
更新时间:2024-06-04 04:48:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




propaganda panda agenda soda idea plea pea area sea tea sofa

encyclopedia pneumonia cafeteria inertia via

umbrella formula peninsula drama panorama cinema dilemma diploma banana china antenna zebra era camera opera orchestra extra visa data quota cab lab crab grab stab ebb web rib bulb lamb limb climb bomb comb tomb dumb thumb numb job mob knob rob sob herb superb verb adverb absorb

suburb curb disturb club pub rub tub mosaic traffic specific terrific scientific magic tragic logic graphic public republic Catholic garlic dynamic academic epidemic comic economic cosmic organic mechanic panic picnic ethnic clinic chronic electronic supersonic heroic tropic topic fabric historic electric metric eccentric basic intrinsic classic music dramatic systematic diplomatic automatic democratic static tactic energetic pathetic sympathetic synthetic aesthetic arithmetic genetic magnetic critic gigantic romantic authentic patriotic exotic sarcastic enthusiastic elastic plastic drastic fantastic domestic realistic pessimistic optimistic characteristic artistic linguistic analytic toxic zinc disc bad dead head ahead forehead overhead lead plead mislead read bread dread thread spread

widespread instead lad salad glad mad load unload road broad abroad railroad pad sad add odd bed embed advanced provided succeed proceed exceed deed indeed feed bleed need speed reed breed

- 1 -

seed weed wretched shed married naked wicked so-called skilled ashamed accustomed learned red

infrared sacred hundred tired hatred used

complicated sophisticated situated unexpected limited beloved aid maid raid afraid bid forbid acid splendid rigid kid lid valid invalid solid amid pyramid timid humid void avoid rapid stupid rid fluid liquid vivid bald field shield yield

weld child mild build wild old bold cold scold

fold unfold gold hold

household withhold uphold threshold world could should mould would and band husband hand

beforehand shorthand land highland inland mainland island demand command expand brand grand sand thousand stand withstand understand misunderstand end bend ascend descend transcend dividend defend offend legend

comprehend friend weekend lend blend mend amend commend recommend depend spend suspend expend trend send tend pretend intend contend attend extend


bind find behind kind mankind blind mind remind grind wind bond second fond diamond pond respond correspond beyond fund refund bound abound found profound hound pound compound round around ground

background underground playground surround sound wound god method period nod food good

childhood likelihood neighborhood blood flood mood wood rod card discard postcard standard beard regard disregard hard orchard board aboard blackboard cupboard keyboard guard

safeguard ward award reward steward backward awkward inward downward coward toward upward afterward forward

straightforward outward yard

courtyard hazard herd shepherd bird weird third cord accord record afford lord landlord word sword absurd applaud fraud bud mud loud aloud cloud proud shrewd crowd be bribe subscribe describe prescribe tribe globe robe

wardrobe probe cube tube maybe peace face preface interface surface lace palace necklace place

replace fireplace

commonplace displace menace furnace pace space

cyberspace race brace embrace grace disgrace trace niece piece

masterpiece ice

prejudice office suffice sacrifice police slice nice choice rejoice voice rice price practice notice justice juice vice advice device service twice

disturbance significance dance guidance attendance abundance

accordance chance enhance reliance alliance appliance balance

resemblance glance ambulance romance performance maintenance finance appearance tolerance ignorance entrance

- 2 -

endurance insurance assurance nuisance renaissance acquaintance acceptance importance substance distance resistance assistance instance advance allowance incidence coincidence confidence residence evidence

independence correspondence fence defence intelligence hence science conscience obedience audience convenience experience patience silence violence commence reference preference difference circumference inference conference interference occurrence absence presence essence sentence existence influence sequence consequence prince since convince province once ounce bounce denounce announce pronounce scarce fierce pierce commerce force enforce reinforce divorce source resource sauce deduce reduce induce produce reproduce introduce decade fade shade blade spade parade grade

centigrade upgrade comrade trade persuade evade invade recede precede concede abide decide suicide coincide hide glide collide slide ride bride pride stride side aside seaside beside preside alongside inside outside countryside tide guide divide provide wide

worldwide oxide code explode mode corrode episode preclude


include conclude exclude rude crude intrude longitude magnitude latitude gratitude altitude multitude attitude bee fee coffee refugee flee knee free agree degree three tree see foresee guarantee committee employee cafe safe life knife strife wife

