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PETS三级写作常为160-200个词左右的短文,文章难易程度适中,对于文章的文体,语言等要求较高,考生在写作时,要注意审请题目,抓住作文题目的核心重点,围绕着题目展开写作,考生在组织文章时要注意思路清晰,语言准确,句子完整,避免出现语法错误,另外,在写作,要尽量运用连词,如However,Nevertheless等,还要尽量运用谚语,如Every coin has two sides, More practice,more benefit,这样会增加作文的写作色彩,从而提高作文的得分。




①在段首就必须提出问题和作者的观点,使读者明确你的立场;②充分运用逻辑推理来说明自己的观点,以理服人; ③说明材料(或论据)必须真实可靠,有说服力;④驳斥他人观点时,应首先承认自己的观点可能会有人反对,然后再去批驳他人的观点,这样才容易获取他人的信任,使自己的观点更加真实可靠、有说服力; ⑤结尾句进一步明白无误地阐述自己的观点,赢得读者的赞同。

下面以一篇习作《如何解决交通拥挤问题》来看看这种文章的写法。 ①为解决城市交通拥挤,有人建议建造更多的道路。②有的人则建议开辟更多的公共汽车线路。③我的建议。

How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic?

With population rapidly increasing,heavy traffic has become a big headache for many cities. For this very reason,many government officials and experts have

thought up some solutions,among which two draw much attention the country over.

Some people suggest that more and wider roads

should be laid down. It is evident that it can relieve the traffic congestion in the streets,thus accelerating the flow of buses and cars. And meanwhile, the fast and smooth flow of traffic reduces the air pollution caused by engine-idling. But the disadvantage of this solution lies in the fact that too much land that



could be used for farming or housing will inevitably

be occupied by more and more roads. Therefore,others hold that the number of public bus routes should be raised so that more people can be transported and fewer people will have to travel in their own cars or ride bikes. Less use of bicycles and private cars will make the roads less crowded. Unfortunately,there is also a

drawback in this solution; it will bring inconvenience to those who live or work far away from bus stops. As neither of the two solutions is effective

enough to solve the problem of heavy traffic in

cities,I favor a combination of the two. While building more roads in places where land is less useful,we

should increase the number of public bus lines. Only in this way can we more efficiently solve the problem of

heavy traffic.

【译文】 如何解决交通拥挤的问题








There is no denying the fact that is a popular topic which is much talked about not only by but also by .The reasons for are as follows. To begin with, .Secondly .Therefore we should attach

significance to solving this problem. There are,I think,at least two possible ways to copy with it.

The first way to tackle it is to appeal to

authorities to take measures to .The other way that is worth adopting is to work out new regulations

to .Only in this way,can we succeed in solving the problem in the near future.

To conclude,it is seems obvious that .So the

prospect we are looking forward to will be bright and encouraging.


It’s generally believed that is a hot topic

which is widely talked about both at home and abroad. Now our government attaches great importance to solving this problem. Scientists in the filed have put forward a number of suggestions tending to relieve it. To begin with, we should .Further more, .It’s clear that . People,however,differ in opinions on this matter. Some think that .According to them,we should

.Others argue that .In their opinion,nobody can ,without .There is no doubt that .As a consequence . In short,I firmly support the view that .It’s because .So my conclusion is that .


As is show in the table(in the picture)

dropped(increased) from in 1944to in 1996.According to figures given in the table, has greatly increased(decreased).From the table,we can also see that



there has been a sharp decline(rise)in .It’s clear that .

There are at least two good reasons. For on the one hand .Let’s have an example to illustrate the

great increase in .On the other hand is due to the fact that .In addition, is responsible for .Maybe there are some other reasons to show .But it’s

generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly acceptable.

As far as I’m concerned,O believed that I’m sure my opinion is both sound and well grounded.




①青春是什么? ②对于不同年龄的人,青春又意味着什么? ③就大学生而言,青春是……

On Youth

In the case of college students,youth is just the same as a race in which knowledge competes

against time for their sake. During the course of this competition,most students try and invest as much time as possible in the ocean of knowledge,while some yield up the pursuit of knowledge to the enjoyment of

pleasures that time offers. It has al-ready been proved that economy of knowledge will feature the century to come,which is a direct challenge to the college

students,masters of the new century. If a student

realizes the challenge as well as the fact that

anyone has youth but once,he or she will never let youth down and help knowledge always hold the lead in the race against time.



【译文】 青春





An Unforgettable Test

Last Sunday,I took the GRE. It was the longest test I had ever taken. I entered the examination room at eight o’clock and did not come out until twelve. For the first hour I sat there waiting anxiously for the proctor to give out the paper. Then the exam

officially began. I saw nothing but the test paper. How time flew. I did one section after another. The test was over without my knowing it.

