SAT 分类词汇填空categorical vocabulary

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SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie

SAT vocabulary categories:

一 事物、人物特点 安静 vs 喧闹

aplomb calm

composure equanimity even-tempered gentle halcyon hush

impassive imperturbable peace peaceable phlegmatic placid quiescence quiet reposing sedate serene serenity silence tranquil tranquility 喧闹 agitation bedlam boisterous commotion din

disturbance flustered foment havoc miserable pandemonium perturbation restive restless

riot stormy

tempestuous turbulent turmoil uproar

简洁 vs 唠叨

abridged brevity brief

compendious concise curt

economical laconic laconism pithy reticent spare succinct succinctness summary taciturn taciturnity terse

condensed compressed pithy lean

冗长 唠叨

circumlocution colloquial diffuse digress eloquence garrulity garrulous glib

grandiloquent lengthy


SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie

long-winded loquacious prattle prolix ramble rant

redundant rhetorical talkative tedious verbose voluble wordy

清晰 vs 模糊 clarity enunciate explicit limpid lucent lucid luculent luminous manifest patent pellucid

straitghforwardly transparent transpicuous unburid unequivocal well-defined 模糊 abstruse ambiguous arcane daze dense dim dusky enigmatic equivocal esoteric

impenetrable inscrutable murky mysterious nubilous obfuscate obscure opacity opaque puzzling sibylline slur

tenebrous turbid

unfathomable unintelligible vague

天生 vs 后天

indigenous intrinsic endemic instinct inanate connate connatural inborn inherited native unacquired ingrained inherent domestic 后天 acquired exotic extraneous foreign

learned response alien

accidental adventitious


SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie


大量 vs 少量 slew

abundance plenty prodigal affluence profuse teeming plethora prodigious rife

plenitude spate

profligacy frequency trivial pandemic scads adequacy sufficient ample copious fulsome extravagant swarming lavishness spuerfluity gluf raff 少量 dearth deficient diminishment exiguous frugality inadequate infrequency insufficient iota

limited meager paucity penury pinch poverty rarity scant scarcity skimpy slight sparse sparse substantive thrifty whit

真诚 vs 狡猾 artless honesty natural ingenuous candor guileless unartificial innocent na?ve simple unartful

unsophisticated unstudied untutored unpretentious candid frank forthright unreserved unmannered aboveboard probity uprightness

狡猾的 cunning


SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie

improbity chicanery guile mannered artifice

manipulative covert furtive foxy guileful sly triky wily deceitful

短暂的 vs 持久的

ephemeral evanescent fleeting fugacious fugitive itinerant mercurial meteoric momentary nomadic passing peripatetic sporadic transient transitory volatile

时间长 antiquity chronic constant continuous durability durable eon eternal

everlasting gradual incessant lasting longevity perennial permanent perpetual perpetuity stable substantial sustained

即兴的 vs 预先考虑的 impromptu offhand precipitate

extemporaneous extemporize unrehearsed improvised

预先考虑 premeditated deliberated planned

follow a script

有创意的 vs 陈腐的

original novel seminal precursory fresh

innovative ingenuity deviceful ingenious innovational innovatory


SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie

originate constructive productive inventive

陈腐的 banal cliché

commonplace derivative fusty

hackneyed insipid lackluster mediocre moldy mundane platitude prosaic stale

stereotyped trite trite vapid

聪明 vs 笨拙 acute adept adroit agile artful astute crafty deft

dexterous discerning erudite incisive ingenious intelligent judicious perspicacious prudent

sagacious savvy shrewd smart 笨拙 vacuous bungle awkward fatuous fumble asinine foolish clumsy inept maladroit dull botch

脾气不好的 vs 和谐的

cantankerous choleric crabbed cranky

curmudgeon fractious hot-tempered huffy

intemperate irascible ireful irritable passionate peevish petulant querulous ratty snappish spleen temperish testy tetchy touchy


SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie


和谐的 affable calm

good-natured agreeable goodwill patient amiable complaisant obliging quiet relaxed

long-suffering tolerant gracious gentle genial delicate tender

教条、正统 vs 异教、非正统 dogma canonical tenet doctrine religion instruction orthodox

非正统 heresy heterodox nontraditional unorthodox unauthoritative uncanonical cult pagan paganism heathen

减少 vs 增加

dwindle abbreviate curtail abrade cut short abridge lessen decrease ebb subside wane attenuate thin

moderate disappear fail abate diminish dock

drain away peter rebate recede reduce clip retrench trim shrink mitigate subtract wither 增加

proliferate increase accrue protract augment amplify enlarge multiply elongate extend


SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie

lengthen dilate distend amass

完全的 vs 不完全的 exhaustive absolute profound

full developed utter thorough

comprehensive intensive

不完全 partial incomplete superficial shoal

incompleteness cursory shallow scrappy

适当的 vs 不相关的 relevant apposite germane pertain opportune seasonable proper apt suitable

