七年级英语下册Module 6 Unit2学案外研版

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学习目标:1.掌握下列单词与短语:arrive, late, back, however, slowly, loudly, clearly, visitor, badly, carelessly, quickly, take around, get to, leave for, the Olympic Games2.掌握下列句子:(1)I can see and hear the teacher.(2) Zhu Guomimg gets to school early.(3)Betty likes running and she likes cycling, too.学习指南:学习北京居民学英语的精神,努力学好英语。学前漫步:根据句

Module 6 The Olympic adventure

Unit 2 English for the Olympic Games


1. 掌握下列单词与短语:

arrive, late, back, however, slowly, loudly, clearly, visitor, badly, carelessly, quickly, take around, get to, leave for, the Olympic Games

2. 掌握下列句子:

(1)I can see and hear the teacher.

(2) Zhu Guomimg gets to school early.

(3)Betty likes running and she likes cycling, too.





1. Tom doesn’t go to bed until his father a_______ home.

2. Every year, millions of v_______ come to visit the Great Wall.

3. Kate is a good student. She always does her homework c_______.

4. All the students in my class don’t want to be l_______ for class.

5. He likes watching TV. He often watches TV u_______11 o’clock at night. 随堂学步:


1. ________is difficult. (skate)

2. ------Who runs _________ (slow) in your class?

------Wei Fang does. She runs ________(slow) than any other student in my class.

3. London is the capital of ________(English)

4. The boy is ________at English. He studies English _______.(good)

学习目标:1.掌握下列单词与短语:arrive, late, back, however, slowly, loudly, clearly, visitor, badly, carelessly, quickly, take around, get to, leave for, the Olympic Games2.掌握下列句子:(1)I can see and hear the teacher.(2) Zhu Guomimg gets to school early.(3)Betty likes running and she likes cycling, too.学习指南:学习北京居民学英语的精神,努力学好英语。学前漫步:根据句

5. It’s ________ (dangerous) to swim in the river than in a swimming pool.

6. Please listen ________ (careful) and then answer the questions.

7. She sings the English song __________ (bad).

8. Li Ming wants to learn English ________ (well) than his twin brother Li Hua.

9. The Englishman speaks English________ (slow) and _______(clear).

10. He comes back very late, so he walks _______ (quickly) and ________ (quiet) to

his bedroom.



happy black

popular cheap

long unhappy

exciting easy

expensive unpopular

relaxing short

dangerous light

difficult boring

heavy safe

white tiring


I. 根据汉语提示完成句子。

1. 他们明天离开去北京。

They’re _______ _______ Beijing tomorrow.

2. 他经常早来坐在黑板前。

He often gets here early and _______ _______ ______ ______ the blackboard.

3. 她打算领他们转转北京颐和园。

学习目标:1.掌握下列单词与短语:arrive, late, back, however, slowly, loudly, clearly, visitor, badly, carelessly, quickly, take around, get to, leave for, the Olympic Games2.掌握下列句子:(1)I can see and hear the teacher.(2) Zhu Guomimg gets to school early.(3)Betty likes running and she likes cycling, too.学习指南:学习北京居民学英语的精神,努力学好英语。学前漫步:根据句

She’s going to ______ them _______ the Summer Palace of Beijing.

4. 中国人很擅长体操。

Chinese people _______ very _______ _______ gymnastics.

5. 在美国,篮球比足球受欢迎。

In America, basketball is ________ _______ football.

II. 补全对话,每空一词。

A: Chinese people are very _______ _______ table tennis. Do you like table tennis? B: Yes, I do. What sport _______ you like?

A: I like basketball very much. I think it’s _______ exciting _______ table tennis. B: But football is the ________ popular, I think

A: I think it _______ more boring than basketball. Players often fight. I _______ like cycling. It’s more relaxing than _______ sports.

B: no, it _______. I think cycling is more tiring.

III. 书面表达:






One day an Indian went to see his doctor. The doctor looked at him and said, “Medicine(药)won’t help you. You must have good rest. Go to a quiet country place for a month, go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot, and smoke only one cigar(雪茄烟)a day.”

A month later, the Indian came to see again. “How are you?” said the doctor. “I am glad to see you again. You look much younger,” “Oh, doctor, I feel quiet well now.” said the Indian. “I had a good rest. I went to bed early. I drank a lot of milk. I walked a

学习目标:1.掌握下列单词与短语:arrive, late, back, however, slowly, loudly, clearly, visitor, badly, carelessly, quickly, take around, get to, leave for, the Olympic Games2.掌握下列句子:(1)I can see and hear the teacher.(2) Zhu Guomimg gets to school early.(3)Betty likes running and she likes cycling, too.学习指南:学习北京居民学英语的精神,努力学好英语。学前漫步:根据句

lot. You certainly helped me. But you told me to smoke one cigar a day, and that almost killed me at first. It was not easy to begin smoking at my age.”

1. One day an Indian _______

A. went to see a friend

B. felt very tired

C. wasn’t feeling well

D. went to help his doctor

2. His doctor __________

A. could not help him B. told him what to do

C. was good to him D. was glad to see him

3. When the Indian came to see the doctor again, __________

A. he felt quite well

B. the doctor wasn’t free

C. he was young

D. the doctor looked over him again

4. The Indian told the doctor ________

A. he liked doing

B. he almost killed himself

C. to smoke one cigar a day

D. one cigar a day was very difficult at the beginning

5. From the story we can guess ________

A. the Indian was not a young man

B. the doctor was a good doctor

C, the Indian would go on smoking

D. the doctor was very careful