Earlier I had taken many tests,yet at no test did I feel time so limited as this one. Usually there is plenty of time for me to go over what I have written when I finish the test. I would sit there waiting restlessly for the test to be over.

But this time,it took me over twenty minutes to have finished the two sections on math at a much slower speed than usual. God bless me. I wish I had been careful enough this time.

At noon,someone came over to talk with me about the test,which put me in doubt of whether or not I had put the number of my test certificate right on the answer sheet. I was sure I filled in the number,



but I did not remember whether or not I had circled the corresponding number under it.

However,maybe all of my efforts are not made in vain. It would be terrible if I got no grades after working so hard.

【译文】 难忘的考试


以前,从没有哪次考试像这次一样时间扣得如此的紧。通常,我都是较快做完,并用大量时间复查,坐在那儿等时间过去,等得很着急。 这次考试,仅数学的两个部分,我就花了20多分钟,大大慢于平时练习的速度。老天保佑,但愿我这次够细心!

今天中午,来了个人与我聊起考试的事情,结果使我怀疑起我是否 把准考证号码正确地填在答题纸上。填肯定是填过的,可是我记不清是否划过圈了。








It is autumn. The sky is clear and cloudless. The summer heat is gone. The autumn wind brings us cool. At once the version comes to my mind,“Autumn is rich

with fruit and grain.” Actually I see pomegranates red



and round on the stall in the market and the pears big,yellow and juicy. My mouth waters for them. The grains have been harvested,the rice,wheat and corn. The laurel trees give off fragrance. The perfume makes its way straight into my nose. The bright red canna are standing behind rows of tall plane trees. I am waiting for their leaves to turn yellow. Then I can trample on the fallen leaves on both sides of the ground.

At times the autumn rain keeps falling silently on the trees and flowers and the ground. It washes everything clean. When the sun comes out,the droplets shine bright on the yellow leaves.

What a beautiful painting! Autumn is the season for harvest; no pains,no gains. I must study hard so tat I can have a big harvest in all my subjects.

【译文】 秋 天

已是秋天了,天空晴朗,万里无云,夏热已逝,秋风送爽。我顿时想起秋天是收获的季节。市场上已可见到红红的石榴和黄橙橙而又多汁的大梨,实在今人垂涎。此时,稻子、小麦和谷子等庄稼也已开镰收割。 桂花吐香,芬芳扑鼻;在一排排高大的梧桐树后是鲜红的美人蕉。我在等待树叶变黄,然后踩着满地的落叶。





1.When asked about……the vast(overwhelming majority of most /many/quite a few)people say

(think/believe/answer)that…But other people

regard/view/see/think of…as…(I think/view quite/a bit differently).



2.When it comes to…,some people think(believe)that…Other argue(claim)that the opposite(reverse)is true. There is probably some truth in both arguments(statements),but…

3.There is a public(general/much)debate

(discussion/controversy) today(nowadays)on(about/over/as to)the problem(issue)of…Those who criticize

(oppose/object to)…contend(argue)that…They believe that…But people who advocate(favor)…,on the other hand,maintain/assert that…

4.Now,it is commonly(generally/widely)believed

(thought/held/accepted/felt/recognized/acknowledged)that…They claim(believe/argue)that…But I wonder(doubt)


5.To the general public(To most people/In the

popular mind/In most people’s opinion),…But despite(in spite of/for all)…,I believe (one should)…

6.Now a lot of(the majority of/many/most)people believe (think/feel)that…But although(Admittedly,)…,there is no(little)evidence(it is questioned/doubted)that…

7.…In reaction(response/answer)to the event

(phenomenon/idea/ question),some people say(think)…But do they realize…?

8.…is a popular(widespread/common)method(way)

of…,but is it a fair(wise/reasonable)one? The(Its)method(way/value/wisdom)is now being questioned

(challenged)by more and more people.

9.These days we often hear about…They claim

(argue/say)that …But has(is)it? Close examination

(analysis/scrutiny)doesn’t bear out the claim


10.We are often shown(told)these days that…But is this really the case?




11.arisen(loomed up/cropped up as controversial/as noteworthy/more distinctly for settlement).

12.Recently the issue(problem/question)of…has been in the limelight(brought into focus/brought to public attention/posed among the general public)

13.In recent(the past)5years,many cities

(nations/people)have①been faced(plagued/troubled with)②experienced(witnessed/under-gone)the〔a(n)〕serious problem of(acute shortage of/alarming in-crease in).

