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Part I Listening Comprehension ( 15 minutes )

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear ten statements. Numbers 1 to 6 are based on Text A while the rest are based on Text B. Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE. Listen carefully and decide whether each statement is true or false.

1. A) T B) F

Script: How to prepare for an interview should become a compulsory course for today’s graduates.

正确答案: A 2. A) T B) F

Script: To be competitive, you must learn to overcome your weak points and promote your strong points.

正确答案: A 3. A) T B) F

Script: In the New York Marathon, the author and his daughter were encouraged to reach the deadline by a handicapped veteran. 正确答案: A 4. A) T B) F

Script: The taxi driver was so courteous and generous that he offered his customer a free call. 正确答案: B 5. A) T B) F

Script: To make a difference can always help people to obtain some favorable opportunities. 正确答案: A 6. A) T B) F

Script: The author’s mentor, Curt Carlson is always very generous and has passion for being


正确答案: A 7. A) T B) F

Script: According to Text B, the author applied for a typist in a hospital for the only reason of making money. 正确答案: B 8. A) T B) F

Script: The author’s family thought that no one would marry her because of her ordinary looking, and therefore she had to work and live on her own. 正确答案: A 9. A) T B) F

Script: The author was so worried and frightened that she couldn’t finish the typing test. 正确答案: B 10. A) T B) F

Script: She was lucky to get the opportunity of being interviewed because of her good English in the application letter.

正确答案: A

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

Work can be (11)_________________ to your health. Each year, more than two million people die from work-related accidents or diseases. Labor-related deaths (12)_________________ four percent of all deaths around the world.

And here are some other (13)_________________ in a recent report from the International Labor Organization, a United Nations agency: About two hundred seventy million workplace accidents happen each year. In addition, there are about one hundred sixty million cases of work-related (14)_________________ . The most common include cancers, muscle and bone diseases, lung diseases, hearing loss and blood-flow (15)_________________ .

Dangerous (16)_________________ are blamed for more than four hundred thousand deaths each year. Asbestos alone is (17)_________________ for an estimated one hundred thousand deaths. Asbestos is a material that can lead to lung cancer and other diseases.

Diseases cause most of the deaths among workers. But deadly accidents at work also appear to be increasing in (18)_________________ as their economies expand quickly. This is true especially in Latin America and Asia.

About seventeen percent of all deadly workplace accidents happen in the building industry. Each year at least sixty thousand people die in such accidents. Many workers come from (19)_________________ . They have little experience with heavy machinery and little training in safety.

The farming industry employs half of all workers in the world. In most developing countries, farming is the biggest employer. The risks from agricultural work include the use of pesticides. These chemicals cause an estimated seventy thousand (20)_________________ each year. In addition, the most recent estimates show that at least seven million people get very sick but survive.

Script: Work can be harmful to your health. Each year, more than two million people die from work-related accidents or diseases. Labor-related deaths represent four percent of all deaths around the world.

And here are some other estimates in a recent report from the International Labor Organization, a United Nations agency: About two hundred seventy million workplace accidents happen each year. In addition, there are about one hundred sixty million cases of work-related sickness. The most common include cancers, muscle and bone diseases, lung diseases, hearing loss and blood-flow disorders.

Dangerous substances are blamed for more than four hundred thousand deaths each year. Asbestos alone is responsible for an estimated one hundred thousand deaths. Asbestos is a material that can lead to lung cancer and other diseases.

Diseases cause most of the deaths among workers. But deadly accidents at work also appear to be increasing in some developing countries as their economies expand quickly. This is true especially in Latin America and Asia.

About seventeen percent of all deadly workplace accidents happen in the building industry. Each year at least sixty thousand people die in such accidents. Many workers come from poor areas. They have little experience with heavy machinery and little training in safety.

The farming industry employs half of all workers in the world. In most developing countries, farming is the biggest employer. The risks from agricultural work include the use of pesticides. These chemicals cause an estimated seventy thousand poisoning deaths each year. In addition, the most recent estimates show that at least seven million people get very sick but survive.

正确答案: harmful 正确答案: represent 正确答案: estimates 正确答案: sicknesses 正确答案: disorders 正确答案: substances 正确答案: responsible

正确答案: some developing countries 正确答案: poor areas

正确答案: poisoning deaths

Part II Reading Comprehension ( 25 minutes )

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with several blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Prepare to win. “If you miss one day of practice, you notice the difference,” the saying goes among musicians. “If you miss two days of practice, the 21 notice the difference. If you miss three days of practice, the 22 notices the difference.”

When we watch a world-class musician or a 23 athlete, we don’t see the years of preparation that 24 him or her to become great. The Michael Jordans of the world have 25 , yes, but they’re also the first ones on and the last ones off the basketball court. The same preparation applies in every form of human 26 . If you want the job, you have to prepare to win it.

When I graduated from college, the 27 were good that I would have the same job for the rest of my life. And that’s how it 28 . But getting hired is no longer a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 29 experts believe that today’s graduates could face as many as ten job changes during their 30 .

