新视野大学英语Unit 1读写教案

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教 案

课程名称 新视野英语教程 读写教程2 课 时 班 级 专 业 教 师 系 部 教 研 室 教 材 《新视野英语教程 读写教程2》


Unit 1 Symbols of Culture

Teaching Focus

Theme Text A The First McDonald’s Text B Disney Mirrors American Culture Restaurant Vocabulary symbol, danger, destroy, public, damage, location, afford, claim, amount, deny, local, national, register, board, moment Phrases and in danger of; agree with; can Expressions afford to do; have nothing to do; stop… from; even so Grammar mirror, rare, admit, defeat, purchase, capital, rush, oppose, detail, murder, basic, positive, value, critical make a trip; anything but; at work; be opposed to; in detail; sort of; long before 1) How to use the structure “there is (no) room for…” and the expression “even so” (“Focusing on Sentence Structure”) 2) How to make sure that the subject and verb agree (“Basic Writing Skills”) Writing Understanding and writing invitation letters (“Practical Writing”)


Teaching Plan

单元 主题 Symbols of Culture 课时8 安 排 教育 教学 目标 (学生) To get familiar with the cultural information about McDonald’s and Disney. To find some typical Chinese fast food restaurants and learn about the Chinese culture related to them. To be familiar with the context meaning and the use of those vocabulary of the two texts listed in the above table. To be familiar with the collocation of those phrases and expressions listed in the above table. To be able to make sentences with in danger of, can afford to do, make sense, even so, etc. To be able to rewrite sentences after models, using the structure “there is (no) room for…” or the expression “even so.” To get familiar with some other rules of subject-verb agreement besides those listed in Unit 8, Book One. To be able to understand and write invitation letters. 教 学 设 计 Section A Text A: The First McDonald’s Restaurant 教 学 Section B 内 容 Text B: Disney Mirrors American Culture Section C Practical Writing: Understanding and Writing Invitational Letters 3

Leading In and Exploring the Topic ? Ask Ss to work in pairs and finish the exercise in Exploring the Topic. ? Ask a couple of pairs to summarize their answers to the class. ? Divide the class into some groups and ask each group to redesign the two questions of Exploring the Topic, changing the foods and restaurant’s name into Chinese ones. Section A Reading Through ? Show a picture of an English MacDonald’s menu in the teaching PPT and ask some Ss to read some of their favorite items and give the class their Chinese equivalents. ? Ask Ss to go through Text A quickly and answer the following two questions: 1) What’s the text about? 2) What are the only two kinds of food sold in the first McDonald’s restaurant? 3) What’s the problem the first McDonald’s restaurant facing now? 4) What are the two opinions about how to deal with the first 教学活动McDonald’s restaurant? 安排建议 ? Ask Ss to read the text carefully paragraph by paragraph and discuss anything they are not sure about. ? Highlight some difficult sentences and elicit explanations from students and give helps where necessary. ? Divide the class into two groups and ask them to have a debate on the topic: Should the First MacDonald’s Restaurant Be Torn Down? Basic Writing Skills ? Prepare a PPT with sentences of the exercise on P11 of SB. ? Ask some students to tell their answers to the class and explain why. ? Sum up the rules of subject-verb agreement learned in this Unit and review those learned in Unit 8 of Book One. Section B Reading More ? Ask Ss to choose one of their favorite Disney films and search the information online before class. ? Divide the class into groups and ask Ss to share their favorite films in their groups. Choose some groups to share in the class.


? Guide Ss to go through the text and find the answer of the question: Why did some people oppose Disney films and their by- products? Section C Practical Writing ? Guide the Ss to finish the three exercises on P18-19 of SB according to the samples given. ? Ask the Ss to write their own invitation cards of their birthday parties and exchange with one another. 课后学习设计 作业 ? Finish all the exercises in Unit One. ? Read the passage in Reading Out on Page 6 and recite it. ? Check online and in reference books about Chinese fast food restaurants before class. ? Write your own birthday invitation cards and give them to your friends. 5

课后 总结 与 反思 6