14.One of the searching burning/pressing/interesting)questions (problems)facing(confronting)our nation

(society/world)today is…

15.One of the biggest issues(hottest topics/most popular things/most serious problems)many people talk(complain)about now is…

16.Now(Perhaps)most dangerous(undesirable/harmful)for our nation(society/world/college)is the trend

(tendency/phenomenon)of…which is apparent

(obvious/evident/pervasive/rampant/under way) in…

17.Inflation(Corruption/Social inequality)is yet another of the new and bitter truths we have to learn to face now(constantly).

18.A(n)virtual epidemic(acute shortage/serious campaign)of…is now under way in this country

(society).According to a recent(new)study(poll/survey).

19.Here and there(In city after city/At offices and plants)across the country(land),a(n)growing(increasing/surprising/significant)

20.With the rapid(marked/amazing)①development

(improvement/expansion)of②increase(growth/decline in)… With the general(growing/common)①recognition

(realization/acknowledgement of)②commitment

(devotion/dedication)to ③interest in(concern

over/enthusiasm for)…



With…playing an increasingly big role in(attaching much importance to)…more and more.

21.Nowadays(Currently/Recently)there is a ①

growing/commonly tendency to/in/that ②general/deep-seated belief in/that

③general/uneasy feeling of/against/that ④

growing/nation-wide recognition of/that ⑤growing/general awareness of/that ⑥deep/serious concern over/for/that ⑦deep/keen interest in ⑧growing/great demand for

⑨growing/great enthusiasm for/among sb.

22.In recent few years(the past few decades)there is(has been)a ①sharp(marked/sudden/dramatic

increase/growth/rise/decline in) ②astonishing

(increasing/sizable number/percentage/proportion/population of)…

According to a(n)recent(new/official)study

(survey/report/ poll)…

23.Any visitor to this city(country)…would almost inevitably ①deduce(draw his conclusion) ②be surprised(struck/impressed)by the fact…

24.Whenever you see(find)…,you cannot help being struck(surprised/astonished/disappointed/impressed)by(at)…


25.①Nothing(Few things) ②No idea



than(as)…(which is widely(commonly/generally)held


26.Never(Nowhere)in history(the world/China)has

the issue (change/idea)of…been more(as)visible

(evident/popular)than(as)… 27.It is about(high)time we exploded(shattered/freed ourselves from)the myth




28.Perhaps(Maybe)we should(it is time to)rethink(reexamine/have a fresh look at)the idea(value/attitude wisdom/desirability)that …

29.Now people in growing(increasing/significant)

numbers are beginning(coming)to realize(recognize understand/accept/be aware)that…

30.Now①there is a growing awareness/recognition on the part of people②people become increasingly

aware/conscious of the need (necessity/importance)to(of)…

31.①We might marvel at②In spite of(Despite)the great(giant/extraordinary/tremendous)progress

stride/advance)made in science and technology(nearly every field),(but)…remain basically un-changed(the same as it was/as…as ever they were).


32.One of the great early men

(writers/philosophers/scientists)said(wrote/remarked)that…If this is true(the case),then the present

(current)view(value/attitude/situation)should make us wonder whether (ponder over)…

33.①“Knowledge is power” ②“Awareness of

ignorance is the beginning of wisdom”③“Familiar notions are often those least examined”④“Mutual ignorance breeds mutual distrust”

⑤“Genius is2percent inspiration and98percent

perspiration” Such is the opinion of(remark made by)Bacon(Edison One of the great men).This view(remark)has been shared(confirmed)now(time and again)by more and more people(many historical events)。

34.“…”That’s how one college student


(commented/complained/criticized)…He/She is hardly alone in the experience(Many people have shared the

experience like this).



35.“…”The same idea(complaint/attitude)is voiced(echoed/shared)by…

36.“…”How often we hear(We are used to

hearing/Many people have heard)(such)statement



37.For years(Until recently)…had been(was)seen(viewed/regarded)as…But that is changing now(people are taking a fresh look at it).With the growing

(mounting)demand for(interest in/concern over)…,


38.People used to think(It was once thought)

that…In the past (old days)…But things are quite different(few people now share this view)

39.Several years(decades)ago,people…Now(Today),…Why to people…(has such change taken place)?

