新编英语语法教程 第27-30讲 练习参考答案

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新编英语语法教程 第27讲 练习参考答案

Ex. 27A

1. You’re an American, I suppose. 2. I’m afraid she… 3. …tea, if you please.

4. …some help, if I’m not mistaken. 5. …man, if I might say so. 6. …open, if you don’t mind. 7. I’m sorry to say you… 8. I suspect no less than… 9. I guess you…

10. …yet, if I’m not mistaken. 11. …chimney, he does.

12. Without any question the rogue… 13. Never have I seen…

14. I was indeed very glad to… 15. He will certainly give… 16. I’m not at all interested… 17. … no doubt whatever about it. 18. I’ll be hanged if that’s true.

19. You won’t catch him smoking again. 20. Not a single soul was seen… Ex. 27B

1. I never have much to do in the morning. 2. …have not finished it yet.

3. I have not much to do in the morning either. 4. His wife didn’t ever make him any curry. 5. I didn’t tell anybody anything. 6. We have not enough evidence yet.

7. There isn’t anybody doing research in this field. 8. Smoking has not anything…

9. …didn’t produce skin cancer on any of them. 10. This doesn’t apply to any of the people here yet. 11. …hasn’t revealed anything of importance.

12. It does not help us at all in our daily work either. 13. We need not / don’t have to go far to find anyone… 14. …is not yet living at this address. 15. He has not been away very long. 16. …cannot find anywhere… 17. …hasn’t ever given me any… 18. There are not many people…yet.

19. I cannot understand either of… 20. I cannot understand any of… Ex. 27C

2. a) All the people were not at work. (ie Everyone was absent.)

b) Not all the people were at work. (ie Not everyone was there. Some were at work;

some not.)

3. a) Everyone here doesn’t agree with you. (ie All the people here disagree.)

b) Not everyone here agrees with you. (ie Some of the people here agree with you;

some not.)

4. a) Much of the food was not bad. (ie Most of the food was good; only a small

portion was bad.)

b) Not much of the food was bad. (ie Only a small portion was bad.)

5. a) One of the runners did not hear the starting pistol. (ie Only one of them didn’t

hear; the others did.)

b) Not one of the runners heard the starting pistol. (ie None heard.)

6. a) Another reason for the delay was not given. (ie There was another reason for the

delay, but it was not given.)

b) No other reason for the delay was given. (ie There was only one reason for the


7. a) A little of the money was not spent on this project. (ie Most of the money was

spent on this project; only a little was not.)

b) Little of the money was spent on this project. (ie Almost no money was spent on

this project.)

8. a) A few of you will not have heard the warning. (ie Most of you, I suppose, have

heard the warning.)

b) Few of you will have heard the warning. (ie Most of you, I suppose, have not

heard the warning.)

9. a) Half of the work has not yet been completed. (ie Only half of the work was


b) Not half of the work has already been completed. (ie Only a small portion of the

work was done.)

10. a) The least of our problems has not been solved. (ie Almost no problem was


b) Not the least of our problems has been solved. (ie A good number of our

problems have been solved.) Ex. 27D

1. What was sprayed over the area? 2. Who wrote an account of the fire? 3. What did he write?

4. What did he write an account of? 5. Where did the fire start? 6. How did it burn?

7. How long did it burn?

8. When and where did that happen?

9. Whose account of the fire is the best? 10. How often did fires break out during the war?

11. How many people were killed on the roads yesterday? 12. How much rain fell last night?

13. How far is it from here to the station?

14. How long will it take me to get there by car? 15. During which century was this castle built?

16. Why / For what purpose was the Aswan Dam built? 17. Why have you not yet finished it?

18. Who did an idea occur to while Benjamin Hall was speaking? 19. What do you believe he wants to do?

20. What should we do it if we haven’t renewed our licence? Ex. 27E

1. doesn’t she / (hasn’t she) 2. usedn’t he / didn’t he 3. wouldn’t you 4. isn’t it 5. mayn’y we 6. didn’t you 7. mustn’t I 8. could you 9. don’t they

10. doesn’t he 11. don’t you 12. oughtn’t we / shouldn’t we 13. didn’t you 14. wouldn’t she 15. mustn’t you / haven’t you 16. doesn’t it 17. would he 18. wasn’t he

19. doesn’t he 20. need I 21. haven’t you / don’t you 22. should he 23. mustn’t they / didn’t they 24. wouldn’t you 25. aren’t they 26. is there 27. will it 28. can it 29. did they 30. will there 31. will they / won’t they 32. won’t it 33. didn’t you 34. aren’t I 35. mustn’t you / aren’t you 36. don’t you

