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模块一 Unit1 School Life


1. attend vt. n. attendance/ attendant 28. speech n. 2. earn vt. 29. flat n. & adj. 3.respect v.& n. adj. respectful, 30. attention n. respectable adv. respectfully 31. please v. adj. pleasing , pleased & 4. achieve vt. n. achievement pleasant n. pleasure 5. grade n. 32. title n. 6. literature n. 33. dynasty n. 7. average n.& adj. 34. cover v. & n. 8. challenging adj. v. challenge 35. professor n. 9. e-mail n.& v. 36. regret v.( regretted) & n. 10. extra adj. 37. inform vt. n. information 11.prepare v. n. preparation adj. 38. run v prepared 39. host n. & v. n. hostess 12. drop v. & n. 40. approve vt.& vi. n. approval adj. 13. miss v. (missing adj.) approving adv. approvingly 14. field n 41. close adj. & v. adv. closely 15.experience v. & n. adj. experienced 42. outing n. 16. article n. 43. continue v. adj. continuous 17. introduce v. n. introduction 44. poet n. 18. immediately adv. & conj. 45. poem n. adj. immediate 46. select v. adj. selected 19. former adj. 47. require v. n. requirement adj. 20. recent adj. adv. recently required 21. culture n. adj. cultural 48. nature n. adj. natural 22. develop v. n. development adj. 49. lunchtime n. developed, developing 50. cooking n. 23. photograph n. 51. German n. n. Germany 24. donate vt. n. donation 52. dessert n. 25. gift n. 53. broadcast vt.( broadcast, broadcast) 26. kindness n. adj. kind & n. 27. guest n. 54. scary adj. v./n. scare adj. scared

二、重点词汇: 1. attend v.

attend a meeting/ church/ wedding/ school 参加会议(做礼拜、参加婚礼、去上学) attend to sb/ sth 照顾某人、关照某物,专心某事


2. respect v.& n.

respect sb for sth. 因为、、、而尊敬某人 show/have respect for sb 尊敬某人

earn/ win one’s respect赢得/获得某人的尊敬 give/send one’s respect to sb问候某人 in some/all/several/few respects在、、、方面 in/ with respect of sth就、、、而言 3. prepare v. prepare for 为、、、作准备 prepare to do 准备做、、、 prepare sth.准备、、、

prepare sb. to do sth 使/让某人准备去做某事 be well prepared (for) (对、、、)有所准备,(为、、、)作好了准备 be prepared to do sth. 准备好做某事;愿意做某事 make preparations for为、、、作准备 in preparation for 为、、、作准备 4. experience v. & n.

have / with much experience有许多经验 a wonderful experience一次美妙的经历 be experienced in 在、、、有经验 5. develop v.

develop into发展成为/成长为、、、 develop an interest in sth. 培养、、、方面的兴趣、嗜好等 develop the habit of 慢慢地养成、、、的习惯 develop photos 冲洗照片 6. approve vi./vt.

approve (of) sth./one’s doing sth.同意,赞成、、、、 7. run vi./vt.

run a restaurant经营餐馆 run a school 办学校 run a race 参加赛跑 run the machine开机器 run a fever 发烧 run for 参加、、、的竞选 run into 跑进;撞在、、、上;偶然遇到(某人) run out (某物)用完 run out of 用完(某物)

run across 跑着穿过;偶然碰见 8. drop n./v.


a drop in the bucket/ocean (沧海一粟,杯水车薪) drop to safety 降落到安全地带 drop sth. to…把、、、投放到/扔到、、、 drop sth/sb. from …略去某人/某物 drop sb. a line给某人写信 drop in (on) sb顺便走访

drop out (of)(从比赛等)退出 9. inform v.

