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Unit 1 Part 6 Fill in the Blanks (with the initial letters provided)

Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the help of the first letter(s). Use only ONE word to fill in each blank.

1. chI (1) around all day looking for a birthday present to give her.

Correct answer: chased

2. chA police motorcycle (1)Rome.

Correct answer: chased

3. crHer black eye and bruises (青肿) were undeniable evidence of his (1) Correct answer: cruelty

4. crWhat kind of person could treat a fellow human being with such (1) Correct answer: cruelty

5. exIf executives fail to (1)left behind.

Correct answer: exploit

6. exThere is a further fear that criminals will (1)between different police agencies in Europe. Correct answer: exploit

7. haOne aim of the network would be to (1) the entry of new research into

the lack of co-operation

the opportunities of networking they risk being

? . his car twelve miles, and cornered him near

clinical practice, a process that most researchers have long felt to be much too slow. Correct answer: hasten

8. haSome doctors may even (1) death with the pain-killing drugs they

administer (给药) at this time, but their \

Correct answer: hasten

9. blShe could see nothing except a vivid red (1)bus.

Correct answer: blur

10. blI just saw the (1) Correct answer: blur

11. iHundreds of workers sat (1)assembly line to start again. Correct answer: idle

12. iThey closed a few plants and decided to use the (1)make plastic parts for cigarette filters. Correct answer: idle

13. bKelly gets a new job, and two weeks later she's (1) Correct answer: bored

14. bDoing the same job all day (1) Correct answer: bored 15. Con(1) is important, and the dog is likely to respond best to one person,

her to tears.

with it. machinery to

on the factory floor waiting for the

of the car as it passed in front of me.

, the color of a London especially when learning new routines. Correct answer: Continuity

16. I try to keep one step ahead of the rest of the staff, making sure that there's a

(1)con of work for them, and I like to try to mix their work as much as


Correct answer: continuity

17. Demand for steel had slowed throughout Europe and there was no way we could

(1)su the industry at its existing size.

Correct answer: sustain

18. suAlthough losses may be equal, the side that is the better able to (1)them will derive most benefit from any encounter. Correct answer: sustain

19. disWe can (1)note, for him alone to read. Correct answer: discount

20. disNor can we (1)harmful effects.

Correct answer: discount

21. pThe (1)was two chapters in. Correct answer: plot

22. pThe book doesn't have much of a (1) Correct answer: plot

23. peDon't be too (1) Correct answer: pessimistic

24. baFive years ago she was a successful actress, but now she is (1) Correct answer: bankrupt

25. baHe claimed that American political leaders were morally (1)meeting welfare needs. Correct answer: bankrupt

for not

. —we may still win the game.

, but its characters are fantastic. was so complicated that I was totally confused by the time I

the possibility that some factor in the diet itself has the possibility that Frank was lying: this was a personal

26. Many social services are simply not well suited to companies whose basic

(1)m is profit.

Correct answer: motive

27. mPolice are investigating but said they had no clue as to the (1) Correct answer: motive

28. woHis crews (1)for their welfare.

Correct answer: worshipped

29. spThe growth of tourism has (1)and leisure-related sectors. Correct answer: spurred

30. luI had felt the (1)not been.

Correct answer: lure

31. drThe noise of the battle was (1) Correct answer: drowned

32. drThe tears rolling off her chin on to her fingers, she sang louder, (1)her other noises.

Correct answer: drowning

33. juHow can you possibly (1) Correct answer: justify

34. juPeople try to (1)spouse.

the breakdown of their marriage by blaming their

charging four pounds for a glass of beer?


out by his aircraft's engine.

of the unexplored, the desire to go where others had

equivalent developments in the hotel

him and he responded by showing a genuine concern

. Correct answer: justify

35. It was weeks before they realized that the young man who had charmed them all was a

(1)f. Correct answer: fraud

36. conFood producers do their best to make sure that food is not (1)poisonous organisms.

Correct answer: contaminated

37. unHe had marked the passages in pencil and (1)understand so that he could look them up. Correct answer: underlined

38. unThe police (1)for the bombers.

Correct answer: underlined

39. obBut I have met many who (1)because of its injustice and inhumanity. Correct answer: objected

40. obHuman rights groups (1) to the proposed 50 percent reduction in the

to the kind of society it has created

the importance of the public's co-operation in the hunt

words that he did not

with any

number of refugees who could be admitted to the country. Correct answer: object

41. sCan teachers be (1) for making negative comments about students in

classrooms or in the teachers' lounge (休息室)? Correct answer: sued

42. exThey threatened to (1) Correct answer: expel

him if he didn't follow the party line.

