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Boolean operations for 3D simulation of CNC machining of drilling tools Dani Tost*, Anna Puig, Llu?′s Pe′rez-Vidal

Software Department, Polytechnical University of Catalonia, Spain Accepted 25 April 2003


This paper addresses the simulation of drilling tools CNC machining. It describes a novel approach for the computation of the boundary representation of the machined tools. Machining consists of a sequence of Boolean operations of difference between the tool and the grinding wheels through time. The proposed method performs the dynamic Boolean operations on cross sections of the tool and it reconstructs the 3Dmodel by tiling between the cross sections. The method is based on classical computational geometry algorithms such as intersection tests,hull computations, 2D Boolean operations and surface tiling. This approach is efficient and it provides user control on the resolution of the operations.Abstract This paper addresses the simulation of drilling tools CNC machining. It describes a novel approach for the computation of the boundary representation of the machined tools. Machining consists of a sequence of Boolean operations of difference between the tool and the grinding wheels through time. The proposed method performs the dynamic Boolean operations on cross sections of the tool and it reconstructs the 3Dmodel by tiling between the cross sections. The method is based on classical computational geometry algorithms such as intersection tests,hull computations, 2D Boolean operations and surface tiling. This approach is efficient and it provides user control on the resolution of the operations.

q 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: CNC simulations; Bores machining; Computational

geometry; Boolean operations; Surface tiling

1. Introduction

Most of the research on CNC in CAD is centered on theautomatic computation of tool paths [5,13]. Given a final tool design, the optimal trajectories of the tool and the grinding wheels must be computed yielding as final result the CNC code. Machining simulation and verification hasexactly the opposite goal: to calculate the tool starting from the CNC code and from a geometrical model of the machine, the wheels and the tool before machining. This simulation has three main applications [6]. First, it detects eventual collisions between the tool or any of the grinding wheels and the rest of the machine. It is important to avoid collisions because serious damages to the machines can follow. Next, simulation provides a means of visually verifying the efficiency of the trajectories, which may result in faster and cheaper processes. Finally, the simulation allows users to check if the surface of the resulting tool is effectively the desired one. In the routine practice of machining, experienced operators have enough skills to imagine the tool final shape by only reading the CNC code.

However, they are generally not able to do so with new or non-standard designs. Therefore, the use of a simulation system decreases considerably the tool production cost because it avoids the trial and error process on the real machine with costly materials that is otherwise necessary.

This paper addresses a particular type of CNC machining simulation: the grinding of bores and cutters. Conventional CAD systems do not provide a means of realizing this type of simulations and specific applications are needed. Until recently, most of the

simulation applications dealt only with the machining of 2D cross-sections of the tools and they were restricted to the main fluting operation [3]. Three dimensional applications are rather recent [4,23]. They provide a machining simulation for specific 5-axes machines and they are not applicable to general movements. This paper presents a novel approach for the computation of the external shape of the tools through a sequence of coordinated movements of the tool and the wheels on machines of up to 6-axes. The proposed method reduces the 3D problem to 2D dynamic Boolean operations followed by a surface tiling. The 2D solution involves different techniques of planar computational geometry: from intersections to hull computations.

The paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we review previous approaches on machining simulations.Section 3 describes briefly the contour conditions of the simulation. Finally, Section 4 describes the computation of Boolean operations and the results of the implementation are shown in Section 5.

2. Previous work

Machining can be considered a dynamic Boolean operation of difference between the grinding wheel and the tool. It is dynamic, because both the tool and the wheels move along time through rotations and translations.

The Vector Cut [8,10], is probably the most referenced numerical control simulation method. It is an approximate solution that represents the frontier as a set of points and normal vectors that will be cut along the path of the grinding wheel. This method is effective for the simulation of sculptured surface polishing, but it is not extensible to complex motions of the tool and/or the grinding wheels. It is mainly useful to detect mistakes in the path suggested

by the presence of abnormally high or small cut vectors. Besides, except for the extension of Ref. [16], it does not yield directly a model of the bit to be machined.

An alternative strategy for machining simulation consists of realizing a sequence of 3D static Boolean operations through time. The main drawback of this strategy is its high computational cost. According to Ref. [11], this is proportional to the number of discrete positions to the fourth. This puts it out of question, in practical terms.Another problem it shows is the granularity of the temporal discretization : it must be very fine if precision in the final tool is required. This means that very little material is cut off in each Boolean operation, and that may entail robustness problems in the computations. A possible method to avoid both problems is to discretize the initial tool model into a voxel or an octree model, [20], to perform all the sequence of Boolean operations on the discrete model and then reconstruct the machined surface, at the end. This approach benefits from the fact that the cost of discrete Boolean operations is much lower and the reconstruction phase at the end of the process is done as late as possible. This option requires the sequence of movements to be specified in terms of relative motion of the grinding wheel, while the tool and its discretization remain fixed. This prerequisite is not always valid and, in particular, it does not hold for the general case of 6-axes machines.

