新概念英语第一册语法综述 13-18

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Part 1

1、Your passports, please. 最简单的祈使句,参见Lesson1的语法。

1.表示请求、要求、命令、建议等意义的句子称为祈使句。祈使句肯定结构中的谓语动词一律用动词原形,句子以谓语(动词原形)开头,句末用惊叹号或句号,句子用降调。 2.祈使句变否定形式是在祈使句的开头加“Don`t”

3.祈使句的句前或句末常常加上please,以使语气更加缓和、客气。 2、Here they are. 给你。这是Here it is.复数形式。参见Lesson1的语法。

3、How do you do? 你好。用于较正式的场合。等于Nice to meet you. 参见Lesson1的语法。 4、Come and meet our employees… and引导的第二个祈使动词,参见Lesson4的语法。 5、office assistant = office boy。办公室的干杂务的工作人员。 6、复数形式:



3.名词的复数:名词分两种,可数名词和不可数名词。一般来说:专有名词、物质名词和抽象名词是不可数名词。反之就是可数名词。一些不可数名词的例子如:bread、pork、water、money、air、paper、glass。一般来说,如果名词单独跟数词产生数量上歧义就是不可数名词,比如:Give me two pork?不能表达出名词的准确数量,这就是不可数名词。 可数名词的复数变化:

(1) 一般情况下加-s,如:

book-books friend-friends case-cases (2) 以-s,-x,-ch,-sh加-es,如:

dress-dresses box-boxes watch-watches dish-dishes (3) 以-f或-fe结尾的,把f或fe变v再加-es,如:

leaf-leaves life-lives knife-knives

但也有例外情况:roof-roofs chief-chiefs gulf-gulfs serf-serfs belief-belief-s proof-proofs (4) 以“辅音+y”结尾的,把y变i再加es,但“元音+y”只加s,如:

factory-factories boy-boys

(5) 有些以“辅音+o”结尾的加es,常用的单词只有四个:

Negro-Negroes hero-heroes potato-potatoes tomato-tomatoes (6) 不规则变化:


foot-feet mouse-mice child-children man-men 2)单复数相同:

a sheep-two sheep a fish- two fish 3)只有复数

glasses 眼镜;compasses 圆规 goods 货物 trousers 裤子 4)复数常用:常使用复数,如果使用单数表示其中之一。

matches 火柴 shoes 鞋子 twins 双胞胎 parents 父母


Chinese-Chinese American-Americans

注意的是We’re American 和 We’re Americans都是正确的。 从语法上来说,前者是形容词,而后者是名词。



gentleman— gentlemen(绅士) policeman—policemen(警察) film-goer—film-goers(爱看电影的人) afternoon—afternoons(下午) 2)将构成复合词的主要词变成复数形式。例如:

looker-on—lookers-on(旁观者) bride-to-be—brides-to-be(准新娘) passer-by—passers-by(过路人)

3)将构成复合词的两个部分都变成复数形式。这种复合名词的第一个词必须是man或woman。 例如:

man doctor—men doctors(男医生) woman teacher—women teachers(女教师) man cook—men cooks(男厨师) 4.单数变复数的例子:

This is my pen. These are our pens

What colour is this? What colour are these? Yes, I’m. Yes, we are.

5.注意复数的所有格形式:teachers’ books


Who is this young man? 这人年轻人谁?

Who is that wear blue T-shirt? 穿蓝色T恤的人是谁。


Who came to school yesterday? 昨天谁没来上学? Who often help somebody else?谁经常帮助别人?

8、passport是出国人的原属国所签发的,来证明该人员为本国合法公民,受本国一切法律保护;而visa是出国人的护照上的签证,往往是对方国所签发的许可。 9、单词辨析:“旅行”的近义词:

journey:通常指有明确目的地走过或长或短的距离。 voyage:指经由海路或空中的长途行程。

travels:(通常是复数)常指时间稍长的各处旅行,并且尤指出国。 travel:一般指传统意义的旅行/行驶。


Part 2

一、单词辨音:选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词 ( )1. A lovely B upstairs C colour D dog ( )2.A green B he C she D hello ( )3.A same B name C hat D case ( )4.A pardon B smart C carpet D Korean ( )5.A come B colour C catch D mice ( )6. A these B this C thank D that ( )7.A these B red C see D Chinese ( )8.A passport B cat C card D pardon

( )9.A Danish B tourist C friend D officer ( )10.A black B orange C fat D thank ( )11. A office B thin C assistant D fine ( )12.A hard B card C passport D catch ( )13.A sale B make C cat D case ( )14.A office B come C umbrella D colour ( )15.A sales B assistant C office D same ( )16. A man B cat C any D thank ( )17.A see B employee C green D friend ( )18.A brown B house C how D tourist ( )19.A Danish B fat C nationality D hat ( )20.A policeman B policewoman C milkman D please 二、根据中文提示默写单词

1.颜色__________ 2.聪明的__________ 3.绿色的__________ 4.相同的__________ 5.可爱的__________ 6.帽子__________ 7.箱子__________ 8.狗__________ 9.来__________ 10.楼上__________ 11.海关__________ 12.护照__________ 13.旅游者__________ 14.朋友__________ 15.女孩__________ 16.灰色的__________ 17.黑色的__________ 18.这些__________ 19.办公室__________ 20.努力地__________ 21.推销员__________ 22.助手__________ 23.雇员__________ 24.懒得__________ 三、语法和词汇:从A、B、C、D中选出正确答案 ( )1.Come _________ see it.

