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Module 12 Help

Unit 1 What should we do before help arrives?



1. 记住M12U1中medical等14个单词、What’s wrong with…等10个短语,并归纳must, can, could表示推测的用法以及祈使句的肯定式和否定式的用法。 2. 通过自主学习和小组合作,能够听懂并描述突发事故和急救的话题。

3. 激情投入,阳光展示,了解应对突发事故的方法和措施,增强防范意识和能力。 二、学习重点:words and structures as well as their usages 三、学习难点:must can could (for prediction)



1. 借助课本和辅导材料,深入理解文章并尝试总结知识结构。

2. 在课文中划出下列的词汇,对照音标(P142, TB),朗读以上单词。认真预习本单元的内容 二、教材助读:情景导学资料 三、预习自测题 : (一)单词:

1.破碎的______________ 2.玻璃______________ 3.楼梯________________

4.帮助;救助__________ 5.医学的_____________ 6.想象________________

7.底部;下端__________ 8.错误的______________ 9.问题;麻烦___________

10.举起;抬起_________ 11.有害的___________ 12.使落下______________

13.训练;培训_________ 14.盖上____________ (二)短语:

15.急救 ____________________ 16.在…底部____________________ 17. …怎么了?_________________ 19. 抬起;提起____________________ (三)从课文中找出下列短语,并写在下列横线上 1. 给某人基本的医疗帮助___________________________ 2. 在楼梯底部__________________________

3. 发出声音_____________________________________ 4. 痛苦地____________________________________ 5. 首先_____________________________________ 6. 找出,发现_____________________________________ 7. 他怎么了?_____________________________________ 8. 让他舒服点_____________________________________

9.做一些基本的医疗培训_____________________________________ 10. 给他盖上一件外套_____________________________________




质疑探究 : 1. Activity 1

小组活动:看图片,用所给单词谈论图片 步骤:先组内讨论,再抽两组展示 2. Activity 2


要求:放一遍理解大意,选择答案;放第二遍,核对答案。 3. Activity 3

① 听对话,理解对话的大意,找出下面问题的答案: 1. What's the conversation about?

A. A traffic about an traffic accident B. A class about how to give first aid 2. Why did Betty must know how to make people comfortable?

Because she did some ___________. 3. What' s Betty's advice?

A. Lift him up and sit him on a chair

B. Make sure he's warm. Cover him with a coat. ② 读对话完成表格中的笔记内容

要求:先看表格,清楚要填的内容,对话放一遍,学生在文章勾出答案 学生独立完成,做好后老师请同学读出答案,全班一起核对答案。 4. Activity 4


要求:学生先读对话,理解对话内容,再选词填空,组内讨论答案,最后请小组展示答案,全班一起核对答案.全班一起朗读课文。 5. Activity 5

听句子给说话人重读的单词划线 当堂检测 一、单项选择:

1. --- I have great ______ in learning math and I’m so worried. Could you help me?

--- Sure. I’d be glad to.

A. trouble B. interest C. joy D. fun

2. ---So many people support you. You ______ be happy. --- Yes, you are right. I’m really excited. A. may B. can C. must D. need

3. That man _________ be my English teacher. He has gone to Canada.

A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t

4. There is a date _________ the bottom _____ this page. A. at; I

n B. at; of C. in; of D. in; at

5. David can’t find his younger sister, so he ________ her name on the street.

A. said B. spoke C. talked D. shouted 6. The stone is heavy, but the man ______ it ____ easily.

A. lifted up 7. ---________? --- I have a cold.

A. How are you B. Are you John C. What’s wrong with you D. What are you doing 二、句型转换

1. What’s the matter with Tony? (同义句) What’s ________ with Danny?

2. It’s harmful to our health to eat too fast. (同义句) It’s ________ ________ our health to eat too fast.

课后反思 : 课后训练


B. looked up

C. picked up D. cleaned up

Unit 1 What should we do before help arrives?第二课时


1. 记住M12U1中medical等14个单词、What’s wrong with…等10个短语,并归纳must, can, could表示推测的用法以及祈使句的肯定式和否定式的用法。 2. 通过自主学习和小组合作,能够听懂并描述突发事故和急救的话题。

3. 激情投入,阳光展示,了解应对突发事故的方法和措施,增强防范意识和能力。 二、学习重点:words and structures as well as their usages 三、学习难点:must can could (for prediction)


一、使用说明与学法指导:1. 借助课本和辅导材料,深入理解文章并尝试总结知识结构。 2. 完成时间30分钟。 二、教材助读:情景导学资料

三、预习自测题 : Fill in the blanks

Ms James: This morning’s class is about ____________ _____________, or giving someone basic __________ help. Let’s imagine an accident. A boy is lying at the ___________ of the stairs. He is in pain. What can we do the help him?