43. fInspectors have the power to (1)ticket.

Correct answer: fine

any passenger traveling without a

44. Reports suggest he could be suspended several races next season and

(1)f as much as $1 million.

Correct answer: fined

45. acA former businessman has gone on trial (1)investment fraud. Correct answer: accused

46. acDole (1) Clinton of improperly claiming credit for a number of

of a two-million-pound

measures of national economic health. Correct answer: accused

47. mThe compromise was accepted by industry and the opposition (1)away.

Correct answer: melted

48. mPlace it over gentle heat and stir until the sugar and butter have (1) Correct answer: melted

49. spHis face had gone very red and looked as if it had been (1) Correct answer: sprayed

50. suOnce you are in the (1), you should do some form of with water.

. exercise—walking or jogging (慢跑) are best. Correct answer: sunshine

51. The mid-afternoon sun was still unseasonably warm and there were children

(1)ba in the sea.

Correct answer: bathing

52. bShe brought a bowl of water and (1) Correct answer: bathed

53. enSeveral people have phoned the personnel department to (1)the position.

Correct answer: enquire

54. enHe asked for his key and (1)for him.

Correct answer: enquired

55. deThe exact rate for the investment is fixed at the time the (1)and then runs through the period chosen. Correct answer: deposit

56. mIt is true that the deep forests are (1)permanent standing water. Correct answer: moist

57. amAdams first began drawing cartoons to (1) Correct answer: amuse 58. amIt (1) me to see politicians so eager to please at election time.

his co-workers. , but they are entirely without is made

whether there had been any messages


the injured arm.

Correct answer: amuses/amused

59. amMost ski resorts (度假胜地) offer activities to (1)non-skiers.

Correct answer: amuse

children and even

60. siIt was already half an hour before he gave a (1)again to reading his magazine. Correct answer: sigh

61. reIt was such a (1) Correct answer: relief

62. reShe breathed a sigh of (1) Correct answer: relief

and settled down

to see Liz looking healthy again.

when he finally answered the phone.

63. After the initial shock brought about by his rather sudden decision had worn away,

Henry says, he mostly felt (1) Correct answer: relieved

64. auAfter months trying to sell the farm, they decided to put it up for (1) Correct answer: auction

65. leHe found it difficult to sleep at night, anxious (1)further tragedy in the town. Correct answer: lest

66. leHe was already worried (1)happened.

Correct answer: lest

67. yaHe stifled (忍住) a (1) Correct answer: yawn

68. yaHe apologized as he stifled another (1) Correct answer: yawn

and tried to look interested.

then stood up and went into the kitchen.

she should tell some one what had

his delay might cause

. re. 69. shrJacob (1)special-interest groups. Correct answer: shrugs

off the criticism, claiming he is working for taxpayers, not

70. I offered my thanks to Oliver, and even suggested some debt restructuring by way of

gratitude, but he just (1)shr it off.

Correct answer: shrugged

71. If both you and the other person can find something to laugh about together it

(1)pa the way for a smooth transaction.

Correct answer: paves

72. paTheir unique approach (1)deep earth.

Correct answer: paved

73. ciI stood by the door and she sat there, making no sign of (1)me to go.

Correct answer: civility

74. exThe device Blake chose—a first person narrative—is (1)using a historical figure. Correct answer: exceedingly

75. exThis poster is now (1) Correct answer: exceedingly

76. reAfter decades of colonial (殖民的) rule, the land was finally (1)rightful owners.

Correct answer: restored

77. reThe utility company is still working to (1) power supplies in rural areas.

to its

rare and its owner a lucky man.

difficult when , waiting for the way for an extraordinary leap into the

Correct answer: restore

78. reMany works of art stolen by the Nazis have been (1)owners.

Correct answer: restored

79. obWe will meet our international (1)emissions.

Correct answer: obligations

80. obCitizens have an (1) to obey law by virtue of the fact that it is made in

to reduce harmful chimney

to their original

accordance with established procedures. Correct answer: obligation

81. obEvery teacher has a professional (1)conversations going on in the research community. Correct answer: obligation

82. mePeople keep complaining about the service at hospitals, and (1)and more nurses are losing their jobs. Correct answer: meanwhile

83. MeThey're still working on our bedroom. (1)tents.

Correct answer: Meanwhile

84. meThree helicopters (直升机) scanned the area; the soldiers (1)looking into back gardens, dustbins (垃圾箱) , and under hedgerows. Correct answer: meanwhile

85. Eventually, the children themselves may begin to understand their own feelings, and

why they (1)be to understand the key


, we're sleeping out back in were

as they do.

