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三年级下 M3 u2 Will you phone me ? 教学设计

一. 教学目标:

1. 学习单词:phone。学会使用下列句子:Will you play with me this weekend? Yes, I will. /No, I won’t.能听说读下列句子△Will … phone …? Yes,…will./No,…won’t.并能用学过的句子谈论将来发生的事情。

2 通过Chant, 激发学生兴趣,以问题引领,使学生了解并掌握英语表达上的一些语言特点。在小记者调查活动中巩固语言点,并提高学生的口


3 激发学生学习兴趣,建立自信心,培养学生的表达及交际能力。


一般将来时态的一般疑问句的使用及回答:Will …?






逐渐的发给学生。并在最后的任务完成部分保证人手一个。 可以根据上面的问题来进行小组提问。



1. Greetings。

2. Chant:

T: Here is a chant about class. Say and clap.


S:clap and say it together.

Will you listen? Yes, I wil.

Will you eat? No , I won’t.

Will she write? Yes , she will.

Will she sleep? No ,she won’t.

Will he talk ? Yes, he will.

Will he play? No, he won’t.

We’ll talk ,we’ll write.

We’ll talk in English,talk ,talk ,talk.

3. T: show the pictures on PPT.

Park , cinema , school, zoo, station , supermarket.

S: choose a picture, others ask her/him : will you go to … ?

(老师问,周末快到了,想知道其他的同学都要去哪里吗? 一个学生到前面来,选择一张老师手里的卡片,藏在身后,然后其他学生问,该生用:Yes, I will. No , I won’t. 来回答)

Ⅱ presentation

1. T: children , do you remember where will Daming go this weekend?

S: Yes, he will visit his grandpa.

T: yes, But Sam don’t know about this. What happened ?

Let’s listen and find out : Will Daming phone Sam?

S: listen to the CD.

S: answer the question : No, he won’t.


T: Wrtie down the sentence,and ask:How do Sam ask Daming?

S: Will you phone me?

T: Yes, so today .Let’s learn : M3U2 Will you phone me?

2. teach the new senteces and words:

T: show : phone

S: practice to read ,then ask in pairs,: Will you phone me ?

T: compare with : elephone

( 老师把ph 的读音要咬准,并和elephone 做比较学习。 同时,用手做电话的动作,在组内和班级反馈。)

Ⅲ practice

1.T: Daming won’t phone Sam. Sam is so despair.Do you know why?

Let’s listen and read the text. And answer the questions.

S: Listen and read the text.

1 Who will Daming visit?

2 Where does Daming’s grandpa live?

3 Is there a phone there?

The answers:

1. He will visit his grandpa.

出示两道练习题: ______ will she play with? Daming .

A where B Who

______ will he go ? He will go to the park.

A where B Who

2. He lives in the countryside.

3. No, there isn’t.

出示图片: city countryside

(T: 这里有小勇的爷爷,和Sam的爷爷家,你们想去谁家玩)


小勇的爷爷家图片: countryside

Where does he live? He lives in the countryside.

Is there a phone there? No, there isn’t. (此处学生可以选择yes, there is .)

Fangfang 的奶奶家: city

Sam’s grandpa lives in the city. There is a phone.

2. 总结will的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句用法。(在给出的五个句子中,让学生自己读,并找出这些句子)而后学生总结。

Will you /he /she /they 。。。? 及回答.

What/ where/ who will ….? 及回答。

同时总结,will 后加动词原形。

3. T: The weekend is coming , Do you want to know your friends plan? Will he/she phone you? Let’s act the dialogue. Practice in pairs.

( 老师给出问题,并给出城市和农村的待选句子)

S: W ill you play with me this weekend? No, I won’t.

Will you phone me ? yes, I will. No , I won’t.

I will visit my grandpa/grandma.

He/ she lives in the city/ countryside.

There is / isn’t a phone there.

T: feedback the dialogue several groups.

4. T: Here is a talk between two children. They also talk about their weenkend. Let’s listen and finish the exercises.

完成练习册P 12-2 听力,选择。

Ⅳ production

1. T: 恩,大家刚才的习题完成的非常好,我们的小记者行动马上要开始了,但是在这之前,老师要对你们进行选拔,只有知识掌握合格的小记者们,才可以开始行动,你们有信心能做好吗?

S: YES, we can .

T: 出示PPT :

1 Will you phone me ? A yes, he will. B yes, he will.

2 Who will you visit? A the park B Amy

3 Where will you go ? A Daming B The zoo.

4 Is there an old clock? A Yes, there is .B Yes, it is .

5 He _____ in the countryside. A live B lives


2. T: 大家的任务完成的真好,你们都可以做一个小记者了, 那么你们想知道你们一个采访的人是谁吗? 对,是Miss Fei。

S: 读出PPT上提示的问题,而后老师回答。

1. What will you do this weekend?

2. what will you see?

3. who will you visit?

4. Will you phone me ?

5. Will you play with me ?

6. Is there a phone ?


T: 小组内开始采访,可以选择其中的问题,不必全部说出来。



S: 根据提示,完成语篇的呈现( 就是上面那个活动中,所有答句的总结老师先给出一个小例子,学生仿照,并鼓励说的更多)

I will go to ____ this weekend. I will see_____. I will visit_______. I will phone ___________.( won’t) There is / isn’t a phone .

Ⅴ cooler

T: 总结,反馈发言同学的情况,评出金话筒奖,并鼓励学生拿着这张纸,课后,或者回家,继续和同学或者父母讨论这个话题。