housewife age

cabbage garbage cage bandage baggage luggage engage mortgage carriage marriage package village damage image manage page rage garage average beverage storage outrage courage encourage discourage envisage passage message

usage sausage heritage voltage advantage percentage shortage stage hostage postage cottage language savage wage voyage badge edge hedge pledge knowledge acknowledge wedge ridge bridge fridge lodge judge siege privilege allege college oblige prestige indulge change exchange range

orange arrange strange challenge revenge hinge fringe sponge plunge lounge charge discharge large enlarge merge submerge emerge verge forge urge surge gauge refuge huge he ache


catastrophe she the bathe breathe clothe die lie

underlie pie calorie tie movie bake cake fake shake lake make snake rake brake sake take

undertake overtake stake mistake earthquake wake awake hike like alike unlike dislike strike coke choke joke smoke poke stroke evoke provoke scale inhale whale male female pale sale tale stale able

probable cable

applicable formidable noticeable agreeable fable sociable liable reliable - 3 -

amiable variable remarkable available enable

fashionable reasonable capable comparable considerable preferable innumerable vulnerable miserable desirable honorable favorable durable disable advisable indispensable table vegetable profitable suitable inevitable notable

comfortable portable stable valuable invaluable pebble bubble feeble Bible edible incredible eligible negligible intelligible terrible horrible feasible visible invisible sensible responsible possible impossible plausible compatible susceptible flexible gamble scramble tremble resemble assemble humble tumble stumble noble marble soluble trouble miracle spectacle obstacle vehicle article particle uncle circle muscle cycle recycle bicycle cradle paddle saddle middle riddle huddle needle idle candle handle bundle noodle rifle trifle eagle giggle smuggle struggle angle triangle tangle rectangle mingle single jungle mobile reconcile file profile fragile while

worthwhilemeanwhile mile smile juvenile pile compile missile tile

versatile reptile fertile hostile futile textile exile tackle ankle sprinkle wrinkle twinkle


sparkle hole whole pole role sole console staple principle triple multiple ample sample example temple simple people apple cripple purple couple isle aisle subtle title entitle gentle startle

castle whistle battle cattle kettle settle little brittle bottle shuttle molecule schedule module rule capsule style dazzle puzzle me

madame fame game shame lame blame flame name nickname surname frame same tame scheme theme supreme extreme

regime crime prime time lifetime sometime meantime overtime pastime daytime gramme programme come become welcome income overcome outcome dome home syndrome some

handsome troublesome wholesome tiresome fume perfume volume resume presume consume assume costume hurricane lane plane aeroplane crane sane scene gene

intervene champagne cocaine combine turbine medicine dine fine define refine confine imagine engine machine shine sunshine line decline incline deadline headline guideline streamline gasoline discipline underline airline outline masculine mine famine examine undermine determine nine feminine heroine pine spine marine submarine routine genuine divine wine

magazine one bone someone phone telephone microphone alone clone none postpone throne prone tone stone anyone everyone zone ozone June immune tune fortune misfortune shoe canoe toe cape escape shape rape scrape grape tape recipe pipe ripe stripe wipe cope scope telescope microscope - 4 -

hope envelope slope pope rope grope type

stereotype prototype bare care scare dare fare welfare warfare share declare flare glare

nightmare prepare compare spare rare stare square aware hardware beware software acre

massacre sincere interfere here adhere sphere

hemisphere atmosphere there where

somewhere elsewhere nowhere anywhere everywhere mere severe persevere questionnairemillionaire fire hire admire repertoire empire aspire inspire expire desire tire satire retire entire

acquire require enquire wire ore bore core score adore fore before therefore shore ashore explore more

sophomore furthermore ignore

sore store restore bizarre metre

centimetre kilometre litre centre cure secure obscure procedure endure figure brochure injure lure failure pure sure pleasure measure treasure leisure ensure insure enclosure exposure assure reassure pressure feature creature miniature mature nature signature temperature literature manufacturefracture lecture

architecture picture



infrastructure expenditure furniture culture agriculture venture adventure capture sculpture departure torture nurture pasture gesture moisture posture future texture fixture mixture base database case

briefcase staircase ease cease lease release please decrease increase grease disease tease chase purchase phase erase phrase vase cheese these raise praise precise concise exercise

merchandise apologise realise premise promise compromise noise despise rise arise sunrise comprise enterprise surprise practise expertise

