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1.Which weather condition is an example of a ponfrontal instablity band?
A. radiation fog B. front gense C. squall line C.
3.The horizontal wind shear critical for turbulance per 150 miles is A. 18 knots or less B. greater than 18 knots C. not a factar B.
4.ⅢA 最低
A.DH 50 feet and RVR 350m B.RVR 300m RVR 200m C.
5.By changing the angle of attack of a wing the pilot could control. A. lift airspeed but not drag B. lift gross weight and drag C. lift airspeed and drag C.
6.Which of following is considered an auxiliary flight control? A. Leading-edge flaps
B. Vpper sudder C. Ruddenator A.
8.What effect does the leading edge slot in the wing have on performance?
A. Reduce profilw drag
B. decelerates the supper surface boundary lager air C. changes the stalling angle of attack of a higher angle (C)
9.ESHP of a turboprop engine is a measure of A. Turbine inlet temperature
B. Shaft horsepower and jet thrust C. Propeller thrust only B
10.收到 cleared for approach (radar vector) A. Descend to the initial approach fix altitude B. Remain at last assigned altitude C. Descend to minimum vector altitude
11.Where is a common location for an inversion? A. Tropopause B. Stratosphere
C. Base of cumulus clouds (B)
11.What is the reason for variations is geometric pitch along a propeller or rotor blade?
A. It prevents the portion of the blade near the Huber root from stalling during cruising flight
B. It permits a relatively constant angle of incidence along its length when in cruising flight
C. It permits a relatively constant angle of attack along its length when in cruising flight (C)
12.Which feature is associated with the tropopause? A. Absobite upper limit of could formation B. Absence of wind and turbulence C. Abrupt charge of and lapse rate (C)
13.Which maximum range factor decrease as weigh decrease? A.Speed
B. Angle of attack C.Altitude A
14.Which speed symbol indicates the max operating limit speed for an airplane? A.VMO/MMO B.VLO/MLO C.VLE (A)
15.What takeoff minimums are not prescribed for a civil airport? What’s the take off min under IFR for 3 engines? A.1600m B.800m C.300ft-800m B.
16.Upon which factor does wing loading during a level coordinated turn in smooth air depend? A. Angle of bank B. Turn airspeed
C. Rate of turn (A)
17.What is a characteristic of longitudinal instability? A. Pitch oscillations becoming progressions greater B. Aircraft constantly tries to pitch down
C. Bank oscillations becoming progressively greater (A)
18.Which of the following is considered a primary flight control? A. Elevator B. Dorsal fin C. Slats (A)
19.Which condition has the effect of reducing critical engine failure speed?
A. High density altitude
B. Slush on the runway or inoperative antiskid C. Low gross weight (B)
20.Airport not listed in a proscribed take-off weather and does not have the minimum take-of(121部68页) A.270m-1600m B.240m-3200m C.300m-800m B.
21.酒精作用 A.24小时 B.12小时 C.8小时 C.
22.Which weather condition is defined as an anticyclone? A.COL B. Calm
C. High pressure area C.
23.Which type frontal system is normally crossed by the Jet stream?
A. Cold front and warm front B. Warm front C. Occluded front C.
24.Which arctic flying hazard is caused when a cloud layer of
uniform thickness overlies a snow or ice covered surface A. Whiteout B. Blowing snow C. Ice fog A
25.When setting the altimeter, pilot should disregard A. Corrections for static pressure systems
B. Effects of nonstandard atmospheric temperatures and pressures
C. Corrections for instrument error (B)
26.Each pilot who deviates from an ATC clearance in response to ATCAS advisory is expected to
A. Request ATC clearance for the deviation
B. Notify ATC of the deviation as soon as practicable
C. Maintain the course and altitude resulting from the deviation as ATC has radar contact (B)
28.What criteria determine which engine is the \twin-engine airplane?
A. The one with the center of thrust closest to the centerline of the fuselage.
B. The one with the center of thrust farthest from the centerline of the fuselage.
C. The one designated by the manufacturer, which develops most usable thrust. A
29.When the gross weight is increased
A. Induced drag increases more than parasite drag
B. Both parasite and induced drag are equally increased C. Parasite drag increases more than induced drag (A)
30.Which type jet stream can be expected to cause the greater turbulence
A.A jet stream associated whither wide isotherm spacing B.A straight jet stream associated with a high-pressure ridge
C.A curring jet stream associated with a deep low pressure through (C)
31 Why are downdrafts in a mature thunderstorm hazardous?
A. Downdrafts become warmer than the surrounding air and
B. Downdrafts are kept cool by rain, which tends to accelerate the downward velocity
C. Downdrafts converge toward a central location under the storm after striking the surface (B)
32.What type weather changes is to be expected in an area where frontolysis is reported?
