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Clouds, big data, and smart assets: Ten tech-enabled business trends to watch 云计算、大数据和智能资产: 注意十项技术驱动的商业

Advancing technologies and their swift adoption are upending倒放,颠倒 traditional business models. Senior executives need to think strategically about how to prepare their organizations for the challenging new environment. 先进的技术及其快速的扩散应用正在颠覆传统


AUGUST 2010 . Jacques Bughin, Michael Chui, and James Manyika 。Source:

McKinsey Global Institute (资料来源) 这十大趋势如下:

Trend 1: Distributed cocreation moves into the mainstream 趋势一,分散的共同创造进入主流

Trend 2: Making the network the

organization 趋势二:使组织的网络化 Trend 3: Collaboration at scale 趋势三:大规模协作

Trend 4: The growing ‘Internet of

Things’ 趋势四:物联网(物体互联网)的成长(联合国一个机构在2005年的一份报告中称之为“物体的互联网”。)

Trend 5: Experimentation and big data 趋势五:试验及大数据

Trend 6: Wiring for a sustainable world 趋势六:为可持续发展的互通互联

Trend 7: Imagining anything as a service 趋势七:把一切看着服务

Trend 8: The age of the multisided

business model 趋势八:多边商业模型的时代

Trend 9: Innovating from the bottom of the pyramid 趋势九:创新从金字塔底层开始

Trend 10: Producing public good on the grid 趋势十:在网格上生产公众所需产品 Two-and-a-half years ago, we described

eight technology-enabled business trends that were profoundly reshaping strategy across a wide swath收割的宽度 of industries.(1。James M. Manyika, Roger P. Roberts, and Kara L. Sprague, “Eight business technology trends to watch,” ,

December 2007. )两年前,我们描述了八种技术驱动的商业趋势,对广泛的各行各业的战略产生了深刻的影响(作者名,书名,网址,出版日期)。We showed how the

combined effects of emerging Internet

technologies, increased computing power, and fast, pervasive digital

communications were spawning大量生成new ways to manage talent and assets as well as new thinking about

organizational structures.在该研究报告中我们展示了正在兴起的互联网技术,越来越强大的计算能力,速度越来越快的、覆盖面越来越广的数字化通讯能力正在雨后春笋般的生成新的方式,来管理人才、管理资产以及体现在组织结构方面的新思维。

Since then, the technology landscape has continued to evolve rapidly. 自从那里起,技术形势继续迅速进化发展。

Facebook, in just over two short years, has quintupled成五倍in size to a network that touches more than 500 million users.脸书,仅在短短两年间网络的规模就成五倍的增长,用户达五亿多以上。

More than 4 billion people around the world now use cell phones, and for 450 million of those people the Web is a fully

mobile experience. 全球有四十亿以上的用户使用手机,其中四亿五千万用户体验着能移动上网的手机。

The ways information technologies are deployed部署are changing too, as new developments such as virtualization虚拟化and cloud computing reallocate technology costs and usage patterns while creating new ways for individuals to consume goods and services and for entrepreneurs and enterprises to dream

up viable能生育的;可行的business models.

随着对虚拟化和云计算的技术成本的重新配置,新技术的进步使信息技术的部署方式也正发生变化;在创造新的方式让个体消费商品和服务,让企业和企业家重新设计可行的商业模型方面,技术的使用模式也正在发生变化。 The dizzying令人昏乱的pace of change has affected our original eight trends, which have continued to spread (though often at a more rapid pace than we

anticipated), morph改变in unexpected ways, and grow in umber to an even ten. 令人眼花缭乱的变化影响了我们原来提出的八大趋势(比预计的要更快)的基础上,由于在意想不到的地方发生嬗变,使得八大趋势变成了今天的十大趋势。

The rapidly shifting technology

environment raises serious questions for executives about how to help their companies capitalize on the

transformation under way. 迅速变化的技术环境为企业高管提出严重的问题:如何使公司利用正在发生的技术变化环境?