inform sb of/about sth. 通知/告诉某人某事 inform sb. that clause 通知/告诉某人、、、 10. for free免费 24. present sth. to sb.把、、、呈现给、、、 11. pay attention to 注意 25.be responsible for 对、、、负责 12. donate…to…把、、、捐赠给、、、 26. take turns 轮流 13. introduce …to…把、、、介绍给、、、 27.compare…with…把、、、和、、、进14. be/ feel at ( one’s) ease感到舒适 行比较 15. be happy with对、、、感到满意 28. make decisions做出决定 16. than usual 比往常 29. find sb. hard to please觉得某人难17. more than 不仅仅 以取悦 18. the other day前几天 30. graduate from university 从大学19. used to 过去常常 毕业 20. leave out省略 31. surf the Internet 上网 21. in advance提前 32.on the school field在学校操场 22. come up with 提出/想到 33. know of 知道、、、的情况 23. consist of 由、、、组成

三、难点词汇: ★.regret v./ n.

express one’s regret at/ about/over 对、、、深感遗憾 regret sth./ that clause 对、、、感到遗憾,悔恨,哀悼 regret to say/ tell/ inform…对要说的事感到抱歉

regret doing/ having done sth.=regret to have done对 (已经发生的事)感到后悔/遗憾, It is to be regretted that 可惜的是。。。 令人遗憾的是。。。 ★.require vt./vi. require sth.需要、、、

require doing =require to be done 某事需要做 require sb to do/ that要求某人做谋事 require …of sb. 向某人要求某物

require + that clause (从句谓语用should+动词原形) 能够用于这种结构中的动词,可用一口诀记住:


一坚持insist,二命令order, command,三建议suggest, advise, propose,recommend,四要求require, ask, request, demand, desire加 urge ★. not a bit 与not a little

not a bit“一点也不”相当于not at all

not a little 则为“非常,很”相当于very (much) 但 a bit= a little ★to 为介词的短语: pay attention to look forward to盼望 stick to坚守,固执 object to反对

refer to提到,参考,指 lead to导致

devote oneself to献身于 get/ be used to习惯于 get down to开始做 look up to尊敬某人 look to注意,考虑

contribute to 对??有贡献,有助 relate to 与??有关 take to 喜欢 turn to 求助于、、、 apply to 应用于 adapt to 使适应 see to 照看,处理

be devoted to 献身于,奉献

be accustomed to 习惯于 respond to 回答 submit to 服从 adjust to 使适应 owe to 归咎于

be addicted to 沉溺于 access to 接近,进入 react to 作出反应


模块一 Unit1词汇练习


1.The meeting was well attended. ____________

2.I don’t think they wanted any extra help. ____________

3.Nothing would stop me from achieving my ambition. ____________

4.The boy has developed a good habit of studying by himself. _____________ 5.He earned the title of ―the great‖ by his victories in the war. _____________ 6.The average age of the students in our class is 17. ____________ 7.You know I dropped medicine and took up physics. ____________

8.The young lady has much experience in teaching English. ____________ 9.If you saw the accident, please inform the police. ____________

10.That custom has been passed down from one generation to another. ___________ 11.All passengers are required to show their tickets. ____________

12.He continued to live with his parents after his marriage. ____________ 13.Keep close to me and you can keep warm. ____________

14.Many thanks for the gifts you sent me on my birthday. ___________ 15.We’ve missed you badly since you left. ___________


1.__ Please make yourself known to all of us.

__You mean, I’ll ____________ myself to all of you? __Yes please.

2. __He didn’t take part in yesterday’s assembly.

__Why didn’t he ____________yesterday’s assembly? __No idea.

3. He manages two tea-houses and a coffee bar.

He ____________two tea-houses and a coffee bar. 4.The headmaster has agreed to our plan for an outing.

The headmaster has ____________our plan for an outing. 5. John’s uncle let him choose his own Christmas present.

John’s uncle let him ___________his own Christmas present. 6. __Have you heard from him lately?

__I haven’t received a letter from him _______________. 7. The tree needs watering.

The tree______________ to be watered/ watering. 8. The millionaire gave a large sum of money to an orphanage(孤儿院). The millionaire ____________ a large sum of money to an orphanage.


9. __Are you ready for the coming sports meeting?

__Sure. We have been ____________ for it all this time. 10. __Ring me as soon as you get home.

__I’ll call you _____________ I get home.

11. The best way to win respect from the school is to work hard.

The best way to _________respect from the school is to work hard. 12. I once studied with her at this school. She was one of my __________classmates. 13. __It was late but they went on working on the farm. __ They ____________ to work till midnight. 14. __The problem is very difficult to overcome.