40.After a good many years of efforts to

(enthusiasm for)…,people begin to…

41.It is a traditional way(custom/practice)to…But now the pendulum has swung to another direction(in the opposite direction/the other way)

42.In recent years,there is a steady there is a①steady(subtle/significant shift of)…②general

(growing/healthy tendency to)…③upward

(welcome/undesirable trend toward)…

According to a poll(study/survey),there is X

percent of…,compared with Y percent last year. Why…?


st Sunday(The other day/Some months ago),I(a friend of mine)…The story(case/incident)is not rare/(unusual),it is one(typical)of thousands of…

44.Once in a hospital(street/newspaper),I saw

(read of/learnt)…The problem(phenomenon/plight)of…has drawn(aroused)public (nationwide/general)attention




45.I have a friend(A friend of mine)who…Should

(Can)he…? Such a choice(dilemma/problem)we often meet(face/confront)in our daily life.

46.Once upon a time there was(lived)a man…The tale(story)may be apocryphal(unbelievable),but it

still has a realistic significance(its underlying moral has continuing revelance)now(today).


47.Should(What)…?Opinions of(Attitudes toward)…vary widely/greatly(from person to person).Some think of(regard/view)…as …Others argue(believe/claim)…

48.How do you(What do you/Do you ever)think of…?How do you(What do you/Do you ever)see…?In answer(reply)to these questions,we must…

49.“Why do(have)…?”Many people often ask(pose)

the question like this.



50.From what has been discussed above(Taking into account all these factors/Judging from all evidence offered),we may safely(reasonably)arrive at(come to/reach/draw)the conclusion(moral)that…

51.The evidence upon all sides(analysis we have made/reasons we have advanced)supports

(justifies/confirm/ms/points to/leads to)a (n)unshakable(unmistakable/sound/just)conclusion(idea/view)that …

52.In summary(conclusion/a word),it is more

important/valuable(we should/must)…


53.We must search(look/call/cry)for a(n)immediate(quick)action(method/measure),because the present

(current)situation(tendency/phenomenon/state/attitude)of,permitted(allowed)to continue(proceed),will surely



(certainly)lead to(result in)the end(destruction/heavy cost)of

54.Obviously(Clearly/No doubt). ①if we can’t

change/control/improve the situation,②if we ignore/are blind to/fail in the problem,③unless there is a(n)

immediate action/common realization of/general commitment to/radical change in,there is every chance(the chances are good/it is very likely)that…will be put in danger(jeopardy).

55.Any person(nation/society)who(which)ignores(is blind to/fails to learn)the lesson(warning)would pay a heavy price(come to no good end/end in


56.We need to①take a fresh(clear/second/clear-eyed look at)②examine(grasp/sense/size up)the problem

(matter/situation)①from a wider standpoint,②more

broadly(seriously),③in a new perspective(an optimistic light),otherwise,we won’t come anywhere near under-standing (achieving/making a real dent)…


57.It might be time to heed(take)the warning

(advice)of…and to put(place)great

(special/considerable)emphasis(premiums)on the


58.It is time that we put(urged)an immediate end to the deplorable(undesirable/deep-seated/unhealthy)


59.It is necessary(essential/important)that


should be taken to end(correct/fight)the situation


60.There is no doubt(denying)that special

(adequate/consider-able/immediate/further)attention must be paid(called/devoted)to the problem(shortage/development)of…



61.Obviously(Clearly),…If we are(want)to…it is vital(important/essential)that…


62.It is hoped(suggested)that great

(considerable/concerted/persistent/sustained)efforts should be①made/exerted/bent to attain/achieve the goal(expended on/directed to/focused on the endeavor/attempt)

63.In Short(any case),we(it)should(must/ought to)…;we(it)should(must/ought to)…

64.We need to(What we need is)…;we need to

(what we need is)…

65.It is high time(necessary)that…Here are a few examples of some of the things(measures)that might be done(taken)immediately.

66.While(Although)it cannot be solved immediately

(is affected by many factors/is simpler to say than to do),still there are ways. The most

common/important/popular)is…Another way(method)is…Still another one is…


problem is the first step toward(easier than

providing)the solution.


68.Many solutions(explanations/methods)are being offered here, all of them make some sense(has some validity),but none is very pleasant(adequate

enough/quite satisfactory/to our satisfaction),the problem(issue/effects/causes)should be examined

(studied/approached/recognized)in a wider context(a new way/depth)

69.There is no easy/logical/quick/immediate/effective)method (solution/approach/answer/remedy)to the problem(question/issue)of …,but…might be useful




70.No easy(new/effective/quick/instant)method

(solution/remedy/recipe)is(can be)in sight(at

hand/found/guaranteed)to solve(re-solve/tackle/at

tack)the problem of…But the common(general/public)

recognition(awareness of/commitment to)the necessity

(importance/significance)of…might be the first step

toward the change of…(on the right way/in the right direction)

71.One’s(Our)first reaction to such suggestions

(solutions)is one of surprise(astonishment).But

surprise(astonishment)at the suggestion(solution)itself suggests a starting place.

