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Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from?

Language goals:

? In this unit students learn to talk about countries, nationalities and


? Ask and tell where people live.

New languages:

? Where’s he / she from?

? He / She is from Australia / England / China / France / Singapore /


? Where does he / she live? He / She lives in Sydney. ? What language do you speak? I speak English. ? What’s your / his / her favorite subject? ? My / His / Her favorite subject is English.

? Does he / she have any brothers and sisters?

Yes, he/ she does. / No, he / she doesn’t.

Difficult points:

1. Listening for the information about countries, nationalities and languages. Write an e-mail about oneself. Describe the new students in class. 2.Where questions with from Where questions with live What questions

Teaching aids:

? A tape recorder

Teaching periods:

? ? ? ? ? ?

Period 1:Section A中1a, 1b, 1c

Period 2:Section A中2a, 2b, 2c,2d Period 3:Section A中3a, 3b, 4 Period 4:Section B中 1,2a, 2b, 2c Period 5:Section B中3a, 3b, 3c, 4 Period 6:Self Check



Period 1

Teaching aims:

1. Teach vocabulary words. 2. Target languages:

Where’s your pen pal from? He is from Australia.

3. Enable the students to learn to talk about nationalities. 4. Help the students learn how to talk about nationalities.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Free talk

2 Say: Do you have any friends? Where is she from?

Help the students make the same sentences and give them more chances to say.

Step 2. Talking about the picture (1a)

Hold up the picture on page 1 and point at the map. Ask students to read the picture.

Ask some of you to read them aloud to the class. Make the students talk about where people are from.

Say: Du Chuan, where is your pen pal from?

Ask the students to read the conversations in the picture.

Step 3. Listening(1b)

Point to the numbered list of words and play the recording for a second time.

Ask the students to listen to the recording and circle the countries in 1a.

Ask students to listen to and repeat after the recording and then check the answers.

Step 4. Pair work(1c)

1. Now work in pairs and read the conversations in 1a with your partner. You can talk about your own pen pal.

2. Ask the students to look at their own clothes and the things in their backpack. Ask and answer questions about where they are from.


1. Ask the students to practice talking about where people are from and make



up real dialogues.

2. Learn the words in this unit (on page 115) by heart.

Period 2

Teaching aims:

1. Learn the vocabulary words and useful expressions.

2.Target languages:Where does he live?He lives in Toronto. 3. Let the students learn to talk about where people live.

4. Help the students learn how to talk about where people live.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1.StepI Revision

Check the homework. And thenask several students to answer questions.

Say: Where are you from? Do you have a pen pal? Where is your pen pal from?

Step 2. Presentation (2a)

Put a map of the world on the blackboard.

Say: What’s the meaning of capital? Can you guess? Help them to answer.

Write Australia, the United States, Canada, France, and Japan on the left of the blackboard. And write Sydney, New York, Paris, Toronto, and Tokyo on the right of the blackboard. And the teacher reads them aloud and asks students to repeat.

Then ask students to match the cities with the countries.

Step 3. Talk about countries and cities

Ask the students to work in pairs, asking about the cities and the countries.

Say: Now work in pairs and ask where the city is. For example, the first student asks ―Where is Beijing?‖ the second student answers ―It’s in China.‖

Thentell the students to ask question about Chinese cities.

Step 4. Listening(2b, 2c)

Tell the students to read the list of countries and cities in 2a.

Say: Now let’s look at the list of countries and cities in Activity 2a. I will ask some students to read them aloud to the class.

Call the students’attention to the chart in 2c.Tell the students to listen to the conversations inStep 4 again to complete the chart.



Step 5. Pair work(2d)

Ask the students to read the conversations in the bubble. Then ask them to talk about the information in the chart in 2c.

Then ask the students to work in groups and make up new dialogues with their own information.

Step 6.Grammarfocus

Review the grammar box.

Say: You have to pay attention the word ―from‖. It always follows verb be, while live comes out alone in where sentences. Now make more sentences with where, from and live. Write the following on the blackboard.

Say, now work in pairs and make dialogues after the model above.


1. Ask the students to learn the sentence patterns in Grammar Focus by heart. Try to use them freely.

2. Remember the words in this unit (on page 115).

3. Make a similar dialogue according to the conversation in 2d.

Period 3

Teaching aims:

1. Teach vocabulary words.

2.Target languages:What language does she speak? She speaks English. 3. Enable the students to learn to talk about what language people speak. 4. Help the studentsto learn how to talk about what language people speak.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Free talk

Say, Morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. Do you remember we have learned about how to ask where people are from and how to ask where people live? Now I want some of you to answer my questions.

(Turn to a student.)Where are you from?

Give more students chances to speak in class.

Step 2. Presentation (3a)

Say: Do you know the meaning of ―language‖? Listen: Tim is from England and he speaks English. So English is his language. I’m from



China, so Chinese is my language .Nowlook at activity 3a.on page 3. Read the instructions to the class. Ask students to work in pairs as they answer the questions.

Show the flowing and ask the students to make conversations after the model.