Finally, another option taken into account is that of the computation of the volume swept by the tool and the grinding wheel in their motions. A geometric representation of this volume would allow performing only one Boolean difference operation between the two volumes. The main difficulty of this option is the computation of sweptvolumes. There are several references [1,2,21] on this subject, that contain methods generally applied in CAD for extrusions, collision

detection, and other problems but none of them can be applied to the non-trivial case of simultaneous motion of the two solids in play.

The strategy proposed herein overcomes the disadvantages of these methods. It consists of a double discretization of four dimensional space (3D t time) that reduces the general problem to a sequence of 2D Boolean operations and 3D geometric reconstructions. This algorithm is fast and it provides user-control on simulation accuracy.

3. Scene model

There are different types of machine tools for the fabrication of bores and cutters. They share the same general structure but they differ in the number of degrees of freedom. The method proposed herein deals with machines up to six degrees of freedom. These machines have a static vertical axis (Z in Fig. 1 on which the grinding wheel set can move up and down. One tool is placed on a spindle (the toolholder), that may translate on three axes (X; Y and U) and rotate on two axes (W in relation to the wheel axis and A relative to its own axis). At the beginning of the process, a tool has a piecewise cylindrical or conical shape. Its final shape is the result of a sequence of machining operations consisting of simultaneous movements of the tool and the wheels. The wheel shape is also piecewise cylindrical or conical. It remains unchanged during the process.

The machining process is divided into a set of operations, each one with a specific name in CNC jargon. Each operation is performed using a specific wheel. This information is written in the CNC file.

Specifically, the main operations are (in their usual order):

Fig. 1. 6-Axes machine tool.

Fig. 2. Machining operations on a tool.

* Fluting: performing the lateral helicoidal of straight grooves

* Gashing: cuts in the tool head

* Outer diameter sharpening: edge sharpening of the lateral grooves

* End face sharpening: edge sharpening of the tool head cuts * Notching: direct cut in the tool head.

Fig. 2 shows a real bore and it indicates the operations that have given its shape.

Each operation performs several symmetrical cuts in the tool shape. The tool shown in Fig. 2, for instance, has three lateral grooves realized during the ‘Fluting’ operation. Each cut is performed through a sequence of movements. In the CNC code, each movement corresponds to a line instruction specifying the motion axes (X; Y;U; A; or W for the tool and Z for the wheel) along with the amount of rotation or translation to be performed for each edge.

4. Machining simulation

4.1. Overview

Our approach uses the fact that the tools have a tubular shape. It consists of discretizing the tool in axial sections, performing the machining







reconstructing the surface of the tool by tiling between cross-sections. Before machining, the cross-sections are circles. Afterwards, they have a complex shape that may even have been split into separate connected shells at the tool end.

The movements are divided into blocks, each one corresponding to an CNC operation or even to one cut within an operation. The machining process is performed sequentially for each block. Therefore, as many intermediate models are created as instruction blocks exist. The initial tool is taken as input of the first machining process. The

resulting tool is used in the second block processing and so on. The surface reconstruction step can be performed on any of these intermediate models or, alternatively only on the last one.

Therefore, the simulation process of each instructions block is composed of two steps:

* A 2D Boolean operation process, that receives as input: (i) the tool representation, (ii) the machining wheel representation, (iii) a list of movements and that gives as output a new representation of the tool cross-sections.

* A tiling process that completes the tool representation with the triangulation between contours.

The second step, surface tiling, is a classical subject in computer graphics [14]. It consists of two related problems: (i) establishing correspondences between contours (branching problem) and (ii) searching correspondent vertices to form tiles (correspondence problem). Several solutions have been published to solve both problems based on minimizing the distance between successive contours [7,17] and interpolating in between contours [12]. The method used herein is an extension of these algorithms that adds to these criteria the constraint of tiling between segments of the contour corresponding to the same machining operation. This extension is described in depth in Ref. [22].

