单元规范训练:BOOK 4 Unit 4 Body language(新人教版

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Unit 4Body language


1.Every student in our class had an application form in his or her hand,but no one knew which office ________.

A.to send it to B.to send it

C.to be sent to D.to have it sent

2.My ________to teaching is different from yours.

A.approach B.arrange

C.approval D.attitude

3.I can’t remember when exactly the Robinsons left ________city.I only remember it was ________ Monday.

A.the;the B.a;the

C.a;a D.the;a

4.The thirteen stars on the American flag________ the thirteen colonies that announced independence.

A.show B.sign

C.represent D.explain

5.—John and I will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.


A.cheer up B.well done

C.go ahead D.congratulations

6.Many people lost their lives________ the benefit of our country.

A.in defence B.in charge of

C.defend of D.in defence of

7.The play ________ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.


B.being produced

C.to be produced

D.having been produced

8.Although they are more than 70 years old,they can climb to the top of the mountain________.Which of the following is WRONG?

A.without difficulty B.at ease C.with ease D.easily


9.A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city,________ all four people on board.

A.killed B.killing C.kills D.to kill

10.________,your composition is well written.

A.In general B.General speaking

C.For short D.In all

11.Peter________ his words when he realized his mistake.

A.took back B.got back

C.looked back D.turned back

12.Look,dark clouds are gathering.It is________ to rain soon.

A.probably B.possibly

C.likely D.perhaps

13.Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it________yesterday.

A.was happening B.happens

C.has happened D.had happened

14.Jane is a bright and diligent girl________ her brother Jack is just the opposite.

A.when B.as C.however D.while

15.I think________ impossible that he should be so impolite.

A.this B.that C.it D.which


When middle-aged Alex quit his job and made up his mind to

become a freelance(self-employed) writer,no one could tell for

sure whether he would succeed or not.He found a cold storage

room in a building,set up a(n) __16__ typewriter and settled down

to work.

After a year or so,however,Alex began to__17__himself.He

found it was difficult to earn his living by__18__what he

wrote.But Alex determined to put his dream to the test—__19__it meant living with uncertainty and fear of__20__.This is the shadowland of hope,and__21__with a dream must learn to live there.

One day Alex got a call,“We need a(n)__22__,and we’re paying $6,000 a year.”$6,000 was__23__money in 1960.It would enable Alex to get a nice apartment,a used car and more.__24__,he could write on the side.__25__the dollars were dancing in Alex’s head,something__26__his senses.He had dreamed of being a__27__—full time.“Thanks but no,”Alex said__28__,“I’m going to stick it out and write.”


After Alex got off the phone,he__29__everything he had:two cans of vegetables and 18 cents.Alex put the cans and cents into a__30__bag,saying to himself,“There’s everything you’ve made of yourself so far.”

Finally his work was__31__in 1970.Instantly he had the kind of fame and success that__32__writers ever experienced.The shadows had turned into limelight.

Then one day,Alex__33__a box filled with things he had owned years before.__34__was a paper bag with two cans and 18 cents.Suddenly he__35__himself working in that cold storage room.It reminds Alex,and anyone with a dream,of the courage and persistence it takes to stay the course in the shadowland.

16.A.expensive B.priceless

C.excellent D.used

17.A.doubt B.trust

C.regret D.hate

18.A.buying B.selling

C.reading D.appreciating

19.A.what if B.now that

C.even though D.as if

20.A.failure B.success

C.loss D.perspiration

21.A.someone B.nobody

C.anyone D.none

22.A.writer B.boss C.manager D.assistant

23.A.little B.real C.false D.high

24.A.Still B.Besides C.However D.Therefore 25.A.If B.Because C.As D.But

26.A.cleared B.destroyed C.hurt D.struck

27.A.writer B.dancer C.driver D.assistant

28.A.hurriedly B.slowly C.firmly D.hesitantly 29.A.pulled apart B.pulled out C.pulled down D.pulled back 30.A.plastic B.paper C.cloth D.metal

31.A.published B.completed C.written D.punished

32.A.poor B.few C.famous D.great

33.A.picked B.searched C.sought D.found

34.A.Outside B.Below C.Inside D.Above

35.A.reminded B.called C.described D.pictured



Helen Thayer,one of the greatest explorers of the 20th

century,loves challenges.She says,“I like to see what’s on

the other side of the hill.” She has gone almost everywhere to

do that.

In 1988,at the age of 50,she became the first woman to

travel alone to the North Pole.She pulled her own sled(雪橇)

piled with 160 pounds of supplies,and during her trip no one brought her fresh supplies.Accompanied(陪伴) only by her dog Charlie,she survived cold weather and meetings with polar bears.In fact,Charlie saved her life when one of them attacked her.Near the end of her trip,a forceful wind blew away the majority of her supplies.The last week of the trip,she survived on a handful of nuts and a little water each day.

Helen goes to challenging places not only for adventure,but also for education.Before her Arctic journey,she started a website called Ad v enture Classroom.On the site,she shares her adventures in order to motivate(激发) students.She explains,“although kids often see the world in a negative way,without hope for their future,we work to inspire them to set goals,plan for success and never give up...”

Helen grew up in New Zealand.Her parents were athletes and mountain climbers.Following her parents’example,she climbed her first mountain at fa3a14268c9951e79b89680203d8ce2f006665c8ter,she climbed the highest mountains in North and South America,the former USSR and New Zealand.

In 1996,she took on another challenge—the Sahara Desert.She and her husband,Bill,walked 2,400 miles across it!In 2001,she and Bill traveled on foot from west to east through the Gobi Desert in Mongolia.They hope to travel in mainland China into Sichuan and Tibet to study pandas this year.

Helen plans to continue taking trips.She’ll use her explorations,writing,photography and environmental work to create programs for her Ad v enture Classroom website.She wants to inspire her students never to stop facing challenges!

36.We learn from Paragraph 2 that________.

A.Helen Thayer is the first person to reach the North Pole

B.Helen Thayer ate nothing during the last week of her trip

C.Helen Thayer traveled to the North Pole together with her husband

D.Charlie prevented Helen being attacked by polar bears

37.Why does Helen travel to different places worldwide?

A.For fun. B.For education. C.For money. D.For fame.

38.Why did Helen pick up mountain climbing as a child?

A.She was eager to go on with her adventures.


B.She dreamed of visiting strange land.

C.Her parents instructed her to do so.

D.Her parents had great influence on her.

39.Which of the following places has Helen not visited yet?

A.The North Pole. B.The Sahara Desert.

C.The Gobi Desert. D.Sichuan and Tibet.

40.Which is the best title for the text?

A.The Woman Who Loves Adventure

B.A Famous Woman

C.A Woman Mountain Climber

D.The Owner of Ad v enture Classroom









9.B 10.A 11.A 12.C 13.D 14.D


16.D 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.A 21.C 22.D 23.B 24.B 25.C 26.A 27.A 28.C 29.B 30.B 31.A 32.B 33.D 34.C 35.D

36.D 37.B 38.D 39.D 40.A


