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篇一:英语写作 汶川地震

A terrible happened in on 12th May ,2008. Many people lost their lives and thouands of people have become homeless .After hearing the

news ,people all over China took action actively .Some

donated money , some donated materials .We have had a lot of support from many foreign countries as well . Our principal encouraged us to join the event . On a class

meeting , Mrs Huang showed us some photos and articles about the earthquake . We all felt sad . After that , we took out our pocket mony and gave it to our monitor one by one .We raised more than 1,200 yuan in all . Mrs Huang thanked us for our kindness .

We hope people in Sichuan can rebuild their homes soon and live a happier life in the future .

[例文]1.An earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking and shifting of large sections of Earth's rocky outer shell. Earthquakes are among the most powerful events on earth, and their results can be terrifying. A severe earthquake may release energy 10,000 times as great as that of the first atomic bomb. Rock movements during an earthquake can make rivers change their course. Earthquakes can trigger landslides that cause great damage and loss of life. Large earthquakes beneath the ocean can create a series of huge, destructive waves called tsunamis (pronounced tsoo NAH meez) that flood coasts for many miles. Earthquakes almost never kill people directly. Instead, many deaths and

injuries in earthquakes result from falling objects and the collapse of buildings, bridges, and other structures. Fire resulting from broken gas or power lines is another major danger during a quake. Spills of hazardous chemicals are also a concern during an earthquake.

The force of an earthquake depends on how much rock breaks and how far it shifts. Powerful earthquakes can shake firm ground violently for great distances. During minor earthquakes, the vibration may be no greater than the vibration caused by a passing truck.

On average, a powerful earthquake occurs less than once every two years. At least 40 moderate earthquakes cause damage somewhere in the world each year. About 40,000 to 50,000 small earthquakes--large enough to be felt but not damaging--occur annually.


Note: The "translation" I found at the link location is almost Chinese, so I had to do a little editing, to make it just readable, if not better.----Denver

强地震的破坏力如此之大,又一次淋漓尽致地呈现出来。在震中以及附近的一些城市与乡村,许多房屋倒塌,道路毁坏,电信中断,不少学校与医院成了废墟。人类生机勃勃的家园,转瞬之间惨不忍睹。 The May 12 earthquake demonstrated to use once again nature’s power with its damage and devastation. In the cities and villages round the epicenter, lots of buildings collapsed and roads damaged, telecommunications disrupted, even schools and hospitals leveled to ruin. Our dynamic habitat perished instantly.

这是一场由自然灾难造成的难以躲避的悲剧,令人悲痛。而这样的悲剧,事实上与人类漫长的历史相伴,如影随形。远的不说,1976年的唐山大地震,尽管已经过去32年,但至今依然令人心有余悸。1998年的特大洪涝灾害、2003年的“非典”危机、2004年底的印度洋海啸,以及最近发生在缅甸 的热带风暴,都造成了大量的人员伤亡和财产损失。人类对于自然灾难并不陌生,但是,当汶川大地震现实地摆在眼前的时候,人类在自然威力前的脆弱,显露无遗。

This is an unavoidable natural disaster and it’s devastating. Yet such tragedies have accompanied the long human history, just like our shadows. We do not need to look back far. Let’s just take a look at the 1976 Tangshan earthquake. Although it has been 32 years, our heart still pound fast when we think of it. Other recent tragedies with heavy human life loss and property damage in recent history include the following, 1998 floods in southern China, 2003 SARs crisis, 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocan, and the most recent cyclones in Myanmar. Natural disasters are no stranger to mankind at all, but when Wenchuan earthquake hit, we appeared so weak and vulnerable in front the power of nature.



Wenchuan earthquake caused great physical and mental pain to locals, and it also made this tiny dot on the map the focal point of the nation. As it is said human life is as large as the sky, when our compatriots are suffering the quake-hit zone, the whole country mourned, for the first time other than the death of a great leader. The international community has also

responded with their strong support, sending rescue teams and urgently needed help along with their condolences.

当一场大地震已经发生,而且余震不断,此时的关键词其实只剩下两个字,即“救”与“援”。某种意义上,“援”也是“救”的组成部分。毫无疑问,救灾已成为当前中国政府与民众最为重要的任务。 When a major earthquake hits, with aftershocks non-stop, the key words at the moment remain “saving life” and “help.” Without a doubt, disaster relief has become the most important task for the Chinese and their government.



What do we save during or after a disaster? This seems to be something we all know so well without giving it further thought. But in fact, the true meaning of disaster relief needs

clarification. The priority of disaster relief spells saving lives. Compared with life, property loss and post-disaster reconstruction are both relatively minor, or we can also say that we can wait until later to deal with problems we encountered in the life-saving process.


On the earthquake disaster site, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said, “We can rebuild as long as we are alive.” This vividly interpreted focal point of the disaster relief efforts. In other words, this is why the Chinese government put life-saving above everything else. It is only because we have but just one



Wenchuan, a small city, was destroyed by the earthquake. Many people were buried underground. Many houses were collapsed.

The army comes to help people save some people who were buried underground. People said thanks to them.

The force of the earthquake is very big. But people don't afraid it. People around the world contributed money to Wenchuan. We wish Wenchuan will become more and more beautiful.



Wenchuan, a small city, was destroyed by the earthquake. Many people were buried underground. Many houses were collapsed.

The army comes to help people save some people who were buried underground. People said thanks to them.

The force of the earthquake is very big. But people don't afraid it. People around the world contributed money to Wenchuan. We wish Wenchuan will become more and more beautiful.

