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《高级英语》上下册单词总表by Jim Huang黄健整理


by Jim Huang黄健整理



第一册 (2)

Unit 1 The Middle Eastern Bazaar (2)

Unit 2 Hiroshima -- the "Liveliest” City in Japan (3)

Unit 3 Ships in the Desert (5)

Unit 4 Everyday Use for Your Grandmama (7)

Unit 5 Speech on Hitler's Invasion of the U.S.S.R. (9)

Unit 6 BLACKMAIL (11)

Unit 7 The Age of Miracle Chips (12)

Unit 8 An Interactive Life (14)

Unit 9 Mark Twain---Mirror of America (15)

Unit 10 The Trial That Rocked the World (18)

Unit 11 But What's a Dictionary For? (20)

Unit 12 The Loons (21)

Unit 13 Britannia Rues the Waves (24)

Unit 14 Argentia Bay (25)

Unit 15 No Signposts in the Sea (29)

Unit 16 The Play 1776 (31)

第二册 (34)

Unit 1 Face to Face with Hurricane Camille (34)

Unit 2 Marrakech (36)

Unit 3 Pub Talk and the King's English (38)

Unit 4 Inaugural Address (39)

Unit 5 Love is a Fallacy (41)

Unit 6 Disappearing through the Skylight (44)

Unit 7 The Libido for the Ugly (46)

Unit 8 The worker as Creator or Machine (48)

Unit 9 The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas (49)

Unit 10 The Sad Young Men (51)

Unit 11 The Future of the English (53)

Unit 12 The Discovery of What It Means to Be an American (55)

Unit 13 In Favor of Capital Punishment (57)

Unit 14 Loving and Hating New York (60)


《高级英语》上下册单词总表by Jim Huang黄健整理


Unit 1 The Middle Eastern Bazaar

Bazaar (n.) : (in Oriental countries)a market or street of shops and stalls(东方国家的)市场,集市

cavern (n.) : a cave,esp.a large cave洞穴,山洞(尤指大洞穴,大山洞)

shadowy (adj.) : dim;indistinct模糊的;朦胧的

harmonious (adj.) : having musical tones combined to give a pleasing effect;consonant(音调)和谐的,悦耳的/harmoniously adv.

throng (n.) :a great number of people gathered together;crowd人群;群集

conceivable (adj.) : that can be conceived,imagined 可想象的,想得到的

din (n.) : a loud,continuous noise喧闹声,嘈杂声

would-be ( adj.) : intended to be预期成为……的;将要成为……的

muted (adj.) : (of a sound)made softer than is usual(声音)减弱的

vaulted ( adj.) : having the form of a vault;arched穹窿形的;拱形的

sepulchral(n.) : a cave,esp.a large cave洞穴,山洞(尤指大洞穴,大山洞)

shadowy (adj.) : suggestive of the grave or burial;dismal;gloomy坟墓般的;阴森森的

guild ( n.) : any association for mutual aid and the promotion of common interests互助会;协会

trestle (n.) :a frame consising of a horizontal beam fastened to two pairs of spreading legs,used to support planks to form a table,platform,etc.支架;脚手台架;搁凳

impinge (v.) : strike,hit,or dash;have an effect撞击,冲击,冲撞;对……具有影响

fairyland (n.) : the imaginary land where the fairies live;a lovely enchanting place仙境;奇境

burnish ( v.) : make or become shiny by rubbing;polish擦亮;磨光;抛光

brazier ( n.) : a metal pan,bowl,etc.,to hold burning coals or charcoal,as for warming a room or grilling food火盆;火钵dim ( v.) :make or grow unclear(使)变暗淡;(使)变模糊

rhythmic /rhythmical ( adj.) :having rhythm有韵律的;有节奏的/rhythmically adv

bellows ( n.) :(sing.&p1.)a device that produces a stream of air through a narrow tube when its sides are pressed together(used for blowing fires,etc.)(单复同)风箱

intricate ( adj.) :complex;hard to follow or understand because full of puzzling parts,details,or relationships;full of elaborate detail错综复杂的;精心制作的

exotic ( adj.) :strange or different in a way that is striking or fascinating奇异的;异常迷人的

sumptuous ( adj.) :involving great expense;costly lavish豪华的;奢侈的;昂贵的

maze ( n.) :

( n.) :a confusing,intricate network of winding pathways 迷津;迷宫;曲径

honeycomb ( v.) :fill with holes like a honeycomb使成蜂窝状

mosque ( n.) :a Moslem temple or place of worship清真寺;伊斯兰教堂

caravanserai /caravansery ( n.) :in the Orient.a kind of inn with a large central court,where caravans stop for the night东方商队(或旅行队)的客店

disdainful ( n.) :feeling or expressing disdain;scornful and aloof;proud轻视的,轻蔑的;傲慢的/disdainfully adv.

bale ( n.) :a large bundle大包,大捆

linseed ( n.) :the seed of flax亚麻籽

somber ( adj.) :dark and gloomy or dull阴沉的;昏暗的


《高级英语》上下册单词总表by Jim Huang黄健整理

pulp ( n.) :a soft,moist,formless mass that sticks together浆

ramshackle ( adj.) :1ikely to fall to pieces;shaky要倒塌似的,摇摇欲坠的.

dwarf ( v.) :make small or insignificant;make seem small in comparison使矮小;使无足轻重;使(相形之下)显得渺小;使相形见绌

vat ( n.) :a large tank,tub,or cask for holding liquids大缸;大桶

nimble ( adj.) :moving or acting quickly and lightly灵活的;敏捷的/nimbly adv.

girder ( n.) :a large beam,usually horizontal,of timber or steel.for supporting the joists of a floor,the framework of a building.the superstructure of a bridge,etc?大梁

trickle ( n.) :a slow,small flow细流;涓流

ooze ( v.) :flow or leak out slowly,as through very small holes 渗出;慢慢地流

runnel ( n.) :runnel a small stream;little brook or rivulet;a small channel or watercourse小溪;小沟;小槽

glisten (v.) :shine or sparkle with reflected light, as a wet or polished surface;flash(湿的表面或光滑面)反光;闪耀,闪光

taut ( adj.) :tightly stretched,as a rope(绳子等)拉紧的,绷紧的

thread one’s way: move through carefully or slowly,changing direc- tion frequenfly as moving小心,缓慢地挤过(不断地改变方向)

例:Slowly she threaded her way back through the moving mass of people.她慢慢挤过熙熙攘攘的人群往回走。follow suit: to do the same as someone else has done赶潮流,学样

例:Many young girls are fond of following suit at present.时下许多年轻女孩热衷于赶潮流。

narrow down: reduce the number of缩小(范围,数字等)

例:Please narrow down the topic of your speech to avoid waste of time.请缩小你讲话的主题以免浪费时间。

beat down: bargain with(seller),causing seller to lower price(与卖主)往下砍价

例:It is necessary to know how to beat down the price when bar- gaining.在与卖主讲价时应该知道怎样压价。make a point of: regard or treat it as necessary认为……是必要的

例:The teachers make a point of setting strict demands on the students.老师们认为为学生制定严格的要求是很必要的

take a hand: join to help帮助,帮忙

例:When you meet troubles we are gladt0 take a hand ourselves.当你遇到困难时我们愿意帮助你。

throw one’s weight on to (sth.): use all one’s strength to press down使劲压在(某物)上

例:he doctor throws his weight on t0 the patient’s chest,but it does not work.医生使尽全身力气压住病人的胸口,但是无济于事。

set…in motion: set sth.going;launch使…一运动,移动

例:Before the gasoline is discovered,people use diesel oil to set the engine in motion.在发现汽油之前,人们使用柴油来发动引擎。

Unit 2 Hiroshima -- the "Liveliest” City in Japan

reportorial ( adj.) :reporting报道的,报告的

kimono ( n.) :a loose out garment with short,wide sleeve and a sash。part of the traditional costume of Japanese men and women 和服

preoccupation ( n.) :a matter which takes up an one's attention令人全神贯注的事物

oblivious ( adj.) :forgetful or unmindful(usually with of or to)忘却的;健忘的(常与of或to连用)