advertise disguise bruise cruise advise devise revise supervise wise likewise clockwise otherwise false else pulse impulse license dense condense immense expense sense nonsense tense intense response dose hose those whose lose close enclose disclose nose diagnose goose choose loose pose impose compose propose oppose suppose purpose dispose expose rose prose lapse elapse collapse eclipse glimpse coarse immerse disperse verse adverse reverse diverse universe inverse horse worse curse nurse course

intercourse discourse purse use cause because clause applause pause abuse accuse excuse fuse refuse diffuse confuse amuse house

warehouse greenhouse blouse mouse spouse rouse arouse browse analyse debate dedicate indicate certificate delicate complicate duplicate communicate fabricate lubricate intricate locate allocate advocate educate date

up-to-date candidate consolidate intimidate accommodate update permeate create fate gate delegate segregate irrigate investigate hate

appreciate associate radiate

- 5 -

immediate intermediate affiliate humiliate appropriate initiate

differentiate negotiate deviate alleviate

skate late escalate relate correlate assimilate ventilate chocolate violate desolate isolate plate

contemplate translate speculate articulate calculate circulate regulate simulate stimulate formulate accumulate manipulate insulate

congratulate mate climate legitimate ultimate intimate estimate

underestimate approximate classmate senate designate fascinate subordinate coordinate coordinate originate contaminate eliminate discriminate dominate nominate terminate illuminate assassinate donate alternate fortunate anticipate

participate dissipate rate separate celebrate vibrate

carbohydrate liberate deliberate considerate moderate exaggerate accelerate tolerate generate degenerate operate cooperate desperate illiterate integrate migrate emigrate pirate elaborate collaborate decorate deteriorate commemorate evaporate incorporate doctorate penetrate concentrate magistrate demonstrate illustrate frustrate accurate saturate compensate dictate meditate agitate facilitate imitate irritate hesitate necessitate rotate state estate evacuate graduate

undergraduate evaluate adequate fluctuate aggravate elevate private activate cultivate motivate renovate


delete athlete obsolete complete compete concrete bite cite recite excite white kite elite satellite polite ignite finite definite infinite unite spite despite favorite write site

parasite exquisite composite opposite appetite quite suite invite anecdote remote promote note denote quote vote devote haste paste taste waste cassette tribute contributedistribute attribute acute prosecute persecute execute refute parachute salute dilute pollute absolute resolute mute commute minute route

compute dispute statute substitute institute constitute cue

barbecue rescue due queue league colleague plague vague intrigue fatigue tongue analogue argue value blue clue glue avenue revenue continue opaque cheque technique unique antique true sue pursue issue tissue statue virtue cave heave leave weave have behave shave slave pave brave grave save wave eve sleeve achieve believe relieve grieve retrieve naive dive deceive receive conceive perceive

five give forgive live alive drive derive thrive deprive arrive contrive strive cohesive decisive offensive

comprehensive expensive intensive extensive explosive massive passive successive excessive aggressive progressive impressive inclusive exclusive indicative creative negative initiative relative native

imaginative alternative comparative imperative cooperative narrative qualitative quantitative representative tentative conservative active

radioactive attractive effective objective subjective adjective collective respective irrespective prospective perspective detective productive destructive primitive cognitive sensitive

- 6 -

positive competitive incentive motive locomotive captive consecutive executive revive survive valve twelve solve resolve dissolve evolve revolve involve above dove shove love glove move remove prove improve approve stove carve starve nerve serve observe deserve reserve preserve curve we awe owe axe dye eye gaze blaze amaze graze sneeze breeze freeze squeeze criticize seize

sympathize specialize industrialize generalize mobilize utilize civilize minimize organize recognize summarize characterize prize size

emphasize bronze doze paralyze deaf leaf loaf beef chef chief

handkerchief mischief thief belief relief brief grief staff cliff sniff tariff stiff off layoff puff stuff if half behalf shelf self oneself himself herself yourself itself myself golf wolf gulf of roof proof

waterproof scarf dwarf bag lag flag rag drag tag zigzag beg leg egg big dig pig bang gang hang


heading leading reading wedding preceding proceeding building

notwithstanding understanding outstanding ending finding

corresponding regarding being

sightseeing thing

something clothing nothing anything everything king stocking striking cling feeling fling ceiling spelling dwelling shilling willing darling bowling

overwhelming forthcoming shortcoming meaning opening evening training beginning cunning

air-conditioning learning concerning morning lightning ring bearing hearing bring