不相关的 extraneous immaterial irrelevant

extremely inappropriate extraneous irrelevant

unassociated inadmissible alien extrinsic inapposite irrelative

虚假 vs 真实 mendacious fictitious bogus feigned dissembling mendacity posture dissemble prevarication perjury adulterated apocrypha fake

pretended deceptive fraudulent forged 真实 honest factual authentic genuine truthful genuine veracity truthful cannon valid veritable

放荡不羁 vs 有节制的 restraint indulgent intemperance sybarite


SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie

excessive libertine dissolute dissolute licentious depraved profligate reprobate unprincipled debased lewd corrupt degenerate lustful

有节制的 bridled martinet restrained teetotalism ascetic abstemious abstinent austere temperate disciplined sober stern

普通 vs 异常,杰出 normal prevalent commonplace ordinary prosaic

commonsensical universal mundane quotidian stock everyday plain routine


usual workaday commonplace natural customary familiar frequent

unexceptional unnoteworthy uneventful 杰出

pathological anomaly unusual uncommon inimitable preternatural particular anomalous aberrant unearthly exotic


自负 vs 谦虚 自负 arrogant

presumptuous overweening pompous consequential self-conceited pretentious smug hubris. n

braggart complacent disdainful egotistical haughty insolent


SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie

narcissistic ostentatious presumptuous pretentious swagger 傲慢 haughty

contemptuous supercilious 谦虚 Meek

Obsequious Mean Modestly Humility Despicable Humble

Open to challenge Base Bashful Demean

敌意的 vs 友善的 inimical hostile ill

unfriendly arguementative contrary dim

disaffected opposite dour sour bellicose contentious warlike antipathetic suspicious

友善的 friendly

benign unhostile harmonious accordant amicable intimate agreeing concordant frictionless

巨大的 vs 小的 gargantuan sensation bull oversize colossal enormous huge immense mammoth vast

voluminous nonmetal prodigious stupendous excessive exorbitant extensive 小的

minuscule microscope unnoticed event paltry piddling trivial small

insignificant minute tiny

diminutive slender slim thin


SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie

nonentity detritus

认真 vs 马虎 alert attention canny careful cautious chary cherry

circumspect concerned conscientious discreet exacting gingerly heedful intentional leery

lucubration meticulous precautionary prudent punctilious scrupulous sedulous vigilant wary 马虎 careless cursory derelict facile feckless hasty ignored inadvertent inattentive negligent

oblivious overlooked perfunctory premature regardless remiss slack slipshod thoughtless daredevil rash impetus reckless temerity

博学 vs 无知 erudite learned savant studious pedantic scholarly academic 无知 ignorant unlettered unlearned uneducated illiterate unschooled unintellectual uninstructed

犹豫 vs 果断 vacillation dither hesitate falter stagger waver capricious shift vacillate


SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie

果断 volition tenacity resolve settle decide tenacious steadfast stubborn persisting obstinate

隐藏 vs 公开 cover occult bury secrete covert hide close off fill up shelter mask 公开 denude bare disclose expose uncover unveil

弯曲 vs 直接 byzantine convoluted tortuous flexuous meandrous bending twisting

crooked indirect roundabout 直接

straightforward direct straight aboveboard upright barefaced undeviating unswerving immediate

勤奋 vs 懒散 diligent sedulity industrious hardworking tireless zealous persisting dilatory unwearied 懒散

procrastination lazy slothful desultory slovenly sloppy slack remiss careless deliberate laggard leisurely

征服 vs 投降

subdue vanquish


SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie

resist conquer crush defeat subjugate win frustrate quash quell suppress constrain 投降 surrender capitulate bow cave give up yield capitulate submit relinquish consign resign

乐观 vs 悲观 optimistic sanguine upbeat expectant hopeful cheerful promising confident merry 悲观

pessimistic doubtful discouraged gloomy glum hopeless dismal

morose cynical melancholy

二 评价、态度、作用 批评 表扬 abuse aspersion baste berate blame carp castigate castigate censure chastise chide condemn criticize decry

defamation denounce deprecate deride diatribe fulminate harangue impugn lambaste malign opprobrium rail rap rebuff rebuke reprehend reprimand reproach reproof reprove scold tirade upbraid


SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie

表扬 acclaim accolade adulate advocate applaud approbation bless celebrate commend encomium eulogize eulogy exalt extol glorify hymn laud

panegyrize praise proclaim tout tribute

反对 赞成

condemn forbid disfavor proscribe disapprove deny dissent gainsay buck

contravene oppose abnegate abrogate dispute refutation resist

factious agree impugn

rebuff battle counter fight vie

converse antipode antithesis inverse adverse antonym conflict hostile

antagonistic 赞成

countenance sanction

corroboration concur concord assent to support bolster endorse uphold fortify accept aver verify acquiesce agree champion welcome reinforce strengthen applaud approve plunk embrace espouse defend maintain


SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie

sustain bear up buttress prop stiffen

肯定 / 否定 affirm reaffirm confirm justify verified posit aver

corroborate prove

approbation verification axiomatic substantiate attest certify guarantee vouch avouch declare depose protest predicate proclaim endorse applaud commend

否定/驳斥 negate gainsay abnegate argue against unsubstantiated deny

less certain controvert


condemnation refute dispute censure disprove counter oppose reject repudiate

厌恶 /喜欢

antipathy aversion odium abhor loath

repulse repulsion distaste repellency revulsion disgust dread loathing dislike hatred 喜欢 liking fondness affinity attraction infatuation fancy admire captivate eager affection predilection prepossession attachment


SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie


强化 削弱 strengthen fortify champion strong reinforce undergird bolster energize brace support gird brace up 削弱 enervate attenuate bait sap

disappoint subvert undermine vitiate cripple disable enfeeble deject discourage dishearten dispirit emasculate weaken jade tire weary

缺乏兴趣 热情 vs 热情 没有兴趣 aloof apathetic detached impassive

indifferent listless nonchalant phlegmatic remote stolid

没有热情 indolent languor lassitude lethargic sedentary sluggish soporific stagnant torpid

狂热 热情 ardent avid ebullient effervescent exuberant fanatical fervent

impassioned vibrant zealous


antediluvian antiquated antiquity archaic obsolete relic 时新

contemporary inception innovation


SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie



加剧 平息抚慰

exacerbate aggravate harrow intensify augment aggrandize 抚慰 alleviate mitigate extenuate console ameliorate assuage palliate propitiate cushion placate appease mollify conciliate soothe

减弱 加强 lessen damped flag mute muffle shroud stifle subdue smother 加强 intensity amplify wax enhance

magnify reinforce expand dilate swell augment

争吵 协调 polemical conflict inconsonant imbroglio quarrel brawl

controversy feud 协调

conciliatory jibe

agreement harmony accord concord concordance consonant

consistent consistency congruity concurrent coincident compatible

尊敬 嘲讽

acknowledgment admire adore awe cherish compliment defer deference devotion esteem


SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie

estimable honor regard relish respect revere reverence reverent venerate worship 嘲笑 abhor abominate badinage contemn contempt demean deride despise detest disagree disdain disparage execrate flout gibe infamous irreverence jeer loathe mock mockery prank profane rag

repudiate ridicule sarcasm scoff scorn scout sneer snub

spurn stain taunt tease twit


挑剔的 苛刻的 不挑剔的 captious carping caustic

cavil caviling censoring critic critical criticism

discriminating faultfinding finicky fussy

overcritical particular pernickety

不苛刻 complaisant innocuous cursory uncritical shallow superficial encourage flatter praise


偏见的 客观中立的 prejudiced factional disposed tendentious biased colored


SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie

jaundiced one-sided partial partisan

prepossessed unneutral warped inclined predisposed skew prejudge

客观中立的 disinterested disinclined unbiased detached dispassionate impartial neutral

open-minded fair honest just

节俭、吝啬 vs挥霍、浪费

frugal husbandry miserly niggardly parsimonious penurious spare stingy thrifty

austere avaricious mercenary miserly

parsimonious penurious


dissipated extravagant improvident lavish prodigal profligate profuse spendthrift splurge squander wasteful

慷慨大方 generous magnanimous munificent openhanded unstinting altruistic benevolent largess munificent philanthropic

特殊人类 adversary advocate artisan ascetic charlatan hedonist orator pariah raconteur skeptic virtuoso partisan recluse hermit


SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie

主 义 altruism patriotism feminism optimism narcissism egoism nudism celibacy

exhibitionism epicureanism hedonism fanaticism infatuation insularity cynicism pessimism nihilism elitism chauvinism jingoism eclecticism pragmatism empiricism plutolatry

人群(different group of people) dealer aesthete athlete maestro composer canary vocalist personage heavy

tragedienne comedian ballerina percussionist stuntman acrobat conjurer minstrel

poetaster dauber author freelancer lampooner playwright adapter illustrator cartographer lexicographer mannequin gladiator opponent adversary antagonist protagonist exponent proponent booster votary zealot fanatic partisan adherent apologist accomplice attorney litigant appellant suitor plaintiff indicter defendant respondent petitioner associate subordinate underling mentor

stripling cub gosling fledgling


SAT VIP Course-Vocabulary Instructor: Sophie

greenhorn tyro

neophyte novice rookie recruit adept dilettante amateur intern laity laymen plague pest

prankster wag sloven bore sluggard laggard hulk defaulter

libertine benefactor fop dandy prodigal wastrel skinflint niggard nonentity cipher genius prodigy

nonesuch = nonsuch polyglot polymath savant storehouse sage sapience

introvert extrovert stickler disputant

dissenter dissident pedant

nonconformist maverick iconoclast vanguard precursor harbinger sphinx doctrinaire celibate stoic aspirant anchorite hermit recluse solitary pedestrian pirate refugee perfectionist detractor flagellant heckler raconteur


