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1. 通常用作复数的集合名词


The police were after him. 警察正在追捕他。

People are beginning to talk about her. 人们开始议论她。

Cattle feed on grass. 牛吃草。

【注】goods(货物), clothes(衣服)只有复数形式,且只表示复数意义:

Such clothes are very cheap. 那样的衣服很便宜。

All the goods have been sent to them. 所有的货物都给他们送去了。

2. 只用作单数的不可数集合名词

clothing(衣服),poetry(诗歌),baggage / luggage(行李), furniture(家具),machinery(机械),scenery(景色),jewellery(珠宝),equipment(设备)等集合名词通常只用作不可数名词,表示单数意义,用作主语时,其后谓语动词用单数形式:

Our clothing protects us from against the cold. 我们的衣服可以御寒。

All their baggage was stolen. 他们所有的行李都被偷了。

The furniture is convenient to move. 这家具搬起来很方便。

All the machinery in the factory is made in China. 这个工厂所有的机器都是中国产的。

3. 既可表示单数意义也可表示复数意义的集合名词


Her family is a large one. 她的家庭是一个大家庭。

Her family are all tall. 她的一家人都很高。

The team is the best in the league. 这个队在联赛中打得最好。

The football team are having baths. 足球队队员们在洗澡。

It was late, but the audience was increasing. 时间很迟了,但听众人数却在增加。

The audience were all moved to tears. 听众都感动得流了泪。


The audience was (were) very excited by the show. 观众对演出甚感激动。

The public has (have) a right to know what's in the report. 公众有权知道这篇报告的内容。


Collective Noun


集合名词(英语:Collective noun)是语言学上的一个专有名词,意指一种可用来指称一群对象的字,而这些对象,可以是人、动物、或是一群概念等事物。举例而言,在英语中,“一群狮子”可称为“a pride of lions”,此时“pride”为一个集合名词。 词语信息





不可分集合名词:该事物不可以个体化,即不受个体量词修饰。 除了可用集合量词修饰之外,有时还可以受容器量词、度量词或不定量词修饰。

示例:可以说“上海港停靠了很多船舶”, 但不能说“上海港停靠了一条(只,艘)船舶”。



应注意,有部分词原意是表示集合,但现在词意有所变化。例如“图书”,原指图画和书,现在泛指书籍,如“北大图书馆珍藏了几百万册图书”,也可以说“我今天借了一本图书”。 本、册是个体量词,“图书”是能受个体量词修饰的名词,所以是个体名词,而不是集合名词。“书本”不能受个体量词的修饰,是集合名词。



形式为单数,但意义可以用为单数或复数这类集合名词。包括family(家庭Y: 'Times New Roman'">family(,team(队),class(班),audience(听众)等,其用法特点为:若视为整体,表示单数意义;若考虑其个体成员,表示复数意义。比较并体会:His family is large. 他的家是个大家庭。His family are all waiting for him. 他的一家人都在等他。This class consists of 45 pupils. 这个班由45个学生组成。This class are reading English now. 这个班的学生在读英语。



形式为单数,但意义永远为复数这类集合名词。包括cattle(牛,牲畜)cattle(,people(人),police(警察)等,其用法特点为:只有单数形式, 但却表示复数意义,用作主语时谓语用复数;不与 a(n) 连用,但可与the连用(连用)。如:People will laugh at you. 人们会笑你的。The police are looking for him. 警察在找他。Many cattle were


killed for this. 就因为这个原因宰了不少牲畜。注:表示牲畜的头数,用单位词 head(单复数同形)。如:five head of cattle 5头牛,fifty (head of ) cattle 50头牛


形式为复数,意义也为复数这类集合名词。包括goods(货物), clothes(衣服)等,其用法特点是:只有复数形式(当然也表示复数意义,用作主语时谓语也用复数),但通常不与数词连用。如:Clothes dry slowly in the rainy season. 衣服在雨季不易干。Such clothes are very expensive. 那样的衣服很贵。If goods are not well made you should complain to the manufacturer. 如果货物质量不好,则理应向制造商提出控诉。 第四类

形式为单数,意义也为单数这类集合名词。包括baggage / luggage(行李),

clothing(衣服), furniture(家具), machinery(机器), poetry(诗), scenery(风景), scenery(), jewelry(珠宝), equipment(设备)等, 其用法特点为:是不可数名词,只用单数形式,不用不定冠词(当然更不能用数词),没有复数形式。如:Our clothing protects us from

