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Different cultures, different customs. If you ―Do as the Romans do when in Rome‖, you’ll enjoy more of your conversations with foreigners!

1.---- I am sorry to have broken my promise. ---- 1>.__________________. It doesn’t matter 2>.__________________. Never mind 3>.__________________. Forget it 4>.__________________. No problem 5>.________________. That’s all right ________________. That’s nothing ________________. That’s OK.

2.---Thank you for your help. --- 1>.____________________. That’s all right 2>.____________________. Not at all 3>.____________________. You are welcome 4>.____________________. Don’t mention it 5>.____________________. It’s a pleasure ____________________. It’s my pleasure ____________________. My pleasure

3.---Let’s play football after school. All right --- 1>.______________. 2>.______________. Good idea 3>.______________★ ★ Sounds good . 4>.______________? Why not ★ ★ ★ 4.---Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon? I would be glad / happy to --- 1>.______________________. With pleasure ★ ★ 2>.________________.

5.----Could I close the window? It’s too cold. Of course Certainly ----1>.___________/ ___________. 2>._______________. Go ahead ★ ★ _______________.(请便 _______________.(请便) Help yourself ★ ★ 请便) 6.----Peter failed in the maths test. ----____________(怎么会这样 ? 怎么会这样)? How come 怎么会这样 He is the top student in maths.

7.---_________(倘若 会怎么样) 倘若 会怎么样) What if 倘若…会怎么样 we hang a picture here? ---Sounds good. 8.---I want to borrow some money from you. ---__________ (做什么用,为什么 做什么用, What for 做什么用

为什么)? It’s the third time you have borrowed money from me. 9.---If you keep on breaking the rules, you will be fired. ---_________(那又怎么样呢)? 那又怎么样呢)? So what 那又怎么样呢 I don’t care.

10.----Shall we go camping this weekend? -----______________________ . It / That (all) depends (那要看情况而定 那要看情况而定) 那要看情况而定 11.----I am afraid I can’t pass the coming test. Cheer up 高兴起来 ----___________(高兴起来,振作 高兴起来, 起来). 起来 I am sure you can make it.

12.----Remember to post the letter for me on your way home. ----__________(知道了,明白了 。 知道了,明白了)。 Got it 13.----Which dress should I take? ----______________(取决于你, 取决于你, It is up to you 取决于你 由你来决定). 由你来决定 14.----I am afraid I can’t do it. ----____________(来,赶快 ! 来 赶快)! Come on I did it in twenty minutes.

15.----Could I look at the menu a few more minutes? Take your time 别着急 ----______________(别着急,慢 别着急, 慢看). 慢看 I will come back a few minutes later. 16.

----Is there anything serious with Grandma? Take it easy 别担心 ----____________(别担心,别紧 别担心, 张). Her health is picking up.

17.----Could you help me with this physics problem? ----1>.________________. certainly 2>.________________. Of course 3>.________________. No problem ★ ★ 18.---You can’t have chosen a better gift for me! ---________________________. I am glad you like it

19.---Do you mind if I open the door? ---(不介意时 Of course / Certainly not 不介意时) 不介意时 ________________________. ________________. Not at all ★ ★ ________________. Not a bit ★ ★ Go ahead. ----(介意时 介意时) 介意时 ______________________________. I am sorry, but you’d better not 20.— Can I go to my friend's birthday party this evening, dad? By all means —Yes, _____________, but you must come back before 10.

21.----Your cell-phone is really beautiful. Thank you for saying ---- ________________________. so 22. ----Mr. Black this is our language lab. Would you like to go in and have a look? After you. ----_______________ A. help you self B. This way, please C. Follow me D. After you

1.—Tony said he could fix my bicycle, but I really doubt it —___.He’s very good at this sort of thing. (07辽宁 辽宁) 辽宁 A. Don’t worry B.I couldn’t agree more  C. Of course D.A piece of cake 2.—Go for a picnic this weekend,OK?.(04福建 福建) , 福建 —______.I love getting close to nature. (09临沂一模 临沂一模) 临沂一模 A.I couldn’t agree more B. I’m afraid not C.I believe not D.I don’t think so 3.一Come to my home and enjoy the NBA basketball 一 match? —______ .Yao Ming is always my favorite star. . A.I couldn’t agree more B.I’m afraid not . . C.It doesn't matter

D. It’s a piece of cake . 4.―May I borrow your paper?‖ ― ______.‖ A. By all means B. Never mind AAAA C. You are welcome D. Don’t mention it

情景交际 单选题解题―四忌‖ 单选题解题―四忌‖

? 上词下用指的是答句部分延用了题干句子的 上词下用指的是 指的是答句部分延用了题干句子的 重点词、信息词,按表层意思似乎合情合理, 重点词、信息词,按表层意思似乎合情合理, 但往往为错误的―虚像‖ 但往往为错误的―虚像‖,需经进一步分析 后才能确定正确选项。 后才能确定正确选项。