__It is a bit ______________. We should think it over once more. 15. __My brother did very well in this examination.

__ Congratulations! He must have got excellent __________.


1.我们应该尊敬长辈。这是有礼貌的。(show respect for)

________________________________________________________________________ 2.没有人能够不努力就有所成就。( achieve)

________________________________________________________________________ 3.你体验过真正饥饿的滋味吗?(experience vt.)

________________________________________________________________________ 4.我很遗憾地告诉你,你考试没及格。(regret )

________________________________________________________________________ 5.我们正在为即将到来的2008奥运会做准备。(用prepare的名词)

________________________________________________________________________. 6.你有空时请顺便来我家坐坐。(drop in )

________________________________________________________________________. 7.情况要求立刻送他去医院。(require +clause)

________________________________________________________________________ 8.对我来说,起初有点挑战性,因为所有的作业都要用英语完成。(a bit challenging) ________________________________________________________________________ 9.在中国,他慢慢培养了教中国学生英语的兴趣。(develop的词组)

________________________________________________________________________ 10.在国外生活一年对我来说是一段非常开心、非常兴奋的经历( experience n.)。 ________________________________________________________________________


模块一 Unit 2 Growing pains

一、 课标词汇。

1. act n&vi. n. action 2. vacation n. 3. curtain n. 4. surprise vt&n 5. suppose v.

6. bent v. (bent,bent) 7. touch v.

8. explain v. n. explanation 9. sink(sank sunk) n&v. 10. gabbage n 11. can n.

12. leave(left left) v. 13. charge v&n 14. adult n 15. reason n&v. 16. trust v 17. behavior n. 18. teenager n. 19. fault n. 20. scene n 21. mad adj.

22. hard adj&adv 23. rude adj. ;

24. punish v. n. punishment 25. cash n.&v 单元短语: 1. turn up

2. a waste of money/time 3. try to do /try doing 4. force sb. to do sth 5. be angry with sb.

6. happen to sb./happen to do sth 7. than expected

8. can’t wait to do sth 9. be supposed to 10. be gone

26. boring adj. 27. mark n&v 28. test n&v 29. upset adj

30. mix v. n. misture 31. score n&v

32. interest n. adj. interesting 33. silly adj.

34. sincerely adv 35. insist v 36. cafe n. 37. chat n&v

38. valuable adj. n. value 39. period n

40. argument n. argue v 41. freedom n. free adj. 42. relationship n.

43. suggest v. n. suggestion 44. fight (fought, fought)n&v 45. crazy adj 46. spare adj

47. selfish adj. self n

48. forbid(forbade, forbidden) v 49. truly adv. true adj 50. mess n. adj. messy 11. do with

12. in charge of/ in the charge of 13. go unpunished

14. shout at sb/shout to sb 15. go out

16. deserve to 17. be hard on 18. be rude to sb 19. feel like doing 20. in the form of


21. should have done/shouldn’t have done 22. explain to sb.sth

23. agrue with sb. about sth 24. differ in 25. be proud of 26. stay up 27. be afraid of

28. be nervous about 29. after all 30. mix up

31. ask sb. for advice 32. take one’s advice 33. keep---in mind 34. tidy up 35. clean up

36. make a difference 37. advise sb.to do sth 38. at the moment 39. refuse to do sth 40. as though 41. not---at all 42. insist on

43. waste time doing 44. at present

45. waste tine doing sth

46. prevent sb.from doing sth 47. like crazy

48. forbid sb. to do sth



1. explain 解释,说明,辩明,

常用短语:explain sth. to sb./explain to sb. sth.向某人解释某事 2. leave. (1) vt&vi 离开



leave +obj.+doing leave +obj.+done leave +obj.+adj. leave +obj+adv

leave +obj+prep. phrase (3)vt. 把---留交;委托;交由

Eg: leave +obj.+with 把---托付给---

leave +obj+to 把---交由给--- leave +v-ing 把----留交给--- leave sb. to do 让某人去做某事

3. charge n. 负责,掌管, 常用短语 in /take charge (of)

in/under the charge of sb. 在某人的照看下,由某人负责 v. 指示,命令;使负责,委予;charge sb. to do/with

控告,指控(with)charge sb. with sth 4. insist vt/vi 坚持,坚持认为

insist vi. insist on/upon +n./doing 坚决要求,坚持认为 insist + that clause 1) 坚决认为(主张),从句中用陈述语气。