Betty: First of all, find out what’s____________ with him. Ms James: How do we do that? Betty: Ask him.

Ms James: OK. But he could have _____________ hearing you or speaking to you.

Ling ling: Shout for help? Call 120?

Ms James: Good idea, but what do we do before help arrives? Tony: Make him _____________. Ms James: And how can we do that?

Tony: Lift him up and sit him on a chair? Ms James: No, that could be _____________!

Betty: Make sure he’s warm. Cover him with a coat.

Ms James: That’s such good advice that you could be a doctor, Betty!



1. He is in pain.他很疼。

in pain的意思是“处在疼痛之中”。如: Are you still in pain? 你还疼吗? 2. But he could have trouble hearing you or speaking to you. 但是他有可能无法听到你或者和你说话。

句中的could表示推测。如:You could be right. 你可能是对的。

have trouble doing sth./have trouble with sth 的意思是“做……有困难”。 如:

We never have any trouble getting the car started. 发动这辆车子我们从没费过劲儿。

We’re having a lot of trouble with a new computer system. 新的电脑系统让我们焦头烂额。

3. Make sure he’s warm. 确保他不受凉。 make sure的意思是“确保,保证”。如:

Make sure you turn off all the lights before you go out. 在出门之前一定要把所有的灯都关掉。

I think I locked the door, but I’ll go hack and check, just to make sure. 我觉得我锁上门 了,但我还是要回去看看,确认一下。

4. That’s such good advice that you could be a doctor, 这个建议非常好,你都可以


such... that...这个句型表达“如此……以至于……”的意思,such后面接名词,名词前可以形容词修饰。如果只有形容词或副词,则要使用so...that...这一句型。如: It is such a tiny kitchen that only one person can cook in it. 这个厨房很小,只容下一个人在里面做饭。

They are such nice people that we all like them. 他们人很好,我们都喜欢他们。 He was so weak that he could hardly stand up. 他很虚弱,几乎站不起来。 Everything happened so quickly that I hadn’t time to think. 一切发生得太快 了,我都没有时间思考。 当堂检测

Hello, everyone. My name is Jimmy Green. I am thirty years old. I am from New York. I work at a lost and found office in New York. At the lost and found office, there are some different things. Let’s have a look.

Look! There are five wallets on the table. When you open the wallets, you can find some money in two of them. There is a shelf behind the table. There are some mobile phones and cameras on the shelf. Maybe we have your camera misses you, too. After finding it, you can take it home.

We are open from 9:00am to 5:00 pm. from Monday to Friday. We don’t close at noon. Welcome here! Maybe you can find what you have lost.

1.In the lost and found office, there are some things except(了)__________

A. wallets B. mobile phones C. cameras D. computers

2. Where are the mobile phones? A. On the table C. On the shelf 3. What A. 错过

B. 想念

B. Under the table

D. Under the shelf

D. 购买


does the underlined(

C. 丢失

的)word “miss” in Chinese?

4. You can go to the lost and found office___________. A. at 8:00 on Monday B. at 10:00 on Sunday C. at 9:30 on Saturday D. at noon on Friday 5. After reading the passage, we can know ________. A. Jimmy Green is twenty years old B. Jimmy Green is from London C. Jimmy Green works in New York D. Jimmy Green has a camera

课后反思 : 课后训练

背诵1单元的重点单词短语句型。Preview Unit 2.

1.In the lost and found office, there are some things except(了)__________

A. wallets B. mobile phones C. cameras D. computers

2. Where are the mobile phones? A. On the table C. On the shelf 3. What A. 错过

B. 想念

B. Under the table

D. Under the shelf

D. 购买


does the underlined(

C. 丢失

的)word “miss” in Chinese?

4. You can go to the lost and found office___________. A. at 8:00 on Monday B. at 10:00 on Sunday C. at 9:30 on Saturday D. at noon on Friday 5. After reading the passage, we can know ________. A. Jimmy Green is twenty years old B. Jimmy Green is from London C. Jimmy Green works in New York D. Jimmy Green has a camera

课后反思 : 课后训练

背诵1单元的重点单词短语句型。Preview Unit 2.