? —I wonder if I could use your telephone. ? —________. (1996 A. I wonder how B. I don’t wonder C. Sorry, it’s out of order D. No wonder, here it is 上海27) 上海 )

? 避免―上词下用‖的误区 避免―上词下用‖

– 一是确认题目涉及的交际功能项目 – 二是确认句子上下文语境, 二是确认句子上下文语境, – 三是确认正确的话语方式。 三是确认正确的话语方式。

? 与上词下用比较,这一误区更具迷惑力,因为无 与上词下用比较,这一误

区更具迷惑力, 论按题目内容或是按思维方式来考虑,都非常符 论按题目内容或是按思维方式来考虑, 合中国学生的习惯。 合中国学生的习惯。 ? 显然,掌握英汉两种语言和文化之间的相同和相 显然, 异之处,对于准确解题至关重要。我们解题失误 异之处,对于准确解题至关重要。 之一是按汉语的表达方式和结构去套英语, 之一是按汉语的表达方式和结构去套英语,去选 答案,这属于语言知识的―负迁移‖ 答案,这属于语言知识的―负迁移‖。

? —Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend? ? —_______________.(NMET ’94,13) . ) A.I don’t believe B.I don’t believe it C.I believe not so D.I believe not I

? —I’d like to invite you to dinner tomorrow. —Oh,no.That’ll be too much trouble. I’m very sorry, but… ? —Thank 套用中国文化模式 book you ever so much for the you sent me.


违背英语国家的思维方 —Please don’t like it. I’m glad you say so. . 式和文化习俗 —Hi,haven’t seen you for ages!You look

fine! —Oh, no, no. look well, too. Thanks. You

要重视学习关于外语交际规则和交 际模式的明确知识,增强英语思维能力。 这样才能防止中文思维定势的干扰和影 响,形成正确英语思维方式。

? 这主要是指在对方要求得到帮助,提出 这主要是指在对方要求得到帮助, 请求或邀请时,回答过于直接,不够委 请求或邀请时,回答过于直接, 婉,尽管从语义角度分析是没毛病的, 尽管从语义角度分析是没毛病的, 但不符合英语国家的交际习惯。 但不符合英语国家的交际习惯。

? ―请求‖方面的问 话有May I…?/Can I…?/I 请求‖ 话有May wonder if I could…/Do you mind if I…?等, I…?等 ? ―邀请‖方面 的问话有Will you…?/Would you 邀请‖ 的问话有Will like to…?/I’d like to invite to…等。 to…等 ? 在作否定回答 时,为了表示礼貌和委婉,通常要用 为了表示礼貌和委婉,

一些委婉词, 一些委婉词,如but, I’m afraid, I’m sorry, thanks, please, had better等 better等

? —I didn’t know this was a one way street, officer. ? —________(2000,上海,45) A. That’s all right. B. I don’t believe you. C. How dare you say that? D. Sorry, but that’s no excuse.

? 应该说答非所问的错误比较容易察觉,如果问话 应该说答非所问的错误比较容易察觉, 与答话的内容风马牛不相及的话, 与答话的内容风马牛不相及的话,学生可以迅速 排除。但有时双方会话内容有所关联,但仔细推 排除。但有时双方会话内容有所关联, 敲发现其实答语并不切题。 敲发现其实答语并不切题。 ? 最典型的例子是With pleasure和It’s a pleasure。 最典型的例子是With pleasure

和 pleasure。 前者一般在事前回答, 表示―没问题, 前者一般在事前回答, 表示―没问题,非常愿 意‖。后者一般在事后回答, 表示―不必感谢,不 后者一般在事后回答, 表示―不必感谢, 用客气‖。 用客气‖

? — Let me introduce myself. I’m Albert. . — What a pleasure. to meet you. . Pleased / nice/ glad . ? — I’m sorry I broke your mirror. — Oh,really?matter.with me. It doesn’t It’s OK . 一、要掌握常用的功能意念会话项目, 要掌握常用的功能意念会话项目, 特别是一些口语式的固定搭配; 特别是一些口语式的固定搭配; 要理解对话交际场合和交际意图, 二、要理解对话交际场合和交际意图, 理出答题思路。 理出答题思路。

情景交际 单选题解题―四忌‖ 单选题解题―四忌‖

Practices: 2010

3. —Is it all right if I keep this photo? (2010全国 6) CC ACB 全国II ) ? 全国 — _______. A. No,you don’t B. No, it shouldn’t C. I’m afraid not D. Don’t keep it , 5. ---Do you know if Linda is willing to take charge of the program? --- _______ , does it? (安徽卷 ) 安徽卷24) A. It makes no time B. It counts for nothing C. It doesn’t hurt to ask D. It doesn’t make sense 17. --- I’m sorry. That wasn’t of much help. (四川卷 ) 四川卷13)