engineering spring offspring string

during sing

promising missing housing meeting greeting

exciting writing

handwriting painting sting

interesting setting fitting outing saving

Thanksgiving living wing drawing owing following swing

underlying long along belong prolong among strong wrong song lung young dog fog jog log dialog catalog smog frog bug hug jug plug mug rug drug shrug tug each beach peach reach breach preach teach stomach coach reproach approach detach attach speech which rich enrich sandwich branch bench trench wrench quench inch pinch launch bunch lunch punch epoch arch search research march March monarch porch torch church batch catch hatch match snatch patch despatch scratch watch watch fetch sketch stretch ditch pitch stitch witch switch clutch much couch touch such weigh high thigh sigh laugh cough though although plough enough rough through thorough tough graph

paragraph telegraph triumph ash cash dash lash clash - 7 -

flash splash smash rash crash trash wash flesh fresh refresh rubbish dish fish selfish establish publish relish abolish foolish polish

accomplish vanish finish diminish astonish furnish punish cherish perish flourish nourish anguish distinguish extinguish wish harsh bush blush flush push rush brush crush bath death beneath underneath breath wreath oath path breadth width length strength faith with health wealth

commonwealth warmth month both cloth booth

smooth tooth depth earth birth forth

henceforth north worth mouth south youth truth growth myth I hi ski taxi leak bleak sneak peak speak break outbreak steak weak oak cloak soak back feedback paperback setback drawback hijack lack black slack snack pack rack crack track sack stack attack

deck neck wreck thick kick lick click pick brick prick trick sick tick stick quick cock


dock shock lock block clock o'clock flock mock knock rock sock stock duck luck truck suck tuck cheek seek week chalk talk stalk walk milk silk folk bulk bank thank blank rank frank tank ink think link pink drink shrink sink wink junk drunk trunk book

handbook notebook textbook cook hook look overlook outlook brook bark embark dark shark mark

trademark remark park spark clerk

fork pork work

framework homework housework network ask mask task desk risk brisk dusk hawk global verbal radical medical periodical logical

physiological chemical economical mechanical technical tropical typical numerical hysterical empirical historical electrical classical musical physical

mathematical practical theoretical political critical identical skeptical optical vertical statistical local

reciprocal vocal medal pedal scandal feudal conceal deal ideal heal meal appeal real cereal seal steal reveal zeal legal illegal racial special judicial beneficial official artificial superficial financial social

commercial crucial dial cordial denial colonial aerial imperial serial material memorial editorial trial

industrial controversial initial

substantial credential confidential essential potential influential partial trivial decimal animal mammal thermal formal normal abnormal canal signal cardinal final original marginal criminal nominal terminal occasional professional national

international rational operational additional conventional exceptional optional personal eternal internal external

- 8 -

journal coal goal

municipal principal appal cathedral liberal federal general mineral funeral lateral several integral spiral oral moral central neutral aural plural rural natural appraisal proposal disposal rehearsal universal refusal fatal metal digital capital hospital marital vital dental accidental

oriental mental

fundamental experimental instrumental horizontal total mortal crystal brutal gradual individual manual continual annual equal casual visual usual unusual actual

intellectual punctual perpetual ritual

spiritual virtual mutual naval medieval rival arrival festival survival oval removal approval interval loyal royal label rebel cancel parcel excel model feel heel wheel kneel peel reel steel angel nickel parallel camel panel channel personnel tunnel colonel repel compel propel expel barrel quarrel squirrel counsel vessel hotel motel fuel cruel travel level novel jewel bowel towel vowel fail hail mail e-mail blackmail nail pail rail


trail sail tail detail retail entail avail prevail pencil council veil oil boil coil spoil soil pupil April fossil until evil devil civil all ball baseball basketball football volleyball call recall fall

waterfall hall shall small overall tall stall install wall bell cell fell hell shell smell spell sell tell well dwell farewell swell yell ill bill fill fulfill hill chill kill skill mill pill

spill drill thrill till still distill will doll poll roll enroll stroll toll bull dull full skull pull gaol symbol alcohol cool fool school pool tool stool wool patrol petrol control pistol pearl girl whirl curl hurl haul handful peaceful graceful hopeful careful useful grateful faithful plentiful beautiful skillful painful helpful fearful wonderful powerful successful thoughtful fruitful awful foul soul crawl owl bowl howl dam

beam cream ice-cream scream dream stream seam team steam ham sham jam slam foam diagram telegram tram exam deem seem esteem them problem poem item stem system paradigm rhythm aim

claim acclaim reclaim proclaim exclaim dim him skim slim rim brim interim grim pilgrim trim victim swim calm realm palm

overwhelm film freedom kingdom seldom random wisdom whom idiom boom doom loom bloom room