Step 3. Pair work (3b)

Ask the students to pay attention to the conversation in Activity 3b. Say, Read the dialogue by yourselves. Then I will ask some pairs to act out the dialogue in class.

Show a map of the world.Ask students to work in pairs.

Step 4. Quiz(4)

Ask the students to look at activity 4 then work in pairs and do the quiz.


Ask the students to work withtheir friends and practice the dialogue in activity 3b.

Period 4

Teaching aims

1. Teach vocabulary words. 2. Target languages:

Does she have any brothers and sisters? Is that your new pen pal? Yes, it is.

3. Enable the students to learn to talk about their new pen pals. 4. Help the students learn how to talk about their new pen pals.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

Ask the students to make conversations talking about their new pen pal.

Ask some pairs to the front to talk about their pen pals. Greet each other and have a free talk with classmates. Talk about the persons they admire.

Step 2.Match work(1)

Ask the students to pay attention to the notebook page with the countries listed.



Ask the students to write the letter of the correct country in the box next to the title of each language textbook onthe desktop.

Step 3. Listening(2a, 2b)

First, read the instructions and tell the students to read the conversation bubbles.

Check the answers. Then ask the students to read the questions again. Ask the students to fill in the chart.

Give students 1 minute to finish the task. Check the answers with the students.

Then playthe recording again and ask the students to repeat.

Step 4. Pair work(2c)

Ask two students to work in pairs, practicing the questions in activity 2a. Then tell the students to practice dialogues similar to the dialogue in activity 2a in pairs. They can use their own names.


Ask the students to make up similar dialogues using the following words: Sam, the Unites Sates, New York, a brother and a sister, English and French.

Period 5

Teaching aims

1. Teach vocabulary words. 2. Target languages:

Ithink China is a very interesting country.

I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. My favorite subject in school is P.E. It’s fun. / It’s too difficult.

3. Enable the students to write a pen pal letter.

4. Help the students learn how to write to a pen pal.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1.Warming up

Say, Do you have a pen pal? What’s his name? Does he have any brothers and sisters? What language does he speak?

Then ask the students to work in pairs to talk about their pen pal.

Step 2.Reading(3a)

Ask the students to read the letter on page 5.



Point the four questions beneath the letter.

When the students finish reading the letter, ask the four questions orally and ask them to answer orally.

Ask the students to retell the letter, using their own words.

Step 3.Reading and writing (3b)

Ask the students to pay attention to the letter from Tom King.

Point out the blanks in the letter and the information card on the right. Correct the answers. Then draw the information card on the blackboard and then ask the students try to retell the letter.

Step 4. Writing

Ask the students make their own information card.

After they are finished, ask several students to read their e-mails in class.


Ask the students to choose one of the following tasks as homework.

1. Show a name card to the students and ask them to write something about it. 2. The students change their information card with their partner and write something about their partner.

Period 6

Teaching aims:

1. Teach vocabulary words.

2. Enable the students to describe the new students in the class. 3. Help the students learn to describe the new students in the class.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

Practice talking about one of the students.

Say, Take out your information cards. And change it with your partner. Read it carefully and make up an oral practice, talking about your partner.

Step 2.Key word check

Ask the students to read all the words in this part.

Say: In learning to talk about where people are from, you learned many words on the topic. Now read and check the words you know in 1 on page 6. Then say a sentence with each of them.



Step 3.Vocab-Builders

Ask students to write five new words in their Vocabulary-Builder on page 112. After they are finished, ask two students to write their words down on the blackboard. And ask them to read the words and the whole class repeat. And tellthe whole class to remember them after class.

Step 4.Writing

Let the students pay attention to the pictures.

Say, Look at the picture of Sally. How old do you think she is? Where do you think she is from? What language do you think she speaks? What do you think she likes? What do you think she dislikes? The same step goes with Jim and Julie.

After a few minutes, ask some students to read their descriptions to the class.

Step 5.Speaking

Ask the students to do an oral practice about the new classmates. Say, There are several new students in our class this term. Who do you like best? Why do you like him or her? Please tell us. First you can tell your partner.

Ask some students to present their work to the class.

Step 6. Just for Fun!

Ask all students to read the conversation. Let the students practice in pairs.


Ask the students to summarize what they have learned in this unit and prepare for the next unit.



Unit 2 Where is the post office?

Language goals:

? In this unit students learn to talk about asking for and give directions on the


New languages:

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Excuse me, is there a bank near here? Yes, there is. It’s on Center Street. Where is the pay phone?

It’s across from / next to / in front of / behind the library. It’s between the post office and the library. Just go straight and turn left. Turn left on First Avenue.

Take a walk through the park on Center Avenue. There is a clean / dirty park near my house.

