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第 一 章

1.1 Definition of Stylistics

Stylistics has long been considered as a highly significant but very discussible branch of learning. It is concerned with various disciplines such as linguistics, semantics, pragmatics and literature. The word stylistics( ?styl‘ component relates stylistic to literary criticism, and the ?istics‘ component to linguistics). So stylistics is the bridge of linguistics and literature. Stylistics is the study of literary discourse from a linguistic orientation.‖ (文体学是从语言学的角度研究文学语篇)

Stylistics is an interdisciplined branch of learning which studies various differences between formal and informal, between deviant and normal, between magnificent and plain, between professional and popular, between foreign and domestic, between this and that individual.

1.2 The Development of Stylistics

The date when stylistics became a field of academic inquiry is difficult to determine. However stylistics is often considered as both an old and a young branch of learning. It is old, because it originated from the ancient ―rhetoric‖. The famous ancient Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle all contributed a lot to this branch of learning. It is young ,because the word ―stylistics‖ first appeared only in 1882, and the first book on stylistics was written by a French scholar Charles Bally in 1902 and was published in 1909: Traite de Stylistique Francaise. This book is often considered as a landmark of modern stylistics. Consequently, a number of more coherent and systematic works of both a theoretical and a practical nature were published in the field.

The subject of study in Bally’s time was oral discourse. Bally considered that apart from the denotative meaning expressed by the speaker4, there was usually an “overtone” which indicated different “feelings”, and the task of stylistics was to find out the linguistic devices indicating these feelings.

Later , the German scholar L.Spitzer(1887-1960), began to analyze literary works from a stylistic point of view, and therefore, Spitzer if often consider4ed as the “father of literary stylistics”.

From the beginning of the 1930s to the end of the 1950s stylistics was developing slowly and was only confined to the European continent. From the end of the 1950s to the present time, modern stylistics has reached its prosperity.

1.3 Definitions of Style

So style is an integral part of meaning. It gives us additional information about the speaker‘s/writer‘s regional and social origin, education, his relationship with the his/her reader, his feelings, emotions or attitudes. Without a sense of style we cannot arrive at a better understanding of an utterance

1).Written---spoken in terms of channel

2)The Differences between Formal and Informal Language 3) modern----archaic in terms of time

4) normal----deviated in terms of degree of novelty 5). common---professional in terms of technique(专业)


Homework: 1.What‘s stylistics? 2.What does stylistics study?

3.Say something about the development of stylistics.

4.Give examples to explain ―Proper words in proper places makes the true definition of a style.‖

5.What does style study?

6.Give example to illustrate the differences between spoken-- written,

formal–informal, modern–archaic, norm—deviated, common---professional.

第 二 章

1. Definition of meanings of meaning

According to Leech (1974 English linguists), meanings of meaning can be broken into seven kinds:

1).Denotative meaning

It refers to literal meaning, refers to diction meaning.(super meaning) 词的概念意义。 ―概念意义‖是在语言交际中表达的基本意义.对概念意义的理解一般不会因人而异.概念意义可分解成若干‖语义成分‖,它是客观事物的反映或概括. 词义(denotation) 指词所表示的意义。简单地说,就是词典里所做的种种解释。若是给词义下个科学定义,就是―说话的人和听话的人所共同了解的词所反映的事物、现象或关系。‖

词的意义―是客观事物或现象在人们意识中的概括的反映,是由应用这种语言的集体在使用过程中约定俗成的。 2). Connotative meaning

Connotative meaning refers to the meaning implied.词的涵义(通过语言所指事物来传递的意义) It refers to the meaning implied. The meaning attached to the denotation. Connotative meaning refers to all kinds of associations words may evoke, particularly in certain referential meaning of words 3). Stylistic meaning:

Stylistic meaning refers to social circumstances.(social origin—where, social relation—how) We should be able to tell what his education, background, likes, dislikes. Stylistic meaning refers to social circumstances, refers to the time , place, where an article is written, where the speech is spoken, refers to environment, social origin of the speaker, social relationship between speaker and listener. When we hear a comment or a speech, we can predict a speaker‘s education background, hobbies, like and dislike and so on. 4). Affective meaning

Affective meaning refers to emotion or the feeling expressed by the speaker or writer. 5). Reflected meaning

―反映意义‖的特点如下:有一些多义词,其中某一个含义会引起不好的联想或反映.因而成为禁忌词,有些词的反映意义是在语言运用中附加上去的.The reflected meaning refers to the meaning undetected in communication. (misled meaning) 6). Collocation meaning


―搭配‖指一个词与某个或某些词一起使用(即共现)的倾向性.它实质上是句法上研究的‖横组合关系‖. 利奇在<语义学>(1981)中介绍了词或言语的搭配意义(collocative meaning)例如,fresh 的反义词有foul, withered, faded等,foul一般与water和air搭配.withered 与flower等搭配,faded与color搭配.搭配也是一种‖互相预见性‖现象,即听到几个词后可以预见下一个词是什么词.不过互相预见性还指听到几个词后可以预见下文的主要用词特征或全篇的语域特征即‖语义场‖. 搭配意义是指适合在某一个上下文中的意义. 7).Thematic meaning

―主题意义‖是说话者或写文章的人借助组织信息的方式(语序,强调手段,信息焦点的安排)来传递的一种意义.由于句子的‖新意义‖主要由句末表达, Homework:

1. According to Leech, how many kinds of meaning can be divided into ?

2. What‘s the difference between ―Denotative meaning‖ and― Connotative meaning‖ ? 3. Give examples to illustrate ―collocation meaning‖. 第 三 章

1. Concept of Text

Etymologically, the word ―text‖ comes from a metaphorical use of the Latin verb ―textere (weave), suggesting a sequence of sentences or utterances : ―interwoven‖ structurally and semantically. As a countable noun it is commonly used in linguistics and stylistics to refer to sequential collection of sentences or utterances which form a unit by reason of their linguistic cohesion and semantic coherence. Thus we concluded that a text is any passage, origin, long or short, simple or complex, written or spoken, of whatever length, that forms a unified whole. 1).Cohesive device:照应手段

There are two kinds of devices. Sometimes the connection is obvious. That is explicit. Sometimes it is implicit. They are covered connection between different paragraphs and different sentences.