2)坚持要,坚决要求,从句谓语动词常用虚拟语气,即should + 动词原形,should 可以省略。 5. suggest v. 建议,暗示,使想起

常用结构:suggest sth./suggest doing sth. 建议某事

suggest + that clause 1)作“建议”讲时,从句用虚拟语气,即should + 动词

原形,should 也可以省略。


注意:在 it’s suggested that ---- 句型中,从句也用虚拟语气。

suggestion n. 作“建议”解时,为可数名词,常用短语make a suggestion/suggestions。 注意:suggestion后的同位语从句或表语从句中也使用虚拟语气。 区别:suggest 和advise

advise 可用于“advise+宾语+不定式”和advise+ 宾语+against sth./doing sth 的结构,而suggest不用于这个结构。

向某人建议做某事讲时,用“advise sb. that 从句”或“suggest to sb. that 从句”结构。


6. forbid vt. 禁止

常用结构:forbid sth/doing sth. 禁止某事

forbid sb. to do sth./from doin sth. 不允许某人做某事

forbid sb.sth 禁止某人某事suppose vt. 1) 想,认为;常用结构:suppose that/ 7. 7. suppose +obj + to-v /adj

2) 猜想,料想,推测;常用结构:supose that suppose 还可作连词,意为“假如”“假使”,又作supposing。 be supposed to 1) 有义务做-----,应该 2)被认为,被看作是


1. ★ act n. (戏剧中的)一幕;行为,举动;立法机构所立的“法案”“法令”。

辨析: act, action, deed

1). act 强调个别的,具体的行为,常伴有具体的说明,用来表示动作行为的性质和正在进行的动作行为。

2)action 意为“行动”“动作”“所做之事”“行为”,指一般的行动或行为。 3)act 和action 都可用于指好事或坏事,有时可互换使用。

4)deed 同act一样,强调行为的单一性,但比act 庄重,同时带有理智的判断或决心,

因而具有“英勇事迹”“值得表扬的行为”等意思。 act v. 意为“做某事”“采取行动” 常见的搭配词组:act out “执行”,“用行为描绘出” act as “扮演---角色”“充当”“起----作用” act on “遵照---行事”“对----产生影响”“对---起作用” 2. ★ vacation n. 假期;休假;指正式规定的较长的假期,不指假日或节日。

holiday 既可以指假期(也可用复数),也可指节假日。

leave 指休假,准假,多指政府部门机关,尤指部队的休假。 3. ★ reason n. 指“(从逻辑上推导出来的)理由,原因”,以此来解释某种结果。它强调的是解释已经发生之事的理由或借口,常和for介词短语搭配使用,或跟why引导的定语从句。

注意reason与cause的区别: cause作名词, 指“(引起、导致或产生某种结果的)原因”,常作“起因”“根源”讲。 reason v. 推断,思考

论证,推断 reason +that clause

reason +obj+into/out of 说服(某人)做[不做]某事


模块一Unit2 词汇练习


1.The room is really mess, with everything lying everywhere. 2. Tom won a prize for good behaviors at school. 3. In my spare time, I prefer to do some reading. 4.No one goes to school during the vacation. 5.He is very rude to the old people.

6.What the young man said surprised everyone here.

7.If you mix up those papers we won’t be able to find the one we need quickly enough. 8.Don’t waste so much time arguing about useless things. 9.The only explanation for his behavior is that he’s mad. 10.My son is already showing an interest in music.


1. ----What do you think of Jane?

----Well, she is stubborn and always ________ on her opinion. 2. ----Who broke the cup?

----It’s my ________ , I dropped it. 3. ----Which team do you think will win?

---- I ______ the Bulls will, for they have better players. 4.----Excuse me, who is the leader here?

----Hello, Mr. Li is in _______ of this department. 5.----Why didn’t she get the job?