Difficult points:

1. Listening for the information of the names of the neighborhood

Read the tour guide and an e-mail from a friend you’re going to visit. Write the dialogues about asking the way and giving directions. 2. Where questions. Affirmative statements Prepositions of place

Teaching aids:

? A tape recorder ? Some pictures

Teaching periods:

Period 1:Section A1a, 1b, 1c Period 2:Section A2a, 2b, 2c Period 3:Section A3a, 3b, 4

Period 4:Section B 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a,2b, 2c Period 5:SectionB 3a, 3b, 3c, 4 Period 6:Self Check



Period 1

Teaching aims:

1. Teachvocabulary words.

2. Target languages: Is there a bank near here?Yes, there is. It’s on Center Street.

3. Enable the students to ask for and give directions on the street. 4. Help the students to ask for and give directions on the street.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Warming up

Show three pictures prepared before class to the students. There is a cat in a box in picture 1. There is a cat on a box in picture 2. There is a cat under the box in picture 3.

Then ask some students to ask and answer these questions.

Step 2.Match work(2a)

Ask the students to read the picture and the wordsin the numbered list. Ask the students to match each word or phrase on the list with one of the pictures.

Then check the answers.

Present the new sentence patterns.

Then ask the students to read the dialogue in the picture.

Step 3. Listening(1b)

Ask the students to listen to the conversations and circle the places in 1a.

Change the roles and do the same again.

Then students ask and answer without the help of the recording.

Step 4. Practice

Point to the different locations shown in the picture. Ask different students to name each one.

Then point to more locations and let the students to practice more.


1. Practice the conversation in the picture on page 7.

2. Learn the new words and phrases in this period by heart.



Period 2

Teaching aims:

1. Learnthe vocabulary words and useful expressions. 2. Target languages:

The pay phone is across from the library. The pay phone is next tothe library.

The pay phone is between the post office and the library. The pay phone is on Greet Street. The pay phone is in front of the library. The pay phone is behind the library.

3. Enable the students to talk about the position of a place. 4. Help the students to talk about the position of a place.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision andwarming up

Check the homework by talking about the pictures on page 7 with the students or prepare some other pictures with different buildings in it and let the students practice asking and answering questions about the places.

Ask the students to practice more.

Step 2. Presentation (2a)

Introduce the items across from, next to, between, in front of, behind and on.

Draw the following pictureon the blackboard. Park3 Centre Street

Encourage or help the students to answer: It’s across from the library. The same way goes withnext to, on and in front of.

Ask the students to match each sentence with one of the pictures. Then ask the students to read the sixsentences and match the sentences the pictures. Check the answers.

Step 3. Listening(2b)

Review the buildings and street names in Activity 1a and the six sentences in 2a.

The read the six sentences in 2b to the class.

Ask the students to listen to the recording and fill in the blanks. Play the tape. Check the answers.

Step 4. Practice (2c)



Ask the students to repeat the conversations after the recording.

Ask the students to do the Pair work asking and answering questions about the places in 1a.

Step 5.Grammar Focus

Ask the students to read the sentences in the grammar box aloud. The ask them to answer the following questions. Explain some language points if the students can’t understand.


? Ask the students to practice talking about their neighborhood in pairs.

Period 3

Teaching aims:

1. Teach vocabulary words. 2. Target languages:

Just go straight and turn left.

It’s down Bridge Street on the right. It’s next to a supermarket.

3. Enable the students to talk about the neighborhood. 4. Help the students to talk about the neighborhood.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

Let the students look at the picture in activity 1a. And ask some students to answer some questions inorder to check the homework. Say, Is there a library near here? Where is it? Is there a bank near here? Where is it?

Put up the picture of activity 2a on the blackboard and ask them to make conversations.

Step 2. Presentation (3a)

Guide the students to guess the meanings of the three traffic signs. Show the pictures and ask some questions about the pictures.

Then ask the students to hold up their left hands and then their right hands to practice ―left‖ and ―right‖.

Point to the picture and let the students read the conversation.

Ask the students to read the conversations. Then ask them to find Paul and Nancy in the picture.

Ask the students to role play the conversation then point out the place that Paul wants to get to.



Step 3. Complete the conversations (3b)

Ask the students to make conversations and answer the questions below each picture.

The students point out the place in the picture. And write down the answers on the line in the pictures. Or ask a pair of students to say the conversation, the others point to the speakers’ place.

Step 4. Game

Ask the students to look atthe picture in Activity 1a and name all the buildings.

Ask some students to read the conversation in the picture in Activity 4. And then explain the instruction to the student. Then ask some groups to present their work.


? Ask the students to make a similar conversation to that in Activity 3a.

Period 4

Teaching aims:

1. Teach vocabulary words. 2. Target languages:

Is there a big supermarket near your house? Yes, there is.

There is a big supermarket.

No! There is a small supermarket.

3. Enable the students to describe the neighborhood. 4. Help the students to describe the neighborhood.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

Check the homework by asking the following questions.

Say, Look at the picture in activity 3a. Suppose you are standing near the building on the side of New Street. Please answer my questions. Excuse me. Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood? Ask another student to answer questions.

Give more students chances to practice this dialogue.

Step 2.Match work(1a)

Bring in some objects or pictures to the students. (Two rulers, one is old,



the other is new. Two boxes, one is big and the other is small. Two bottles, one is clean and the other is dirty. Two pictures of a street, one is busy and the other is quiet.)

Say, Look at the rulers, please. Can you find the difference between them? Yes. This one is old. (Show the old ruler.) And this one is new. (Show the new ruler.) Do you understand old and new? Ask the students to talk about the picture.