《高级英语》上下册单词总表by Jim Huang黄健整理

bob ( v.) :move or act in a bobbing manner,move suddenly or jerkily;to curtsy quickly上下跳动,晃动;行屈膝礼

ritual ( adj.) : of or having the nature of,or done as a rite or rites仪式的,典礼的

facade ( n.) :the front of a building;part of a building facing a street,courtyard,etc.(房屋)正面,门面

lurch ( v.) :roll,pitch,or sway suddenly forward or to one side突然向前(或向侧面)倾斜

intermezzo ( n.) :a short piece of music played alone.or one which connects longer pieces插曲;间奏曲

gigantic ( adj.) :very big;huge;colossal;immense巨大的,庞大的,其大无比的

usher ( n.) :an official doorkeeper门房;传达员

heave (v.) :utter(a sign,groan,etc.)with great effort or pain(费劲或痛苦地)发出(叹息、呻吟声等)

barge ( n.) :a large boat,usually flat—bottomed,for carrying heavy freight on rivers,canals,etc.;a large pleasure boat,esp. one used for state ceremonies,pageants,etc.大驳船;(尤指用于庆典的)大型游艇

moor ( v.) :hold(a ship,etc.)in place by cables or chains to the shore,or by anchors,etc.系泊;锚泊

arresting (adj.) :attracting attention;interesting;striking引人注目的;有趣的

beige ( adj.) :grayish—tan米黄色;浅灰黄色的

tatami ( n.) :[Jap.]a floor mat woven of rice straw,used traditionally in Japanese homes for sitting on,as when eating[日]日本人家里铺在地板上的稻草垫,榻榻米

stunning ( adj.) :[colloq.]remarkably attractive,excellent[口]极其漂亮的;极其出色的

twinge ( n.) :a sudden,brief,darting pain or pang;a sudden.brief feeling of remorse,shame,etc.刺痛,剧痛;痛心,懊悔,悔恨,内疚

slay ( v.) :(slew或slayed, slain,slaying)kill or destroy in a violent way杀害;毁掉

linger ( v.) :continue to live or exist although very close to death or the end苟延;历久犹存

agony ( n.) :very great mental or physical pain(精神上或肉体上的)极度痛苦

inhibit ( v.) :hold back or keep from some action,feeling,etc 抑制(感情等);约束(行动等)

spinal ( adj. ) :of or having to do with the spine or spinal cord脊背的;脊柱的;脊髓的

agitated ( adj.) :shaken;perturbed;excited颤抖的;不安的,焦虑的;激动的

reverie ( n.) :a dreamy,fanciful,or visionary notion or daydream梦想;幻想;白日梦

heinous (adj.) :outrageously evil or wicked;abominable 极可恨的,极可恶的,极坏的

cataclysm ( n.) :a violent and sudden change or event.esp. a serious flood or earthquake灾变(尤指洪水、地震等)

demolish ( v.) :pull down,tear down,or smash to pieces拆毁,拆除;破坏,毁坏

formaldehyde ( n.) :[chem.]a colorless,pungent gas,HCHO,used in solution as a strong disinfectant and preservation,and in the manufacture of synthetic resins,dyes. etc.[化]甲醛

ether ( n.) :[chem.]a light colorless liquid made from alcohol,which burns and is easily changed into a gas(used in industry and as an anaesthetic to put people to sleep before an operation)[化]醚;乙醚

humiliate ( v.) :hurt the pride or dignity of by causing to be or seem foolish or contemptible使受辱,使丢脸

genetic (adj.) :of or having to do with genetics遗传的

have a lump in one’s throat: a feeling of pressure in one’s throat (cause by repressed emotion as love,sadness,etc.)如哽在喉,哽咽(因压制激动的情绪所致,如爱、悲伤等)

例:Many British people had a lump in their throat on hearing the death of Dianna.许多英国人在听到黛安娜王妃的死讯时如哽在喉。

on one’s mind: occupying one’s thoughts(esp.as a source of wor- ry,)占领某人的思绪,一直在想的(尤指忧虑的来源) 例:The thought that is always on my mind is whether to go broad or not.我一直在思考的一个问题是究竟要不要出国。

rub shoulders with: (infml)meet and mix with(people)与(人们)联系,交往

例:The foreign visitors said that they would like to rub shoulders with ordinary Chinese people.那些外国游客们说他们愿意与中国老百姓有来往。


《高级英语》上下册单词总表by Jim Huang黄健整理

set off: start(a journey,race,etc.)开始(旅行,赛跑等)

例:If you want to catch that train we’better set off for the station immediately.你要是想赶上那班火车,咱们就最好马上动身去火车站。

flash by/alorig/past/through: move very quickly in the specified direction急速向某方向运动

例:The train flashed by at high speed火车疾驰而过。

sink in: (of liquids)go down into another substance;be absorbed (指液体)渗入,被吸收(fig.)(of words,etc.)be fully absorbed or un- derstood:penetrate esp.gradually(指话语等)完全理解

例:Rub the cream on your skin and let it sink in.把这种软膏搽在皮肤上,让它渗进去。The scale of the tragedy gradually sank in.这一悲惨事件涉及的范围已逐渐完全清楚了。

by trade: way of making a living,esp.a job that involves making sth.;occupation以…为谋生之道(尤指以制造某物为业) 例:be a butcher,carpenter,tailor,etc.by trade做肉商、木匠、裁缝等

Unit 3 Ships in the Desert

lap ( v.) :(of waves,etc.)move or strike gently with a light,splashing sound such as a dog makes in lapping(波浪)拍打;泼溅divert ( v.) :turn(a person or thing)aside(from a course,direction,etc.);deflect转移;使(人或物)转向;岔开,使偏斜Antarctic ( adj. ) :of or near the South Pole or the region around it南极的;近南极的;南极区的;南极地带的;南极周围的Trans—Antarctic (adj.) : crossing or spanning the Antarctic横贯南极的;横贯南极地带的

parka ( n.) :a hip—length pullover fur garment with a hood,worn 1n arctic regions风雪大衣,派克大衣

glacier ( n.) :a slowly moving river or mass of ice and snow that forms in areas where the rate of snowfall constantly exceeds the rate at which the snow melts冰河;冰川

accessible ( adj.) : that can be approached or entered;easy to approach or enter能够接近的;能够进去的;易接近的;易进去的trap ( v.) :catch in or as in a trap;entrap诱捕;计捉

inexorable ( adj.) :that cannot be altered,checked,etc.不可变的;不可抗拒的;无情的

graph ( n.) :a diagram consisting of nodes and links and representing logical relationships or sequences of events(曲线)图,标绘图;图表;图形

slab ( n.) :a piece that is flat,broad,and fairly thick平板;厚片

frigid ( adj.) :extremely cold;without heat or warmth极冷的,寒冷的,严寒的

snowmobile ( n.) :any of various motor vehicles for traveling over snow,usually with steerable runners at the front and tractor treads at the rear(机动)雪车;(履带式)雪上汽车

rendezvous ( n.) :[Fr.]a place designated for meeting or assembling[法语]指定集合地;会合点

hover ( v.) :stay suspended or flutter in the air near oneplace盘旋

eerie,eery ( adj. ) :mysterious,uncanny,or weird,esp. in such a way as to frighten or make uneasy神秘的,离奇的,怪异的;阴森的,恐怖的,可怕的/eerily adv.

hummock ( n.) :ridge or rise in an ice field冰群;(冰原上的)冰丘

collide ( v.) :come into violent contact;strike violently against each other;crash碰撞;猛撞;互撞

scenario ( n.) :a sequence 0f events esp. when imagined;an account or synopsis of a projected course of action or events(设想中的)未来事态;方案

controversial ( adj. ) :of,subject to,or stirring up controversy;disbatable争论的;引起争论的;

tundra ( n.) :any of the vast,nearly level,treeless plains of the arctic regions冻原;苔原;冻土带

equator ( n.) :an imaginary circle around the earth,equally distant at all points from both the North Pole and the South Pole,dividing the earth's surface into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere赤道


《高级英语》上下册单词总表by Jim Huang黄健整理

billow ( v.) :surge,swell,or rise like or in a billow(巨浪)奔腾;(波涛)汹

pasture ( n.) :

( n.) :.ground suitable for grazing牧场

slash (v.) :cut or wound with a sweeping stroke or strokes,as of a knife(用刀等)猛砍,乱砍

blot (v.) :make blots on;spot;stain;blur(esp. used in blot out:darken or hide entirely;obscure)涂污;玷污;把……弄模糊;遮暗(尤用于bolt out:把……弄模糊;遮暗,遮蔽;掩蔽)

noctilucent (adj.) :designating or of a luminous cloud of unknown composition。visible at night in the polar regions at an altitude of c.50 miles夜光云的;夜间发光的

shimmer ( v.) :shine with an unsteady light;glimmer闪烁;发出微光

translucent ( adj.) :1etting light pass but diffusing it so that objects on the other side cannot be clearly distinguished;partially transparent,as frosted glass半透明的

buildup ( n.) :a gradual increase in amount,power,influence,etc.;expansion(在数目、力量、影响等方面)逐渐增加,扩大,扩充;集结

methane ( n.) :a colorless,odorless,inflammable gaseous hydrocarbon,CH4,present in natural gas and formed by the decomposition of vegetable matter,as in marshes and mines. or produced artificially by heating carbon monoxide and hydrogen over a nickle catalyst甲烷;沼气

landfill ( n.) :the disposal of garbage or rubbish by burying it under a shallow layer of ground埋入地下的垃圾

paddy ( n.) :rice in the husk,growing or gathered稻,谷

termite ( n.) :a kind of insect found chiefly in tropical areas,very destructive to wood,textiles,etc.,which makes large hills of hard earth白蚁

biomass ( n.) :the total mass or amount of living organisms in a particular area or volume生物量

extinction ( n.) :the fact or state of being or becoming extinct;dying out,as of a race,species of animal,etc.(动物的)灭绝,绝种

rip (v.) :cut or tear apart roughly or vigorously撕,扯

spectral ( adj.) : of or like a specter;phantom;ghostly鬼怪(似)的;幽灵(般)的

skirmish ( n.) :a brief fight or encounter between small groups,usually an incident of a battle小规模战斗;前哨战

aquifer ( n.) :an underground layer of porous rock,sand,etc.containing water,into which wells can be sunk含水层(能对水井提供重要经济价值的水量的地下岩层)

chlorine ( n.) :a greenish—yellow,poisonous,gaseous chemical element with a disagreeable odor.used as a bleaching agent,in water purification,in various industrial processes,etc.(symbol C1)氯(符号C1)

chlorofluorocarbon ( n.) :any of a series of gaseous or low—boiling,inert,nonflammable derivatives of methane or ethane,used as refrigerants and solvents,and as propellants in aerosol products[化]氟利昂

