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承蒙朋友们错爱,我在把笔记本上的语法总结录成文本。但是在很难写,因为我是记录在每一天的复习日志里的,汇总起来好像不太容易。我早上起来试着写了一些。大家看看行不行。我的总结参考了黄金规则,珠江老师的笔记,og解释,大全注释等,我复习时只是摘抄和总结,所以我没什么贡献的。(再次感谢珠江老师!!) 我的一些语法总结:

As 和when 的区别 as 是指一段时间,而when则是指一个具体的时间点 ,“as when”的意思可以理解为“正如当…的时候 我在语法大全里找到了一句:

1. With diamonds, as with all gems, one should ask for a written description of one?s purchase; the description may prove useful later if you have reason to believe the jeweler misled you.

(A) one should ask for a written description of one?s purchase (B) you should ask for a written description of your purchase

(C) a written discretion of your purchase is what one should ask for

(D) a written description of one?s purchase is what should be asked for(B) (E) a written description of your purchase is what should be asked for

我用GOOGLE搜的也几乎是as with + n.(n.词组)的用法。 我想意思为“正如用......”“正如对......”

Indirect socialization also occurs, as when television shows or films reinforce stereotyped images of women and men.


具体区别还是要在题目里看的吧。with是介词when是关系副词而且只指时间,很多时候应该很容易区别啊,把题目贴出来看看? 总之就是,




243. Some scientists have been critical of the laboratory tests conducted by the Federal Drug Administration on the grounds that the amounts of suspected carcinogens fed to animals far exceeds those that humans could consume. (A) far exceeds those that humans could consume (B) exceeds by far those humans can consume (C) far exceeds those humans are able to consume

(D) exceed by far those able to be consumed by humans(E) (E) far exceed those that humans could consume In D, the use of the passive voice in the phrase those able to be consumed by humans is unjustified, as it increases wordiness while stating the meaning less precisely: it is accurate to call humans “able,” but not to call those [amounts] “able.”

用able to be在大全里搜索,几乎所有的题目考察点和正确选项的特点都惊人的一致,感觉ETS好像认为be able to是一个主动性很强的词,该词的逻辑主语必须具有发出be able to 后动词的能力,如果是该动作的承受方则一般都改成了can/could。看完下面若干例子,相信以后不会再上ETS的当了,呵呵。 236. The Coast Guard is conducting tests to see whether pigeons can be trained to help find survivors of wrecks at sea.

(A) to see whether pigeons can be trained to help find (B) to see whether pigeons can be trained as help to find (C) to see if pigeons can be trained for helping to find

(D) that see if pigeons are able to be trained in helping to find(A) (E) that see whether pigeons are able to be trained for help in finding

10. Climatic shifts are so gradual as to be indistinguishable at first from ordinary fluctuations in the weather.

(A) so gradual as to be indistinguishable (B) so gradual they can be indistinguishable

(C) so gradual that they are unable to be distinguished (D) gradual enough not to be distinguishable(A) (E) gradual enough so that one cannot distinguish them

6. There is ample evidence, derived from the lore of traditional folk medicine, that naturally occurring antibiotics are usually able to be modified to make them a more effective drug. (A) are usually able to be modified to make them a more effective drug. (B) are usually able to be modified to make them more effective drugs (C) are usually able to be modified, which makes them more effective drugs (D) can usually be modified to make them a more effective drug(E) (E) can usually be modified to make them more effective drugs

10. When Congress reconvenes, some newly elected members from rural states will try and establish tighter restrictions for the amount of grain farmers are to be allowed to grow and to encourage more aggressive sales of United States farm products overseas.

(A) and establish tighter restrictions for the amount of grain farmers are to be allowed to grow and to encourage

(B) and establish tighter restrictions on the amount of grain able to be grown by farmers and encouraging

(C) establishing tighter restrictions for the amount of grain farmers are allowed to grow and to encourage

(D) to establish tighter restrictions on the amount of grain capable of being grown by farmers and encouraging(E)

(E) to establish tighter restrictions on the amount of grain farmers will be allowed to grow and to encourage

210. If additional deposits of oil are found, it will expand the amount that can be used as fuel and reduce the price of oil, even if the deposits are not immediately tapped. (A) it will expand the amount that can be used as fuel and reduce the price of oil

(B) the amount that is able to be used as fuel will expand and the price of oil be reduced

(C) it will cause an increase in the amount that is able to be used as fuel and a reduction in the price of oil

(D) the amount that can be used as fuel will increase and the price of oil will drop(D) (E) it will increase the amount of oil that can be used as fuel and cause a drop in the price 正确的用法:主动态

985 Those who have visited the Grand Canyon have typically seen layers of sediment in the gaping canyon, with different colors that mark the passage of time like the rings in a tree trunk.

(A) seen layers of sediment in the gaping canyon, with different colors that mark (B) see layers of sediment in the gaping canyon, whose different colors mark

(C) been seeing layers of sediment in the gaping canyon, whose different colors are markers of

(D) been able to see layers of sediment in the gaping canyon, with different colors marking(D)

(E) seen layers of sediment in the gaping canyon, marking by different colo

3. Because the financial review covered only the last few fiscal years, and therefore the investigators were unable to determine the extent to possible earlier overpayments. (A) and therefore the investigators were unable to determine the extent to possible (B) so therefore the investigators were not capable of determining the possible extent of (C) therefore the investigators were unable to determine the possible extent of (D) the investigators were not capable of determining the possible extent of(E) (E) the investigators were unable to determine the extent of possible 1. and后面有主语出现则and前要有逗号

特例:如果有从句或插入语跟着捣乱, 那就只好不要逗号来保持意思的清晰 2. yet前面需要逗号, 无论是否在yet后有新主语出现. 特例同上种情况.

一. 所谓的原则:

1. 定语从句尽量省略原则:which be/that be+形容词/过去分词,which be/that be应尽量省略。 2. whose/which/that就近指代原则。

3. There be/enough/instead of(相对于rather than)/due to/because of(相对于because)/despite/if(相对于whether)/maybe出现错原则。

4. 表‘命令/建议/要求’的实意动词+that后面省略should原则(这些实意动词已包含了should的意思,所以省略should)

5. 状语从句尽量省略主语+be动词原则。(注意逻辑主语一致)状语从句引导次后接adj/done/doing正确,接n/prep短语错。

6. 宾语从句that保留原则。注意平行结构中‘三个that’的平行。

7. 强语气词(only, only if,情态动词,however/whatever/whenever/wherever)不改变原则。 8. Have+动作性名次错原则。改为do或者be adv done。 9. Be to do表将来时错原则

10.Having/being出现错原则。(having的特例,credit后面用having;being的特例,the chance of being/the distinction of being)。 11.Consider +n1+ n2/adj出现正确原则。 12.Compare/base用被动原则。

13.Similar to/differ from不位于句首原则 14.Continue不用进行时原则。

15.if/when/because三种关系强加/丢失错原则。 二.平行结构。 1. 引起平行的结构: a. and, or, but, yet

b. not only A, but also B/not A, but B/ c. rather than

d. can do, do, and do/to do, do, and do/that A, that B, and that C