----The _______ why she didn’t get the job is that her English was not very good. 6.----When will Mother come back?

----She is ________ to be here by eight o’clock.. 7.----What have you ________ with my books? ----- They are on the shelf over there.

8.--- Did you advise him that he should buy the book.? --- Yes, I ________ to him that he should buy the book. 9. ----Sorry, I’m late again.

----You have to ________ to me the reason for being late. 10. ---Are you eager to know your exam result? ---Yes, I can’t _______ to know my result.

11.----Alice didn’t get good marks in the final examination. ----Don’t be too _______ on him. After all, he is just a child.


12.---When will I set out ?

----It won’t _______ much difference whether you go today or tomorrow. 13.---Which film shall we go and see? ----I’ll ________ it to you.

14.---Look at my smart hat, and I paid £50 for it.

---You paid £50 for that hat? You must be stark raving _____! 15.---This room’s in a _______ . You should clean it every day. ----You are right, but I am just as busy as a bee.


1. 人们建议我们在晚会上表演节目。(it’s suggested that)

2. 办公时间应禁止吸烟。(forbid sth)

3. 他的论据迫使他们承认他是正确的。(forbid sb. to do sth)

4. 昨天我在街上偶遇了一位老朋友。(run into)

5. 尽量说服他别打那个主意。(reason sb.out of sth)

6. 今晚我不想喝啤酒。(feel like doing sth)

7. 吸烟是引起心脏病的一种病因。(cause)

8. 我叫喊时,她吃惊地抬起头来。(in surprise)

9. 救济穷人是慷慨之举。(act)

10.整个一生他都努力将他的信念付诸实施。(act out)


模块一 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good

一、课标词汇:gym n. stay vi slim adj figure n. weight n. ashamed adj since conj. exercise vi. work vi

recover vi, vt failure n. contain vt harmful adj chemical n, adj operation adj. exact adj. match n. vt,vi follow vt advice n. seldom adv. damage vt, n. attractive adj. touching n. stranger n. embarrassed adj. pressure n. actress n. work out, go on diets, in secret, side effect, fall out,

put on weight,

overweight adj. diet n. vt properly adv. skinny adj. lift vt. consider vt effect n. affect vt sportsman n. achievement n. risk n. vt post n.

recognize vt energy n. regularly adv. yet adv. skip vt. vi control vt n. system n. skin n. count vi.. relaxed adj ability n.

concentrate vt vi amount n. loss n.

suggestion n. along with, in the long term, as a matter of fact, in no time, take in,

be worth doing,


lose weight, be ashamed of, regret doing sth, on one’s own,

build up one’s strength(积聚体力), make the most of , cheer up, get hurt, at (the) least, come across, donate to ,

be popular among/with



★figure: n.体形,身材

拓展: (1)n.数字;图表;画像;人物

(2)vt.&vi 1)计算 2)认为

(3)figure out 弄清楚,弄明白;计算出 ★weight n.体重;重物;重量

拓展 (1)by weight 按重量计算

gain/put on weight 增加体重 lose weight 减少体重 (2)weigh vt&vi, 称;重

★stay vi 停留,保持下去 n.逗留;停留

stay away from 离开(某人);缺席

stay in 留在家中,不外出; stay out在外过夜,在外 stay up 醒着不睡,熬夜,挺立,站住

★risk n &vt. 冒险

risk doing sth

at risk 处在危险中

at the risk of 冒…的危险 take risks to do sth 冒险做某事 ★ since conj. 因为 ,既然 conj. 自┅以后; 自….以来

It is/has been+段时间+since从句 从….起已有多长时间了

若从句中是延续性动词的一般过去时,则表示不做某事有多长时间了. It is three years since he lived there. ★ work vi. 起作用,有效果,奏效

v. (使)工作,(使)运转, 造成,产生,经营

n. 工作,职业 (不可数) ;著作,作品,工厂 (可数) at work 在工作

out of work 失业

set out to work 开始工作

work out 设计出,计算出,解决 work at 从事 work as 担任

work hard 努力工作(学习) works of art艺术作品,美术作品

★ recover vi痊愈, 恢复健康; vt.重新获得,恢复 -----n. recovery 恢复,痊愈 recover from a disease 从疾病中恢复过来


recover oneself 使某人自己恢复到正常状态 recover one’s balance 恢复(身体)平衡 recovery room 监护室

★ failure 衰退,衰竭;故障,失灵

failure 失败 抽象名词,不可数 失败的仍或事 可数

----fail v. 失败 fail in sth 在某时中失败; fail to do sth 未能做成某事 ★ attractive adj. 有吸引力, 有魅力的