- 9 -

living-room broom mushroom bathroom classroom zoom from bosom blossom atom symptom custom bottom arm farm harm charm alarm warm swarm germ term firm affirm confirm dorm form reform uniform inform conform perform transform platform norm storm

snowstorm worm

enthusiasm criticism socialism capitalism organism mechanism communism album petroleum museum gum hum calcium stadium medium premium bacterium auditorium gymnasium symposium slum

curriculum pendulum minimum optimum maximum aluminum drum forum spectrum sum

momentum vacuum ban urban can

republican scan bean ocean dean lean clean mean fan slogan organ orphan than

technician electrician musician physician politician civilian librarian vegetarian historian pedestrian Christian plan man

policeman gentleman fireman woman fisherman chairman spokesman salesman statesman sportsman postman human layman loan moan groan pan span veteran tan

metropolitan van swan sudden maiden golden wooden garden harden burden


keen screen green nineteen fifteen eighteen canteen thirteen fourteen queen between hydrogen nitrogen oxygen hen kitchen then

strengthen when alien waken chicken token specimen abdomen linen pen open happen siren barren loosen ten

threaten often heighten enlighten frighten

kindergarten fasten listen rotten heaven even eleven seven oven citizen dozen campaign reign sovereign foreign benign sign design resign assign in gain again bargain chain porcelain plain

complain explain main remain domain pain rain brain drain refrain grain train strain restrain constrain obtain detain retain maintain contain fountain

mountain captain certain ascertain entertain curtain stain sustain attain vain bin cabin rein protein vein begin origin margin virgin chin thin within kin napkin skin violin vitamin coin join adjoin heroin pin spin grin sin basin cousin tin Latin bulletin ruin win twin

damn condemn solemn column autumn inn on ribbon carbon bacon silicon abandon pardon pigeon surgeon dragon wagon jargon suspicion region religion fashion cushion lion

rebellion billion million companion opinion onion union champion criterion occasion persuasion invasion decision precision collision vision division provision expansion

comprehension dimension pension tension extension explosion erosion version diversion conversion excursion passion compassion succession concession procession profession repression impression expression session obsession - 10 -

possession mission admission commission permission transmission confusion conclusion illusion vacation indication specification qualification classification identification publication implication complication application communication location vocation education foundation

accommodationrecreation obligation navigation pronunciation association variation aviation relation revelation inflation installation legislation translation regulation population congratulation automation formation information nation

explanation indignation combination imagination destination occupation declaration preparation federation consideration generation operation inspiration corporation concentration administration illustration duration

compensation sensation conversation expectation dictation vegetation meditation imitation limitation invitation plantation orientation temptation station reputation equation situation salvation innovation observation reservation conservation normalization civilization organization modernization action

satisfaction fraction transaction affection perfection objection selection reflection collection connection direction section

intersection contradiction fiction friction conviction sanction distinction function junction conjunction auction reduction production introduction obstruction destruction instruction construction exhibition ambition tradition addition edition expedition condition coalition recognition definition


nutrition acquisition transition position preposition composition proposition disposition petition repetition competition superstition

tuition intuition mention retention intention attention invention convention motion emotion notion reception exception description prescription consumption assumption option portion proportion suggestion question caution precaution contribution pollution solution resolution evolution revolution institution constitution reckon melon gallon nylon lemon common summon phenomenon cannon typhoon balloon moon noon

afternoon spoon soon cartoon weapon upon coupon

iron patron electron son reason treason season poison

comparison prison person lesson ton

skeleton badminton piston cotton button mutton horizon barn earn learn warn concern discern modern northern southern lantern stern eastern western pattern govern born stubborn corn scorn horn thorn burn mourn turn return overturn fun gun noun pronoun run sun stun dawn lawn yawn own down

breakdown gown

well-known brown crown drown frown town

downtown tobacco do undo video stereo go ago ego cargo undergo echo who radio audio studio ratio kilo hello solo memo no

volcano piano shampoo too zoo tempo hero zero Negro so also to

according to tomato potato veto

mosquito into onto photo hitherto auto two cap

handicap heap cheap leap reap gap chap lap clap flap overlap slap map nap kidnap snap soap rap - 11 -