disrupt ( v.) :disturb or interrupt the orderly course of扰乱;破坏

ultraviolet ( adj. ) :1ying just beyond the violet end of the visible spectrum and having wavelengths shorter than approximately 4 000 angstroms紫外(线)的

molecule ( n.) :the smallest particle of an element or compound that can exist in the free state and still retain the characteristics of the element or compound[化]分子

equilibrium ( n.) :a state of balance or equality between opposing forces平衡(状态);平均;相称

exponential ( adj.)[Math.] :of or relating to an exponent:involving a variable or unknown quantity as an exponent[数]指数的;幂的

axiom ( n.) :a statement universally accepted as true;maxim格言,箴言

cumulative (adj. ) :increasing in effect,size, quantity,etc.by successive additions;accumulated累积的,堆积的;累加的;(作用、大小、数量等)渐增的

sustenance ( n.) :one’s means of livelihood;maintenance;support生计;支撑;支持,维持


《高级英语》上下册单词总表by Jim Huang黄健整理

ozone ( n.) :n unstable,pale—blue gas,O3,with a penetraring odor(an allotropic form of oxygen,formed usually by a silent electrical discharge in air,and used as an oxidizing,deodorizing.and bleaching agent and in the purification of water)[化]臭氧depletion ( n.) :the gradual using up or destruction or capital assets,esp. of natural resources资产(尤指自然资源)的折耗,耗减deforestation ( n.) :the act or action of clearing (1and)of forests of trees毁林,滥伐森林

precedent ( n.) :existing practice resulting from earlier precedents先例;前例

sober ( v.) :make or become self—controlled,calm,serious in thought,etc.(使)变清醒(或冷静、严肃、庄严等) weaponry ( n.) :the design and production o{weapons武器设计和生产

deploy ( v.) :spread out or place in accordance with a plan展开;部署

leapfrog ( v.) :jump or skip over跃过;越过

obsolete ( adj.) :no longer in use or practice;discarded;no longer in fashion;out—of-date已废弃的;已不用的;过时的;老式的

simplistic (adj.) :making complex problems unrealistically simple;oversimplifying or oversimplified过分简单化的

at stake: to be won or lost;being risked 在胜败关头,冒风险

例:This decision put out lives at stake.这一决定,我们的生命就凶吉难保了。

Unit 4 Everyday Use for Your Grandmama

wavy ( adj. ) :like,characteristic of,or suggestive of waves波状的;有起伏的

groove ( n.) :a long,narrow furrow or hollow cut in a surface with a tool纹(道);纹槽

elm ( adj.) : designating a family(Ulmaceae)of trees growing largely in the N.Temperate Zone[植]榆科的

totter ( v.) :be unsteady on one's feet;stagger蹒跚而行

limousine ( n.) :any large luxurious sedan,esp. one driven by a chauffeur(配有司机的)高级轿车

sporty ( adj.) :characteristic of a sport or sporting man运动员似的

tacky ( adj.) : untidy;neglected;unrefined;vulgar劣等的;破旧的;粗俗的

flannel ( n.) :a soft,lightweight,loosely woven woolen cloth with a slightly napped surface法兰绒

barley ( n.) :a cereal grass(Hordeum vulgare and related species)with dense,bearded spikes of flowers,each made up of three single—seeded spikelets大麦

lame (adj. ) :crippled;disabled;esp. having an injured leg or foot that makes one limp瘸的;残废的

sidle ( v.) :move sideways,esp. in a shy or stealthy manner(羞怯或偷偷地)侧身行走

shuffle ( n.) :a slow dragging walk拖着脚走

papery ( adj.) :thin,light,etc.1ike paper(在厚薄、质地等方面)像纸的

dingy (adj.) :dirty—colored;not bright or clean;grimy昏暗的,不明亮的;不干净的;无光泽的;弄脏了的make—believe ( n.) :①n. pretense;feigning假装;虚假②adj. pretended;feigned;sham假装的;虚假的

dimwit ( n.) :[slang]a stupid person;simpleton[俚]蠢人,笨蛋,傻子

organdy ( n.) : very sheer,crisp cotton fabric used for dresses,curtains,etc.蝉翼纱;玻璃纱(一种细薄的透明布)

pump ( n.) :.a low—cut shoe without straps or ties一种浅口无带皮鞋

flicker ( v.) :move with a quick,light,wavering motion摇曳,摇动;晃动

mossy ( adj.) : full of or covered with moss or a mosslike growth生了苔的;多苔的;苔状的

hook ( v.) :attack with the horns,as a bull;gore(牛等以角)抵破,抵伤

shingle ( n.) :a thin,wedgeshaped piece of wood,slate, etc.1aid with others in a series of overlapping rows as a covering for roofs and the sides of the houses屋顶板;木瓦


《高级英语》上下册单词总表by Jim Huang黄健整理

porthole ( n.) :an opening in a ship's side,as for admitting light and air(船侧采光、通气的)舷窗;舱口

rawhide ( adj. ) :done or acting in a stealthy manner,as if to hinder observation;surreptitious;stealthy;sneaky;secret鬼鬼祟祟的,偷偷摸摸的;秘密的

cute ( adj.) :[Am.colloq.]pretty or attractive,esp. in a delicate or dainty way[美口]漂亮的,俏的,迷人的;逗人喜爱的scalding ( adj.) :fierce in attacking in words措辞尖锐的

lye ( n.) :any strongly alkaline substance,usually sodium or potassium hydroxide,used in cleaning,making soap,etc.碱液recompose ( v. ) : restore to composure使恢复镇静

stocky ( adj.) :heavily built;sturdy;short and thickset矮胖的;结实的

kinky (adj.) :full of kinks;tightly curled,esp.of hair(尤指头发)绞缠的;纽结的;弯曲的

wriggle ( v.) :.twist from side to side,either in one place or when moving along蠕动;扭动

earring ( n.) :[usu.p1.] an ornament worn on the ear[常用复数]耳环,耳饰

bracelet ( n.) :an ornamental band or chain worn about the wrist or arm手镯

armpit ( n.) :the hollow place under the arm at the shoulder腋下,腋窝

lizard ( n.) :any of several types of(usu.)small creatures which are reptiles。with a rough skin,4 legs,and a long tail蜥蜴

nave ( z.) :a small mark or sunken place in the middle of he stomach.1eft when the connection to the mother(the umbilical cord)was cut at birth肚脐

hug ( v.) :hold(someone)tightly in the arms搂抱;紧抱

perspiration ( n.) :the act or action of sweating出汗;汗

peek ( v.) :glance or look quickly and furtively,esp. through an opening or from behind something(尤指从缝隙或隐蔽处)偷看;窥视

Polaroid ( n.) :[short for Polaroid Land Camera]a portable camera that develops the film negative internally and produces a print within seconds after the process is initiated (Polaroid Land Camera的缩略式)(一种即照即成相片的照相机)波拉罗伊德照相机;“拍立来”照相机

stoop ( v.) :bend(the head and shoulders)forwards and down屈身;弯腰

nibble ( v.) :take small bites(out of something);eat(something)with small bites细咬,细食;一点点地咬

snap ( v.) :take a snapshot of抢拍;用快照拍摄

limp (adj.) :1acking or having lost stiffness;flaccid,drooping,wilted,etc.柔软的

crop ( v.) :(used in crop up)arise,happen,or appear,unexpectedly(用于crop up)突然出现;突然发生

trip [trip] :口.(used in£rip over)make an awkward mistake in(something such as words)(用于trip over)(在语言上)出差错;卡壳,支吾

herd ( n.) :a number of cattle or other large animals feeding,living,or being driven together牛群;畜群

collard ( n.) :a kind of kale(Brassica oleracea acephala) whose coarse leaves are borne in tufts羽衣甘蓝

chitlins ( n.) :[p1.]the small intestines of pigs,used for food[复](猪等的)小肠(供食用)

streak ( n.) :streak [colloq.](used in talk a blue streak)talk much and rapidly[口]连珠炮似地谈话;滔滔不绝地讲话

rump ( n.) :[humor](of a human being)the part of the body one sits on[幽]臀部

churn ( n.) :.a container in which milk is moved about violently until it becomes butter搅乳器(用以搅拌牛乳而制成黄油) clabber ( n.) :thickly curdled sour milk酸牛奶

whittle ( v.) :cut(wood)to a smaller size by taking off small thin pieces削(木头)

dasher ( n.) :a rotating device for whipping cream,as in a churn,etc.(奶油)搅拌器

centerpiece ( n.) :an ornament,a bowl of flowers,etc.for the center of a table放在桌子中央的装饰品(如花瓶等)

alcove ( n.) :a recessed section of a room,as a breakfast nook凹室(如早餐座)

sink ( n.) :[geo1.]an area of slightly sunken land,esp. one in which water collects or disappears by evaporation or percolation into the ground渗坑;洼地、

rifle ( v. ) :ransack and rob(a place,building etc.);pillage;plunder抢劫,掠夺(某地)


《高级英语》上下册单词总表by Jim Huang黄健整理

scrap ( n.) :a small piece;bit;fragment;shred小片;碎片

teeny ( adj.) :[colloq.]variation of the word “tiny”tiny的口语体

slam ( v.) :shut or allow to shut with force and noise使劲关(门等);砰地(把门等)关上

lavender ( adj.) :pale—purple淡紫色的

stump ( v.) :[colloq.]puzzle,perplex;baffle[口]使困惑;使茫然不知所措

scrape ( v.) :(cause to)rub roughly(使)磨擦

checkerberry ( n.) :[Am.]the edible,red,berrylike fruit of the wintergreen[美]平铺白珠树的果实

snuff ( n.) :smell;scent气味,气息

dopey ( adj.) :[colloq.]mentally slow or confused;stupid[口](感觉)迟钝的;迷迷糊糊的,昏昏沉沉的;愚蠢的;呆傻的hangdog (adj.) :ashamed and cringing羞愧的

crop up: v.to appear unexpectedly or occasionally意外出现,偶然出现

例:All sorts of difficulties have cropped up at work.在工作中,各种各样的困难意想不到地出现了。

Unit 5 Speech on Hitler's Invasion of the U.S.S.R.