---attract vt.吸引 ----- attraction n. 吸引(力);诱惑(力)

---attractively adv.吸引人地 ----unattractive adj 没有诱惑力的, 不吸引人的 attract one’s attention 吸引某人的注意力 ★ diet n.节食; 日常饮食

on a diet 在节食 diet 与food 区别

diet 习惯的食物或规定的食物 特指维持健康的定量或定质的食物 ★ achievement n.成就

----achieve vt. 完成, 实现

achieve success 获得成功 achieve one’s purpose 达到某人的目的 achieve one’s aim/target/goal 达到某人的目标

★get hurt 受伤 get+过去分词 表被动意义 比be +done 更强调动作结果,体现动作性 get lost 迷路

get married 结婚 get changed 更换 get paid 领工资 get burnt 烧伤 get killed 被杀 get separated 分散 get damaged 遭到破坏 get drowned 被淹死

get caught in 陷入,遭受 get stuck 被困住,卡住 ★in no time 立刻,马上

相关连接: on time 准时

at times 有时, 不时 in time 及时

at one time 曾经

for the time being 暂时 at a time 每次 all the time 一直

at the same time 同时


from time to time 有时,偶尔

★ come across (偶然)遇见,碰见,发现

come up 走近,发芽,发生,,被提出(无被动); come up with 想出,提出; come after 追随

come along 进行,进展 ;come off 成功,达到预期效果; come round 苏醒; come down 下降


★ashamed adj.惭愧的,羞愧的 只做表语,常用以下结构: be ashamed of sb/sth 对…感到羞惭 be ashamed that….

be ashamed to do sth( 因羞耻或惭愧不愿做某事,不好意思做某事) 相关连接:

(1)ashamed 与shameful 都是形容词,前者是指人,后指事物与行为

(2) shame n.&vt 羞耻,耻辱(不可数),可耻的事,遗憾的事(可数) ;给…带来羞辱

shameless 无耻的 The man is shameless. ★contain vt.包含;容纳

相关连接:include ,contain,与hold 的区别

include 包含, 包括,侧重范围(所含之物的一部分), including prep contain 包含 含有 容纳 ,侧重内容 (所含事物的部分或全部) hold 容纳,装 ,侧重于能装,能盛,能容纳,指可能性

★match n..相配的人或物,配对物;Vt&vi.匹配,相称 拓展(1)match n.比赛 ,火柴

(2)短语 have/hold a match lose/win a match match up to 相当,配得上

match sth against sth拿某物与某物比较

相关连接: match, suit, fit 的区别

match 多指大小、色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配 suit多指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件、地位、款式等 fit 多指大小、形状合适,引申为“吻合,协调” be suitable for 适合 be fit to do sth适合做某事 ★consider vt. 考虑 后接动名词或带疑问词的不定式 拓展记忆(1)vt. 认为 consider +从句

consider+宾语+宾补(不定式,名词,形容词) consider sb to do sth/to have done sth

(2) considering prep.考虑到,就什么而论 considerable adj. 相当大/多的

consideration 体贴,体谅

(3) take …into consideration 顾及,考虑到 under consideration 在考虑中

★ worth adj. 只能用做表语


be worth (dong )sth 很值得 be well worth

be worthy of sth

be worthy of being done/to be done It is worthwhile to do sth/doing sth.