scrap trap strap wrap tap deep sheep keep sleep asleep peep creep steep weep sweep step footstep dip hip chip ship

friendship hardship spaceship relationship scholarship membership leadership ownership worship fellowship whip skip lip clip slip rip drip grip trip strip sip gossip tip equip zip help camp damp lamp tramp stamp swamp limp bump dump jump lump pump cop hop chop shop

workshop develop

gallop loop troop

stoop pop crop drop top laptop stop sharp gasp clasp grasp crisp up

grown-up cup pickup group soup bar car scar radar calendar ear bear dear fear gear hear overhear shear clear nuclear near linear pear appear disappearspear rear tear wear swear year far vinegar cigar vulgar sugar familiar peculiar jar

burglar similar cellar pillar collar dollar scholar polar solar


spectacular particular circular muscular regular singular popular grammar seminar lunar oar roar uproar soar tar guitar star war rubber fiber chamber December member remember September November timber cucumber lumber plumber number sober October barber soccer officer cancer grocer saucer reader ladder spider consider elder bewilder holder shoulder wander gender slender render surrender tender remainder hinder cylinder ponder wonder under thunder blunder order border recorder disorder

murder powder beer deer cheer sheer engineer pioneer peer career volunteer steer queer refer prefer differ offer suffer infer confer transfer eager manager teenager stagger trigger tiger anger danger stranger passenger messenger finger linger hunger hamburger her teacher butcher philosopher feather leather weather father gather rather together altogether whether either neither other bother mother

grandmother another brother farther further soldier amplifier cashier premier barrier carrier

frontier speaker loudspeaker locker tanker worker dealer ruler steamer hammer summer customer farmer former foreigner container liner banner manner inner dinner

practitioner prisoner corner partner owner per paper

newspaper skyscraper shopkeeper hamper temper proper pepper slipper copper upper supper whisper prosper super laser cater theater sweater later water character diameter parameter millimeter thermometer after

thereafter daughter laughter slaughter waiter

typewriter alter shelter filter enter

- 12 -

carpenter painter winter counter encounter chapter helicopter charter quarter porter reporter Easter plaster master

headmaster disaster semester youngster register minister administer sister monster foster poster cluster scatter shatter latter flatter matter better letter bitter litter glitter utter butter shutter mutter outer computer conquer ever fever

whichever lever clever never whenever whoever whatsoever wherever forever whatever however shiver liver deliver river driver quiver silver over cover recover uncover discover moreover hover lover turnover maneuver drawer shower lower flower power

horsepower tower answer layer prayer employer lawyer fertilizer air fair affair hair chair pair repair impair despair stair heir their reservoir sir stir or labor neighbor harbor

ambassador corridor odor for anchor metaphor author senior junior inferior superior interior exterior prior behavior major bachelor sailor tailor

chancellor color glamor humor rumor nor


minor honor governor door indoor outdoor floor poor emperor error terror mirror horror sponsor successor predecessor professor senator generator operator spectator equator elevator actor factor tractor projector director sector detector doctor conductor semiconductor traitor editor monitor visitor motor ancestor transistor tutor liquor endeavor favor flavor mayor razor occur recur incur

entrepreneur amateur fur sulfur blur murmur our four hour flour tumour pour vapour sour tour

your spur as

whereas overseas gas bias

Christmas canvas economics physics politics odds goods besides clothes species series

sometimes themselves ourselves yes

surroundingsmaths his this tennis basis emphasis thesis synthesis hypothesis crisis analysis axis jeans means lens remains chaos perhaps hers trousers

headquartersdownstairs upstairs theirs scissors ours yours

class glass mass pass compass overpass surpass bypass brass grass

embarrass access success princess

process excess confess chess less bless

regardless nonetheless nevertheless ruthless reckless unless restless mess kindness goodness business illness harness witness caress dress address congress progress press depress impress compress oppress suppress express actress waitress stress distress mistress assess possess hostess guess kiss miss dismiss boss loss moss cross across gross toss discuss fuss its pants outskirts us bus focus circus nucleus thus radius genius plus - 13 -

surplus minus bonus

tremendous gorgeous simultaneous instantaneous spontaneous homogeneous erroneous dubious spacious gracious precious delicious suspicious vicious conscious tedious religious ingenious various serious mysterious glorious notorious curious furious infectious ambitious conscientious cautious obvious previous anxious jealous marvelous fabulous ridiculous famous unanimous enormous anonymous poisonous monotonous dangerous numerous generous prosperous rigorous vigorous humorous disastrous conspicuous ambiguous superfluous strenuous continuous nervous campus virus chorus census consensus versus apparatus status impetus news