Point to each half of each picture and ask about the difference between the halves.

Go on with the other pictures to teach the language items. Ask the students to match the words with the pictures.

Step 3. Pair work

Call attention to the conversation in the picture.

Then ask the studentsto work in pairs and take turns asking each other questions about the things on the list of phrases in activity 1a on page 7.

Step 4. Listening(2a, 2b)

Ask the students to listen to the tape and circle the places in 1a.

Say: Now please listen to the tape again. Listen to it and draw the places in Michael’s neighborhood on the street map. Just listen. Play the recording.

Play the recording again.

Thenhave some students show their completed drawing to the class.

Step 5. Pair work

Ask the students to work in pairs talking about drawings to the class. Then ask some pairs to present their dialogues to the class.

Ask the students to work in pairs, draw a map of their own neighborhood and practice asking and answering questions about the places they live in.


? Ask the students to make similar conversations to that in Activity 1b.

Period 5

Teaching aims:

1. Teach vocabulary words. 2. Target languages:

Turn left on First Avenue and enjoy the city’s quiet streets and small parks.



Take a walk through the park on Center Avenue. This is the beginning of the garden tour. Bridge is a good place to have fun.

3. Enable the students to write a tour guide and draw the rout to somewhere. 4. How to write a tour guide and draw the rout to somewhere.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

Check the homework by asking about the student’s neighborhood. Ask the students to work in pairs. Ask the students to work in pairs.

Then ask some pairs to present their conversations to the whole class.

Step 2. Reading(3a, 3b)

Ask the students to read the tour guide.

Divide the whole class into four groups to have a quiz.

Tell the students to keep these words down and make at least two sentences with each word after class.

After that ask the students to look at the pictures and fill in the blanks for this tour guide.

Step 3.Writing

Ask the students to write a tour guide with the students. Names of buildings and locations. Description words

Words that talk about positions. Words that talk about directions.

Step 4. Pair work (4b)

Learn to draw a picture of neighborhood. First ask the students to answer the questions according to the pictures.

Then ask the students to draw a picture according to the following conversation.

Then ask students to present their drawings to the whole class.


1. Ask the students to talk about the street and buildings in their own neighborhood.

2.Ask the students to make sentences with the description words they kept down in the class.



Period 6

Teaching aims

1. Teach vocabulary words. 2. Target languages:

I know you are arriving next Sunday. Let me tell you the way to my house. I hope you have a good trip.

3. Enable the students to write about the neighborhood.

4. Help the studentsto learn how to write about the neighborhood.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

Check the homework by asking and answering some questions. Give more students chances to practice.

Step 2.Key word check(1)

Ask the students to check the words they know. Then ask the students to do the some exercises.

Step 3.Vocab-Builders (2)

Expand the students’vocabulary.

After that ask the students to share their list with other students.

Step 4. Reading

Ask the students to read the letter and draw the rout on the map. Ask the students to change the letter into a telephone conversation. Let the students pay attention to the pictures.

Say, Look at the picture of Sally. How old do you think she is? Where do you think she is from? What language do you think she speaks? What do you think she likes?

What do you think she dislikes?

The same step goes with Jim and Julie.

After a few minutes, ask some students to read their descriptions to the class.

Step 5. Just for Fun!

Call attention to the conversation in the cartoons.

Ask the students to read the conversation and then answer the questions.




? Ask the students to do the following:

1. Suppose your friend is going to visit you. He doesn’t know the way to your house. Write a letter to him to tell him the route from the bus stop to your house.

2. Review the next unit.



Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?

Language goals:

? In this unit students learn to describe animals and express preferences.

New languages:

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Let’s see the pandas first.

Why do you like want to see the pandas? Because they are very cute. Because they’re kind of shy.

Because they’re kind of interesting. Because they are fun. Because they are smart. Do you like giraffes? Where are lions from?

They are from South Africa.

The animal is ugly / beautiful / friendly / small / shy / clever / cute / scary. She likes to play with her friends and eat grass.

She’s very beautiful, but she’s very shy, so please be quiet.

He sleeps during the day, but at night he gets up and eats leaves.

Difficult points:

1. Listening for the names ofanimals. Listen for the description words about animals.

2. Readthe description words about animals. Write about the animal you know. 3. why, what, where questions, because, adjectives of quality

Teaching aids:

? A tape recorder ? Some pictures

Teaching periods:

? ? ? ? ? ?

Period 1:Section A1a, 1b, 1c Period 2:Section A2a, 2b, 2c Period 3:Section A3a, 3b, 4

Period 4:Section B 1a,1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c Period 5:SectionB 3a, 3b, 3c, 4 Period 6:Self Check



Period 1

Teaching aims:

1. Teachvocabulary words. 2. Target languages: Let’s see the pandas.

Why do you want to see the lions? Because they’re cute.

3. Enable the students to talk about animals.

4. Help the students learn how to listen to and talk about animals.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Warming up

Talk about animals using pictures.

Teach new words about animals by the pictures.