A. The frontal weather becoming stronger B. The front is moving at a fuster speed C. The front is dissipating (C)
33.When saturated air moves downhill, it’s temperature increases A. At a faster rate than dry air because of the release of latent heat B. At a slower rate than dry air because condersation release heat C. At a slower rate than dry air because vaporization uses heat (C)
34.What procedure is recommended for an engine-out approach and landing?
A. The altitude and airspeed should be consider higher than normal throughout the app
B. The flight path and procedures should be almost identical to a normal app and landing
C.A normal approach except do not extend the landing gear or flaps until over the runway threshowd (B)
35.What effect if any will landing at a higher-than-recommended touchdown speed have on hydroplaning
A. increase hydroplaning potential regard less of braking B. no effect on hydroplaning,but increase landing roll
C. reduce hydroplaning potential if having braking is applied (A)
36.A microburst is a very narrow downdraft of very high speed wind with vertical speed up to (6000 feet per minute) 37.How should a pilot describle break action? A. 00 percent ,50 percent,75 or 100 percent B. zero-zero fifty-fifty or normal C. poor medium or good (C)
38.Assuming that all ILS components are operating and the required visual references are not required, the missed approach
C. highs lows troughs + ridges corrected to MSL B
35.Weather feature occurs at altitude levels near the tropopause can?
A. abrupt temperature of the tropopause;
B. thin layers of cirrus clouds at the tropopause level; C. maximum wind and narrow wind shear zone; C
36.Which event usually occurs after an A/C passes through a front into the colder air?
A. atmosphere pressure increase; B. temperature dew point decrease; C. wind direction shifts to the left A
37.Which type wind flows down slope become warmer and dry? A. volley wind; B. loud breeze; C. katabatic wind. C
41.Tornadoes(龙卷风) from the steady-state thunderstorm associated with cold fronts and squall line. 42.prognostic charts depicts the condition.
A. exsting at the surface during the past 6 months; B. which present from the 1000 minibox through T;
C. forcast to exist at specific time in the future shown on the chart; C
1.what is a feature of a stationary front?
A.surface winds tends to flow parallel to the zone
B.weather conditions ate a combination of strong wind front
C.the warm front surface moves abort half the spead of the cold front A
2.which area or area of the Northen Hemisphere experance a genarally East to West movement of weather system? A. subtropical only B. arctie only
C. arctic and subtropical C
3.which weather will ecperance at the altitude where the dew point lapse rate and dry adiabatic rate meet?
A. precipitation starts B. cloud bases form
C. stable air sange to unstable air B
4.In which meterolosical condition can finite a low pressure area from
A. warm front or occlanded fronts
B. slow-moving cold front or stationary front C. cold front B
5.where is the usual location of a thermal low? A. over the surface of a dry sunning region B. over the eye of a hurricane C. over the anti region A
6.which weather condition is present when the tropical storm is upgraded to a hurricane
A.a clear area or hurricane eye has formed B.sustained winds of 65 kt or more C.highest windspeed 100 kt or more B
7.which condition produce weather on the side of a large lake? A. cold air flowing over a warmer lake may produce advection fog B. warm air flowing over a colder lake may produce advection fog C. warm air flowing over a colder lake may produce rain shower B
8.what airditions are indicated or a weather Depiction chart?
A. Actual sky over visibility restrictions and type of precipitation at reporting stations
B. Actual en route weather conditions between reportings station C. Forecast ceilings ad visililities over a large geosraphic area A
9.Constant pressure Aualysisc charts contanin contoms is others + some contain isobars the contours depict A. highs,lows,troughts+ridges on the surface B. ridges,lows,troughts+high aloft
C. highs lows.troughs+ridges corrected to Msc B
10.which term applies when the temperature of the air change by compression of expansion with no heat added or removed? A. katabatic
B. advection C. adiabatic C
11.where do squall lines most often develop? A. behind a station front B. ahead of a cold front C. in a occlauded front B
12.weather feathure occurs art altitude leves near the tropopause can
A. abrupt temperature increase of the tropopause B. thin layers of cirrus clouds at the tropopause level C. maximum wind and narrow wind sheat zones C
13.which event usually occurs after an a/c passes though a front into the colder air? A. pressure increase
B. temperature/dewpoint decrese C. wind direction shifts to the loft A
14. atomosphere pressure change due to a TS will be at the lowest value?