[against] the cold. 我们的衣服可以御寒。<>Have you checked all your baggage? 你所有的行李都托运了吗?The thief stole all her jewelry. 小偷把她所有的首饰都偷走了。The hospital has no decent equipment. 这家医院没有像样的设备。The Tang Dynasty is thought of as the high summer of Chinese poetry. 人们认为唐朝是中国诗歌的全盛时期。注:machinery, poetry, jewelry, scenery等相应的个体可数名词是 machine, poem, jewel, scene等。如:a poem / a piece of poetry 一首诗many machines / much machinery / many pieces of machinery 许多机器




1. hair(头发,毛发)

指全部头发或毛发时,为集合名词(不可数);指几根头发或毛发时,为个体名词(可数)。如:My hair has grown very long. 我的头发已长得很长了。The police found two hairs there. 警察在那儿找到了两根头发。

2. mankind(人类)

人是一个不可数的集合名词,不用复数形式,也不连用冠词。如:This is an invention that benefits mankind. 这是一项造福人类的发明。Mankind has its own

problems. 人类有自己的问题。注:mankind 表示“mankind 人(类)”时,虽不可数,但有时却可以表示复数意义,尤其是当其表语是复数时。如:Mankind are intelligent animals. 人是理智的动物。

3. fruit(水果)

作为集合名词,它通常是不可数的。如:He doesn’t eat much fruit. 他不大吃水果。He is growing fruit in the country. 他在乡下种水果。但是,当要表示种类时,它可视为可数名词,即a fruit 指一种水果,fruits 指多种水果。比较:fruits Some fruits have thick skins. 有些水果皮很厚。The potato is a vegetable, not a fruit. 土豆是一种蔬菜,而不是一种水果。




须用复数。注意:此类名词单复数的意义并不完全相同,汉译时一定要当心。如army(一国之军队),armies(多国部队);couple(一对夫妇),couples(多对夫妇);等。常见的此类集合名词有:army,association,audience,band,board,cast,clan,class,clique,club,college,committee,company,community,congregation(教民,会众),council(市议会,理事会),couple,crew,crowd,enemy,family,firm,fleet,flock,folk,gang,government,group,jury,kingdom ,mob(暴民,暴徒),navy,opposition,orchestra,pack,pair,party,personnel,profession,population,staff,school,team,tribe(部落,部民), union,university等。

1.The staff is/are hardworking.

2.The audience were moved to tears.

3.The lecturer draws large audiences.

4.The whole school was punished.

5.The class consists of 40 students.

6.This class are diligent.

7.The whole profession fight tooth andnail against it.

8.One tenth of the population of Egypt is/are Christian.

二、某些有生命的集合名词,本身无复数形式,作主语时,谓语通常用复数。常见的此类集合名词有:cattle,clergy,faculty(教职工), herd,mankind,military,militia(民团、民兵), people,police,poultry(家禽),swine(猪),vermin,womankind等。

9.There are three people waving at us.

10.The police haven't arrived yet.





主语为单数第三人称时,谓语要变单数,即加“S” 如:reads, sits



e.g. Growing flowers needs constant watering.

e.g. That it keeps raining (worry) the tourists.

e.g. To be praised(be) a happy thing.

e.g. When and where to hold the meeting _____ (have) not been decided

2. news, politics, physics, mathematics, plastics等形式为复数而意义为单数的名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。学科名称的名词或国名、地名、书名、组织机构


e.g. No news (be) good news.

e.g. Physics (be) a fundamental subject in science.

e.g. The Arabian Nights (be) a very interestingstory-book.

3.表示时间、距离、钱额、重量、空间、体积等意义的复数名词作主语,谓语动词常用单数。 e.g. Eight hours of sleep is enough.

e.g. A hundred miles (be) a long distance.

e.g. Ten pounds(be) missing from my pocket.

e.g. Twenty years (have) passed since he left his hometown.

4. more than one/many a + 单数名词作主语,意义上是复数,谓语动词常用单数(形单意复) e.g. More than one student (have)tried.

e.g. Many a student and teacher(be) watching the football match.

e.g. Many a man (have) died in the war.