37. do they 38. can’t they 39. would you / will you 40. will you / would you 41. have you 42. can one / can you 43. don’t you 44. didn’t they 45. wouldn’t he 46. would he 47. have we 48. will you 49. does he 50. shall we Ex. 27F (略)

新编英语语法教程 第28讲 练习参考答案

Ex. 28A

1. There was a car ready… 2. There’s man sitting…

3. There was a student who came…

4. There’s another student (that) I ought to see. 5. There’s at least one book … in our library. 6. There’ll be a good film on… 7. There’s certain to be trouble…

8. There were several trains coming…

9. There were things called firesquirts used… 10. Is there anyone waiting…

11. There were people who believed that…

12. There was an old cellar with a thick flint wall… 13. There was a boy named George Sampeter sitting… 14. There were monkeys under the trees, … 15. There was a strange caller yesterday who… 16. There is likely to be… 17. There should be…

18. There must have been a mistake…

19. There are several thousand little islands in the Maldives. 20. There was a bolt on my front door… Ex. 28B

1. there to be 2. there being 3. there to be 4. there being 5. there to be 6. there to be 7. There being 8. there being 9. there to be 10. there to be Ex. 28C

1. On the top of the hill there stood / there was… 2. There will be / will come a time when…

3. Mary didn’t agree about there being no need for… 4. Were you disappointed at there not having been… 5. John asked for there to be… 6. There was a cow crossing…

7. There is no plant that doesn’t need…

8. We don’t want there to be any disturbance. 9. There being an index to this book is…

10. I’m surprised at there not being an index / being no index. 11. We have no objection to there being a meeting here. 12. It’s impossible for there to be … For there to be… 13. It’s not uncommon for there to be… / For there to be…

14. There’s an important message just being decoded. / There is just being


15. There were quite a number of…jewels stolen. 16. There was expected to be… 17. There is / are believed to be…

18. There was a meeting about the new building yesterday. 19. There have been three accidents at… 20. There’s a lawn that extends… 21. There is said to be trouble on…

22. I can just remember the trouble there was about it a year ago. 23. There will be people anxious that…

24. There seems to be a widespread change… 25. There was a day when it rained…

新编英语语法教程 第29讲 练习参考答案

Ex. 29A

1. It is possible that the Joneses will come to the party as well. 2. It doesn’t matter very much whether they will come or not. 3. It is quite likely that he will let you down. 4. It seems that you have taken a dislike to him.

5. It happens that I have had some nasty experiences in dealing with him. 6. It was rather complicated getting the car on the boat.

7. It would be a good idea to get up a petition. / I think it a good idea to get up a petition.

8. It is a great pleasure to be here with you this morning. 9. It was so kind of you to invite us.

10. It doesn’t matter in the least what you say.

11. It is / remains a mystery how he came to have such a valuable painting. 12. It is regretted that you should feel obliged to resign at this point. 13. It would be pity to spoil such a fine drawing.

14. It makes me feel sad seeing you sitting here all alone.

15. Is it very dull living here?/ Do you find it very dull living here? 16. It is impossible for me to forgive him.

17. It was not known whether there was gold left in the mine. 18. It looks as if the park is very small. 19. It seems as though our plan is perfect.

20. It was clearly indicated that he didn’t want to speak to me. Ex. 29B

1. It gets dark early in winter. 2. It’s no use asking her. She doesn’t know anything. 3. Its two miles to the station from here. 4. Have you seen it hail? 5. We leave it to you to decide what must be done. 6. It is said that the spy slipped arsenic into his tea.

7. It’s a pity (that) you missed that concert. 8. It looks as if he were very afraid. 9. It is no use crying over spilt milk. 10. It was several months before we met again. Ex. 29C

1. 迟早我要跟他说个明白。 2. 误了末班车,我们只好步行回家。 3. 再做那件事,你就要受到责罚。 4. 在这种天气登山,你一定会吃苦头。 5. 桥梁被冲毁,除泅渡外别无他法。 6. 那是没有办法的事。 7.如果犯了法,你是逃脱不了(罪责)的。 8.只是为了好玩,我们才决定半夜去游泳。

9.如果动身早,我们能够赶到。 10. 是去是留,他难以决断。 11.我痛骂他一顿。 12. 走开,这不是聊天的时候。

13. 总统乘坐美国直升飞机溜之大吉。 14. 他们吵了架,但很快又言归于好。 15.如果你要换衣服,请快点,我们随时都会动身。 16.窃贼离开后几分钟,他才镇定下来,叫了警察。 17.在经济危机中通常都是小商人蒙受损失。

