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五上 Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears

1.在森林里 in the forest 2.在房子里 in the house 3.又饿又渴 hungry and thirsty 4.太硬 too hard 5.非常硬 very hard 6.太软 too soft 7.这么软 so soft 8.害怕 be afraid 9.害怕他们 be afraid of them 害怕熊 be afraid of the bears 10.穿上你们的外套 put on your coats 11.热汤 hot soup 12.硬床 hard bed 13.吃一些蛋糕 have/eat some cakes 14.找到他们的表弟 find their cousin 15.在客厅里 in the living room 16.正好 just right 17.在玻璃杯里 in the glass 18.在窗前的三把伞 three umbrellas in front of the window 19.在两张椅子之间 between the two chairs

20.在椅子和餐桌之间 between the chair and the table 21.在他和她之间 between him and her

22.在我们前面 in front of us 23.在我旁边 beside me (方位词+宾格)

24.方位词:on 在……上面 in 在……里面 under 在……下面 behind 在……后面

near 在……附近

25. 主格:I you he she it we they

宾格:me you him her it us them

物主代词(……的):my your his her its our their

1.在房间里有什么?有一张软床。What’s in the room? There is a soft bed. 2.在森林里有什么?有许多树和花。

What’s in the forest? There are many trees and flowers. 3.在桌上有一些汤。There is some soup on the table. 4.在厨房里有一些。There are some in the kitchen. 5.在门后有一把伞和两个球。

There is an umbrella and two balls behind the door. (就近原则) 6.在沙发下有一些玩具和一个机器人。

There are some toys and a robot under the sofa. (就近原则)


7.在农场上有大量的鸡和鸭。There are a lot of chickens and ducks on the farm.

8.在碗里没有一些牛奶。There isn’t any milk in the bowl. (三碗牛奶 three bowls of milk) = There is no milk in the bowl. (no= not any) 9.这里没有任何蛋糕。There aren’t any cakes here. =There are no cakes here. (no= not a) 10.蛋糕在这里。 Here are the cakes.

11.多么漂亮的一幢房子啊!What a beautiful house! 12.这个汤正好。This soup is just right. 13.金发女孩害怕。 Goldilocks is afraid. 14.她害怕三只熊 She is afraid of the three bears. 15.他/她/它害怕。He’s/She’s/It’s afraid.

16.他们害怕老虎。They are afraid of the tigers. (be afraid of…)

17.蛋糕在哪里?他们在冰箱里。 Where are the cakes? They are in the fridge.

18.Bobby在冰箱里看不到(任何)蛋糕。 Bobby cannot/can’t see any cakes in the fridge. 19.咖啡流行于西方国家。Coffee is popular in Western countries. (country 国家)

20.茶流行于中国。Tea is popular in China. (be popular in 在……(地方)流行,流行于)

Unit 2 A new student

1.七个新学生 seven new students 2.带他参观 show him around 3.去看一看 go and have a look 4.在二楼 on the second floor 5.在她的新学校里 in her new school 6.又唱又跳 sing and dance 7.喝一些好喝的果汁 drink some nice juice 8.吃一个好吃的冰淇凌 have a nice ice cream 9.太重 too heavy 10.去电影院 go to the cinema

11.在英国 in the UK 12.在美国 in the US 13.底楼 the ground floor 14.在操场上 in the playground 15.去玩 go and play 16.在秋千上玩 play on the swing 17.推我 push me


18.再玩一次 play again 19.多少音乐教师 how many music rooms 20.一个大操场 a big playground

21.classroom, an art room, computer room, music room, science room, table tennis room, library, playground, bedroom, kitchen, living room, bathroom, study(书房)

1.这些是教室。These are the classrooms. 2.你们的教室在哪里?我们的教室在三楼。

Where’s your classroom? Our classroom is on the third floor.

3.在我们学校有多少间教室?有24间教室。(How many+ 名词复数+are there+ 方位词?) How many classroomsare there in our school? There are twenty-four classrooms. 4.在公园里有多少个秋千?有15个。

How many swingsare there in the park? There are fifteen. 5.在玻璃杯里有多少牛奶?有一些。(How much+ 不可数名词+is there+ 方位词?) How much milk is there in the glass? There is some.