nowadays sideways always at bat combat acrobat cat eat beat feat defeat heat cheat wheat meat neat repeat great threat treat retreat seat sweat fat hat chat that what

somewhat flat mat format boat coat overcoat goat float throat pat rat habitat debt doubt act react fact pact impact compact interact subtract contract abstract distract attract extract intact contact exact defect


affect effect infect perfect object subject eject reject inject project dialect elect select reflect neglect collect recollect connect aspect respect inspect prospect retrospect suspect expect erect direct correct insect detect architect protect contradictaddict predict verdict conflict depict strict restrict district

convict distinct instinct extinct deduct conduct product obstruct instruct construct bet

alphabet sheet fleet meet discreet greet street sweet buffet get budget target

forget prophet diet quiet jet jacket packet racket bracket cricket ticket pocket rocket bucket blanket market

supermarket basket let tablet leaflet pamphlet toilet ballet wallet bullet inlet violet

ultraviolet outlet helmet net planet magnet cabinet internet poet pet

trumpet puppet carpet cigaret secret regret interpret set offset sunset closet upset asset outset banquet velvet wet yet shaft craft

spacecraft aircraft draft theft left gift shift lift drift thrift swift soft straight eight height freight weight fight light delight flight highlight plight slight daylight might night tonight overnight fortnight right bright fright upright copyright sight eyesight insight tight ought thought drought it bait trait portrait wait await bit habit inhabit rabbit inhibit prohibit exhibit orbit deficit implicit explicit edit credit audit deceit fit

benefit profit outfit hit kit split slit submit - 14 -

admit emit limit commit summit omit permit transmit knit unit exploit pit spit inherit merit spirit sit visit deposit circuit biscuit quit recruit fruit suit pursuit wit exit halt salt belt melt tilt guilt quilt bolt volt revolt fault assault difficult adult result insult consult ant vacant significant descendant attendant abundant redundant infant

extravagant elegant arrogant merchant elephant radiant giant brilliant plant

transplant tenant pregnant

indignant malignant dominant predominant remnant pant

participant tolerant grant fragrant immigrant ignorant warrant restaurant pleasant peasant reluctant inhabitant militant resultant consultant accountant important distant resistant assistant instant constant relevant servant want cent

adjacent accent decent recent

magnificent innocent percent scent descent adolescent precedent accident incident confident resident president evident dependent independent correspondent prudent student agent diligent intelligent urgent efficient sufficient ancient obedient ingredient client


convenient recipient orient transient patient impatient talent prevalent equivalent silent excellent violent turbulent parliament ornament temperament cement

replacement agreement engagement management judgement element implement complement supplement settlement requirement basement statement excitement pavement movement improvement fragment segment augment refreshment establishment compliment experiment sentiment installment comment assignment entertainment environment government moment shipment equipment garment torment harassment appointment apartment department compartment investment document argument monument instrument payment employment

unemployment permanent eminent prominent continent component opponent rent parent apparent transparent different indifferent inherent coherent torrent current absent resent present represent consent tent latent patent competent content consistent intermittent extent fluent affluent frequent subsequent eloquent constituent advent event prevent invent faint

complaint paint restraint saint acquaint hint joint point

standpoint appoint disappoint viewpoint pint print blueprint front confront aunt hunt blunt count account discount mount amount robot dot hot shot idiot riot lot pilot ballot plot slot not knot boot foot shoot root pot spot rot carrot apt adapt accept concept except receipt script

manuscript tempt contempt attempt exempt prompt opt adopt excerpt abrupt erupt bankrupt interrupt corrupt disrupt art cart heart chart smart part apart depart impart

counterpart start quart concert alert expert desert insert assert dessert avert divert - 15 -

invert convert exert dirt shirt skirt escort effort comfort short port report import support airport sport transport passport export sort resort retort distort

hurt court cast

broadcastforecast east beast feast

northeast southeast least breast fast

breakfast last blast boast coast roast toast past contrast vast midst best modest manifest suggest digest chest priest lest nest honest earnest pest rest interest forest arrest test contest protest guest quest request conquest vest invest harvest west

northwest southwest waist physicist fist list

specialist journalist mist chemist hoist moist typist Christ tourist wrist resist insist consist persist assist dentist scientist artist twist exist Marxist against cost host ghost most foremost almost utmost boost post frost first thirst worst burst exhaust robust dust disgust August just adjust must rust crust thrust trust watt