Step 2.Match work(1a)

Ask the students to read the words and the picture, and then match the names with the pictures a–h.

Encourage or help the students to say something about the picture and do the match work.

Step 3. Listening (1b)

Point to the numbered list of words in activity 1a and play the recording. Ask the studentsto listen to the recording and circle the countries in 1a. Play the tape and then check the answers.

Ask the students to listen to and repeat after the recording and then check the answers.

Further activity: Ask the students to do some pair work in the following way if they can understand the listening material well.

Step 4. Pair work(1c)

Ask the students to make conversations in pairs. Showthe following.

—Let’s see the pandas / giraffes / lions / penguins / dolphins / koalas / elephants / tigers? —Why?

—Because they’re cute / interesting / fun / interesting / smart.

Say: Now please make conversations in pairs, using the animals in activity 1a and the description words in activity 1c.




1. Ask the studentsto remember the new words in this period (on page 116) by heart.

2. Ask the studentsto practice the conversation in activity 1c.

Period 2

Teaching aims:

1. Learnthe vocabulary words and useful expressions. 2. Target languages: I like dolphins.

Why do you like dolphins?

Because they are kind of interesting.

3. Enable the students to talk about animals and tell why they like them. 4. Help the students learntotalk about animals and tell why theylike them. Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Free talk and lead-in

Revise the names of the animals.

Say: In last period we learnt the names of some animals. Now let’s do some revision. Please look at the pictures one by one and you have to tell me the name ofthe animal in the picture. OK? Show the students the animal pictures one by one. Revise the conversation learnt in the last period.

Give more chances to more students to practice talking about the animals and expressing why they like the animals.

Step 2. Listening (2a, 2b)

First ask the students to listen and fill in the chart in activity 2a.

Play the recording for the first time. Ask the students to listen carefully and write down the animals. Play the tape the second time.

Ask the students to pay attention to the words in the box in Activity 2b. Ask the students to pay attention to the conversation in activity 2b. After that, check the answers.

Then ask the students to listen to and repeat the dialogue after the recording.

After this, ask the students to practice the conversation without the help of the recording.



Step 3. Pair work(2c)

Ask the students to work in pairs, ask and answer about animals they know.

Ask the studentsto practice: Why? Because they are…

Step 4.Grammarfocus

Ask the students to read the sentences in the grammar box and sum up the sentence structure.

Practice suggestion: Ask the students to work in groups and write down their own opinions on the animals in Activity 1a on a piece of paper; show their work to the group members.And then ask and answer questions.


? Ask the students to do the following:

1. Make similar dialogues according to the conversation in 2c. 2. Use the words in the box in activity 2b to make sentences. 3. Ask the students to find more descriptionwords about animals.

Period 3

Teaching aims:

1. Teach vocabulary words. 2. Target languages: Where are lions from?

Lions are from South Africa.

3. Enable the students to say where some animal are from. 4. Help the students to saywhere some animals are from.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Free talk and lead-in

Show the students some pictures and ask some questions. Show the first picture with a panda in it.

Show other pictures of animals and ask questions and go on with others in the same way.

Step 2.Match work (3a)

Ask the students to read the maps and the animals in activity 3a. Let the students look at the three animals.

Let the students match the countries and the animals.



Move around the classroom to see if the students need help.

Ask the students to draw lines to match the maps with the pictures.

Step 3. Pair work(3b)

Ask the students to read the conversation in activity 3b.

Ask the students to work in pairs and ask and answer questions.

Step 4. Game

Ask the students to read the list of countries and animals.

Let the students look at the list of countries and animals and find a person to translate the list of countries and animals into Chinese. Show the students how to play the game. Play the recording for the first time.

Play the recording again and check the answers by replaying the tape.


? Ask the students to practice talking about where animals come from in

Activity 3a.

Period 4

Teaching aims:

1. Teach vocabulary words. 2.Target languages:

What animals do you like? I like elephants.

3. Enable the students to talk about why they like some animals.

4. Help the students to learn how to talk about why they like some animals.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Warming and lead-in

Check the homework by asking some questions. Show the pictures of lions, pandas and koalas.

Say: Where are pandas from? Where are koalas from? Where are lions from?

Show a picture of a big elephant.

Step 2.Match work(1)

Ask the students to read the words and the picture, and then match the names with the pictures a–h.



Point to the pictures one by one.

Ask the students to read the eight numbered adjectives at the top. Ask the students to do the match work.

Step 3. Listening (2a, 2b)

Point to the numbered list of words in activity 1 and play the recording. Ask the students to listen to the recording and circle the description words in activity 1.

Playthe tape forthe first time.

And then playthe recording the second time.

Ask the students to pay attention to the headings in 2b.

Play the first four lines ofthe recording of the conversation and stop the tape.

Playthe rest of the conversation.

Check if the students get the right information. If not, play the part students can’t understand well or get the right information again (and again).

Step 4. Pair work(3)

Ask the students to read the dialogue.

As the students work, move around to see if help is needed. Ask the students to work in pairs.


1. Ask the students to tryto remember the new words learned in this period. 2. Ask the students to try to practice talking about the animals they like according toactivity 3.