A) worked out B) talent C) chances D) effort E) high F) careers G) Development H) endeavor I) critics J) audience K) odds L) top

M) enabled N) Employment O) figured out

21. ______________________ 正确答案: I

22. ______________________ 正确答案: J

23. ______________________ 正确答案: L

24. ______________________ 正确答案: M

25. ______________________ 正确答案: B

26. ______________________ 正确答案: H

27. ______________________

正确答案: K

28. ______________________ 正确答案: A

29. ______________________

正确答案: N

30. ______________________ 正确答案: F

Section B

Directions: There are several passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice.

Passage One

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

Careers for women should not be any different from careers for men. Decisions about gainful and satisfying employment for women should be made on the basis of individual interest and abilities. A variety of factors can help women find better jobs. Women need better career planning and counseling. They should be encouraged to develop personal goals that will enable them to compete for good jobs in light of their abilities, desires and training. Career guidance should begin at the junior high school level, or even at the elementary school level, with the assistance of counselors, teachers and parents. Some women must change their career aspirations. Since openings in the usual women’s occupations will not be sufficient to supply jobs for all women seeking work, they must choose alternatives in other occupations. Many of these jobs may pay higher wages and offer greater opportunities for promotion. In the past, too many women were forced to settle for second best. Others were willing to settle for inferior jobs because they felt that their stay in the labor force would be temporary. However, the situation is changing as more and more women become aware of the possibility of combining the roles of wife, mother, and homemaker with that of paid worker. Employer’s attitudes about women’s roles and desires to work need to be changed. Perhaps, the overriding factors and the myths that employers, policymakers, and others in our society have unfairly associated with the work patterns of women. One such myth is that women are not seriously attached to the labor force, as they work only for pocket money. However, one recent study shows that of the 33 million women in the labor force, more than half are working because of pressing economic needs. These women comprise a group who are either single, widowed, divorced, separated, or married to men with incomes of less than $ 5,000 a year. Women constitute nearly two fifths of the work force. However, because of foregone conclusions about their interests and abilities, women are unfairly restricted in the kinds of jobs they hold. Their concentration in the less rewarding, lower paying occupations with fewer chances for advancement. Personal choice in the world of work will begin to become a reality when the guidance counselor, the shop teacher, the plant employer, and women themselves are able to develop an appreciation for the differences in personal abilities and desires. 31.

Which of the following is the thing that the author advises women to do? A) To stay at home and become proficient with domestic work. B) To take jobs reserved for men when other jobs are unavailable. C) To remain in jobs usually dominated by women. D) To settle for second best jobs.

正确答案: B 32.

According to this essay, women have often settled for inferior jobs because _____. A) they only work for pocket money B) they do not expect to work very long

C) employers have put much emphasis on factory laborers D) they think they are inferior to men

正确答案: B 33.

According to the essay, which one is not mentioned?

A) Women should appreciate their desires and personalities in choosing jobs for themselves. B) Women should plan their careers and consult others.

C) Women should apply for jobs which offer higher pay and promotion.

D) Women should, first of all, be good housewives whatever they do, or wherever they aim . 正确答案: D 34.

Which of the following best expresses the main idea of this essay?

A) Equality for men and women in employment is easier said than done. B) There should not be any difference between careers for men and women. C) Women should not have a sense of inferiority. D) Women are being treated unfairly in employment. 正确答案: B 35.

Which is stated that is beneficial and helpful for women in job hunting? A) Employment direction. B) A peculiar self-introduction. C) Keeping relaxed in the interview. D) Concentrating on inferior jobs. 正确答案: A

Passage Two

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.

If you were to examine the birth certificates of every soccer player in 2006’s World Cup tournament you would most likely find a noteworthy quirk: elite soccer players are more likely to have been born in the earlier months of the year than the later months. If you then examined the European national youth teams that feed the World Cup and professional ranks, you would find this strange phenomenon to be even more pronounced.

What might account for this strange phenomenon? Here are a few guesses:a)

certain astrological signs confer superior soccer skills. b) winter-born babies tend to have higher oxygen capacity which increases soccer stamina. c) soccer mad parents are more likely to conceive children in springtime at the annual peak of soccer mania. d) none of the above.

Anders Ericsson, a 58-year-old psychology professor at Florida State University, says he believes strongly in “none of the above.” Ericsson grew up in Sweden, and studied nuclear engineering until he realized he would have more opportunity to conduct his own research if he switched to psychology. His first experiment nearly years ago, involved memory: training a person to hear and then repeat a random series of numbers. “With the first subject, after about 20 hours of training his digit span had risen from 7 to 20,” Ericsson recalls. “He kept improving, and after about 200 hours of training he had risen to over 80 numbers.”

This success coupled with later research showing that memory itself was not genetically determined, led Ericsson to conclude that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one. In other words, whatever inborn differences two people may exhibit in their abilities to memorize those differences are swamped by how well each person “encodes” the information. And the best way to learn how to encode information meaningfully, Ericsson determined, was a process known as deliberate practice. Deliberate practice entails more than simply repeating a task. Rather, it involves setting specific goals, obtaining immediate feedback and concentrating as much on technique as on outcome.