boycott astronaut but cut gut hut shut nut peanut out about

roundabout scout

throughout shout without sprout layout put input output next text pretext context bureau plateau flu menu you TV jaw law claw flaw paw raw draw withdraw straw saw dew few chew nephew view review interview new renew crew screw sew bow elbow rainbow cow meadow shadow widow endow window how

somehow show

anyhow low blow below flow overflow glow allow shallow swallow fellow yellow pillow follow hollow slow now know snow row brow eyebrow crow grow throw overthrow arrow narrow borrow tomorrow sorrow sow tow fax relax climax tax wax index complex perplex sex

appendix fix mix six ox box

paradox orthodox fox bay decay day

birthday holiday Friday weekday Monday Sunday today yesterday Saturday Wednesday Tuesday

Thursday everyday gay hay okay lay clay delay relay play display may May dismay pay repay ray X-ray pray spray array tray betray portray say essay stay way away subway highway doorway sway anyway by

passer-by baby shabby hobby lobby goodby thereby nearby ruby legacy pharmacy democracy bureaucracy literacy conspiracy accuracy privacy policy spicy fancy

discrepancy tendency agency emergency deficiency efficiency proficiency currency frequency

- 16 -

mercy ready already steady shady lady landlady greedy tragedy remedy comedy subsidy tidy candy handy brandy body

somebody embody nobody anybody everybodymelody bloody sturdy cloudy study obey they key donkey monkey turkey valley trolley kidney chimney honey money attorney journey grey storey prey convey survey defy specify modify qualify amplify exemplify simplify magnify signify unify clarify verify terrify purify classify rectify quantify identify notify certify testify justify satisfy strategy analogy ecology ideology geology psychology biology sociology technology apology clergy energy hierarchy geography biography bibliography philosophy shy

sympathy healthy wealthy worthy why sticky lucky sky whisky invariably presumably possibly assembly badly deadly repeatedly undoubtedly friendly hardly scarcely largely likely unlikely namely timely lonely rely barely rarely merely conversely lately

unfortunately lively lovely fly

butterfly exceedingly accordingly seemingly increasingly ugly highly


monthly daily readily family weekly ally

practically really especially finally rally literally incidentally usually eventually belly silly wholly jolly bully certainly only holy

monopoly reply multiply imply simply comply apply supply early nearly yearly elderly orderly quarterly fairly sly

directly gently presently consequently partly shortly costly mostly July my

academy enemy economy astronomy autonomy gloomy army any many company accompany deny tiny destiny scrutiny penny

funny balcony agony symphony colony

ceremony testimony harmony irony boy joy enjoy alloy employ annoy destroy toy

therapy copy happy spy occupy secondary boundary weary diary auxiliary salary

vocabulary primary summary customary ordinary

extraordinary imaginary preliminary missionary stationary dictionary revolutionary library literary temporary contemporary arbitrary contrary anniversary necessary monetary secretary military solitary elementary documentary voluntary rotary January February vary cry dry laundry surgery gallery scenery machinery stationery slippery misery nursery cemetery artery mystery battery lottery very every delivery recovery discovery fry angry hungry dairy fairy inquiry jewelry theory category glory memory compulsory accessory lavatory factory satisfactory directory victory territory inventory story history carry marry

strawberry ferry cherry merry lorry sorry worry hurry try

psychiatry symmetry geometry poetry poultry entry country chemistry ministry industry bury mercury jury injury century luxury - 17 - easy uneasy fantasy courtesy noisy hypocrisy clumsy cosy

controversy embassy busy treaty safety society variety anxiety ninety fifty lofty eighty naughty city

capacity publicity simplicity electricity velocity humidity commodity locality reality speciality nationality personality morality hospitality quality equality ability

probability liability stability

responsibility possibility facility humanity vanity dignity vicinity unity

community opportunity pity

solidarity charity clarity celebrity prosperity integrity authority superiority priority majority minority security

density intensity curiosity university necessity quantity entity identity gravity relativity activity

productivity penalty casualty loyalty royalty novelty guilty faulty faculty difficulty plenty twenty certainty county empty party liberty property poverty dirty thirty forty hasty nasty dynasty majesty thirsty petty pretty beauty duty deputy buy guy heavy navy levy envy galaxy lazy crazy dizzy quiz quartz jazz