--- Oh,_______. As a matter of fact,it was most helpful. , , A. sure it was B. it doesn’t matter C. of course not D. thanks anyway 18.----Excuse me, I wonder if you can help me? .(天津卷 ) .(天津卷 天津卷2) ----Sure. _______? A. What help B. What is this C. What is it D. What do you want 21— Have you played baseball before? We need one more player. (重庆卷 ) 重庆卷35) — _______. I like ball games, so I believe it will be fun to learn baseball. A. Sometimes B. Not really C. Never mind D. That’s cool

4. ------ Bill, can I get you anything to drink? (09江苏卷 江苏卷) 江苏卷 ------ _____. A. You are welcome B. No problem C. I wouldn’t mind a coffee D. Doesn’t matter 6. ----Is it OK if I take this seat? (09辽宁卷 辽宁卷)辽宁卷 CCACDCD ----Sorry._______ A. here you are B. take it C. it’s taken D. never mind 8.-----It looks heavy. Can I give you a hand? (09全国 全国I) 全国 ----. A. No, thanks B. Yes, my pleasure C. No, never mind D. Yes, I do

9. ---- Do you mind my opening the window? It’s a bit hot in here . (09全国 全国II) 全国 ---- ______, as a matter of fact. A. Go ahead B. Yes, my pleasure C. Yes, I do D. Come on 10. ----John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month. ----Oh, _________! (09山东卷 山东卷) 山东卷

A. cheer up B. well done C. go ahead D. congratulations 14.—Would you please help me with the box? (2009四川卷 四川卷) 四川卷 —_________ A. Yes, please B. No, please don’t C. With pleasure D. My pleasure 18.—--Do you want anot

her drink? —--. (2009浙江卷 浙江卷) 浙江卷 A I don’t think so B No way C Not at all D I wouldn’t say no

Practices: 2009

1.—Would you like to join me for a quick lunch before class?— ________,but I promised Nancy to go out with her. (08全国Ⅰ21) 全国Ⅰ 全国 A. I’d like to B.I like it C.I don’t D.I will 3. —Do you know Anna’s telephone number? (08全国Ⅱ6) 全国Ⅱ 全国 — ________. As a matter of fact, I don’t know any Anna, either. A.I think so B. I’m afraid not C.I hope so D. I’d rather not 4. —Could I ask you a rather personal question? (08全国Ⅱ10) 全国Ⅱ

全国 —Sure,________. , A. pardon me B. go ahead C. good idea D. forget it 5. — I just can’t stop worrying about the result of the job interview. —_____. There’s nothing you can do now but wait. (08天津 天津3) 天津 A. Relax B. Go ahead C. Go for it D. Good luck 8. —I think you’d better type this letter again before Mr. Smith sees it. —Oh,dear! ________ . (08江西 Practices: 2008 江西21) , 江西 A. Who cares? B. No problem. ABBAD C. I don’t mind at all. D. Is it as bad as that?

语境对选项的影响 例1. . C I did it ______. A. myself B. carefully C. yesterday D. again 孤立的句子使用过去时, 孤立的句子使用过去时 就必须有表示过去的时间状语 ①They said I was not strong enough to do such a thing, but I did it ____________. ②Failure told me that I was too careless then, so I did it ____________ to see the result ③Failure was the mother of success. The famous saying encouraged me. I did it ____________. 例2. A. to buy B. bought C. buying D. buy (A)With some books he wanted ______, he went into the bookstore quickly. (B) With some books he wanted ______, he left the bookstore and went home happily. Keys例1: ① myself ② carefully ③ again 例2: A; B 例

1. —I found my mom not feeling well this morning. I’m afraid she is ill. —_____. A. Don’t worry too much B. It’s nothing at all C. I’m sorry to hear that D. Take it easy 12. —Mr. Jones! Sam has broken the glass! CBDA —_____ Such things happen. A. What a pity! B. Doesn’t matter. C. What is the matter? D. How come? 13. —Would you mind if I asked you where you’re from? —_____. A. Of course. I’m from London. B. Sure. I was born in London. C. Not really. You can do it. D. Not in the least. I’m from London. 14. —How do you find the latest movie by Johnny Depp? —______. I can’t think too highly of it. A. It’s really wonderful B. It all depends C. No one knows for certainD. It’s not my cup of tea

15. —I can’t imagine Phelps smoking marijuana(大麻 大麻). 大麻 DBBD —_____. A. Nor am I B. So do I C. Me, too D. Me, neither 16. —How about going to a concert this weekend? —____? It’s a few months since I enjoyed myself in the last one. A. Why B. Why not C. What for D. What 17. —How are things with you? —_____. I now make enough money to pay the bills and k

