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21. The number Of smokers, ______ is reported, has dropped by 17 PerCent in the PaSt one year.
A. it
B. WhiCh
C. that
D. as
22. Schools should be lively PIaCeS Where in piduals are en COUraged to ____ to their greatest pote ntial.
A. accelerate
B. improve
C. PerfOrm
D. develop
23. - Jim, Can you work …..?
-- _____ ? I ' Ve been working two WeekS on end.
A. Why me
B. Why not
C. What if
D. So What
24. MUCh time ____ S itti ng at a desk, OffiCe WOrkerS are gen erally trapped by health problems.
A. being SPe nt
B. hav ing SPe nt
C. SPe nt
D. to SPe nd
25. ____ Li Hua, a great Chin ese poet, WaS born is known to the public,
but ….
A. That
B. Why
C. Where
D. How
26. It is so cold that you can' t go OUtSide __________ fully COVered in thick clothes.
A. if
B. Unl ess
C. once
D. Whe n
27. The Uni VerSity Started some new Ian guage PrOgrammeS to ___ the
COuntry ' S Silk ROad ECOn OmiC Belt.
A. apply to
B. Cater for
C. appeal to
D. …
28. It might have SaVed me much trouble ____ the schedule.
A. did I know
B. have I known
C. do I know
D. had I known
29. The whole team ______ Don ald, and he seldom let them dow n.
A. Wait on
B. focus on
C. count on
D. call on
30. The reas on Why PriCeS ___ and still are too high is complex, and
no short discussi on Can SatiSfaCtOry Can expla in this problem.
A. Were
B. will be
C. have bee n
D. had bee n
31. The police OffiCerS decided to con duct a thorough, and ___________ review of the case.
A. COmPrehe nsive
B. complicated
D. …
32. Someschools will have to make _________ in agreement With the national social reform.
A. judgme nts
B. adjustme nts
C. comme nts
D. achieveme nts
33. - Why didn' t you inVite John to your birthday party?
-- Well, you know he ' S _________ .
A.a n early bird
B. a Wet bla nket
C. a lucky dog
D. a tough
34. Many of the things We now ben efit from would not be around _____ ThOmaS EdiS on.
A. tha nks to
B. regardless of
C. aside from
D. but for
.WORD 完美格式.
35. — Go and Say sorry to your mom, Dave?
m afraid Mom would not accept my
A. requests
B. excuses
C. apologies
D. regrets
I WaS required to read One of Bernie SiegeI ' S books in college and WaS hooked on his POSitiVity from the moment on. The StOrieS of his UnCOnVentional ______________36 __ and the exceptio nal Patie nts he wrote about Were
so ___ 37 ___ to me and had SUCh a big ___ 38 ___ on how I SaW life from
the n on. Whok new that so many years later I would look to Dr. Bernie and his CDS aga in to _________ 39 __ my own Can Cer experie nce?
I ' mambitious __40 __ , and Whenl Started going through chemo 化疗),even though I ' m a Very __41__ PerSon, I lost my drive to write. I WaS just
too tired and not in the ______ 42__. Oneday, while Wanting to go in for __43__
I had one of Dr. Bernie ' S books in my hand. Another Patient _______ 44__ What I WaS read ing and StrUCk UP a con VerSati on With me ___ 45 he had one of his books …well. It _______ 46 ___ that among other thin gs, he WaS an
eighty-on e-year-old writer. He WaS _ 47 ___ a PUbIiShed author, and he
WaS CUrre ntly _48 __ on a new book.
Wewould See each other at VariOUS times and ____ 49 ____ friends. SOmetimeS he wore a duck hat, and I would tell myself, he WaS definitely a(n)
--I ' d Iike to, but I
.WORD 完美格式.
____ 50 __ of Dr. Bernie. He really PUt a __51__ on my face. He
UnfOrtunately ___ 52__ IaSt year due to his Cancer, _____ 53 __ h e Ieft impressiOnOn me ….The __54__ to PiCk UP my Pen again. I __ 55 __ to myself, “ If he Can do it, the n so Can I.