A. during the downdraft and heavy rain showers B. when the TS is approaching
C. immediately after the rain shower have stopped B
15.what weather is predicted by the term Vcts in a TAF A. between 5 and 25 km B. within 50 km
C. TS are expected in the vicinity C
16.CAT turbulance most likely encountered
A. constant pressure chart show 20 kt less than 60 NM apar B. constant pressure chart show 20 kt less than 60 kt apar C. constant pressure chart show 20 kt less than 20 kt A
17.which type wind fllows down slope become warmer and dryer A. volley wind B. land Breaze C. katamatic wind C
18.which primary source contains informations regardings the expected weather at destination Airport at ETA A. radar summary and weather depiction charts B. TAF
C. low-level prog chart B
29.A prognostic charts depicts the conditions
A. exsiting at the surface during the past 6 months
B. which pressure from front the 1000 miniburt though 700 C. forecast to exist at specific time C
34.the jestream usually cross which front? A. cold front B. warm front C. occlusion front C
26..What temperature condition is indicated if precipitation in the form of wet snow occurs during flight?
A. the temperature is above freezing at flight altitude. B. The temperature is above freezing at higher altitudes. C. There is an inversion with colder air below. A X
21.STAR-teminal with a instrument or visual procedure 22.一类防冰液:80% 二50% 三30% 23.maintain report 2400m
24.积冰 lift reduce 30% drug increase 40%
25.tornadoes from the steady-state thunder strom-associated with cold fronts and aqual line
26.if you wart to traverse CAT areas should? when temperature increase --->climb when temperature debase --->descend 27.夏季TS NE--〉SW
30.Isobars on a surface weather chart represent line of eqaul pressure-----sea level
31.天气现象----Aport temperture of lapses rate 32.stationary front 特征 33.dry line
36.microbust 6000ft/min 37.calm wind ooooomps. 38.45kt
39.TAF--->TS 大风
40.VOR不工作 “T-E-S-T”书上33页
1.“FAI L OPERATIONAL” means fault, roll the autopilots, will disengage if a fault is tested in one of them leaving the aircraft in a passive state of trim A. False B. Depends C. True C
2.Which take-off climb segment is limited to 5 minutes at MCT?
A.2nd B.3rd C.1st A
3. Which take-off climb segment is the most critical?
A. 1st B. 3rd C. 2nd C
4. The human body is comfortable at normal temperatures. When the relative humidity is?
A. 60-80% B. 40-60% C. 20-30% B
5. Which statement is correct about conditional waypoint?
A. they are event defined by geographically fix position, by radial and distance
B. there are four type passing through altitude radial DME dist intercept course
C. they can be entered manually by the flight crew B
6. Roll out mode become armed
A. when the glide slope is captured
B. when the second auto pilot switch is pushed + C. when aircraft pass 1500ft radio altitude C
7. Provisional or modified route are displayed as A. a solid white line B. a dashed white line C. a dashed magenta line
176.Clear Air Turbulence can occur in windily different eirurmstunces, but there are some features, which generally hold true, which of the following is generally true?
A. If CAT is encountering a 1000’ altitude change is likely to be sufficient to leave the CAT area.
B. There will probably bca jet stream in the vicinity if CAT is encountered.
C.CAT occurs more frequently over the water than land. B
177.where do the maximum winds associated with the jet stream usually?
A. Below the jet core where a long straight stretch of the jet stream is located
B. In the vicinity of breaks in the troposphere on the polar side the jet cone.
C. on the equatorial side of the jet-stream where moisture has formed airriform clouds. B
178.when holding at an NDB at what paiont should the timing begin fir the second leg ovtba
A.abeam the holding fix or when the wings are level after completing the turn to the outbound heading whichever….
B.At the end of al-minute standard rate turn after station passion C.When abeam the holding fix A
179.what action is recommended when encountering turbulence due to a wind shift associated with a sharp pressure trough? A. Climb or descend to a smother level B. Establish a course across the trough.
C. Increase speed to get out of the trough as soon as possible. B
180.the high of the lowest cloud in the report was?(BKN080) A. 1000FL Agl B. 800FL Agl C. 8000FL Agl C
181.When holding at an NDB at what point should the timing begin for the second leg contain
A. Abeam the holding fix or when the wings are level after completing the turn to the outbound heading whichever… (illus first)
B. At the end of al-minute standard rate turn after station passage
C. When abeam the holding fix A

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- 181