Exploiting these trends typically doesn’t fall to any one executive—and as change accelerates, the odds of missing a beat (跟不上节奏) rise significantly. 利用这些趋势并不只是那一位高层管理的责任,随着变化加速,跟不上趟的风险大大增加。

For senior executives, therefore, merely understanding the ten trends outlined

here isn't enough. 对高管来说,仅仅了解十大趋势是不够的。

They also need to think strategically about how to adapt management and organizational structures to meet these new demands.

他们必须从战略高度考虑如何使管理和组织结构适应这些趋势所提出的新要求。 For the first six trends, which can be applied across an enterprise, it will be important to assign the responsibility for

identifying the specific implications of each issue to functional groups功能群;功能组,功能上不同的团体and business units. 头六个趋势可用于整个企业,把责任分配给功能组织让这些部门探索这些趋势对部门和整个企业造成的影响。

The impact of these six trends— 六大趋势的影响

(1)distributed co-creation, 分布式共同创造(分布式共创)

(2)networks as organizations, 网络化


(3)deeper collaboration, 深入协作

(4)the Internet of Things, 物联网

(5) experimentation with big data, and 大数据试验

(6) wiring for a sustainable world—为可持续发展的世界互联互通

often will vary considerably in different parts of the organization and should be managed accordingly以上六个趋势的影响因组织而异,因此应该根据组织的具体情况进


But local accountability可说明性;有义务;有责任won’t be sufficient但是由局部单位(下层单位)负责是不够的。.

Because some of the most powerful applications of these trends will cut across traditional organizational boundaries, senior leaders should

catalyze regular collisions碰撞;冲突;撞击among teams in different corners of the company that are wrestling with

similar issues. 因为有些趋势最为有力的应用将会超越部门跨界应用, 组织内各团队正为这些新问题大伤脑筋,高管必须对新旧之间的碰撞和冲突加大改革的力度, 提供催化作用。

Three of the trends—

anything-as-a-service, multisided

business models, and innovation from the bottom of the pyramid—augur预言;是…的预兆far-reaching changes in the business environment that could require

radical shifts in strategy.

这些趋势中的三种 (1 任何商品的服务化、2商业模式多面化,以及3从金字塔底层开始的创新。)预示着商业环境将发生深远的变革,这种变革可能要求在战略上进行重大的变革。 CEOs and their immediate senior teams need to grapple with扭打;努力克服these issues; otherwise it will be too difficult to generate the interdisciplinary,

enterprise-wide insights needed to exploit these trends fully.

总裁们和高管团队还需要绞尽脑汁思考这些问题,否则就不太可能产生一种洞察力,这种洞察力具有跨部门、全方位的特点,要想充分利用这些趋势就必须具有这种洞察力。 Once opportunities start emerging,

senior executives also need to turn their organizations into laboratories capable of quickly testing and learning on a small scale and then expand successes quickly. 这样,一旦机会出现,高管就应将公司变成试验室(场所),掌握(1)快速检测、(2)


And finally the tenth trend, using

technology to improve communities and generate societal benefits by linking

citizens, requires action by not just senior business executives but also leaders in government, nongovernmental organizations, and citizens.



Across the board全面地;包括一切地, the stakes are high. 从全局来看,成败的风险很高。 Consider the results of a recent

McKinsey Quarterly survey of global

executives on the impact of participatory Web 2.0 technologies (such as social networks, wikis, and microblogs ) on management and performance. 最近麦肯

锡对全球企业高管对WEB 2.0技术对管理和业绩的影响进行了调查。

The survey found that deploying these technologies to create networked organizations that foster innovative collaboration among employees, customers, and business partners is

highly correlated with market share gains. 这些调查发现,配置这些技术创造一个能与员工、顾客和商业伙伴进行联网的组织与企业的市场份额的扩大有高度的相关性。