★ harmful adj.有害的(与to 连用)

----harm n.伤害,损害,危害; vt. 损害,伤害,危害 be harmful to 对….有害处

do sb/sth. harm=do harm to sb/sth 对某人/某物有害处 do damage to harm, wound, hurt与injury 的区别

harm 指精神和肉痛上的损害, 用于生物与抽象事物 wound 指战斗中刀或枪的伤口

hurt 尤指精神上或感情上的伤害和肉体上的伤痛 injury 指平时的大小创伤或伤害,尤指意外伤害


模块一 Unit 3词汇练习


1. So long as you are healthy ,you don’t need to lose weight. ___________ 2. I feel ashamed that I have done so little for the people. ___________ 3. If you advice is sound. I’m glad to follow it. ____________ 4. He can get any amount of help. ____________ 5. Don’t feel embarrassed. Everyone may make a mistake. ___________ 6. I recognized my old friend at the first sight in the crowd in the street. ___________

7. There is pressure in our life , but the most important thing is that we should take heart and face it bravely. ___________ 8. I have to go from shop to shop to find the proper curtains to match the carpets. _________ 9. He wasn’t working hard at the university. He often skipped classes to play computer games in Internet cafes. _____________ 10. Have you considered getting rid of your bad habits? ___________ 11. The boy is too skinny. He should try to put on some weight. ___________ 12. Some health problems may affect your body. ____________ 13. When you exercise, your body produce some chemicals that make you feel

relaxed.________ 14. The post arrives regularly at eight every morning. ________, __________ 15. He is an expert in the digestive system. ______________


1. ----His only reason for investing in the company was to take it over.

-----I couldn’t agree more. He just wanted to take ________ of the company as soon as possible.

2. ----I always take weight –loss pills and I do exercise every morning . ----So you look much _________ than before. 3. ----The boy had an operation two weeks ago.

-----Yes, he is being taken good care of by the doctors and ____________ quickly from the operation.

4. ----I’m very disappointed about my English examination grade. I failed again. ----Don’t lose heart . You know ___________ is the mother of success.

5.--Some girls don’t eat breakfast to keep fit. What’s your opinion about the way of losing weight?

----I think bad habits will be____________ to health/do_______ to health. 6. ---I regret not having attended the lecture given by Professor Wang. -----What a pity! The lecture___________ much important information. 7. ---Your dictionary can satisfy what I need and it is the very one what I want.


---It’s really good. It was _________ 20$,which was a lot of money at that time. 8. —Look, a lot of people are running and doing exercise in the gym.

------I come here every Tuesday and Saturday morning. Nowadays a lot of people work out ___________ to keep fit.

9. ---Do you understand what the teacher explained to us? -----Sorry. I can’t _________out what he said either.

10. ----Tom is looking straight at Jenny , my lovely, beautiful cousin. ------Oh,________ had he seen such a beautiful girl.

11. ----I’m not in good health and always feel tired and uncomfortable.

----You must follow the doctor’s ___________ and exercise for at least half an hour every day, and eat lots of fruit and vegetables.

12. ----Our foreigner teacher Rosemary is always energetic . Do you agree with me, Ellen? -----Exactly. She is full of ___________and I really admire her very much.

13. --Your room feels comfortable. The colours of your bed ,your curtains and the wall are nice. ---Yes. They are a perfect____________.

14. ---In the tremendous earthquake in Sichuan province ,Little Linhao was brave enough to help some people out of danger.

-----He is so young but respectable .He __________ his life to save the children from the ruin.

15. ---I haven’t seen him for a long time . He has changed a lot.

----Not having seen him for many years , I did not ___________him at first.


1. 我目前正在减肥,因为我的体型让我觉得非常羞愧.

_______________________________________________________________________. 2. 学校图书馆每天从早上8点开放到晚上9点.

_______________________________________________________________________. 3. 然而,不象杰夫说的那样,他们没使我弟弟的头发脱落.

________________________________________________________________________. 4. 照片上的每个人都似乎长胖了.

______________________________________________________________________. 5. 工厂倒闭时,她和成千上万个其他人一样失去了工作.(along with)

_______________________________________________________________________. 6. 从长远的角度看,这样的发展看来是可能的.

_________________________________________________________________________. 7. 事实上,这种减肥药有副作用,着将损毁你的健康.


8. 当你运动时, 你的身体产生一些物质, 他们使你感到放松,而且还会提高你学习时的注



______________________________________________________________________. 9. 不要和她开玩笑,她很容易受伤.

__________________________________________________. 10. 这本书很值得再看一遍.



模块二 Unit 1 Tales of the Unexplained

一、课标词汇: 1.tale n.