5. each/every/many a + 单数名词 and each/every/many a + 单数名词作主语,谓语动词用单数。

e.g. Each book and each pen (be) found in its place.

e.g. Every boy and every girl (have) the right to receive education.

e.g. Many a boy and many a girl (have) seen these painting.

e.g. Every hour and minute (be) important.

第二个each, every, many a 可以省略。



e.g. The worker and the writer are from Beijing. (那位工人和那位作家)

e.g. The worker and writer is from Beijing. (那个工人兼作家)

e.g. The singer and dancer (be) famous all over the world.

常见的表同一概念的有: the needle and thread 针线the folk and knife 刀叉

7. 当主语是class, family, army, team, club, crowd, majority, audience, government, public, group, band 等集合名词 时,如果该集合名词表示一个组织或单位的概念,谓语动词用单数形式;如果该集合名词表示组织或单位里一些个体的概念,谓语动词用复数形式。 e.g. His family (be) in Harbin. e.g. His family (be) music lovers.

e.g. The committee (be) made up of 10 members.

e.g. The committee (be) in the hall.

8. glasses, shoes, scissors,trousers, chopsticks,等作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。但前面有a pair of, this/that pair of, a suit of等时,谓语动词用单数形式。

e.g. This pair of trousers (be) very dirty.

e.g. Her trousers(be) being washed now.

当主语是congratulations, earnings, remains, goods, belongings, clothes等一类词时,谓语动词用复数形式。

e.g. The goods (belong) to Mr. Wang.

9. population 做主语指人口,谓语用单数;但指人的行为、居民等,谓语常用复数;分数/百分数+ of the population做主语,谓语用复数。

e.g. The population of the village(be)538.

e.g. One third of the population here (be) workers.

10.a number of +可数名词复数,谓语动词用复数,意思是“许多……”。

the number of + 可数名词复数,谓语动词用单数,意思是“……的数量”。

a quantity of +可数名词复数,谓语动词用复数。quantities of +可数名词复数,谓语动词用复数。 a quantity of +不可数名词, 。谓语用单数.quantities of +不可数名词,谓语动词用复数。 e.g. Quantities of tea (be) sold last month.

e.g. A large quantity of beer(be) sold out.

11.half ,most ,enough, part, the rest ,the last ,lots ,some ,plenty ,分数,百分数+of +名词作主语 谓语动词要和of 之后的名词保持一致。

Two-thirds of the people present (be )against the plan.

Three-fourths of the surface of the earth (be)covered by sea.

Over twenty percent of the city (be )destroyed in the war.

Only 40 percent of the students in the class (be)boys.

13.当用 …or… / either…or… / neither…nor… / not only…but also… / not…but… 等连接句子主语时,谓语动词和与其最邻近的主语的单、复数形式保持一致(就近一致原则)。 e.g. Not only he but also I(be) invited. e.g. I or his brothers (be) to blame.

e.g. Neither I nor he(be) to attend the meeting.

e.g. Not only the students but also their teacher (be) enjoying the film.

14.当 there be/ here be 句型的主语是一系列事物时,谓语动词单、复数应与最邻近的主语保持一致。

e.g. There(be) a pen, a knife and several books on the desk..

e.g. There(are) twenty boy-students and twenty-three girl-students in the class.

e.g. Here (is) a letter and a book for you.

e.g. There (are) three chairs, two tables and a bike in the house.

15.主语后跟 with / along with / together with / like / unlike / besides / but / except / including / as well as / rather than / more than / no less than +名词”结构时,谓语动词一般和前面的主语保持一致。

e.g. The teacher with a number of students ( be) in the classroom.

e.g. Tom, as much as you, (be)responsible for the loss.

e.g. He more than you (be) anxious to go there.

16.“one of+复数名词+定语从句”结构,如果one前面没有限定词,这个句型中的“复数名

词”是先行词,定语从句的谓语动词用复数;如果one前面有the,the only, the right等限定词修饰,则one是先行词,定语从句的谓语动词用单数。

e.g. John is the only one of the students who(have) the keys.

e.g. John is one of the students who (have )the keys

17. the+adj./ v-ed / v- ing作主语时,代表整个类别,谓语动词要用复数。如: the + dying, young, old, blind, rich, sick, wounded, poor及dead等词。

e.g. The old in China (be) living a happy life.

e.g. The wounded (have) been saved.

e.g. The sick (have) been cured and the lost have been found.