horde ( n.) :a large,moving crowd or throng群,人群

croquet ( n.) :an outdoor game-、n which the players use mallets to drive a wooden ball through a series of hoops placed in the ground槌球游戏(一种用木槌击木球钻小圈的游戏)

luncheon ( n.) :a lunch,esp. a formal lunch with others午餐;午宴;午餐(聚)会

Nazi (adj. & n.) :designating,of,or characteristic of the German fascist political party(German National Socialist Party).founded in 1919 and abolished in 1945德国国社党的,纳粹党的;纳粹党党员,纳粹分子

indistinguishable ( adj. ) : that cannot be distinguished as being different or separate不能区别的,不能辨别的,难区分的devoid ( adj.) :completely without;empty or destitute(of)完全没有的,缺乏的(后接of)

excel ( v.) :be better or greater than,or superior to(another or others)优于;胜过

ferocious ( adj.) :fierce;savage;violently cruel凶猛的,残忍的;凶恶的

unsay ( v.) :take back or retract(what has been said)取消(前言);收回(前言)

folly ( n.) :foolishness;any foolish action or belief愚笨,愚蠢;愚蠢的行为(或思想等)

threshold ( n.) :doorstill;entrance or beginning point of sth.门槛;人口;开端

till ( v.) :work(1and)in raising crops,as by plowing,fertilizing,etc.;cultivate耕种;耕耘;耕作

immemorial (adj. ) : extending back beyond memory or record;ancient无法追忆的;无文字记载的;古老的

wring (v.) :.get or extract by force,threats,persistence,etc.; extort强求;榨取;勒索

primodial (adj.) :not derivative;fundamental;original根本的;基本的

hideous ( adj.) :horrible to see,hear etc.;very ugly or revolting;dreadful骇人听闻的;非常丑陋的;可怕的

onslaught ( n.) :a violent,intense attack猛攻

clank ( v. ) : make a sharp,metallic sound发当啷声,发铿锵声

dandify ( v.) :make a look like a dandy;dress up使打扮得像花花公子;给……穿上盛装,给……乔装打扮

crafty ( adj.) :subtly deceitful;cunning;artful;sly狡猾的,狡诈的,诡计多端的

cow ( v.) :make timid and submissive by filling with fear or awe;intimidate恫吓,吓唬,威胁

docile ( adj.) :easy to manage or discipline;tractable易管教的;顺从的,温顺的,驯服的;听话的

brutish ( adj. ) :of or like a brute;savage;gross野兽般的,残忍的;粗野的

plod ( v.) :walk 0r move heavily and laboriously;trudge沉重缓慢地走

swarm ( n.) :a moving mass,crowd,or throng(移动的)大群,大堆


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locust ( n.) :any of various large grasshoppers,often traveling in great swarms and destroying nearly all vegetation in areas visited 蝗虫

smart ( v.) :feel mental distress or irritation,as in resentment,remorse,etc.感到痛苦;感到伤心

prey ( n.) :an animal hunted or killed for food by another animal:a person or thing that falls victim to someone or something被捕食的动物;牺牲者;牺牲品

villainous ( adj.) :of,like,or characteristic of a villain;evil;vicious;wicked坏人的;邪恶的;恶棍似的

cataract ( n.) :any strong flood or rush of water;deluge洪水;急流;大雨

concur ( v.) :agree(with);be in accord(in an opinion,etc.)同意,赞成,与……(意见)一致(常与with,in连用) irrevocable ( adj. ) :that cannot be revoked,recalled,or undone;unalterable不能取消的;不可废止的;不可改变的;无可挽回的

vestige ( n.) :a trace,mark,or sign of something that once existed but has passed away or disappeared残迹;遗迹;痕迹parley ( v. ) :have a conference or discussion,esp. with an enemy;confer会谈(尤指与敌方的谈判)

creed ( n.) :a statement of belief,principles,or opinions on any subject信条;信念

divergence ( n.) :departure from a particular viewpoint,practice,etc.偏离,背离,背驰

moralise ( v.) :think,write,or speak about matters of right and wrong,often in a self—righteous or tedious way(在言谈或写作中)论道德问题;说教

catastrophe ( n.) :any great and sudden calamity,disaster,or misfortune骤然而来的大灾难;灾祸;祸患

blood—lust ( n.) :a strong desire to kill or wound杀人欲,嗜杀狂

lure ( v.) :attract,tempt,or entice(often with Dm)吸引;诱惑;不断引诱(常与on连用)

hurl ( v.) :throw or fling with force or violence猛投,猛掷;猛抛

prelude ( n.) :anything serving as the introduction to a principal event,action,performance,etc.;preliminary part;preface;opening序言;序幕

intervene ( v.) :come or be in between as something unnecessary or irrelevant;interpose干涉,干预

subjugation ( n.) :bringing under control;conquering征服,制服

hearth ( n.) :the fireside as the center of family life:family life;home炉边;家庭生活;家庭

round up: cause sb.or sth.to gather in one place驱集,使集拢

例:The guide rounded up the tourists and led them back to the coach.导游把游客集合在一起,领他们回到车上。count on: rely on sb.or sth.with confidence依靠,信赖,指望

例:Don’t count on a salary increase this year.别指望今年会加薪水。

go all out: do one’s utmost,spare no efforts全力以赴

例:I’lle team is going all out to win the championship.这个队为了争取冠军而全力以赴。

make a reference to: speaking of or mentioning sb.or sth.提到,提及

例:The commentator made a pointed reference to the recent scan.dal.这个评论员有针对性地提到了最近的丑闻。to the effect that: with the meaning that…,giving the information that…大意为

例:He left a note to the effect that he would not be returning.他留下一张字条,大意是说他不回来了。

on the threshold of: at the point of entering or beginning of在……门口,在……的开端

例:The politician was on the threshold of his career.那位政治家的事业刚刚起步。

tie down: reduce to bondage;enslave束缚,限制,奴役

例:The veteran worker refuses to be tied。down by petty restric- tion.那个老工人不理会琐细的规章制度的限制。in due course: at the appropriate time;eventually在适当的时机,最终

例:Your request will be dealt with in due course.你的要求将在适当的时候予以处理。

it follows that: it shows that;from this we carl see that由此司见,由此断定

例:He doesn’t come to work today,but it doesn’t necessarily follow that he is ill.他今天没来上班,但并不见得


《高级英语》上下册单词总表by Jim Huang黄健整理



blackmail ( n.) :the obtaining of money or advancement by threatening to make known unpleasant facts about a person or group敲诈;勒索

suite ( n.) :a group of connected rooms used as a unit,such as an apartment一套房间

cryptic ( adj.) :having a hidden or ambiguous meaning;mysterious隐蔽的,秘密的;神秘的

fray ( v.) :make or become weakened or strained(使)变弱;(使)紧张

dispatch ( v.) :send off or out promptly,usually on a specific errand or official business(迅速地)派遣,派出(常指特别差事或公事)

errand ( n.) :a trip to carry a message or do a definite thing,esp. for someone else差事(尤指为别人送信或办事)

piggy ( adj. ) : like a pig;gluttonous猪一般的;贪婪的(=piggish)

sardonic ( adj.) :bitter,scornful(used of smile or laughter)disdainfully or bitterly sneering,ironic or sarcastic讥讽的;嘲笑的/sardonically adv.

gross ( adj.) : big or fat and coarse—looking;corpulent;burtly肥胖的,臃肿的;粗壮的

jowl ( n.) :the fleshy,hanging part under the lower jaw下颚的下垂部分

encompass ( v.) :shut in all around;surround;encircle 围绕,环绕

flip ( v.) :toss or move with a quick jerk;flick(用指等)轻弹;轻拂

decor ( n.) :[Fre.]decoration[法语]装饰,装璜

obese ( adj. ) :very fat;stout;corpulent过度肥胖的;肥大的

appreciative ( adj.) :feeling or showing appreciation欣赏的;有欣赏力的;有眼力的;有鉴赏力的

incongruous ( adj.) :lacking harmony or agreement; incompatible不和谐的;不调和不相容的;自相矛盾的

falsetto : ①n.an artificial way of singing or speaking,in which the voice is placed in a register much higher than that of the natural voice假声(说、唱)②adj.假声的;用假声唱的

emission ( n.) :the act of sending out or giving forth(heat,light,smell);the action of uttering(sound)(热、光、气味等的)散发,放出;(声音等的)发出

spit ( v.) :eject,throw(out),emit,or utter explosively喷出,吐出;激烈地说出

savagery ( n.) :savage act,behavior,or disposition;barbarity暴行;残忍;凶猛

blandness ( n.) :being mild and soothing温和,和蔼;文雅

adversary ( n.) : person who opposes or fights against another;opponent敌手;敌方;对手

high—tail ( v.) :[colloq.]leave or go in a hurry;scurry off (chiefly in high—tail it )[口]匆忙离开,匆忙走开;迅速撤退;迅速逃走(主要用于high—tail it)

blink ( v.) :wink(the eyes)rapidly;cause(eyes)to wink眨(眼);使眨(眼)

inbred ( adj.) : innate or deeply instilled天生的,生来的,先天的

flicker ( v.) :move with a quick,light,wavering motion摇曳,摇动,晃动

interject ( v.) :throw in between;interrupt with打断;插入,插(话)

clasp ( v.) :hold tightly(with the arms or hands);grasp firmly握住;紧握

conceal ( v.) :put out of sight;hide把……藏起来,隐藏,隐匿

puff ( v.) :blow,drive,give forth,etc.in or with a puff or puffs(一阵阵地)吹;喷出

leastways ( adv.) :(chiefly dial.)leastwise;anyway(多用于口语)至少;无论如何

smug (adj.) :narrowly contented with one’s own accomplishments,beliefs,morality,etc.;self—satisfied to an annoying degree


