Unit 5 Are IQ Tests Intelligent

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Unit 5 Are IQ Tests Intelligent?

1. adapt to changes 适应变化 2. acquire knowledge习得知识 3. think abstractly 抽象思考 4. motivate oneself自我激励 5. get on with others与他人相处 6. a total airhead 一个十足的傻瓜 7. a gifted child 一个有天赋的孩子 8. go far 有远大前程 9. get around (消息等)传播,流传;到处走动 10. on the way to 在去….的路上 11. a traffic accident一场交通事故 12. all there 头脑清醒,心理健全 13. get stuck in 陷入…. 14. break one’s leg 摔断某人的腿 15. as a result/consequence 结果,因此 16. as a result of 由于….,因为…. 17. to some degree在某种程度上 18. be fated to do sth 注定做某事 19. since then从那时起 20. shape up 改善 21. do poorly in class 上课表现很差

22. take a test 进行测试 23. depend on 依靠,取决于 24. according to 根据…. 25. result in / lead to / cause导致, 造成 26. result from 由….导致/造成 27. take over 接管 28. focus on 集中注意力于…. 29. negative effects 负面影响 30. an expert on ….一位…专家 31. what if 要是….将会怎样 32. be incapable of doing sth 不能做某事

33. rush hour (交通)高峰期 34. It is quite possible that …很可能…. 35. raise serious questions 带来一些严肃问题 36. end up doing sth 以做某事而告终 37. end up with sth 以…而告终/结束 38. keep sb from doing sth 妨碍/阻止某人做

某事 39. stop/prevent sb (from doing sth ) 妨碍/阻止某人做某事 40. judging from/ by …. 根据…..判断

41. take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事 42. take in 理解;使…上当受骗 43. take on a new look 呈现新的面貌 44. take off (飞机)起飞;脱下… 45. take up too much room 占据太多空间 46. oppose doing sth 反对做某事 47. under no circumstances 决不,在任何情况下都不 48. be equal to sth 等于….;与….相等/平等

49. be exposed to sth 接触…;暴露于…之下 50. a lack of 缺少…. 51. make much/ great progress in sth 在某方面取得很大进步 52. take control of …控制….. 53. for now 目前,现在 54. in addition to sth / doing sth 除…之外 55. serve as / function as 充当….,担当….,起….功能 56. turn to the teacher for help 向老师寻求帮助 重点句子(诵读)

1. I can’t believe I got stuck with Matt as my lab partner in school.我真不敢相信我不喜欢的马特成了我在学校做实验的搭档。 2. He’s a total airhead.他完全是个没脑子的人 3. That guy is so dense 那个家伙太蠢了。 4. Matt was considered a gifted child.马特被认为是个有天赋的孩子 5. If you ask me, he’s not all there. 依我说,他大脑有点不正常。

6. Every time I look over at him in class, he’s staring off into space. 我每次在课上看他,他都在发呆。 7. I wouldn’t bet on it! 不大可能,很难说。 8. His parents thought he’d go far.他父母认为他大有前途。

9. I’ve been waiting for you all morning. 我等了你一早上。 11. Sorry I’m late. I had an emergency.很抱


12. He broke his leg last week and it’s hard for him to get around without me. 他上周摔断了腿,如果没有我他很难到处走动。

13. Besides, scores of some individuals can vary from one test to another.而且, 个体在不同测试中取得的成绩会有所不同。

14. A child whose family reads and travels widely may score higher than a child who lacks these experiences. 某个家庭博览群书、周游各地,那么这个家庭的孩子比缺乏这些经历的孩子得分要高。

15.Psychologists try to use questions on subjects to which every person has been equally exposed. 心理学家们尽量使用那些对所有而言具有相同了解度的问题。

16. These experts fear that a child may be treated according to the “label” assigned by the test. 这些专家担心孩子们会因为测试而被贴上不同的“标签”, 从而被区别对待。 17. As a consequence, children labeled “slow” may end up believing they are fated to learn slowly, even though they could progress more rapidly.结果,被贴上“迟钝”标签的孩子会认为他们注定学得比较慢,即使他们原本可以取得更快的进步。

18. It is impossible to know where this technology will lead. 没人知道这种技术会造成什么后果。

19. There are too many questions that need to be answered. 有太多的问题需要解答。

20. There are too much potential for unethical use of the chip. 这种芯片被不道德使用的风险极大。

Unit 6 Where’s Your Recycling Box?