” 36. A. tastes B. ideas C. no tes D. memories
37. A. amaz ing B. shock ing C. amus ing D. Stra nge
38. A. Strike B. PUSh C. challe nge D. impact
39. A. learn from B. go over C. get through D. refer to
40. A. reader B. Writer C. editor D. doctor
41. A. POSitiVe B. agreeable C. humourous D. hon est
42. A. mood B. POSiti on C. State D. Way
43. A. advice B. refere nce C. PrOteCtiO n D. treatme nt
44. A. VieWed B. knew C. no ticed D. won dered
45. A. while B. because C. although D. PrOVidi ng
46. A. Carried out B. WOrked out C. PrOVed out D. turned out
47. A. naturally B. merely C. hopefully D. actually
48. A. decid ing B. i nv esti ng C. worki ng D. relyi ng
49. A. became B. helped C. missed D. ViSited
50. A. Patie nt B. OPeratOr C. fan D. PUbIiSher
51. A. Sig n B. smile C. mark D. mask
52. A. ShOWed UP B. Set off C. fell dow n D. PaSSed away
53. A. SinCe B. but C. so D. for a deep
54. A. guida nce B. trust C. opport Un ity D. in SPiratiO n
55. A. PrOmiSed B. swore C. thought D. replied
ViSitOr Code
ArriVe With nothing that Can harm NeW ZeaIa nd
If you are arriv ing from OVerSeas, bring no food, ani mal or pla nt
material into the coun try. If in doubt declare it to Customs.
PrOteCt pla nts and an imals
NeVer allow dogs or other PetS to run freely in areas of nesting birds, other wildlife, or Where SighPosted.
Get rid of rubbish
AIWayS get rid of your rubbish PrOPerIy and recycle waste(e.g. glass,
PaPer) Where possible.
Be con Siderate With other WaSte
If USing a POrtabIe toilet always throw away your toilet WaSte at a
PrOPer WaSte StatiO n. In the back coun try, bury your toilet WaSte in
a shallow hole away from WaterWay.
KeeP NeW Zealand ' S Water clean
BeCaUSe soaps and other WaSteS Can harm WaterWays, be CarefUI your WaShing Water doesn ' t pollute t he Sea lakes and rivers.
Take Care With fires
AIWayS ObSerVe district fire bans. Be CarefUI if you smoke or have
an OutdOOr fire Or barbecue, makesure ashes are COId before IeaVing.
CamP or PiC nic carefully
When CamP ing or PiC nicking, USe facilities provided.
KeeP to the track
KeeP to the track, Where one exists, so you lesse n the Cha nce of
damag ing fragile pla nts.
Be con Siderate
When driv ing, mini mize no ise and ObSerVe no smok ing Sig ns.
56. ACCOrd ing to ViSitOr Code, ViSitOrS could act __ .
A. With Care and respect
B. With relief and PIeaSUre
C. With
CaUti on and cal mn ess D. With atte nti on and ObSerVati on
57. What are you enCOUraged to do When travelling in NeW Zealand?
A. Take your own CamP ing facilities.
B. BUry glass far away from rivers.
C. Follow the track for the Sake of pla nts.
D. QbSerVe Sig ns to approach n esti ng birds.
In the United StateS alone, over 100 million cell-phones are throWn away each year. Cell-phones are Part of a groWing mountain of electronic WaSte like COmPUterS and PerS onal digital assista nts. The electro nic
WaSte Stream is in CreaS ing three times faster tha n traditi onal garbage as a gen eral.
EleCtr OniC devices COntain Valuable metals SuCh as gold and silver.
A SWiSS StUdy reported that while the Weight of electronic goods represe nted by PreCiOUS metals WaS relatively small in COmPariS on to traditi onal waste, the COnCen trati on(含量)of gold and other PreCiOUS metal WaS higher in so-called e-waste than in naturally OCCUrring mi nerals.
EIeCtrO nic WaSteS also con ta in many pois onous metals. EVe n Whe n the mach in e??? and the harmful metals removed, the recycled PrOCeSS ofte n is Carried out in poor coun tries, in practically uncon trolled WayS WhiCh allow many pois onous SUbSta nces to escape in to the en Vir Onment.
Creating PrOdUCtS out of raw materials CreateS muchmore WaSte material, UP to 100 times more, than the material COntained in the finiShed products. ConSider again the cell-phone, and imagine the mines that PrOdUCed those metals, the factories needed to make the box and PaCkaging it Came in. Many WaSteS PrOdUCed in the PrOdUC ing PrOCeSS are harmful as well.
The U.S. EnVirOnment PrOteCtiOn Agency notes that most WaSte is dangerous in that “the PrOdUCtion, distribution, and USe of PrOdUCtS --
as well as man ageme nt of the result ing WaSte---all result in gree nhouse release. In piduals Can make con tributi ons by Creati ng less WaSte at buying reusable PrOdUCtS and recycli ng.
In manycountries, the conCePt of extended PrOdUCer responSibiIity is

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