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【语法填空2】Refresh Our Environment

As the director stated on behalf of his researching group, the data of this graph makes a clear presentation of the future environmental tendency. On one hand, the quantity of fuel keeps on decreasing by 9% per year while the___1____ (grow) of a wide range of pollution has been a global trend. On the other hand, the mildly but___2____(steady) going up of the average temperature is resulting in catastrophes like widespread floods. ____3_____disagreement, they subscribe to the view __4____ it is humans’ existence and their randomly consuming energy that result in this phenomenon.

Many people have a commitment that developing nuclear power or energy ___5____ outer space will stop bad consequences ___6____(come) about. However, scientists and educators are opposed to this view even if our needs may be met on the whole. They tend to advocate refreshing our circumstances ____7____saving energy and recycling waste. It is suggested that we use energy-saving appliances such as electrical motors, microwaves and so on ___8______ not be casual about little things like recycling a can. So please glance around and see ___9____ you can do. So long as everybody ___10_____(make) contribution, we will not have to put up with this problem anymore.

29. 【参考答案】Keys:

1 growth 2 steadily 3 Without 4 that 5 from

6 comig 7 by 8 and 9 what 10 makes


A Volcano Eruption As the best candidate, I was appointed to collect and evaluate information for a database about diverse natural disasters, such as hurricanes, typhoons or thunderstorms. Sometimes I did this __1___ giving out questionnaires to those ___2_____went through them. But sometimes I had to go through actual


disasters ____3____. The Musaki Volcano was one of them.

At that time, I lived in a bungalow alongside the volcano with a novelist, who came for the appreciation of its __4___ (erupt). One day, when I was drawing diagrams on the balcony and he was bathing inside, the volcano erupted___5___(expect). The ash and lava fountains shooting highly in the sky____6_____ (vary) from 50 to 100 meters in height. It was absolutely fantastic! I even noticed a rainbow appear in the fog ____7____(cause) by a heat wave.

But, glancing through our surroundings, I foresaw the potential danger ___8_____ found no guarantee of our safety. The uncomfortable gas almost made us unconscious. Sweats of anxiety began to drop. ___9_____(manage) to stop panicking and trembling, we quickly put on our _______(protect) suits, helmets and boots and eventually made our way to a safe place. How lucky we were even though my precious equipment and documents were all burnt to the ground!

30. 【参考答案】Keys:

1 by 2 who 3 myself 4 eruption 5 unexpectedly

6 vary 7 caused 8 and 9 Managing 10 protective


Defeat Disability Yang’s ambition was to get an architect certificate or become a bowling master. But when he was conducting experiments with a microscope in the basement, a tank on the bench exploded, ____1___(send) him flying outwards through the exit. He was out of breath while knowing he__2_____(lose)his eyesight as well as 70% of his hearing. In other words, he was disabled.

Feeling clumsy, he was annoyed at first _3____ nobody made fun of him. He cut out going outdoors and just sat _4_____ at home talking to his parrot or tortoise silently. __5____ sister resigned to help him in many ways. Her assistance and encouragement were __6____ beneficial to his psychology that he adapted to his disability soon and became outgoing again. In a college accessible to him, he studied


politics and literature. He always sat in the front row near the entry ____7____ any absence and, with the help of his handy laptop, he studied well by means of dictation. His thesis, Abolishing Slavery, met with all professors’ ___8___(approve). After class, he and his companions often played drum music, __9_____ was noisy but suitable for his hearing. After graduation, he made high profits by designing software for _10____ firm. All in all, in his community, he won his dignity and people’s congratulations. He always wished all the best to his disabled fellows and encouraged them, “Never mind! All you have is adequate to get your achievement.”

31. 【参考答案】Keys:

1.sending 2.lost 3.but 4.around 5.His

6.so 7.without 8.approval 9.which 10.a

【语法填空】An Air Crash

I couldn’t tolerate typing any more postage bills or postcodes on a typewriter every day, I resigned. With a greedy motivation of making big money, I took up working business representative for the G.E Ecology Company, goods by recycling useful materials from our dustbins. My new job left me good impressions in many aspects except that the working timetable was full of traveling by jets.

Once, when up, our jet was swallowed by a thunderstorm, instantly asked us to put on masks and fasten the safety belts, and sideways out of the opening at once and landed in a desert area safely. Lacking food and tablets, we were nervous and first. But we all kept optimistic and made good adjustment to the situation. We swept up the surrounding settlement and were back on our feet soon. Finally, guided by the smoke of our crashing jet, some local citizens came by carriages and


saved us.

23. 【参考答案】Keys:

31.Because 32.as 33. which 34. speeding 35. of 36. constantly

37.pressed 38. It 39. uncertain 40. to make

【语法填空】An Amateur Journalist

Jane is a housewife, work as an amateur journalist. It is dilemma for her to rush between family and work, and it is also for the News Department to depend on an amateur to cover making mistakes. And, eager to become more professional, she concentrates on her Once she is a new case, her normal working process is as follows: first, she makes appointments with guilty people for interviews. So as to acquire accurate stories, she usually demands to record say. Meanwhile, a technically good colleague will assist her in taking photographs. Second, she assesses whether they are hiding the truth. If she is skeptical about their words, she will look into the case herself. Third, she writes thorough stories ahead of the deadline and submits it to the senior chief editor, and approves every section. Finally, her 24.: 【参考答案】Keys

31.delighted 32.a 33. unusual 34. that 35. herself 36. of

37. what 38. deliberately 39. who 40. will be published


【语法填空】First Aid

A boy fell ill. His organs were damaged by the radiation of an infrared ray stove. ambulance arrived, number of other injuries happened to this unlucky boy over and over again. First, he was choked by was burnt by electric shock. Finally, his ankle was cut by a pan.