Ericsson and his colleagues have thus taken to studying expert performers in a wide range of pursuits, including soccer. They gather all the data they can, not just predominance statistics and biographical details but also the results of their own lavatory experiments with high achievers. Their work makes a rather startling assertion: the trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated. Or, put another way, expert performers whether in memory or surgery, ballet or computer programming are nearly always made, not born.


The birthday phenomenon found among soccer players is mentioned to _____. A) emphasize the significance of professional training B) spotlight the soccer superstars in the World Cup

C) introduce the topic of what makes expert performance D) state the importance of gifts in playing soccer 正确答案: C 37.

The word “mania”(Paragraph 2)most probably means _____. A) fun B) craze C) hysteria D) excitement 正确答案: B 38.

According to Ericsson, good memory _____.

A) depends on meaningful processing of information B) results from intuitive rather than cognitive exercises

C) is determined by genetic rather than psychological factors

D) requires immediate feedback and a high degree of concentration 正确答案: D 39.

Ericsson and his colleagues believe that _____.

A) talent plays a dominating role in professional success

B) biographical data provide the key to excellent performance C) the role of talent tends to be overlooked

D) high achievers owe their success mostly to nurture

正确答案: D 40.

Which of the following proverbs is closest to the message the text tries to convey? A) “Look before you leap.” B) “One reaps what one sows.” C) “Practice makes perfect.”

D) “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” 正确答案: C

Part III Vocabulary and Structure ( 10 minutes )

Directions: There are a number of incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.


His job is to show their new products to ________ buyers. A) prospect B) prospective C) probable D) possible 正确答案: B 42.

My doctor suggested me to ________ yoga. A) take a crack at B) have a crack of C) have crack of D) take crack at 正确答案: A 43.

It’s very interesting that the twins are ________ the same job. A) going on B) going after C) going for D) going to 正确答案: B


We were overjoyed at the news of China _____ another man-made satellite. A) to have launched B) to launch C) launched

D) having launched 正确答案: D 45.

He ________ in vain to make his wife happy. A) tried the endeavor B) made endeavor C) endeavored D) tried endeavor

正确答案: C 46.

Her diamond necklace ________ in the light. A) flashes B) sparkled C) beamed D) sparked 正确答案: B 47.

Don’t get me wrong. It would be ________ foolish to ignore the competition altogether. A) complete B) total

C) downright D) absolute

正确答案: C 48.

We don’t need to worry about our paper now; the teacher told me that the __________ for paper submission for statistics was extended until November 5th. A) chance B) deadline C) occasion D) deadlock

正确答案: B 49.

If you are experiencing challenges and seemingly __________ difficulties in daily life, the wall in your dream may be a reflection of those factors. A) impenetrable B) penetrative C) penetrable D) penetrating 正确答案: A


You can ______ the application with a phone call. A) follow

B) follow through C) follow up D) follow on 正确答案: C 51.

He was quite ______ his money when he was rich and young. A) generous of B) general with C) generous with D) genial with

正确答案: C 52.

Learning to do routine car maintenance oneself is often easier ______ competent people to do it.

A) as finding B) than to find C) than finding D) as to find 正确答案: C 53.

His retirement won’t ______ any difference to the way we conduct our affairs. A) take B) do C) make D) have 正确答案: C 54.

Once we have _____ the store, we shall owe money to no one. A) gone out of B) paid off C) taken up D) taken to

正确答案: B 55.

Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it ________ in Cuba.

A) being cultivated B) been cultivated C) having cultivated D) cultivating 正确答案: A


Dirt and disease are _____ to the best growth of children. A) abnormal B) adverse C) contrary D) disadvantage 正确答案: B 57.

He took the college entrance exam, but unfortunately he didn’t ______. A) get down B) get off C) get in D) get out

正确答案: C 58.

The ceremony was attended by many of the ______veterans of World War II. A) surviving B) reviving C) survived D) revived

正确答案: A 59.

She gave permission to the plane to ______ into position and hold for takeoff. A) board B) dive C) taxi D) fly

正确答案: C 60.

________ for my illness I would have lent him a helping hand. A) Not being

B) Had it not been C) Without being D) Not having been 正确答案: B

Part IV Translation ( 10 minutes )

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English (with the given words or phrases).

61. 他们现在已经确定了问题出现的主要原因。 ________________________________________

正确答案: They have now identified the main cause of the problem. 62. 我们想试试攀登这座山。


正确答案: We’d like to take a crack at climbing the peak. 63. 我想花钱给她买一件价值500元左右的礼物。 ________________________________________

正确答案: I want to buy her a gift in the neighborhood of 500 yuan. 64. 你应当亲自或写信到人事处申请这份工作。 ________________________________________

正确答案: You should apply to the personnel department for the job in person or by letter.