Period 5

Teaching aims:

1. Teach vocabulary words. 2. Target languages:

She likes to play with her friends and eat grass. Please be quiet.

He sleeps during the day, but at night he gets up and eats leaves. 3. Enable the students to write a description of an animal. 4. Help the students to write a description of an animal.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision



Before the new lesson, do some revision to check the homework.

Show some pictures with a panda, a lion, a koala, an elephant, a dolphin, a tiger and penguin in each of them.

Say: Morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. Have you remembered we learned how to describe animals? Can you say some of them?

Ask some students to answer questions.

Give more students chances to say, and let them have enough practice.

Step 2. Presentation (3a)

Let the students read the pictures and the descriptions.

Ask the studentsto read the articles in 3a and answer the following questions.

Showthe following.

Explain some language points that students may not understand. For example, the difference betweenplay and play with.

Step 3. Reading and filling in the blanks (3b)

Ask the students to look at the pictures in activity 3a and teach new words. Say, Look at picture d. What is the panda eating? What is the koala eating?

Write leaves on the blackboard. Ask a student to give the Chinese meaning and go on with the others in the same way. Ask the students to read the box on the left in activity 3b.

Point out the description in 3b with blank lines where some words are missing.

As the students work, move around the room checking progress and offering language support as needed.

Ask the students to try to recite the description.

Step 4.Writing (3c)

Ask the students to write an article about the animal they like. Showthe following.

What’s the name of your favorite animal? How old is it? Where is it from?

What does it like to do?

What description words can be used to describe your favorite animals? After that have them present to the class.

After the students finish writing the description, let them share their writing with others in the class.

Step 5.Group work(4)

Point out the example in the speech bubbles in activity 4. Ask two



students to read it.Then divide the class into groups offour.

Say: You will take turns reading your description from 3c to your group. The other students in the group guess what animal you wrote about. As students work, move around the classroom, making sure each student has a chance to read his or her description to their group. Ask a few students to read their description to the class.


1. Ask the students to practice writing an article about one of their favorite animals.

2.Ask the students to share their description in 3c with more students.

Period 6

Teaching aims:

1. Teach vocabulary words.

2. Enable the students to write about animals. 3. Help the studentsto write about animals.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1.Warming up

Check the homework. Then show some animal pictures to the students. Say: We learned to talk about animals you like in the last period. And I asked you to write an article about one of your favorite animals. Did you finish it?

Who’d like to share your work?

Step 2.Key word check(1)

Ask the students to read all the words in this part.

Say: In learning to talk about animals, you learned many words on the topic.

Now read and check the words you know in 1 on page 18. Then make a 8 sentence with each of them.

Step 3.Vocab-Builders (2)

Ask students to write five new words in their Vocabulary-Builder on page 112.

After they are finished, ask two students to write their words down on the blackboard. And ask them to read the words and the whole class repeat. And tellthe whole class to remember themafter class.



Step 4.Writing (3, 4)

Point out the example-the description of the elephant.

Say, Look at the description of the elephant. I want to ask one of the students to read it to the class.

After that, ask them to write a similar description of the other animals.


1. Ask the students to summarize what they have learned in this unit. 2. Ask the students to write an article about one of their favorite animals.



Unit 4 I want to be an actor.

Language goals:

? In this unit students learn to describe animals and express preferences.

New languages:

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Let’s see the pandas first.

Why do you like want to see the pandas? Because they are very cute. Because they’re kind of shy.

Because they’re kind of interesting. Because they are fun. Because they are smart. Do you like giraffes? Where are lions from?

They are from South Africa.

The animal is ugly / beautiful / friendly / small / shy / clever / cute / scary. She likes to play with her friends and eat grass.

She’s very beautiful, but she’s very shy, so please be quiet.

He sleeps during the day, but at night he gets up and eats leaves.

Difficult points:

1. Listening for the names ofanimals. Listen for the description words about animals.

2. Readthe description words about animals. Write about the animal you know. 3. why, what, where questions, because, adjectives of quality

Teaching aids:

? A tape recorder ? Some pictures

Teaching periods:

? ? ? ? ? ?

Period 1:Section A1a, 1b, 1c Period 2:Section A2a, 2b, 2c Period 3:Section A3a, 3b, 4

Period 4:Section B 1a,1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c Period 5:SectionB 3a, 3b, 3c, 4 Period 6:Self Check



Period 1

Teaching aims:

1. Teachvocabulary words. 2. Target languages: Let’s see the pandas.

Why do you want to see the lions? Because they’re cute.

3. Enable the students to talk about animals.

4. Help the students learn how to listen to and talk about animals.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Warming up

Talk about animals using pictures.

Teach new words about animals by the pictures.

Step 2.Match work(1a)

Ask the students to read the words and the picture, and then match the names with the pictures a–h.

Encourage or help the students to say something about the picture and do the match work.

Step 3. Listening (1b)

Point to the numbered list of words in activity 1a and play the recording. Ask the studentsto listen to the recording and circle the countries in 1a. Play the tape and then check the answers.

Ask the students to listen to and repeat after the recording and then check the answers.