《高级英语》上下册单词总表by Jim Huang黄健整理


tuck ( v.) :put into a secluded or isolated spot把……放入隐蔽或隔离的地方;使隐蔽;(收)藏起

cluck ( v.) :make a low,sharp,clicking sound,as of a hen calling her chickens or brooding;utter with such a sound(母鸡唤小鸡时的)咯咯叫,作咯咯叫声;(人)咯咯地叫;咯咯地说

reproving ( adj. ) :expressing disapproval of指摘的;非难的/reprovingly adv.

hunch ( n.) :[colloq.]a feeling about something not based on known facts;premonition or suspicion[口]预感,预兆;疑心jockey ( n.) :[Am.slang]one who operates a specified vehicle,machine,etc.[美俚](某种车辆的)驾驶员;(机器等的)操作者bust ( v.) :[slang]burst or break[俚](使)爆裂,(使)击破

despairing ( adj.) :feeling or showing despair;hopeless绝望的,没有希望的/despairingly adv.

shrug ( v.) :draw up(the shoulders),as in expressing indifference,doubt,disdain,contempt,etc.(为表达冷漠、无奈等)耸肩

twig ( v.) :[Brit.colloq.]observe;notice[英口]观察;注意

discreet ( adj.) :careful about what.one says or does;prudent:keeping silent or preserving confidences when necessary (言行)谨慎的;慎重的;考虑周到的/discreetly adv.

holler ( v.) :[colloq.]shout or yell[口]叫喊,呼喊

oafish( adj.) :stupid愚蠢的,笨拙的

grotesque (adj.) :ludicrously eccentric or strange;ridiculous;absurd;fantastic怪僻的;荒谬的;滑稽可笑的

unequivocal ( adj.) :not equivocal;not ambiguous;plain;clear不含糊的;不模棱两可的;明确的;明白的

bulbous (adj.) :shaped like a bulb;fat and round(often derog.)球茎形的;又肥又圆的(常用作贬义)

countenance ( n.) :the face;facial features;visage脸,面孔;面貌,面容,容貌,脸色

peremptory (adj. ) :intolerantly positive;dictatorial;dogmatic;imperious高傲的;武断的;专横的;强制的/peremptorily adv.rivet ( v.) :fix or hold(the eyes,attention,etc.)firmly(把目光、注意力等)集中于……

imperious (adj.) : overbearing;arrogant;masterful,domineering傲慢的;专横的;盛气凌人的

respite ( n.) :an interval of temporary relief or rest暂时的休息;暂时的喘息

whiplash (adj. ) : showing resentment and ill humor by morose,unsociable withdrawal愠怒的,闷闷不乐的/sullenly adv.vacillation ( n.) :he state of wavering in mind;hesitation;indecision犹豫;踌躇

dally ( v.) :be slow or waste time闲荡;延误

bulge ( v.) :swell or bend outward;protrude or project膨胀,肿胀;鼓起,隆起,突出

beady ( adj.) :(esp.of an eye)small,round,and glittering like a bead(尤指眼睛)似珠子般小而亮的

put out: stop sth.burning熄灭

例:I threw water over him.desperately trying t0 put out the flames.我往他身上泼水,拼命地想扑灭他身上的火焰。take one’s time(doing sth.或to do sth.或about sth.): do sth.slowly不着急,慢慢(做事)

例:You can take your time coming to See me.你不用着急来看我。

on a hunch: based on feeling and for which there is no proof凭预感

例:Few people are wiHing to stake their reputation on a hunch.很少有人愿意贸然用名声冒险。

Unit 7 The Age of Miracle Chips

miracle ( n.) :an event or action that apparently contradicts known scientific laws and is hence thought to be due to supernatural causes,esp. to an act of God奇迹

chip ( n.) :a semiconductor body in which an integrated circuit is formed or is to be formed集成电路片


《高级英语》上下册单词总表by Jim Huang黄健整理

silicon ( n.) :a nonmetallic chemical element occurring in several forms.found always in combination,and more abundant in nature than any other element except oxygen,with which it combines to form silica(used in the manufacture of transistors。solar cells,rectifiers,silicones,ceramics,etc.)硅(符号Si)

inert ( adj.) : having few or no active properties;inactive惰性的

fleck ( n.) :a small piece;flake;particle小片,薄片;粒子,微粒

hulking ( adj.) :1arge,heavy,and often unwieldy or clumsy巨大的,庞大的;笨重的

tangle ( v.) :make a knot or snarl of;intertwist使纠结;使纠缠

evolve ( v.) :develop gradually by a process of growth and change演变;进化;发展

versatile ( adj.) :competent in many things;able to turn easily from one subject or occupation to another;many-sided;adaptable to many uses or functions多才多艺的;多方面的;多用途的;万能的;多功能的

drudgery ( n.) :work that is hard,menial。or tiresome单调乏味的工作

burr ( v.) :.make a whirring sound发嘎嘎声;发飕飕声

Venetian blind ( n.) :a window blind made of a number of thin,horizontal wooden,metal,or plastic slats that can be set together at any angle to regulate the light and air pressing through or drawn up together to the top of the window by means of cords软百叶帘;活动百叶窗

thermostat ( n.) :an apparatus for regulating temperature, esp. one that automatically controls a heating unit恒温器

boost ( v.) :make higher or greater;increase in amount.power。etc.提高;(在数量、力量等方面)增加

cozy ( adj.) :warm and comfortable;snug温暖舒适的;安逸的

percolator ( n.) :a kind of coffeepot in which the boiling water repeatedly bubbles up through a tube and filters back to the bottom through the coffee grounds,which are held in a perforated container咖啡渗滤壶

burble ( v.) :make a gurgling or bubbling sound(流水)做汩汩声,潺潺做声

rundown ( n.) :a concise summary or outline纲要;总结

snug ( adj.) :warm and cozy;comfortable温暖的;舒适的/snugly adv.

memo ( n.) :(clipped form of memorandum)a short note written to help one remember something or remind one to do something(memorandum的缩略形式)备忘录;笔记

genie/jinni ( n.) :[Moslem legend]a supernatural being that can take human or animal form and influence human affairs(穆斯林传说中的)神灵;神怪(能化为人形或兽形,影响人的事务)

saunter ( v.) :walk about idly;stroll闲逛;漫步

commandeer ( n.) :秽.seize(property)for military or governmental use征用(人力或物力)

recipe ( n.) :a list of materials and directions for preparing a dish or drink烹饪法;食谱

Byzantine ( adj.) :designating or of the decorative style of the mosaics,frescoes,etc.,of the Byzantine Empirs. characterized by lack of perspective,use of rich colors,esp. gold, and emphasis on religious symbolism(指镶嵌画、壁画等工艺美术)拜占廷式的

conjugation ( n.) :a methodical presentation or arrangement of the inflectional forms of a verb(动词的)词形变化

groovy ( adj.) :[Am.slang]very pleasing or attractive(a generalized term of approval)[美俚]绝妙的;极好的(一般赞许词) matutinal ( adj.) :of or in the morning;early早晨的;早的

scenario ( n.) :a description of a possible course of action or events(进行活动或实施项目的)计划书;方案

barring ( prep.) :unless there should be;excepting除…外;不包括

tummy ( n.) :stomach(a child's word)(儿语)肚子

array ( n.) :an impressive display or assembled persons or things(排列整齐的)一批;大量

utopian ( n.) :a person who believes in a utopia,esp. of a social or political nature;visionary空想家

chore ( n.) :(often used in p1.)a small routine task,as of a housekeeper or farmer;odd job(常用于复数)日常零星工作,零星活儿(如家庭杂务,农场杂活等)

capricious ( adj.) :subject to caprices;tending to change abruptly and without apparent reason;inconstant多变的,变幻莫测的


《高级英语》上下册单词总表by Jim Huang黄健整理

tutorial ( n.) :a class in a tutorial system(导师制中)由导师个别指导

rinse ( v.) :wash lightly,esp. by dipping into water or by letting water run over,into,or through冲洗;漂洗

elicit ( v.) :draw forth;evoke得出;引出;导出

ubiquitous ( adj.) :present,or seeming to be present,everywhere at the same time;omnipresent(似乎)同时普遍存在的;似乎无处不在的

dehumanize ( v.) :deprive of human qualities,as pity,kindness,individuality,creativity,etc.;make inhuman or machinelike 使失人性,使无人性;使成兽性;使像机器

homogeneity ( n.) :the same in structure,quality,etc.同类;同族

candid (adj.) :very honest or frank in what one says or writes诚实的,坦率的;直言相告的

symptom ( n.) :any condition accompanying or resulting from a disease or a physical disorder and serving as an aid in diagnosis症状.