4.2. Machining of the tool cross-sections

The computation of the new shape of tool cross section consists of three steps:

* Computation through time of the intersections of the wheel cross sections and the external contour of the tool section. Both

sections are circular and, due to their relative orientation, their intersection is a segment. Therefore, the result of this step is a set of segments.

* Calculation of the hulls of the segments set. These hulls are polygonal approximations of wheel cuts on the tool section.

* Reconstruction of the tool cross section contour given its original shape and the hull curves.

The pseudo-code algorithm below illustrates this process. Let st be the tool cross section at the beginning of the process, where the wheel and ml the movements list. The wheel is discretized into a set of circular cross-sections switch (procedures FirtSectWheel and NextSectWheel). The movement of switch and st is decomposed into a a set of successive positions (inner loop). For each position, the intersection between sw and st is computed in the procedure InterSect. If there is intersection, then the corresponding segment segm is stored in the segments list seglist. Then, the geometry of st, sw and seglist is updated to next positions in the procedure UpdateGeom. The position of st is reset at its initial location for each new wheel section. After all the wheel sections have been processed, the hulls of the segment list are computed in CompHulls and then clipped against the initial contour of st with the procedure Reconstruct.

procedure CrossSection Machining(st: tSection,wh: tWheel, ml: tMovList)


sw: tSection segm: tSegment seglist: tSegmentList

hulls: tHullList fvar

InitSegList(seglist) sw U FirstSectWheel (wh) while ValidSection(sw) do endo f mov U FALSE while : endo f mov do

InterSect(st,sw, &segm, &status)

if status ! InsertSegment(segm, seglist) endif UpdateGeom(ml, &st, &sw, &seglist, &endo f mov) endwhile

sw U NextSectWheel(wh,sw) ResetToolPosition(&st) endwhile

CompHulls(slist, &hulls) Reconstruct(hulls, &st) fprocedure

4.2.1. Updating geometry

Each movement instruction is realized at constant speed. Therefore, a movement can be decomposed into n constant intervals of translation in X; Y; Z and U along with rotation in W and A : δA=ΔA/n,δW=ΔW/n,δX=ΔX/n,δY=ΔY/n,δU=ΔU/n andδZ=ΔZ/n.

As mentioned in Section 3, a line movement can be composed of several simultaneous instructions. Most of the tool movements are composed of translations and axial rotations, which are independent. Therefore, the order in which the update of each movement is done is irrelevant. However for conical tools with a round end called ‘ball nose’, simultaneous axial translations and column angle rotations are necessary. These two movements are obviously not independent. This

can be a source of error (Fig. 3) because the real machine rotates the tool column angle at the same time as it translates it along its axis, while in the simulation, for each time interval, the tool is first rotated and next translated along its axis. However, in these cases the original CNC is already decomposed as a set of very small movements with a resolution very similar to the one needed in the machining. Therefore, these movements are not further decomposed in the machining.

The global coordinate system in which the geometry is expressed along time is sketched in Fig. 4. The axis coincide with the machine axis X; Y and Z at the tool home position at the beginning of machining. Let ct(xtk, ytk;,0.0)be the coordinates of the tool section center at instant k: The components of the normal vector of the section are ntk(nxtk, nytk,0.0). It should be noted that nxtk =cos(ωk) and nytk= sin(ωk); being vk the column angle of the tool at instant k: The updated values of these coordinates at k +1.

Fig. 3. Non equivalent transformations


Fig. 4. Coordinate system, axes and motion.

5. Conclusions and future work

This paper describes a novel method for the simulation of drilling tools CNC machining. Our approach simplifies the 4D (space t time) Boolean operations between the tool and the wheels by reducing them to a sequence of intersections between 2D perpendicular cross-sections along time. Specifically, the method discretizes the toolinto cross-sections and simulates machining on the cross sections. Next, the shape of the tool is recomputed by tiling between contours. The primary advantage of this approach is its simplicity. It addition, it provides user-control on the resolution of the simulation: spacing between crosssections as well as time interval between consecutive intersections.

Starting from this work, new research and development lines are opened. Specifically, we are working on global pipelines that would put into the same process automatic CNC computation and tool verification. With such pipelines, given a final tool description, the

CNC code to create it would be automatically computed, next using the CNC code as input, tool machining would be simulated. Finally, differences between the input and the output model could be computed and shown.