2.explain vi/vt unexplained adj.

3.puzzle n/vt. puzzled adj. puzzling adj. 16.disappointed adj. disappointing adj. 17.treasure n. 18.website n. 4.search n..& vi.& vt. 5.witness n. vt.. 6.creature n.

7.research n.. & vt & vi.

8.frighten vt. frightened adj. frightening adj.

9.possibility n. 10.case n.

11.murder n.& vt.

12.convince vt/vi convincing adj. convinced adj. 13.evidence n..

14.outer adj.outer space 15.progress n.& vt.


1. search /search for 搜查…,寻找… 2. research n.. & vt & vi.

do research on….. 对……做研究 3. witness n. vt.. 4. case n.

a classic case 典型事例 a murder case 谋杀案

If that is the case ,如果真是那样 in case 以防,以防万一 in case of sth 如果,假使

in that case 既然那样,假使那样的话 5. evidence n..

give evidence 出庭作证 6. progress n.& vt.

make progress 取得进步.取得进展 in progress 在进行中 7. disappointed adj.

19.wild adj, 20.similar adj. 21.villager n. 22.thick adj. 23.fur n. 24.shoulder n. 25.national adj. 26.state n.

27.support vt & n. 28.existence n. 29.inch n. 3o.exist vi.

31.possible adj. possibly adv. 32.strong adj. strength n


be disappointed at/by sth 对….(某事)感到失望 be disappointed in/with sb/sth 对…感到失望

be disappointed to see /hear…看到../听到…感到失望 be disappointed that 从句 对….感到失望. 8. similar adj.

be similar to 和…..相似, 和….类似 9. shoulder n.

shrug one’s shoulders 耸肩 on sb’s shoulders 由….承担

shoulder to shoulder (with sb)肩并肩地,紧挨着,并肩,齐心协力 10.existence n.存在

in existence 现有,现存

come into existence 出现,存在 11. inch n. (

give sb an inch 得寸进尺

inch by inch 一步一步地, 缓慢而谨慎地 by an inch / by inches 差点,几乎 12. step up 加紧,加强,促进 look up 抬头看 ,查阅 show up 出现,露面

turn up 调高(音量) , 偶然出现,到达,来到 13. due to 由于,因为 because of 因为 14. show up 出现,露面 15. according to 根据 16. rule out 排除

run out 用完,用光 make out 弄清楚 watch out 当心,小心

17. make up 编 造,捏造,杜撰,化妆,弥补 18. take charge of 负责,接管

be in charge of 负责…掌控…. be in the charge of 在….掌控下

charge sb of sth 指控…/ …. be charged of …被…指控… 19. look into 调查 look over 查看,检查

look through快速查看,浏览 look up 抬头看,查阅.

run into偶遇,撞见 step into 进入 get into trouble 惹麻烦


20. run after 追,追赶 21. on average 平均

22. convince sb of sth 使….确信, 使相信,使信服 convince that …

be convinced of …坚信,确信 be convinced that…


三、难点词汇: puzzle n/vt frighten vt convince vt disappoint vt interest n/vt excite n/vt please vt puzzled adj frightened adj. convinced adj, disappointed adj interested adj excited adj pleased adj puzzling adj frightening adj, convincing adj disappointing adj interesting adj exciting adj pleasing adj surprise satisfy amaze confuse astonish shock worry

n/vt surprised vt satisfied vt amazed vt confused vt astonished n/vt shocked n/vt worried adj surprising adj satisfying adj amazing adj confusing adj astonishing adj. shocking adj worrying


adj. adj. adj adj adj adj. adj.

3、我们花了很多钱建造那座桥。( a great deal of)

4、他既种菜也种花。(as well as)

5、我一到上海就打电话给你。( upon /on doing)

6、这次事故造成10人死亡。( result in)

7、请立刻把它打印出来。(right away )

8、她是位了不起的老师,她的学生都尊敬她。( look up to)

9、他说他和那件事故毫无联系。( have nothing to do with)

10、爱因斯坦是众所周知的世界最杰出的科学家之一。( be known as)