regimen ( n.) :a regulated system of diet,exercise,etc.for therapy or the maintenance or improvement of health生活规则;摄生法

harass ( v.) :trouble,worry,or torment,as with cares,debts,repeated questions,etc.使烦恼;使困恼;折磨intimidate ( v.) :make timid;make afraid;overawe使胆怯,使害怕;威慑;吓住

pharmacy ( n.) :a place where pharmacy is practiced;drugstore药房;药店

panic ( v.) :affect with panic;fear使恐慌;使惊慌

avert ( v.) :keep from happening;ward off;prevent避免;防止(灾祸等)发生;挡住

accrue ( v.) :come as a natural growth,advantage,or right(to)(常与to连用)(利益等)及到(某人);(权利等)归于(某人) recess ( n.) :a temporary withdrawal from or halting of work,business,study,etc.休息;休会;休假

hassle ( v.) :[Am.slang]subject to persistent or acute annoyance[美俚]使烦恼;扰乱,骚扰,不断地打扰

revivify ( v. ) :put new life or vigor into;cause to revive使复活,使苏醒;使恢复活力

soporific ( adj.) :causing or tending to cause sleep;of or characterized by sleep or sleepiness催眠的,致睡的;困倦的;酣睡的dangle ( v.) :be a hanger—on;follow追求,追逐,追随

ken ( n.) :mental perception or recognition;range of knowledge;understanding认识;知识范围;理解

benign ( adj.) :favorable;beneficial有利的;有益的

propel ( v.) :push,drive,or impel onward,forward,or ahead推动;推进;鼓励

accrue to(sb.)(from sth.): increase,come as a natural increase or advantage增加,权力或利益归于某人及到某人例:Knowledge will accrue to you from reading.读书能增加知识。

Unit 8 An Interactive Life

cathedral ( n.) :any large,imposing church主教座堂,主教大堂;大教堂

peak ( n.) :the highest or utmost point of anything;height;maximum最高点,顶点;最高值

lucid (adj.) :clear to the mind;readily understood易懂的;明白的

ulterior (adj.) :beyond what is exprssed,implied,or evident;undisclosed隐蔽的;秘而不宣的

prosecution ( n.) :act of prosecuting彻底进行;执行;实行

infuse ( v.) :.put(quality,idea,etc.)into,as if by pouring;instill;impart逐渐灌输(思想品德等);把…传授给protestant (adj.) :of any of the Christian churches as a result of the Reformation新教(徒)的;基督教(徒)的

obsess (v.) :haunt or trouble in mind,esp. to an abnormal degree;preoccupy deeply使分心;使心神困扰(尤指精神反常,着迷)

subdue ( v.) :bring into subjection;conquer;vanquish使屈服,征服


《高级英语》上下册单词总表by Jim Huang黄健整理

asceticism ( n.) :the practice or way of life of an ascetic苦行(主义);禁欲(主义)

succinct ( adj.) :clearly and briefly stated;terse简明的;简短的

stultify (v.) :make seem foolish,stupid,inconsistent,etc.;make absurd or ridiculous使显得愚蠢(可笑)

devoid (adj.) :completely not having;empty or destitute完全没有的;无(或缺乏的)

premium ( n.) :a reward or prize,esp. one offered free or at a special。low price as an additional amount paid or charged奖品,奖赏,尤指奖金

slovenly ( adj.) :of characteristic of a sloven马虎(或懒散)成性的

slowdown ( n.) :slowing down,as of production(生产等的)减退;怠工

manipulation ( n.) :skillful handling or operation:artful management or control,etc.操作;操纵;处理;熟练的;操作;巧妙的管理(或控制)

psyche ( n.) :the human soul;the mind灵魂;心灵;精神

psychiatrist ( n.) :expert in psychiatry精神病专家

routinize (v.) :make routine;reduce to a routine使成常规;使习惯于常规

spontaneity ( n.) :the state or quality of being spontaneous自发性;自发的情况

deep—seated ( adj.) :deep—rooted;firmly established根深蒂固的

gadget ( n.) :any small,esp. mechanical contrivance or device(尤指机械装置的)小发明

cereal ( n.) :any grain used for food,as wheat,oats,rice,etc.谷类

toaster ( n.) :any of various utensils or appliances for toasting bread烤箱;烤炉

drudgery ( n.) :work that is hard,menial,or tiresome单调乏味的工作;苦干

bliss ( n.) :great joy or happiness极大的欢乐(或幸福)

knob ( n.) :a handle,usually round,of a door,drawer,etc.(门、抽屉等的)球形把手

craving ( n.) :an intense and prolonged desire;yearning or appetite,as for food,drink,etc.渴望,热望;(对饮食的)急欲fraudulency ( n.) :deceit;trickery;cheating欺诈;欺骗

intoxication ( n.) :intoxicating or becoming intoxicated;a feeling of wild excitement;rapture;frenzy醉,喝醉;陶醉,极度兴奋,欣喜若狂

fleeting ( adj.) :passing swiftly;not lasting疾驰的,疾逝的;短暂的

nail sth.down: make sth.secure with nails;define sth.precisely 将某物用钉子钉牢,确定某物

例:hey haven’t nailed down when and where to have a meeting.开会的时间和地点尚未确定。

nail sb.down: make sb.say precisely what he believes or wants to do使某人明确说出某人相信的事或要做的事例:She says she will come,but I can nail her down to a specific time.她说她来,可我无法让她说出确切的时间。eater to sth.: try to satisfy a particular need or demand满足某种需要和要求。

例:newspapers catering to people’s love of scandal迎合人们爱看丑闻的报纸

keep a tab/tabs on sth./sb.: keep account 0f sth./sb.:keep sb./sth.under observation记某人的账,监视某人(某物)

例:keep tabs 0n who’s using the phone记录打电话人的名字

Unit 9 Mark Twain---Mirror of America

idyllic ( adj. ) :pastoral or picturesque;pleasing and simple 田园诗的;田园风光的;生动逼真的;质朴宜人的

cynical ( adj.) :believing that people are notivated in all their actions only by selfishness;denying the sincerity of people's motives and actions,or the value of living玩世不恭的;愤世嫉俗的


《高级英语》上下册单词总表by Jim Huang黄健整理

obsess (v.) :haunt or trouble in mind,esp. to an abnormal degree;preoccupy greatly使分心;使心神困扰(尤指精神反常、着迷)

frailty ( n.) :the quality or condition of being frail;weakness(esp. moral weakness)脆弱性;虚弱性(尤指意志薄弱)

tramp ( n.) :the act of tramping;a journey on foot;hike步行;徒步旅行

prospector ( n.) :a person who prospects for valuable ores,oil,etc.(矿藏等的)勘探者;探矿者

starry—eyed ( adj.) :with the eyes sparkling in a glow of wonder,romance,visionary dreams,etc.过于理想的;不切实际的;盲目乐观的

acid—tongued ( adj.) :sharp,sarcastic in speech说话尖刻的

cynic ( n.) :a cynical person玩世不恭的人;好挖苦人的人;愤世嫉俗的人

navigable ( n.) :wide and deep enough,or free enough from obstructions,to be traveled on by vessels可行船的;可通航的;可航行的

attest ( n.) :serve as proof of;demonstrate;make clear作为……的证据,为……作证;论证;表明

artery ( n.) :a main road or channel干线,干道,大路;干渠

keelboat ( n.) :a large,shallow freight boat with a keel,formerly used on the Mississippi,Missouri,etc.(旧时密西西比河、密苏西河等用的)龙骨船

flatboat ( n.) :a boat with a flat bottom,for carrying freight in shallow waters or on rivers平底船

molasses ( n.) :a thick,usually dark brown syrup produced during/he refining of sugar,or from sorghum,etc.糖蜜,糖浆cub ( n.) :an inexperienced,awkward youth阅历浅的年轻人

cosmos ( n.) :the universe considered as a harmonious and orderly system宇宙

feud ( n.) :a bitter,long—continued,and deadly quarrel,esp. between clans of families(尤指部落或家族间的)世仇,累世宿仇,夙怨,长期不和

lynch (v.) :[Am.]murder(an accused person)by mob action and without lawful trial,as by hanging[美]私刑处死phonographic ( adj.) :[Am.]of a phonograph or the sounds made by sb. [美]留声机的,唱机的

teem ( v.) :be full,as though ready to bring forth young;abound;swarm充满;富于;大量地出现;涌现

flotsam ( n.) :transient,unemployed people;vagrants流离失所者,流浪者,游民;失业者;被毁掉的人

hustler ( n.) :[Am.slang]a prostitute[美俚]妓女

thug ( n.) :a rough,brutal hoodlum,gangster,robber,etc.恶棍;暴徒;强盗

motley ( adj. ) :having or composed of many different or clashing elements;heterogeneous混乱的;杂乱的

succumb ( v.) :①give way(to);yield;submit ②die ①屈服,屈从(常与to连用)②死

epidemic ( n.) :the rapid,widespread occurrence of a fad,fashion,etc.(风尚、风气、爱好等的)一时流行,风行

flirt ( v.) :trifle or toy(with)玩弄,戏耍;做着玩;不认真地对待,不认真地考虑(常与with连用)

colossal ( adj.) :1ike a colossus in size;huge;gigantic;enormous巨大的,庞大的

rebuff ( v.) :check or repulse挫败;阻止

broke (adj.) :[colloq.]having little or no money;bankrupt[口]无钱的,身无分文的;破了产的

hone (v.) :sharpen with or as with a hone把……放在磨石上磨

scathing ( adj. ) : searing;withering;injurious;harsh or caustic严厉的,尖刻的

sluggish ( adj. ) :slow or slow—moving;not active;dull(行动)缓慢的;迟钝的

sloth ( n.) :a lazy person懒汉

astound ( v.) :bewilder with sudden surprise;astonish greatly;amaze使震惊,使惊愕,使大吃一惊

tedious ( adj.) :long or verbose and vearisome;triesome;boring冗长乏味的;使人厌倦的;沉闷的

travelogue ( n.) :a lecture on travels, usually accompanied by the showing of pictures旅行见闻讲座