Further activity: Ask the students to do some pair work in the following way if they can understand the listening material well.

Step 4. Pair work(1c)

Ask the students to make conversations in pairs. Showthe following.

—Let’s see the pandas / giraffes / lions / penguins / dolphins / koalas / elephants / tigers? —Why?

—Because they’re cute / interesting / fun / interesting / smart.

Say: Now please make conversations in pairs, using the animals in activity 1a and the description words in activity 1c.




1. Ask the studentsto remember the new words in this period (on page 116) by heart.

2. Ask the studentsto practice the conversation in activity 1c.

Period 2

Teaching aims:

1. Learnthe vocabulary words and useful expressions. 2. Target languages: I like dolphins.

Why do you like dolphins?

Because they are kind of interesting.

3. Enable the students to talk about animals and tell why they like them. 4. Help the students learntotalk about animals and tell why theylike them.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Free talk and lead-in

Revise the names of the animals.

Say: In last period we learnt the names of some animals. Now let’s do some revision. Please look at the pictures one by one and you have to tell me the name ofthe animal in the picture. OK?

Show the students the animal pictures one by one. Revise the conversation learnt in the last period.

Give more chances to more students to practice talking about the animals and expressing why they like the animals.

Step 2. Listening (2a, 2b)

First ask the students to listen and fill in the chart in activity 2a.

Play the recording for the first time. Ask the students to listen carefully and write down the animals.

Play the tape the second time.

Ask the students to pay attention to the words in the box in Activity 2b. Ask the students to pay attention to the conversation in activity 2b. After that, check the answers.

Then ask the students to listen to and repeat the dialogue after the recording.

After this, ask the students to practice the conversation without the help of the recording.



Step 3. Pair work(2c)

Ask the students to work in pairs, ask and answer about animals they know.

Ask the studentsto practice: Why? Because they are…

Step 4.Grammarfocus

Ask the students to read the sentences in the grammar box and sum up the sentence structure.

Practice suggestion: Ask the students to work in groups and write down their own opinions on the animals in Activity 1a on a piece of paper; show their work to the group members.And then ask and answer questions.


? Ask the students to do the following:

1. Make similar dialogues according to the conversation in 2c. 2. Use the words in the box in activity 2b to make sentences. 3. Ask the students to find more descriptionwords about animals.

Period 3 Teaching aims:

1. Teach vocabulary words. 2. Target languages:

Where are lions from?

Lions are from South Africa.

3. Enable the students to say where some animal are from. 4. Help the students to saywhere some animals are from.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Free talk and lead-in

Show the students some pictures and ask some questions. Show the first picture with a panda in it.

Show other pictures of animals and ask questions and go on with others in the same way.

Step 2.Match work (3a)

Ask the students to read the maps and the animals in activity 3a. Let the students look at the three animals.

Let the students match the countries and the animals.

Move around the classroom to see if the students need help.



Ask the students to draw lines to match the maps with the pictures.

Step 3. Pair work(3b)

Ask the students to read the conversation in activity 3b.

Ask the students to work in pairs and ask and answer questions.

Step 4. Game

Ask the students to read the list of countries and animals.

Let the students look at the list of countries and animals and find a person to translate the list of countries and animals into Chinese. Show the students how to play the game. Play the recording for the first time.

Play the recording again and check the answers by replaying the tape.


? Ask the students to practice talking about where animals come from in

Activity 3a.

Period 4

Teaching aims:

1. Teach vocabulary words. 2.Target languages:

What animals do you like? I like elephants.

3. Enable the students to talk about why they like some animals.

4. Help the students to learn how to talk about why they like some animals.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Warming and lead-in

Check the homework by asking some questions. Show the pictures of lions, pandas and koalas.

Say: Where are pandas from? Where are koalas from? Where are lions from?

Show a picture of a big elephant.

Step 2.Match work(1)

Ask the students to read the words and the picture, and then match the names with the pictures a–h. Point to the pictures one by one.



Ask the students to read the eight numbered adjectives at the top. Ask the students to do the match work.

Step 3. Listening (2a, 2b)

Point to the numbered list of words in activity 1 and play the recording. Ask the students to listen to the recording and circle the description words in activity 1.

Playthe tape forthe first time.

And then playthe recording the second time.

Ask the students to pay attention to the headings in 2b.

Play the first four lines ofthe recording of the conversation and stop the tape.

Playthe rest of the conversation.

Check if the students get the right information. If not, play the part students can’t understand well or get the right information again (and again).

Step 4. Pair work(3)

Ask the students to read the dialogue.

As the students work, move around to see if help is needed. Ask the students to work in pairs.


1. Ask the students to tryto remember the new words learned in this period. 2. Ask the students to try to practice talking about the animals they like according toactivity 3.

Period 5

Teaching aims:

1. Teach vocabulary words. 2. Target languages:

She likes to play with her friends and eat grass. Please be quiet.

He sleeps during the day, but at night he gets up and eats leaves. 3. Enable the students to write a description of an animal. 4. Help the students to write a description of an animal.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

Before the new lesson, do some revision to check the homework.