(1). Explicit (because, therefore, besides, addition, to conclude in a word) 语法手段粘合

所谓语法手段是把一部分意义上的连贯性,通过语法形式加以表现何固定下来。 英语中照应手段是很多的,主要有参照关系(reference),替换关系(substitution),省略关系(ellipsis),连接关系(conjunction),词汇照应(lexical cohesion)。主要涉及的有(1)代词和指点词的应用;(2)替代;(3) 省略。 (1)代词和指点词的应用


(3)省略在这里就是指省去一些“替代词”,省略也能起有效的粘合作用。 在句与句之间起粘合作用的词汇手段常用的有:

表示添加关系的,如:and, besides, furthermore, in addition to

表示时间或顺序关系的,如:then, next, subsequently, first , second, third 表示因果关系的,如:so, therefore, accordingly, as a result of that 表示对立关系的,如:but, nevertheless, instead, in spite of that

2)Implicit Cohesion (1) 靠意义联系 (2) 靠联想粘合


2. The Concept of Context

―Context‖ has been understood in various ways. Context may refer to all the elements of a communicative situation: the verbal and nonverbal context, the context of given speech situation and the social context of the relationship between the speaker and hear, their knowledge and their attitude.

Generally speaking, we consider ― context‖ to consist of two aspects: One is ―linguistic context‖, the other is ― extra-linguistic context‖. Linguistic context is alternatively termed as co-text, which refers to the linguistic units preceding and/or following a particular linguistic unit in a text. Extra-linguistic context( interchangeable with Context Of Situation) refers to the relevant features of the situation in which a text has meaning. Taking on a broader sense, the term ―context‖ may include not only the co-text, but also the extra-linguistic context.

所用语言的知识 语言知识


交际活动的时间、地点 语境 交际的话题 情景知识 交际的正式程度



特定文化的社会规范等 会话规则

背景知识 关于客观世界的一般知识 参与者的相互了解

Contextual factors including the following aspects: 1). user of language言者

2). Characteristics of the use of language in situation. 3.The function of the language:

Language has at least seven functions: phatic, directive, informative, interrogative, expressive, evocative, and performative. (1). What is the phatic function?

The ―phatic function‖ refers to language being used for setting up a certain atmosphere or maintaining social contacts (rather than for exchanging information or ideas). Greetings, farewells, and comments on the weather in English and on clothing in Chinese all serve this function.

(2)What is the directive function?

The ― directive function‖ means that language may be used to get the hearer to do something. Most imperative sentences perform this function, (3)What is the informative function?


“信息功能”指语言用来传达信息,即告诉他人一些事情、情况、信息等的功能。典型的实现该功能的句子是陈述句。 (4)What is the interrogative function?

―疑问功能―是指人们运用语言进行沟通以便得到信息。所有的要求给予回答的一般和特殊问句都有这一功能。但是,根据‖间接语言行为理论―,陈述句、祈使句等在一定语境中也可以兼有这一疑问功能。如,―我叫小明。‖如果对方可能早已知道―我‖的姓名,那么―我‖说这句话的言外之意是―疑问‖对方的―芳名‖。要注意这一点,修辞问句,即设问句,不一定实现疑问功能,因为它们不要求做答。 (5)What is the expressive function?

The ―expressive function‖ is the use of language to reveal something about the feelings or attitudes of the speaker.

(6)What is the evocative function?

The “ evocative function” is the use of language to create certain feelings in the hearer. Its aim is, for example , to amuse , startle, antagonize, soothe, worry or please. Jokes( not practical jokes, though) are not supposed to amuse or entertain the listener; advertising to urge customers to purchase certain commodities; propaganda to influence public opinion. Obviously, the expressive and evocative functions often go together, i.e., you may express , for example, your personal feelings about a political issue but end up by evoking the same feelings in, or imposing it on, your listener. That‘s also the case with the other way around.

(7)What is the performative function?

This means people speak to ―do things‖ or to perform actions. On certain occasions the utterance itself as an action is more important than what words or sounds constitute the uttered sentence. When asked if a third Yangtze bridge ought to be built in Wuhan, the mayor may say ―OK‖, which means more than speech, and more than an average social individual may do for the construction. The judge‘s imprisonment sentence, the president‘s war or independence declaration, ect. , are performatives as well. 3. The Cooperative Principle


Grice(1975) suggested that when people converse with one another, they acknowledge a kind of tacit agreement he calls the cooperative conversationally towards mutual ends. This agreement he calls the cooperative principle. When one follows this principle, one communicates according to various rules which Grice calls ― Maxims‖. For example, one must tell the truth and one must take one‘s point clearly. Grice has put forward four conversational maxims: 1).The maxim of quantity

数量准则(maxim of quantity), 意思是说:当说者能够提供听这所需要的―信息‖时,它应提供足够的―信息‖,但不该―过量‖。(1)你说的话应包含(当前交谈目的)所需要的信息内容。(2)你说的话不应包含超出需要的信息内容。 2).The maxim of quality