6.在我们的学校里有一间美术教室吗?是的,有。不,没有。 Is there an art room in our school? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. 7.在一楼有一些电脑教室吗?是的,有。 不,没有。

Are there any computer rooms on the first floor? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. 8.Mike的卧室在哪里?它在一楼。 Where is Mike’s bedroom? It’s on the first floor. 9.男孩们在哪里?他们在二楼。 Where are the boys? They’re on the second floor. 10.你的朋友在哪里?她/他在书房里。Where’s your friend? She’s/He’s in the study. 11.你这么重!You’re so heavy! 12.停!它太高了。Stop! It’s too high. 13.它太有趣了! It’s great fun! 14.该吃晚/早/中饭了。

It’s time for dinner/breakfast/lunch.= It’s time to have dinner /breakfast/lunch.


Unit 3 Our animal friends

1. 一个动物朋友 an animal friend 2.我们的动物朋友们 our animal friends 3.又跑又跳 run and jump

4.身体部位:head头 eyes眼睛 ears耳朵 nose鼻子 mouth嘴巴 body(bodies)身体

an arm 手臂 hand手 leg腿 foot(feet)脚 hair头发/毛 tail尾巴 wing翅膀

5.他们的大身体 their big bodies 6.大眼睛 big eyes 7.小耳朵 small ears 8.长长的黑发 long black hair 9.两条短腿 two short legs

10.四只白色的脚 four white feet 11.黄绿相间的翅膀 yellow and green wings

12.一条短尾巴 a short tail 13.一张大嘴巴 a big mouth 14.又高又瘦 tall and thin 15.一个可爱的娃娃 a cute doll 16.说话和飞 talk and fly 17.三条鱼 three fish 18.橡皮鸭 rubber duck 19.喜欢雨like the rain 20.夏日 the summer sun 21.升起 come out 22.晴朗的天气 sunny weather 23.撑一把伞 carry an umbrella 24.在中国 in China 25.在美国 in the US 26.在英国 in the UK 27.在加拿大 in Canada 28.在澳大利亚 in Australia 29.给我一个桔give me an orange 30.你的手指your fingers 31.在农场里 on the farm 32.画一个动物 draw an animal

1.我/你/你们/我们/他们有一个机器人。I/You/We/They have a robot. 2.我/你/你们/我们/他们没有一个鸡蛋。I/You/We/They don’t have an egg. 3.他/她/它/Sam有许多贴纸。He/She/It/Sam has many stickers. 4.他/她/它/Sam没有任何玩具。He/She/It/Sam doesn’t have any toys. 5.兔子有红眼睛和短尾巴。 Rabbitshave red eyes and a short tail. 6.那头大象有一条长鼻子和大耳朵。That elephant has a long nose and big ears. 7.你/你们有一只兔子吗?是的,我们有。不,我们没有。 Do you have a rabbit? Yes, I/we do. No, I/we don’t.

8.他们/你的朋友们有一只鹦鹉吗?是的,他们有。不,他们没有。 Do they/your friends have a parrot? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.


9.他/你弟弟/她/它/Sam有一个胖身体吗?是的,他/她/它有。不,他/她/它没有。 Does he/your brother/ she/it/Sam have a fat body? Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn’t. 10.一个是黑色,另一个是棕色的。One is black and the other is brown. 11.一个是胖的,另一个是瘦的。One is fat ,the other is thin.

12.他们没有手臂和腿。They have no legs or arms.= They don’t have any legs or arms. 13.它没有手和脚。It has no hands or feet.= It doesn’t have any hands or feet. 14.不要叫。它害怕。 Don’t shout. It’s afraid.

15.那两条不是腿。他们是手臂。 Those two are not legs. They’re arms. 16.它的身体非常硬。 Its body is very hard. 17.谁有一本书? Who has a book? 18.一只猫有几条腿?How many legs does a cat have?

Unit4 Hobbies 1….+动原

can/can’t +动原 ( I can swim. My parents(父母俩)can’t dance. )

Let +动原 ( Let’s go.) Don’t+动原 want to+ 动原 would like to+ 动原 It’s time to+ 动原 2….+动ing

like+动ing ( I like drawing. Our friends like running. His sister likes singing.) like+动ing go+动ing be good at+动ing have a 动ing lesson have 动ing lessons My hobby is 动ing. 3. 喜欢爬山like climbing 4.喜欢钓鱼 like fishing 5.喜欢购物like going shopping 6. 喜欢做蛋糕like making cakes 7.谈论他们的爱好 talk about their hobbies 8.你朋友们的爱好 your friends’ hobbies 9.hobby-