Sultan ( n.) :a Moslem ruler苏丹(一些伊斯兰教国家统治者的称号)

debunk ( v.) :[Am.colloq.]expose the false or exaggerated claims,pretensions,glamour,etc.[美口]揭露,揭发,揭穿revere ( v.) :regard with deep respect,love,and awe;venerate尊敬,崇敬;敬畏


《高级英语》上下册单词总表by Jim Huang黄健整理

ingenuity ( n.) :the quality of being ingenious;cleverness,originality,skill,etc.机灵,机智,足智多谋;独创性,创造力;熟练,巧妙

juvenile ( adj.) :young and youthful年轻的;青年的

pariah ( n.) :any person despised or rejected by others;outcast为社会所遗弃者;流浪者

puritanical ( adj.) :extremely or excessively strict in matters of morals and religion宗教(或道德)上极端拘谨的

panorama ( n.) :an unlimited view in all directions全景;全图

deplore ( v.) :be regretful or sorry about懊悔,悔恨,对……深感遗憾

sap ( v.) :undermine in any way;weaken;exhaust削弱;耗竭

clamor ( n.) :a loud outcry;uproar大声呼喊,喧嚷,喧嚣,吵闹

robust ( adj. ) :strong and healthy;full of vigor;hardy健壮的;精力充沛的

haunt ( v.) :appear or recur repeatedly to,often to the point of obsession(思想、回忆等)萦绕;(疾病等)缠住

pneumonia ( n.) :inflammation or infection of the alveoli of the lungs of varying degrees of severity and caused by any of a number of agents,such as bacteria or viruses肺炎.

meningitis ( n.) :inflammation of the meninges.esp. as the result of infection by bacteria or viruses脑脊膜炎

epileptic ( n.) :a person who has epilepsy癫痫患者

pad ( v.) :stuff,cover,or line with a pad or padding填塞;衬填

crater ( n.) :a bowl—shaped cavity,as at the mouth of a volcano or on the surface of the moon碗形洞(如火山口、环形山、月亮表面的坑状地方)

crumble ( v.) :fall to pieces;disintegrate;decay破碎,破裂;使溃散,使瓦解,消灭

lament ( v.) :feel or express deep sorrow for;mourn or grieve for为……而悲痛;哀悼;为……而伤心

every bit: (infml)equalIy;entirely完全,同样地

例:He is every bit as mean as she is.他与她同样平庸。

in print: (of a book)available for sale from the publisher;(of a person’s work)printed in a book,efc.(指书)可买到,已出版例:It was the first time he had seen his work in print.这是他第一次看见自己的作品出版。

soak up: to receive and absorb stll.接受并吸收

例:That child soaks up new facts like a sponge!那孩子吸收新知识像海绵似的!

succumb to: stop resisting;yield to,submit to屈服,屈从

例:Several children have measles,and the others are bound to SUCcumb to it.有几个孩子患了麻疹,其他孩子也必然会被传染。

flirt with: to deal playfully or superficiMly with不认真考虑、对待

例:I am flirting with the idea of getting a job.我胡思乱想着要去找份工作。

of sorts: (derogative)of a poor or inferior type(贬义)差劲的,劣等

例:It was a meal of sorts,but nobody enjoyed it.这勉强算是一顿饭,谁都没有吃好。

au over: what one would expect 0f the person specified正像所说的人一样

例:That sounds like my sister all over.听起来跟我姐姐一模一样。

in earnest: seriously,not jokingly严肃地,认真地

例:Both sides are deeply in earnest,with passions that approximate those of civil war。双方都很坚决认真,像是鼓足劲要打一场内战似的。


《高级英语》上下册单词总表by Jim Huang黄健整理

Unit 10 The Trial That Rocked the World

sweltering ( adj.) :that swelters or suffers from the heat;very hot;sultry热得发昏的;酷热

counsel ( n.) :a lawyer or group of lawyers giving advice about legal matters and representing clients in court辩护律师;法律顾问;辩护人

silver-tongued ( adj.) :eloquent;persuasive雄辩的;口才流利的

orator ( n.) :a skilled,eloquent public speaker雄辩家

jury ( n.) :a group of people sworn to hear the evidence and inquire into the facts in a law case,and to give decision in accordance with their findings陪审团

erupt ( v.) :burst forth or out,as from some restraint进发;爆发;喷出

clash ( n.) :a sharp disagreement;conflict抵触;冲突;意见不一致;对立

fundamentalism ( n.) :religious beliefs based on a literal interpretation of everything in the Bible and regarded as fundamental to Christian faith and morals原教旨主义(相信《圣经》所记载的传统的基督教信仰,反对较为近代的教义)

legislature ( n.) :a body of persons given the responsibility and power to make laws for a country or state(esp. the lawmaking body of a state,corresponding to the U.S.Congress)立法机构(尤指美国的州议会)

prohibit ( v.) :refuse to permit;forbid by law or by an order禁止;不准

legality ( n.) :quality,condition,or instance of being legal or lawful;conformity with the law合法性

indict ( v.) :accuse;charge with the commission of a cime; esp. make formal accusation against on the basis of positive legal evidence usually said of the action of a grand jury控告,控诉;指控,告发,对……起诉

prosecute (v.) :institute legal proceedings against,or conduct criminal proceedings in court against对……起诉

festoon ( v.) :adorn or hang with festoons饰以(或悬挂)花彩,结彩于

sprout (v.) :grow or develop rapidly迅速生长,迅速发展

rickety ( adj.) :1iable to fall or break down because weak;shaky易倒的;易垮的;不结实的;不稳固的

evangelist ( n.) :anyone who evangelizes(esp. a traveling preacher or a revivalist)福音传教士(尤指巡回说教者或信仰复兴者) exhort ( v.) :urge earnestly by advice,warning,etc.规劝,劝告,劝戒

infidel ( n.) :a person who holds no religious belief无宗教信仰者,不信宗教者

florid ( adj. ) : flushed with red or pink(said of the complexion)(脸色)红润的

paunchy ( adj. ) :[derog. or humor](esp. of a man)having a fat stomach[贬或幽](尤指男性)大腹便便的

attorney ( n.) :.any person legally empowered to act as agent for. or in behalf of,another(esp. a lawyer)(被当事人授权的法律事务中的)代理人

shrewd ( adj.) :keen—witted,clever,astute or sharp in practical affairs机敏的;精明的;伶俐的

magnetic ( adj.) :vpowerfully attractive(said of a person,personality,etc.)有吸引力的;有魅力的(指人或个性等)

steep ( v.) :immense,saturate,absorb,or imbue(esp. used as steeped锄:thoroughly filled or familiar with)沉浸;埋头于(尤用作steeped in充满着;沉湎于;精通)

agnostic ( n.) :a person who believes that the human mind cannot know whether there is a God or an ultimate cause,or anything beyond material phenomena;atheist不可知论者

growl (v.) :complain in an angry or surly manner牢骚满腹地说

spar ( v. ) :wrangle or dispute争论;争吵

drawl ( v.) :speak slowly,prolonging the vowels慢慢吞吞地说

bigotry ( n.) :the behavior,attitude,or beliefs of a bigot:intolerance;prejudice偏执的行为(或态度、信念等);偏执;顽固;偏见

rampant ( adj. ) :spreading unchecked;widespread蔓延的;猖獗的

faggot ( n.) :a bundle of sticks,twigs,or branches(esp. for use as fuel)柴捆;柴把


《高级英语》上下册单词总表by Jim Huang黄健整理

contaminate ( v.) :make impure,infected,corrupt,etc.使感染,传染,毒害

mammal ( n.) :any of a large class of warm—blooded. usually hairy vertebrates whose off springs are fed with milk secreted by female mammary glands哺乳动物

snort ( v.) :wave,shake. or exhibit in a menacing, challenging,or exultant way(威胁地、挑战似地、狂喜地)挥舞

denounce ( v.) :condemn strongly as evil谴责,指责,痛斥

sonorous ( adj. ) :having a powerful,impressive sound(声音)响亮的;洪亮的

reconcile ( adj. ) :settle(a quarrel,etc.)or compose(a difference,etc.)调解;调和;使一致;使相符

divine ( adj. ) :given or inspired by God;holy;sacred神授的,天赐的;神圣的

fervour ( n.) :great warmth of emotion;ardor;zeal;passion热烈;热情,热心,热诚

arena ( n.) :any sphere of struggle or conflict竞争场所;活动场所

prairie ( n.) :a large area of level or slightly rolling grassland大草原

scorch (v.) :char,discolor,or damage the surface of sth. by superficial burning;burn;make a caustic attack on;assail scathingly;excoriate烧焦;烤焦;挖苦;严厉指责(或批评)

pop ( v.) :[colloq.]arise;happen or arrive unexpectedly[口]突然发生,突然出现,突然来到

duel ( n.) :any contest or encounter suggesting such a fight,usually between two persons(常指两人间的)争斗,冲突,斗争hush ( n.) :absence of noise;quiet;silence寂静,平静,安静;默不作声,沉默