72.What will happen to/become of…?(How much

change will take place,/Whether it is likely of

not,)we don’t yet know for certain (no one can say exactly/precisely/nobody really knows)what…,but one

thing is certain/clear(the direction is clear)

73.To check(reverse/control)the trend(tendency)is not a(n)light (easy)task(job,)and it requires


attitude(state of mind/outlook/point of view)./a good (keen/deep)awareness(understanding/perspective)of…

74.It is clear(obvious/evident/apparent/no

surprising),there-fore, that the task of…demands



75.We have done…But we will achieve

(accomplish/contribute)more if we proceed(continue)to…

76.To be sure(True),there may be questions

(problems/difficulties)we cannot answer(solve/overcome),but if we.

77.The great challenge(urgent problem/great

frontier)today is…There is much difficulty(to do),but…



78.We may have a long way(road)to go(travel)before we reach the final goal(destination).But once we are on the way(road),the chance to reach it is greater.

79.There is no better time to act(start)than right now,for you will never be offered a greater chance(opportunity)than you are at this moment.

80.It remains to be seen whether…,but the

prospect(picture/outlook)is not quite encouraging(that rosy)./seems to be quite bleak (of even worse to come).


81.Following these methods(suggestions)may not

guarantee the success/solution(solve/change/substitute for)…but the pay-off might be worth the effort. It will help(benefit/contribute)…;it will help


82.Certainly(Admittedly/To be sure),…,but it will(has)…;it will(has)…

83.The importance(significance)of…cannot be

overvalued(over-stressed/overemphasized).It will(can)…;it will(can)…

84.Anyhow(after all)it has a far-reaching

(profound/significant)influence,for it represents

(symbolizes/stands for)a sharp break with(radical departure from)the traditional(conventional)pattern (attitude/notion)of…

85.To participate in(observe…)is an instructive(educational/re-warding)experience(activity)that no one should be allowed to miss. The valuable

(essential/real/precious)lesson(moral)to be learned (drawn)is not…,but is…

86.We are now entering(find ourselves now living in)a new (changed/altered)era(world)which requires(calls for)…



87.Anyway(Anyhow/In any case),whether it does us

good or harm(is good or not/is positive or

negative),it (one thing)is certain that it will



88.Edison(Bacon)is correct(right)in remarking


89.A long time(Many years)ago,a great man



90.If we consider…,is it(this/there)…?

91.…Can anyone really doubt(Can’t we be

surprised/Why can’t we question)that…?



92.There are probably many(several/three/a number

of/a variety of)reasons(causes)for this dramatic


(decline/growth/change)in…First…Second…Finally …

93.Why have(did/are)…?For one thing(One reason

is)…For an-other(Another reason is)…Perhaps the main(primary/fundamental/most important)reason is…

94.It is no easy(simple)job(task/matter)to offer

(identify/advance)the reasons for this phenomenon

(tendency/change)which involves several(many)complicated factors. For some…For others…

95.It is fairly easy(You don’t have to look very

far)to find out(identify)the reason that(why)…

96.The answer to(explanation for)this problem

(phenomenon)involves many(several)complex

(complicated/interrelated)factors(reasons).For one

thing(Some),…For another(Others),…Still another (Still others)…



97.The reasons(causes)for…,perhaps(probably/I suggest),are varied(complicated/profound/many).They include(lie in the fact)…Perhaps the main reason(cause)is…

98.Thanks to(Owing to/Due to/Because of/As a

result of)

99.The increase(decline/change/success/failure)mainly stems/results/arises/comes from(①is chiefly caused

by/because of/born of ②is largely due/owing/attributable to)the fact…(several factors).

100.in part(partly)because…in part(partly)


101…not(not only/not so much)because…,but


102…not(not only/not so much)come

(arise/derive/stem/spring)from…,but(also/as)from… 103.One may attribute(ascribe/owe)the increase(decrease/change)to…

104.One tends to view(see/regard/think of)the trend(increase/success/change)as a result of(sign of/response to)…

105.One may trace this trend(problem/phenomenon)

back to…

106.That’s the reason why(This can account for)… 107.A number of factors could account for

(contribute to/lead to/ result in)the change


108.A number(multitude)of factors,both physical and psycho-logical(inherited and environmental/inpidual and social/academic and professional)affect

(influence/contribute to)…

109.These factors,coupled with the growth

(change/recognition/realization )of…lead to(contribute to/result in/help)…

110.Many(Various/Several)factors weigh(affect)heavily(greatly)for(against/in favor of)…