1.The United States(be) hit by the Great Depression in 1930s’.

2. Five hundred million pounds (be) a lot of money.

3.When and where this took place(be) still unknown.

4. More than one person (know) about it.

5. Many a student (like) football.

6. Whether she comes or not (be) of no matter.

7. The British (be) very proud of their sense of humor.

8. My family (be) big and the whole family (be)fond of music.

9.The population in China (be) very large, and eighty percent of the population in China (be) farmers.

10. A number of books (have) been sent to the children.

11. The number of books in our school (be) large.

12. The bread and butter(be) served for breakfast.

13.Each man and each woman there (be) asked to help.

14. My mother, as well as my father,(have) a key to the office.

15. The man together with his wife and children(be)sitting there watching TV.

16.No one except his daughters (agree ) with him

17.There (be) a desk, a table and three chairs in the room.

18. Either my grandsons or their father(be) coming.

19. Not only the students but also their teacher (have) been invited.

20.He is one of the most famous actors who (have) lived in the USA.

21.She is the one of those who(have) been invited to attend the conference.


1.They took out their _____and began to write. A.boks B.knives C.pens D.rulers

2.There were over 50______on duty in the street .A.woman B.people C.polices D.rulers

3.There were over 50______on duty in the street . A.woman B.peoples C.polices D. police

4.We took a lot of ___in the park last Sunday.A.photoes B.glass C. tomatoes D. pictures

5.Help yourself to some _____ first. A.breads B.meats C.porridge D.sugars

6.Would you like a glass of ____? Yes ,please. A.fruits B. fruit C.tea D.orange

7.He sat down and made his ___warm at the time. A.mouths B .foods C.foots D.feet

8.There’s usually a lot of ____at this time of day.A.bus B.roads C.peoples D.traffic

9.She was full of _____for the old poor man . A.pity B.pitys C.pities D.thank

10.I can’t finish eating such a big apple. Cut it into_____,please. A.half B.halfs C.halves D.halves.

11.Grass , which horses and cows and sheep eat,___always green in the south. A.is B.has been

On October 12, 1989, some British scientists were working at the computers to look for the information they needed. Suddenly they saw a lot of very bright points crossing the computers screens. At the same time the computers were working much slower. To find out what was

happening they stopped their work to check some parts of the computers. To their horror (恐怖), they found out that most of their stored information was got rid of by computer viruses (病毒) ! Clearly all these computers had been infected (感染) by computer viruses.

It is said that the computer viruses were made by a group of young men fond of playing tricks. ① They all had excellent education. They created the viruses just to show their intelligence (才能) . These kinds of computer viruses are named Jerusalem Viruses. These viruses can stay in computers for a long time. When the time comes they will attack (袭击) the computers by lowering the functions (功能) , damaging their normal programs or even getting rid of all the information. ②

We now come to know that Jerusalem Viruses often attack computers on Friday and that they are spreading (传播) to a lot of computers. Among the countries that were attacked by

computer viruses last year are Britain, Australia, Switzerland and the U.S. But till now, how to get rid of the terrible viruses remains a problem.


1. When the viruses attack the computers, the computers will work____ .

A. normally B. slowlyC. faster D. well

2. The group of young men created the viruses to ____ .

A. damage the computers B. test their ability

C. tell people that they were intelligent D. play a trick on users of the computers

3. According to the passage, computer viruses seem to ____.

A. have been in nature for yearsB. stay in any computers

C. be difficult to get rid of at present D. be able to be got rid of in the near future

4. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Last year four countries found their computer were infected by viruses.

B. The viruses will come to a new computer after staying in the old one for some time.

C. Scientists are trying to find a way to get rid of the viruses.

D. The Jerusalem Viruses are dangerous to human health

难句注释 ① It is said that the computer viruses were made by a group of young men fond of playing tricks.据说计算机病毒是由一群喜欢搞恶作剧的年轻人制造出来的。


1.Don’t lose hearts, you’ll be successful in time. 1_______

2.I need some more informations. 2______

3.These machines look the same,but they are of different kind. 3_______

4.People remember him for his contribution to the country. 4__________ 冠 词

1.At a very beginning, I choose a play and actors. 1_______

2.You can’t consider him a honest man.2_______