, the boy’s nurse gaveproper temporary treatments according to his complex symptoms. She mildly squeezed the poisonous the ankle wound to stop bleeding. As for the burn, she used scissors to remove his hands on a damp blouse to cover his swollen tissue tightly. She also inspired his in saving his life. A ceremony to honour the nurse 25. 【参考答案】 Keys:

31.before 32. a 33.poisonous 34.Fortunately 35.him

36.in 37.poured 38.against 39. was held 40. who

【语法填空】A New Farming Way

Tuan was a farmer in Vietnam. For decades, he ____1_____(struggle) to rid his family of hunger. However, it always confused him ____2_____ to expand the output of his crops. This disturbing problem led to his regretting _3____(be) a farmer. He would rather have chosen another job.

One day, when ___4_____(skim) through a newspaper, Tuan read a comment ____5___ Yuan Longpin. He underlined Yuan’s nationality and occupation, and then focused on his discovery and the statistics of his research. He found the knowledge Yuan circulated very ___ 6____(practice). Therefore, he made a summary and began


to build up ____7_____new farming method. He planted super grain of rich nutrition and equipped____8_____ to keep his crops roots free from bacteria and pests. He also enriched minerals___9______the soil while reducing chemical fertilizers. ____10_____ it cost him more time and freedom, he was full of hope.

The next year, Tuan was sunburnt but satisfied with his production very much. Thanks to Yuan Longpin, he not only won the battle against hunger, but he could also export his crops abroad.

17. 【参考答案】Keys:

1. had been struggling 2. how 3. being 4. skimming 5. on

6.practical 7. a 8. himself 9. in 10.Though

【语法填空】Chaplin-A Great Master of Humour

Chaplin was an extraordinary performer who ____1____(star) in and directed many outstanding comedies. Few were bored ____2_____(watch) his moustache, his gestures or his entertaining reactions when ___3______(chase) by detectives. Being drunk, sliding on a banana skin or whispering ____4_____ own failures to nobody, he made us feel more content with our life without any verbal explanation. His particular sense of humor has astonished everybody throughout the world up to now.

In ___5____ small budget film, he played a badly-off and ___6______(home) person wearing worn-out shoes and messy clothes. ____7 _____ one occasion, he was trapped by a snowstorm in a vast mountainous area. ____8_____ he overcame many difficulties, he wasn’t fortunate enough. With all the porridge eaten up, he picked out a shoe and boiled it to eat. He cut ___9______ the leather bottom and chewed it like a pancake. According to an actress, his acting was so convincing and amusing ____10_____ everybody couldn’t help bursting into laughter.

18. 【参考答案】Keys:

1. starred 2. chased 3. his 4. a 5. homeless

6. On 7. Though 8. eaten 9. off 10. that


【语法填空】A Misunderstanding

In general, spoken statements are the major way of communication, ___1______ body language and facial expressions also have such kinds of function. For example, yawning means being not interested and turning ____2_____ back to someone or swinging your fist ___3______(show) your anger. But _____4____ those gestures really mean is subjective in different cultures. Thus, misunderstandings happen now and then in today’s world of cultural crossroads.

Once ___5______(represent) the Adults’ Education Association, I went to the airport to meet _____6____ official of high rank from Columbia and take him to his dormitory and then to the canteen. After the flight arrived, I saw a man looking around _____7____(curious). So I approached to greet him. ___ 8______ suddenly dashed to hug me and kissed me on both cheeks. ____9 _____ a young girl, I felt truly embarrassed and put up my hands to defend myself. His false smile told me that he had lost face.

Later, I received a cassette from him, in which he recorded his apology. On hearing that Columbians were more likely to kiss others, I soon felt ____10_____ ease.

19. 【参考答案】Keys:.

1. but 2. one’s 3. shows 4. what 5. representing

6. an 7. curiously 8. He 9. As 10. at

【语法填空】An Interesting Festival

The Agricultural Feast takes place after the Independence Day. It is not a worldwide celebration. Only Christians in Mexico look forward to its ___1__ (arrive) for its religious origin.

Long ago, humans’ ancestors were bad. They fooled and played tricks on each


other and never kept ___2__ word. So God turned up and drowned all their crops. Humans starved day and night, weeping. In order to gain God’s forgiveness, a woman poet set off to see God. She admired God and kept apologizing. God ___3__ (move). With his permission, humans finally had good harvests again. So, to wipe sadness and remind themselves of the belief in God, people began the festival.

__4___ the festival, people gather in open air, such as playgrounds __5___ parking lots, and energetically have fun with each other all night long, as though they ___6__ (be) never tired. When a beauty __7___ (dress) up in lovely clothing reads poems in memory of __8___ poet, everyone holds their breath. Then, it is the custom __9___ the bone of a rooster head is given to her as an award.

Obviously, the story is not true, __10__ the festival is interesting.

11. 【参考答案】Keys:

1. arrival

6. were

2. their 3. was moved 8. the 4. On 5. or 7. dressed 9. that 10. but

