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Acupuncture Science Bilingualism Teaching Plan

天津中医药大学针灸学院 Tianjin University Of TCM

Department Of Acupuncture

《针灸学》 双语教学教案

教学单元 章节题目 教学目的 教学要求 教学内容 提要重点 Introduction绪论 1.针灸发展史中有关专著的英文名称 Mastering the English name of concerned monograph in the history of acupuncture development 2.针灸发展史 Understanding the history of acupuncture development(English description) 针灸学的定义 The definition of the acupuncture and moxibustion. 针灸学的发展史 The history of the acupuncture and moxibustion. 难点、疑点 针灸的历史发展重要时期和经典著作 The important classics and periods in the history of acupuncture and moxibustion 解决方法 explanation. 方法形式 CAI(computer aided nstruction)计算机辅助教学 实施步骤 Ask and answer(put questions to) 问答(提问) 时间安排 2学时 Two class hours 简介 Introduction 1.刺灸法的定义 What is the acupuncture and moxibustion? 2.刺灸法的特点The characteristic of acupuncture and moxibustion. 3.刺灸法的源流The history about acupuncture and moxibustion. (1)足臂十一脉灸经,阴阳十一脉灸经 The classic of the Eleven meridians on the Foot and Arm and moxibustion , and the classic of Eleven YinYang meridian and moxibustion. (2)黄帝内经 素问 1


《针灸学》 双语教学教案

Huangdi’s Internal classic/miraculous pivot 灵枢

\canon of acupuncture (3)难经Cannon of difficult problems (4)针灸甲乙经The systematic classic of acupuncture (5)备急千金要方pressriptions worth a Thousand Gold for Emergencies (6)铜人腧穴针灸图经Illustrated Manual an points for A-M on a new Bronze Figure (7)十四经发挥Exposition of the Fourteen Meridian (8)针灸大成The compendium of acupuncture and Moxibustion 后记 发现问题修改意见 备 注 复习题:识记具有代表性的针灸著作的英文名称 Homework: Memorizing the famous English name of acupuncture representative woks.


《针灸学》 双语教学教案

教学单元 章节题目 上篇 经络腧穴 General Introduction to Meridians and Acupoints 第一章 经络总论 Meridians and Collaterals 第一节 经络学说的形成与发展 The development of the theory of the meridians and collaterals 第二节 经络学说的组成 The composition of the theory of the meridians and collaterals 1.掌握经络、经络系统的组成及英语表达。 Mastering the English explanation of the Meridians and and the Composition of the System of the Meridians and Collaterals. 2.重点掌握十二经脉的循行特点和分布特点。 Mastering the law of Circulation and Distribution of the Twelve Main Meridians. 1.经络是经脉与络脉的总称,是气血运行的通道。 The meridians include the Meridians and Collaterals,which are the pathways through which qi and blood circulate in the human body. 2.十二经脉是经络中的主干。 The twelve meridians are the main trunks of the Meridians and Collaterals. 3.十二经脉对称性分布,阴经主要分布于胸腹和四肢内侧,阳经分布于头身和四肢躯干。 The twelve meridians are distributed bilaterally and symmetrically,and the six yin meridians, travel along the inner aspects of the four extremities, and on the chest and abdomen.and the six yang meridians and their respective six fu organs, travel laterally on the four extremities, head, face and trunk. 教学目的 教学要求 教学内容 提要重点 难点、疑点 难点:如何理解经络的概念。 Difficult point:how to comprehend the the definition of the Meridians and Collaterals. 解决方法 3

《针灸学》 双语教学教案

方法形式 实施步骤 时间安排 Ask and answer(put questions to) 问答(提问) 2 学时 Two class hours CAI(computer aided instruction)计算机辅助教学 板书设计 上篇 经络腧穴 General Introduction to Meridians and Acupoints 第一章 经络总论 Meridians and Collaterals 第一节 经络学说的形成和发展 The development of the theory of the meridians and collaterals 经络 经络学说的含义 The meaning of The meridian and the theory of the meridians and collaterals (一)经络的含义 The meaning of The meridian (二)经络学说 研究循行、分布、生理、病理及相互关系是一种学说 The theory of the meridians and collaterals elaborates on the body-surface distribution, physiological functions and pathological changes of the meridian and collateral system 经络系统的组成内容见讲义经络系统表 The content of the Composition of the System of the Meridians and Collaterals is showed in the above table 十二经脉(英语掌握) The twelve meridians(english explanation) (一)十二经脉的命名 Naming of the Twelve Main Meridians (二)阴阳消长、上下分布、脏腑属络 The preponderance of yin and yang,distribution in the upper and lower part , connecting-pertaining relationship of the zang-fu organs (三)十二经脉的分布规律 总体规律 四肢分布规律,特殊规律 Law of Body Surface Distribution of the Twelve Meridians general law,law in the extremeties,special law (四)十二经脉的属络 关系 Connecting-Pertaining Relationship of the Twelve Main Meridians