A or B to C / D and ( )2.Look.Here _________.A very nice dress!

A is it B it is C they are D are they ( )3.“_________ is it?”“It`s green.”

A What B Which colour C Whose colour D What colour ( )4.That`s a very nice dress.It`s _________.

A dirty B clean C hot D smart ( )5.“What colour is your carpet?”“It`s _________.” A old B new C big D red ( )6. “What colour is your coat?”“It`s _________.” A young B long C short D green ( )7.“What colour is your blouse?”“It`s _________.” A fat B thin C smart D yellow ( )8.“What colour is your case?”“It`s _________.” A lovely B nice C good D brown ( )9.“What colour is your shirt?”“It`s _________.” A apple B banana C orange D pear

( )10.“What colour is your hat?”“It`s _________.”

A long and short B new and old C cold and hot D grey andblack ( )11. “What colour is your suit?”“My suit is green.What colour is your suit?”“It`s the same colour.”“What colour?”“_________.”

A Red B Yellow C White D Green ( )12.Come upstairs and _________ it.

A look B look at C see D see at ( )13.Come _________ and see it.

A to upstairs B in upstairs C on upstairs D upstairs ( )14.That is a _________ hat!

A love B lovly C lovely D lovlly ( )15.My dress is _________.

A smart dress B smart C a smart D dress smart ( )16.“Are you Swedish?”“_________.”

A No,we are B Yes,we aren`t C No,we aren`t D Yes,we are not ( )17.“Your passport,please.”“_________”

A Here it is. B Here you are. C Here is it. D Here are you. ( )18.“Are these your cases?”“_________”

A Yes,it is. B No,it isn`t. C Yes,they are. D Yes,they is. ( )19.“Your cases,please.”“_________.”

A Here are they B Here it is C Here is it D Here they are ( )20.“Are you friends?”“_________.”

A Yes,I am B Yes,we are C Yes,we are D Yes,I are ( )21.“Are your friends tourists?”“_________”

A Yes,we are. B Yes,they is. C Yes,they am. D Yes,they are. ( )22.“What colour are your books?”“_________ green.” A It is B They is C It are D They are ( )23.What colour _________ your dogs? A is B am C are D be

( )24.“What colour are your_________”“They are white.” A coat B coats C cloth D shoe ( )25.“Are your_________brown? ”“Yes,they are.” A dress B dress`s C dresses D dress is

( )26. “My blouse is green.What colour is your dress?”“It`s _________colour.” A green B the same C lovely D / ( )27.“Is your daughter French?”“_________.”

A No,she isn`t B Yes,he is C No,they aren`t D Yes,I am ( )28.“_________?”“It`s blue.”

A Whose colour is your shoe B What colour is your shoe C How colour is your shoe D What colour are your shoes ( )29.“_________?”“They are blue.”

A Whose colour are your shoes B What colour is your shoes C How colour are your shoes D Whose colour are your shoes ( )30.“Are these your tickets?”“Yes,_________.”

A They are not B it is C it is not D they are ( )31. “What are their jobs?”“They are_________.”

A milkman B housewifes C postmans D milkmen ( )32.“What are their jobs?”“They are_________.”

A air hostess B air hostess-es C air hostesses D airs hostesses ( )33.“What are their jobs?”“They are_________.”

A sale reps B sales reps C sales rep D sale rep ( )34.“What are their jobs?”“They are_________.”

A mechanics B mechanices C mechanic D mechanic-s ( )35.“What are their jobs?”“They are_________.” A Customs officer B Customs officers C Custom officer D Custom officers ( )36.“What are their jobs?”“They are_________.”

A housewife B housewifes C housewifees D housewives ( )37.“What are their jobs?”“They are_________.”

A milkmen B milksmen C milkmans D milksmans ( )38.“What are their jobs?”“They are_________.”

A postmans B postsmans C postmen D postsmen ( )39.“What are their jobs?”“They are_________.”

A taxi drivers B taxis drivers C taxi driver D taxi driveres ( )40.“What are their jobs?”“They are_________.” A keyboard operators B keyboards operators C keyboards operator D keyboard operatore ( )41. “What are their jobs?”“They are_________.”

A policemans B policemanes C policemen D policemens ( )42.“What are their jobs?”“They are_________.”

A engineeres B engineers C engineer D engineermen ( )43.“What are their jobs?”“They are_________.”

A assistants B assistantmen C assistantes D assistant ( )44.“What are their jobs?”“They are_________.”

A employees B employeees C employeemen D employee ( )45.“What are their jobs?”“They are_________.”