钻探工具数控加工三维仿真的布尔运算 摘 要


关键词:数控仿真 钻孔加工 计算几何学 布尔数学体系操作 外观铺瓦

1. 序言


然而,他们在新型或非标准化设计中一般都无法做到这些。因此,使用仿真系统大大降低了刀具生产成本因为它避免了在关于实际机器的试验和错误的过程中昂贵的材料的不必要的浪费。本文重在研究数控加工仿真的一种特定类型:孔和刀具的磨削。常规CAD系统不提供实现这种仿真类型的手段,因此,需要特定的应用程序。到目前为止,大多数的仿真应用只涉及工具的2D横截面的加工且他们的加工仅限于主要的开槽操作[3]。而最近的三维应用程序则不同 [4,23]。他们为特定的5轴机器提供加工仿真,并不适用于一般运动。本文提出了一种新方法:通过一系列6轴机器的工具和车轮上的协调动作计算工具的外部形状。该方法将3D问题变为表面铺瓦的二维动态布尔运算。 2D解决方案涉及从十字路口到船身计算的不同平面计算几何的技巧。本文结构如下:在第2节回顾以往关于加工仿真的方法。第3节简要介绍了仿真的大致情况。最后,第4节描述

了布尔操作的计算,第5节展示了实现的结果。 2.以前的工作


3. 场景模型





2. 加工操作的工具。

*开槽进行直沟槽横向螺旋 *Gashing:用工具头削减 *外径锐化:横向沟槽的边缘锐化 *端面刃磨:工具头削减的边缘锐化 *切角:直接用工具头切。


4。加工仿真 4.1 综述



*二维的布尔操作过程中,作为输入接收:(一)工具的代表,(二)加工轮表示,(三)动作列表,并且给出了一个作为输出的新的工具截面表示。 *一个通过等高线之间的三角完成工具表示的平铺过程。

第二步,表面贴砖,是计算机图形学一个经典的主题 [14]。它由两个相关的问题组成:(一)建立等高线之间的一致(分支问题)和(二)搜索形成铺砖的一致的制高点(一致问题)。多种解决方案已提出,用于解决最大程度缩短连续等高线[7,17]和在等高线之间插入线[12]之间距离的问题。本文所采用的方法是对这些算法的扩展,增加了这些与同样的加工操作相配的等高线分部之间的铺瓦约束的标准。这个扩展具有很高的参考价值。[22]。 4.2 工具截面加工


*通过车轮截面和工具截面的外部轮廓的交点时间计算。这两个部分是圆形的,由于其相对的方向,他们的交集是一个段。因此,这一步的结果是一组段。 *段集船体的计算。这些船体是在工具截面削减的车轮的多边形近似值。 *给出其原来的形状和船体曲线的工具截面轮廓重建。



散成一系列循环截面SW(Cartwheel和NextSectWheel程序)。SW和ST的运动分解成一系列连续定位(内环)。对于每个位置,用InterSect 程序计算SW和ST之间的交叉。如果有交集,那么相应的段存储在段列表seglist中。然后,用 程序UpdateGeom将ST,SW和seglist的几何学更新到下一个位置。ST的位置是在每个新的轮节的初始位置重置。在所有的车轮截面加工之后,用CompHulls计算段列表的船体,然后用Reconstruct程序裁剪ST的初始等高线。 4.2.1 更新几何

每一个动作指令均以恒定速度实现。因此,运动可以分解成n常数在X; ?;Z之间转化的间距和u沿W和A旋转:dA ? DA=n; dW ? DW=n; dX ? DX=n; dY ?DY=n; dU ? DU=n and dZ ? DZ=n.

正如在第3节提到的,直线运动可以由几个同时指令组成。大部分刀具运动由调动和轴向旋转组成,这是独立的。因此,每一个动作的更新的完成的顺序是互不相干的。然而对有着圆形末端被称为“球的鼻子”的锥形工具 ,必须同时进行轴向调动和柱角轮换。这两个动作显然不是独立的。这可能是一个错误的来源(图3),因为真正的机器旋转工具柱角的同时沿其轴线调动,而在仿真中,对于每个时间间隔,该工具是第先沿轴线旋转随后才沿轴调动。然而,在这些情况下原数控已经分解为一组非常小的变动,其分辨率同加工中所需要得非常相似。因此,这些运动在加工中没有进一步分解。

图 4勾勒出全球坐标系中的几何沿时表示。轴与机轴X,Y和Z在开始加工时工具位置一致。用ctk(xtk, ytk,0.0)表示工具截面中心为即时?时的坐标:节的正常向量的组成部分为ntk(nxtk,nytk,0.0)。应当指出,nxtk=cos(vk)跟nytk=sin(vk);是VK的工具列角即时K:这些坐标更新的值k+1 。



5. 总结与之后的工作



