2018年秋九年级(人教版)英语单元综合练习卷:Unit 13-14

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Unit 13-14


1.—What are the of bike riding? —It can help cut down air pollution. A.reasons B.advantages C.results D.ideas

2. Don’t play games on the computer all day.It’s to your eyes. A.harmful B.useful C.helpful D.thankful

3.—So beautiful flowers!I can’t decide for my mom.

—For Mother’s Day,it can’t be better to take some carnations(康乃馨). A.when B.which C.how D.what

4.—It’s Mr.Zhang’s new movie.But I think it’s more meaningful than his others. —I agree with you.His latest movie has come to his highest . A.spirits B.standard C.treasure D.development

5.I plan to build an unusual house.It out of old things. A.is built B.has built C.was built D.will be built

6.We must do everything we can waste water from running into rivers. A.prevent B.prevented C.preventing D.to prevent

7.—Would you mind the electric fan,Alice? —Of course not.It is so hot here. A.turn off B.turn on C.turning off D.turning on

8.—It is reported that many wild animals in the world are because of human behavior. —We must do something to stop people from hunting and selling these animals. A.in danger B.in public C.in silence D.in total

9. As students,we should ourselves.We can’t spend much time playing computer games. A.be responsible for B.be proud of C.be popular with D.be thankful to

10.—Why not buy a red sweater in this style? —Because there is left in the shop. A.nothing B.something C.none D.no one 11.—What would you like to drink,tea or coffee? — is OK,but I prefer coffee milk. A.Either;to B.Either;with C.Neither;to D.Neither;with

12.All the students are into three groups according to their T-shirts’ color—the Red,the Yellow and the Blue. A.separated B.divided C.separating D.dividing

13.—What a nice sports car!It’s so cool.

—It looks really good,but not many people can it. A.afford B.stand C.spend D.refuse 14.—Look! boys are playing on the playground. —Yes. them is about 200. A.The number of;A number of

B.The number of;The number of C.A number of;The number of D.A number of;A number of

15.Grandfather lives with us.We all him. A.look at B.look for C.look after D.look like Ⅱ.完形填空

March 22nd is World Water Day.It started in 1993.It not only makes us think about the importance of water,but also calls on(号召) us to 1 and protect water.Today,we’re facing terrible water problems.Among them,wastewater problem is especially 2 .And the subject of World Water Day in 2017 is “wastewater”.

What is wastewater?It is used water.Usually,wastewater comes from homes, 3 ,hospitals and so on.It is produced by different kinds of activities,including washing the machines,taking showers and using the kitchen.The rain also 4 wastewater when it is running down the street during a storm.No matter where it comes from,this kind of water is sure to have 5 harmful in it.

6 must we treat(处理) wastewater?Wastewater has a big influence on our life.It causes both illness for us and pollution for the environment.We must care for our environment and our own 7 .

How can we treat wastewater?Different kinds of wastewater need different ways of treatment.Wastewater 8 homes can be reused.Then there will be 9 wastewater.Also,factory wastewater has to be cleaned 10 it goes back to nature. 1.A.drink B.save C.carry D.watch 2.A.easy B.popular C.small D.serious 3.A.factories B.lakes C.rivers D.seas 4.A.gets back B.hands in C.changes into D.picks up 5.A.nothing B.something C.nobody D.somebody 6.A.What B.Who C.Why D.How 7.A.work B.interest C.health D.business 8.A.on B.for C.with D.from 9.A.less B.more C.better D.worse 10.A.and B.whether C.after D.before Ⅲ.补全对话

A:Hello,Rice! You look sad. 1 B:My parents are leaving home this afternoon. A: 2

B:They are going to work in Hangzhou.I won’t see them until the Spring Festival,you know. A: 3 That’s a long time.

B:Yes.And I hadn’t lived with them for two years before they returned home last month.So I’m very sad. 4 A:Don’t be upset.You can go and see them when we have a holiday. B:Maybe you’re right.

A: 5 Now our teacher is coming.Let’s get ready for our class.

A.Please cheer up! B.What happened? C.When did they come back? D.So you can’t see them for several months. E.Why are they leaving? F.You missed them a lot,didn’t you? G.I don’t want them to work there. Ⅳ.阅读理解

Imagine you are taking a walk on the beautiful beach.Just then,your feet step over something and you hear a crack(噼啪声)—an empty plastic bottle.Things like this are happening more often because of sea rubbish.

Studies show that 80% of all the waste is from the land.The waste is mainly plastics(塑料制品) which are really hard to degrade(降解).So the rubbish will remain there for a long time.Some of the pollution is caused accidentally.For example,about 10,000 product-filled boxes are lost at sea every year from business ships.Sometimes people just throw into the water from boats or land as they like.Many large rubbish areas are formed in the North Pacific Ocean.

Thankfully,the situation isn’t ignored(忽视).Groups like the National Oceanic Atmospheric Association(NOAA) are taking action to help clean the sea.Since 2006,76 projects have cleared out 3,814 metric tons(吨) of rubbish from the sea.Methods of rubbish cleaning include using machines to remove(移除) the waste away from the surface of sea water.Besides,special nets are set by the mouths of rivers to stop the rubbish before it reaches the sea.If everyone does his part,sea rubbish seems like a problem that can be solved.

1.The sea waste made of will remain for a long time. A.paper B.wood C.plastic D.cotton

2.In the second paragraph we can know are also some of the sea rubbish. A.special cleaning nets B.large factory machines C.passing business boats D.lost product-filled boxes 3.In order to ,some projects are done by the river mouths. A.prevent the rubbish reaching the sea B.clean the surface of the dirty sea water C.build more sea rubbish collecting areas D.make people care about the environment

4.According to the passage,we can imagine the future of the sea will be . A.terrible B.dark C.quiet D.hopeful Ⅴ.单词拼写

1.I think the government must make (法律) to protect the environment. 2.The poor man can’t (承担得起) his children’s education. 3.He can use different (方法) to work out the problem. 4.Jane has an interest in (科学). 5.Last Saturday Jim bought a new computer,which (花费) him more than 5,000 yuan. Ⅵ.书面表达





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