
更新时间:2023-10-11 04:06:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



1. Open the meeting:

“If there are no objections, we will bring the Committee into formal session. If all Delegates will please take their seats, the Rapporteur will begin Roll Call.”

2. Roll Call:

a) Before roll call:

During roll call, “Present” and “Present and voting” are allowed. b) Roll call Algeria Argentina Austria ………

. c) After roll call

“For those Delegates who may have arrived while the roll call was being taken, and whose attendance has not yet been recorded, please send a note forward to the dais to let us know of your arrival and voting status. Please be certain your State’s attendance has been recorded. You will not be recognized while the Committee is in substantive voting session if the dais has not recorded your attendance.”

3. Open the Speakers List:(automatically, no placards)

“Are there any motions or points on the floor at this time?” (Many delegate raises their placards…) The speakers list automatically opens. All those who would like to be placed on the Speaker’s List, please raise your placards.

some countries by the principle of fair) (For those who are not called by the chair:)

“If any additional members of the Committee wish to be placed upon the Speaker’s List, please send a note forward to the dais with an explanation in this regard.”

4. Set the Speakers’ Time:(2 in favor and 2 in opposition, each has 15secs,Simple

majority, need a second, debatable)

“The chair now needs a motion to set the speakers’ time. Are there any motions or points

on the floor at this time? …...Thank you Delegate, this motion is in order. Are there any additional points or motions on the floor at this time? [No placards] Seeing none, a motion to set the speaker’s time as X has been introduced. This motion needs a second, do I have a second? Second) This motion is debatable, the Chair will entertain 2 speakers in favor of this motion and 2 speakers in opposition. Will those Delegates wishing to speak in favor of this motion please raise your placards? Saudi Arabia and France, you will speak in favor of the motion. [Both Chair and Rapp record two speakers selected to speak in favor] Will those Delegates wishing to speak in opposition to this motion please raise your placards? Ethiopia and India, you will speak in opposition to this motion.” [Chair and Rapp record speakers selected]”

In favor: (交叉着叫)

“The Chair recognizes the Honorable Delegate from Saudi Arabia. You have fifteen seconds to speak in favor of this motion.” [Saudi Arabia speaks] In opposition:

“Thank you, Delegate. The Chair now recognizes the Honorable Delegate from Ethiopia. You have fifteen seconds to speak in opposition to this motion.” [Cuba speaks] In favor:

“The Chair recognizes the Honorable Delegate from France. You have fifteen seconds to speak in favor of this motion.” [France speaks] In opposition:

“Thank you, Delegate. The Chair now recognizes the Honorable Delegate from India. You have fifteen seconds to speak in opposition to this motion.” [India, speaks]

“The motion is decided by a simple majority vote and, as a procedural matter, I remind all Delegates that abstention is out of order. All those in favor of this motion, please raise your placards... All those opposed...”

“The motion to set the speakers’ time as 30s passes by a vote of X in favor and Y opposed.”

5. Suspension of the meeting: (need a second, no debate, simple majority)

The motion to suspend the meeting passes by a vote of X in favor and Y opposed. The Committee will reconvene in ten minutes. Since this motion to suspend the meeting for 20 minutes passes, the other two motions automatically fail.”

6. Close of the speaker’s list: (need a second, no debate, simple majority)

Towards the end of the first day, some delegates may raise such a motion to close the speakers’ list.

“Thank you, Delegate. That motion is in order. A motion has been raised to close the speaker’s list. This requires a simple majority vote with no debate. Prior to voting, allow the dais to remind the committee about the result of the close of the speaker’s list. If this motion passes, no delegate’s can be added to the speaker’s list, when the names in the list exhaust, we will go to the voting procedure immediately. Is there any question about this motion? Seeing none, all those Delegate in favor of closing the speakers’ list, please raise your placards. [Chair and Rapp record vote] All those opposed… [an overwhelming majority of the Committee votes in opposition] This motion clearly passes.”

7、 Closure of debate: (need a second, two in opposition, each has 15 secs, 2/3 majority)

If the speakers list exhausted, automatically end the formal session and enter the voting procedure. Otherwise, the chair waits for a motion to close the debate. For example:

“Are there any additional points or motions on the floor at this time? [no placards] Seeing none, t

here is a motion on the floor for closure of debate. This motion requires two speakers in opposition and is decided by a 2/3 majority vote. Before I ask for speakers on this motion, I remind you all that this motion will formally end debate on this topic and the Committee will move immediately into voting procedure. Only X draft resolutions have been formally introduced .