Correct answer: behave

86. beThe next time I saw him, Frank (1) Correct answer: behaved

87. beIf you (1) yourself, I'll let you stay up to watch the movie.

as if nothing had happened.

Correct answer: behave

88. inIs he trying to (1)have four of a kind himself? Correct answer: induce

89. inIn this way normal healthy people may be tested without (1)damage to their brain. Correct answer: inducing

90. inThere may have been another factor that (1)the ground.

Correct answer: induced

91. It has three pretty bedrooms, decorated in well-chosen fabrics (织物), and

(1)fur me to make a foolish bid (叫牌), or does he actually


these creatures to leave

with antiques (古董) and pine.

Correct answer: furnished

92. I understand that if you purchase a credit bureau report concerning me, upon request

you will inform me and (1)bureau.

Correct answer: furnish

93. iniEveryone was standing around in silence, so I took the (1)explain why we had come. Correct answer: initiative

and tried to

fur me with the name and address of the credit

94. iniWe have lost the (1) and allowed our opponents to dictate (支配) the

subject—even the rules—of the debate. Correct answer: initiative

95. iniShe was always happy to work on her own (1)and deadlines.

Correct answer: initiative

96. disThe children from poor families were at a (1) Correct answer: distinct

97. disNow that Tony was no longer present, there was a (1)attitude.

Correct answer: distinct

change in her


, and set her own goals Unit 1 Part 9 Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

1. I will hold your note until Christmas Day, _______ you certainly will have received your allowance. A. by that time

B. at that time

C. by which time

D. at which time

Correct answer: C

2. The Prime Minister commanded that farmers ________ loans from the government. A. would receive

B. received

C. ought to receive

D. should receive

Correct answer: D

3. They packed the instruments carefully ____ they would be broken during transportation. A. so that

B. on condition that

C. for fear that

D. provided that

Correct answer: C

4. Lots of people pretend that they never read advertisements, but this claim ________. A. may be hardly doubted

B. may be seriously doubted

C. may be hard doubting

D. may be doubted serious

Correct answer: B

5. ______ hostels (客栈) may not offer the most comfortable quarters, they are convenient, inexpensive, and attractive to traveling students and young people. A. When B. While

C. Now that D. If

Correct answer: B

6. When he hurried to the airport, he found, to his great disappointment, his ticket and passport ________ at home. A. were left

B. had left

C. have been left

D. had been left

Correct answer: D

7. Were the wire of a smaller diameter (直径), its resistance ________. A. had been increased

B. was increased

C. might have been increased

D. would be increased

Correct answer: D

8. He went to work on foot yesterday, though he ________ by bus. A. must have gone

B. might have gone

C. would have gone

D. could have gone

Correct answer: D

9. He always prefers to start early rather than ________ everything to the last minute. A. leave

B. leaving

C. leaves D. left

Correct answer: A

10. Frank was advised to give the assignment to ________ he believed had a strong sense

of responsibility. A. whom

B. whoever

C. whomever

D. that

Correct answer: B

11. Almost all the countries in the world hoped that the warring sides would ________ a

compromise. A. affect B. effect C. come D. lead

Correct answer: B

12. Our talk was completely ________out by the roar of the machines. As a result, we had

to communicate with gestures. A. decreased

B. reduced

C. smashed

D. drowned

Correct answer: D

13. She was arrested for ______ state secrets to a foreign reporter in return for her son

going abroad. A. getting away

B. giving away

C. breaking away

D. putting away

Correct answer: B

14. Can you ______ furnishing your house luxuriously at a time when the company is

losing so much money? A. verify

town. A. make

B. induce C. expel

D. tempt

Correct answer: B

35. Unless you have a heated greenhouse we feel you will have difficulty in keeping the

plant for very long indoors because they like a really warm and _______ atmosphere. A. vivid

B. amused C. moist

D. contaminated

Correct answer: C

36. I don't think his remarks are relevant ________ our discussion.

A. to B. at C. for D. with

Correct answer: A

37. He won't succeed any way, ________ hard he tries.

A. whatever

B. no matter C. as

D. however

Correct answer: D

38. We haven't got the right answer yet, because the problem ________ is quite

complicated. A. solved

B. is solved

C. being solved

D. having solved

Correct answer: C

39. You must speak slowly, so that you can make yourself ________.

A. to be understood

B. understood

C. understanding

D. being understood

Correct answer: B

40. It was ________ that he didn't go to the party.

A. because he was ill

B. he was ill

C. his illness

D. because his illness

Correct answer: A

41. There's nothing on TV tonight, ________ rubbish.

A. rather than

B. more than

C. better than

D. other than

Correct answer: D

