always be polite.Only make claims you can support with examples. 5 Write a brief plan for the following letter.

You have been employing a consultant to help you improve your Marketing.She has been working with you for two months but up to now had told you nothing that you did not know already.You have decided to terminate the contract with her(she will be paid for the work done so far).Write to her to explain.

6 Write as simply and directly as possible the reason for terminating her contract.Then put this statement into more diplomatic language.

7 Look at the following beginning to the letter and put it into a more appropriate style.

Dear Madam,

It is two months since you were first commissioned to provide us with marketing assiatance.

Reaad the following claim and give an example to support it.

The advice you gave us in your first report was straight froma marketing textbook.

8 Plan and write the letter for the following situation.

You work as sales manager for a company which makes labels and signs.Two months ago you agreed a lucrative contract with a garden centre to make After delivering the first batch of 20,000labels,you received a complaint that thk on the labels was t waterproof.The customer now wants to cancel the contract and to be refunded for the labels already paid for.

You would like to sescue the contract and to limit the loss on the 20,000labels which you have already supplied.

11.3 Speaking Test: Part two


Part two of the Speaking Text consists of a one-minute presentation by each candiate followed by a discussion.It last about six minutes in total.The presentations are based on a choice of three topics given to you by the examiner,each requiring a different level of business knowledge or experience-from general to experienced.You have one minute yo make notes and prepare your presentation.This part of the exam tests your ability yo organise your ideas anf present them as if in a business meeting.



Aminute is only long enough to make two or three key points,so don’t worry about not having much yo say.

Follow these steps.

.Read the three topics carefully anf quickly decied the one ou would like to talk about. .Note down two or three key arguments(you will not have time to develop more than this).

.Give your presentation a clear introduction and ending.Paragrase the question on your prompt card to introduce the subject(see below).

. At the end invite your partner to comment on what you have said.

. Listen carefully to your partner’s presentation and be ready to comment on it.


Organising your thoughts

1 Look at the topic and the example notes below. Relocating your company offices:the impotant factors to consider. Key points:

.business reasons:how will it improve the business? .the costs invoved

.what impact will it on employees?

2 Now do the same for the following topics,making brief notes on each one.

1 International communication:the importance in business of learning at least a few words of another language.

2 Effective presentations:how too involve your audiance when giving a presentation.

3 Leadership:why good communication skills are an essential quality for a business leader.

3 Compare notes with your partner.


4 Choose one of thee topics below and speak about it for a minute.Look at the useful phrases thathelp your to organise your presentation. Customer relation:the importance of listening carefully to what customers are saying. Communication skills:giving the right impression at a job interview. Giving a mini-presentation So why should we--- I think there are three important points here. Firstly,---Secondly,---,And finally,--- I’d like to say a few words about--- Of course,it’s important to--- But on the other hand,--- There is also the question of--- I think I’ve covered the main points--- Those are my views on it--- What do you think---? Do you agree---? Yes.There’s just one points I’d like to add--- I agree with you.I think--- I;d just like to pick up on one thing you said. I’m not sure I understood what you said about--- 5 Follow up by asking each other the following examiner’s questions. Customer relations

1 A lot of companies say ther listen to their customers.Do you think they really do? 2 Which companies in your experience practise good customer relations ? 3 Do you think technology has helped customer relations or not?

Communication skills

1 Were you ever prepared at school or college for job interview?Do you think such preparetion would help?

2 Apart from an interview what other techniques are used to evaluate job candiates?Do they think?