adjourn ( v. ) :close a session or meeting for the day or for a time休会,闭会;延期

swarm (v.) :be filled or crowded;teem(with)充满,被挤满(常与with连用)

hawker ( n.) :a person who hawks goods in the street;peddle;huckster(沿街叫卖的)小贩

entrepreneur ( n.) :[Fr.]a person who organizes and manages a business undertaking.assuming the risk for the sake of the profit[法语]企业家

ape ( n.) :any of a family(Pongidae)of large,tailless monkeys that can stand and walk in an almost erect position猿

ponder ( v.) :weigh mentally;think deeply about;consider carefully默想;深思;考虑

cower ( v.) :shrink and tremble,as from someone's anger,threats,or blow(因别人发怒、威胁或打击而)畏缩;发抖,哆嗦sulphurous ( adj.) :violently emotional;heated;fiery异常激动的;激烈的;暴怒的

dispatch ( n.) :a news story sent to a newspaper,radio station,etc.,as by a special reporter or news agency(特派记者或新闻社发给报社、电台的)(新闻)电讯,电文,通讯

yokel ( n.) :[a contemptuous term]a person living in a rural area;rustic;country bumpkin[贬]乡巴佬,土包子

perch ( v.) :alight or rest on or as on a perch栖息;停歇;坐在高处

gawk ( v.) :stare like a gawk,in a stupid way(像呆子般)呆呆地盯着,呆视

wily ( adj.) :full of wiles;crafty;sly狡猾的;狡诈的;诡计多端的

repel ( v.) :drive or force back;hold or ward off击退;抵挡住

fervent ( adj.) :having or showing great warmth of feeling;intensely devoted or earnest;ardent;passionate热烈的,满怀热情的,热心的,深表热诚的;强烈的

Genesis ( n.) :the first book of the Bible,giving an account of the creation of the universe《创世纪》(《圣经·旧约》的首卷) snigger ( n.) :a sly,derisive,partly stifled laugh窃笑;暗笑

twirl (v.) :rotate rapidly;spin(使)快速旋转,(使)迅速转动

serpent ( n.) :a snake,esp. a large or poisonous one蛇(尤指大蛇或毒蛇)

livid ( adj.) :grayish—blue;pale;lead—colored青灰色的;铅色的

slur ( n.) :any remark or action that harms or is meant to harm someone's reputation;aspersion,reproach,stigma,etc.诽谤;污辱;诋毁,中伤,破坏……的名誉

gavel ( n.) :a small mallet rapped on the table by a presiding officer in calling for attention or silence or by an auctioneer(会议主席、法官或拍卖商用以敲击桌子的)小木槌,议事槌

quell ( v.) :crush;subdue;put an end to镇压;平息


《高级英语》上下册单词总表by Jim Huang黄健整理

hubbub ( n.) :a confused sound of many voices;noise;uproar;tumult吵闹声,喧哗,喧嚣;鼎沸;骚动

forlorn (adj.) :abandoned or deserted被抛弃的;被遗弃的;孤独的,寂寞的/forlornly adv.

verdict ( n.) :the formal and unanimous finding of a jury on the matter submitted to them in a trial裁定;判决

conviction ( n.) :a convicting 0r being convicted证明有罪;(被)判罪;定罪

adhere to : continue to obey or maintain(esp,a rule,standard or belief)坚持,忠于

例:She adheres to her principles throughout her teaching career. 她在整个教学生涯中始终坚持自己的原则。

take on : begin to have呈现

例:Her voice took on a troubled tone.她的声音里有些不安。

under way: begin,start(开始)进行,在前进中。

例:We have several plans under way.我们已将几项计划付诸实施

Unit 11 But What's a Dictionary For?

stature ( n.) :a person's bodily height;mental or moral quality,development,growth,or level of attainment,especially as worthy of esteem身高;身材;(道德、精神等的)发展状况(或水平)

calamity ( n.) :any extreme misfortune bringing great loss and sorrow;disaster极大的不幸,不幸事件;灾祸

deplorable ( adj.) :that can or should be deplored:lamentable;regrettable可叹的;可惜的;令人惋惜的,令人遗憾的flagrant ( adj.) :glaringly bad;notorious;outrageous罪恶昭彰的;臭名远扬的,声名狼藉的

deluge ( n.) :an overwhelming,flood—like rush of anything洪水般的泛滥;蜂拥而至

monstrous ( adj.) :[colloq.]quite absurd,scandalous[口]极可笑的;极荒谬的

citation ( n.) :a passage cited;quotation引文,引语,语录,引句,引文段落

fraud ( n.) :criminal deception欺骗,诈骗,欺诈

hoax ( n.) :mischievous trick played on sb.for a joke;cheat戏弄,骗局

discrepancy ( n.) :1ack of agreement,or an instance of this;difference;inconsistency差异,差别;不一致,不符合interpose (v.) :introduce(a remark,opinion,etc.)into a conversation, debate,etc.;put in as an interruption插(话);提出(异议等);打断

extraneous ( adj.) :not truly or properly belonging:not essential枝节的;不重要的

tout ( v.) :[colloq.]praise or recommend highly; puff[口]高度评价;过分夸奖;吹捧

clout ( v.) :[colloq.]strike[口]击;抨击

buggy ( n.) :a light carriage pulled by one horse(一匹马拉的)轻便马车

philology ( n.) :the study of written records,esp. 1iterary texts.in order to determine their authenticity,meaning,etc.语言学(尤指原文文学作品的研究)

inseminate ( v.) :implant(ideas,etc.)in(the mind,etc.)灌输或传播(思想等)

relegate ( v.) :assign to a class,sphere,realm,etc.;classify as belonging to a certain order of things把……归人某类(或某属等)

anthropologist ( n.) :a student of or specialist in the study of man. esp.of the variety,physical and cultural characteristics,distributions,customs,social relationships,etc.of mankind人类学者,人类学家

unparalleled ( adj.) : 1.that has no parallel,equal,or counterpart;unmatched无双的;无比的2.having no precedent or parallel;unheard—of前所未有的,无前例的,空前的,闻所未闻的

pervasive ( adj.) :spreading through every part遍布的;充满的

utilitarian ( adj.) :characterized by usefulness rather than by beauty,truth,goodness实用的;注重实用的


《高级英语》上下册单词总表by Jim Huang黄健整理

unbuttoned ( adj.) :free or uncontrolled随便的;漫不经心的

gibberish ( n.) :rapid and incoherent talk;unintelligible nonsense急促而不清楚的话;胡言乱语;莫名其妙的话

caption ( v.) :supply a heading or title,as of a newspaper or article在(新闻报导、文章等)上加章节标题

coincidence ( n.) :an accidental and remarkable occurrence of events,ideas,etc.at the same time,suggesting but lacking a casual relationship(事件、想法等)巧合,偶合

cumbrous ( adj.) :burdensome,;unwieldy;clumsy累赘的;拖累的;麻烦的

literate ( adj.) :well—educated;showing extensive knowledge,learning or culture有文化的

wager ( v.) :bet打赌

vanity ( n.) :the quality or fact of being vain,or excessively proud of oneself or one’s qualities or possessions:self-conceit自负;自大;虚夸;虚荣心

abdicate ( v.) :give up or neglect one's responsibility;fail to do one's duty放弃(权利、责任等)

pretentious ( adj.) :affectedly grand or superior矫饰的;做作的;虚饰的

obscure ( adj. ) :not clear;confusing不明白的;难解的;模糊的

verbosity ( n.) :wordiness用词过多;罗嗦

pivot ( n.) :a point,shaft,pin,etc.on which something turns枢;枢轴;支枢;支点

admonish ( n.) :caution against specific faults;warn;advise告诫;警告

infer ( v.) :conclude or decide from something known or assumed;derive by reasoning;draw as a conclusion推论,推断,推知

booby trap ( n.) :any scheme or device for tricking a person unawares陷阱

reticulate ( v.) :divide into small squares or intersecting lines使分成小方格;使呈网状

decussate ( v.) :cross or cut so as to form an X(使)交叉成X形;交叉

interstice ( n.) :a small 0r narrow space between things or parts间隙,空隙

mesh ( n.) :a net or network网;网络

proliferation ( n.) :multiplying rapidly,increasing profusely激增;

demark ( v.) :set or mark the limits of; delimit 分解,定界,标界

gyp ( v.) :[Am.colloq.]swindle;cheat[美口]诈骗;欺骗;哄骗

contraption ( n.) :a contrivance,gadget or device,that one does not fully understand奇异的(机械)装置;新发明的玩意儿eradication ( n.) :the act or action of tearing out by the roots根除

inadequate ( adj.) :not adequate;not sufficient不适当的;不充分的

meritorious ( adj.) :deserving reward,praise,etc.值得奖励的;值得表扬的

stick to: not abandon or change sth.;keep to sth.不放弃,坚持或维持某事物

例:We don’t want to hear your opinion;stick to the facts!我们不想听你的想法,只讲事实。

insofar as: to the extent that到……的程度,在……的范围内

例:This is the truth insofar as I know it.就我所知,这是真实情况

Unit 12 The Loons

pebble ( n.) : a small stone worn smooth and round,as by the action of water卵石;细砾

scrub (adj. ) :short,stunted矮小的;瘦小的

chokecherry ( n.) :a North American wild cherry tree美洲稠李

thicket ( n.) :a thick growth of shrubs,underbrush or small trees灌木丛,植丛