Show some pictures with a panda, a lion, a koala, an elephant, a dolphin, a tiger and penguin in each of them.

Say: Morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. Have you remembered we learned how to describe animals? Can you say some of them?

Ask some students to answer questions.

Give more students chances to say, and let them have enough practice.

Step 2. Presentation (3a)

Let the students read the pictures and the descriptions.

Ask the studentsto read the articles in 3a and answer the following questions.

Showthe following.

Explain some language points that students may not understand. For example, the difference betweenplay and play with.

Step 3. Reading and filling in the blanks (3b)

Ask the students to look at the pictures in activity 3a and teach new words. Say, Look at picture d. What is the panda eating? What is the koala eating? Write leaves on the blackboard. Ask a student to give the Chinese meaning and go on with the others in the same way.

Ask the students to read the box on the left in activity 3b.

Point out the description in 3b with blank lines where some words are missing.

As the students work, move around the room checking progress and offering language support as needed.

Ask the students to try to recite the description.

Step 4.Writing (3c)

Ask the students to write an article about the animal they like. Showthe following.

What’s the name of your favorite animal? How old is it? Where is it from?

What does it like to do?

What description words can be used to describe your favorite animals? After that have them present to the class.

After the students finish writing the description, let them share their writing with others in the class.

Step 5.Group work(4)

Point out the example in the speech bubbles in activity 4. Ask two students to read it.Then divide the class into groups offour.

Say: You will take turns reading your description from 3c to your group. The



other students in the group guess what animal you wrote about.

As students work, move around the classroom, making sure each student has a chance to read his or her description to their group. Ask a few students to read their description to the class.


1. Ask the students to practice writing an article about one of their favorite animals.

2.Ask the students to share their description in 3c with more students.

Period 6

Teaching aims:

1. Teach vocabulary words.

2. Enable the students to write about animals. 3. Help the studentsto write about animals.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1.Warming up

Check the homework. Then show some animal pictures to the students. Say: We learned to talk about animals you like in the last period. And I asked you to write an article about one of your favorite animals. Did you finish it?

Who’d like to share your work?

Step 2.Key word check(1)

Ask the students to read all the words in this part.

Say: In learning to talk about animals, you learned many words on the topic.

Now read and check the words you know in 1 on page 18. Then make a 8 sentence with each of them.

Step 3.Vocab-Builders (2)

Ask students to write five new words in their Vocabulary-Builder on page 112.

After they are finished, ask two students to write their words down on the blackboard. And ask them to read the words and the whole class repeat. And tellthe whole class to remember themafter class.

Step 4.Writing (3, 4)

Point out the example-the description of the elephant.



Say, Look at the description of the elephant. I want to ask one of the students to read it to the class.

After that, ask them to write a similar description of the other animals.


1. Ask the students to summarize what they have learned in this unit. 2. Ask the students to write an article about one of their favorite animals.



Unit 5 I’m watching TV

Language goals:

? In this unit students learn totalk about what people are doing

New languages:

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

What are you doing?I’m doing my homework. What is he / she doing? He / She is reading.

Is he / she writing a letter?Yes, he / she is. / No, he / she isn’t.

Are you / they playing football? Yes, we /theyare. / No, we / they aren’t. Do you want to go to the movies? That sounds good.

When do you want to go? At three o’clock.

Difficult points:

1. Listen for what people are doing.

Listen for the places and everyday activities. Read a letter.

Write what someone is doing. 2. Present progressive tense.

Yes / No questions and short answers.

Teaching aids:

? A tape recorder ? Some pictures

Teaching periods:

? ? ? ? ? ?

Period 1:Section A1a, 1b, 1c Period 2:Section A2a, 2b, 2c Period 3:Section A3a, 3b, 4

Period 4:Section B 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a,2b, 2c Period 5:SectionB 3a, 3b, 3c, 4 Period 6:Self Check

Period 1



Teaching aims:

1. Teachvocabulary words. 2. Target languages: What are you doing? I’m watching TV. What is he doing? He’s reading.

3. Enable the students to talk about what people are doing.

4. Help the student learn how to listen to and talk about what people are doing.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Warming up and lead-in

Perform some actions and make sentences.

Say: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you here again.

Today we’re going to learn Unit 5. We are going to talk about everyday activities.

And nowI'll act outsome activities and you canguess what I’m doing. Ask the students to repeat the two sentences several times. Open a book and read it.

Ask some students to do some simple actions and ask them the questions.

Say: I will ask some students to do some simple actions and tell me what you are doing.

Step 2.Match work(1a)

Ask the students to read the words and the picture, and then match the activities with the pictures a–f.

Encourage or help the students to say something about the picture and do the match work.

Line next to the words ―watching TV.‖(as shown below)

Go on with the others inthe same way.Then check the answers with the students.

Step 3. Listening (1b)

Ask the students to read the names in activity 1b and write the number from 1a.

Play the recording. Let the students just listen.

Thenpoint out the blank lines where students will write numbers from 1a. Play the recording for a second time.

Ask the students to listen to and read after the recording.

Step 4. Pair work(1c)


